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" Litteratur bringt.] The Art Workers Quarterly, A Portfolio of Practical Designs for Decorative and Applied Art. Edited by WG Townsend. London, Chapmann & Hall 4°. 4 Hefte "
Internationale Bibliographie der Kunstwissenschaft - Página 36
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Classified Catalogue of the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. 1907-1911, Parte 7

Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh - 1914 - 1186 páginas
...d'art moderne; index, vi-24, 18971908. For volumes of magazine see preceding catalogue, first series. Art workers' quarterly; a portfolio of practical designs for decorative and applied art, igos-Oct. 1906. v.4~s. qryos A79 Artist; an illustrated monthly record of arts, crafts and industries....
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