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Proclamation, ly the British and French Commissioners, for seeing carried into Effect the Convention agreed upon between the respective Commanders-in-Chief. Dated Lisbon, 10th Sept. 1808.

For the fulfilment of the stipulation made in the Convention agreed upon for the eyacuation of Portugal by the French army, that property of every kind confiscated, or seized, from the subjects, or other persons residing in Portugal, whether of the royal palace, royal and public libraries, and museums, and from individuals that are still existing in Portugal, should be restored We, the commissioners for seeing carried into execution the said treaty, as his excellency the commander of the French army has already notified to his army, think it alse right to make public the same for the information of all concerned, and for facilitating the restitution, or the receiving back such property, we have judged expedient to appoint a committee of three persons, viz. lieut.-colonel Trant, O. Sr. Antonio, Rodrigues de Oliviera, and Mr. Dubliur, commissaire des guerres, to meet at No. 8, Cargo de Loretto, who are appointed to receive, inquire into, and judge of all reclamations on this head, and whose orders for the restitution of property, to whomso ever addressed, are to be obeyed. And it * is directed that keepers shall have charge of sequestrated or seized property in every house to which it may have been removed, to assure the conservation of objects or moveables transported from royal or public houses, or others, for the use or convenience of such general, administrator, or 6 other subject of the French army. These keepers will make the description of all meubles with the name of the owners, and be accountable for whatever is therein, and they will be delivered only on legal proof of ownership, to the possessors of such articles as above described, who will transmit to this committee a return of what each may have in his possession of the property designated.

And all persons may with safety apply to this tribunal-We think it ne cessary also, to make known to whom it may concern, that any, purchase made of articles taken from the public arsenals or stores since the 30th of August, or whatever shall on trial, be proved to have been illegally sold or disposed of at any time,


previous to the 30th August, shall be null and void, the articles seized and the persous purchasing subject to what the may further direct.-The committee assembled to receive reclamations, and faci


litate the restitution of property, hold its sittings at the houseof Sr. Antonio Rodriguez de Oliviera, No. 8, Cargo de Loretto.W. C. BERESFORD, Maj. General, PRORY, Lieutenant-Colonel, British commissioners.” —Le Général KELLERMAN, Le commissaire Français pour l'exécution de la Convention, du 30 Août.

Address of the Officers of the British Army, to Sir Arthur Wellesley, on presenting him a Piece of Plate.-Camp at St. Antonio de Tugal, Sept. 6, 1808.

SIR-The commanding officers of corps, and field officers, who have had the honour of serving in the army under your command, anxiously desirous of expressing the high opinion they entertain of the order, activity, and judgment, with which the whole of that force was so ably and successfully directed, from the time of landing, to the termination of your command in the action of Vimeira, request you will accept from them a piece of plate, as a testimony of that sincere esteem and respect which your talents and conduct have so justly inspired.-(Signed) W. W. Blake, major 20th light dragoons, Wm. Robe, lieut. colonel commanding royal artillery, James Viney, major royal artillery, H. Elphintone, captain commanding royal engineers, Edward Gopson, major 5th regiment, and lieut. colonel Thomas Eames, major 5th regiment, Henry Bird, captain 5th regiment, and major, Thomas Carnu, major 6th regiment, Arthur Miller, major 6th regiment, J. Cameron, lieut. colonel commanding 1st bat. 9th foot, H. Craufurd, mejor 1st bat. 9th foot, and lieut. colonel, D. White, major, 29th regiment, foot, and lieut. colonel, G. Way, major 29th regiment, Thomas Egerton, captain 29th regiment, and major, Andrew Creagh, captain 20th regiment, and major, Samuel Hinde, licut colonel commanding 32d regiment, H. Johnson, major, 32d regiment, John Wood, majors 32d regiment, Robert Coote, captain 32d regiment, and major, Robert Burne, col. commanding the 36th regiment, Lewis Davis, major 39th regiment, J. Grevell, lieut. col, commanding 38th regiment, J. W. Deane, major 38th regiment, and lieut. col. E. Miles, major 38th regiment, Divid Ross, captain 38th regiment, and major, James Kemmis, lieut. col. commanding 40th regiment, and colonel, Henry Thornton, major 40th regiment, Richard Archdull, major 40.h regiment, Edward Hull, major 2d battalion 434, Daniel Heaue, major 43d, William Greard, It. col. conuimanding 45th regiment, Andrew Pattan, mojor 45th regi

ment, Wm. Gwynn, major 45th regiment, D. Lecky, brevet-major 45th regiment, A. Coghlan, brevet-major 45th regiment, G. J. Walker, col. commanding 50th regiment, J. Ross, lieut. col, commanding 2d battalion of 52d regiment, H. Redwood, major 52d regiment, W. G. Davy, major 5th bat talion 60th regiment, W. Woodgate, major 5th battalion 60th regimant, John Gaffe, brevet-major 60th regiment, D. Pack, lieut. col., commanding 71st regiment, D. Campbell, major 71st regiment, Harry Eyre, major, commanding 82d regiment, Chichester M'Donall, major 82d regiment, J. Robinson, lieut. col., commanding 91st regiment, J. Douglas, major 91st regiment, B. H. Otley, major 91st regiment, and lieut. colonel, D. M'Donnell, captain 91st regiment, and major, Robert Travers, major, commanding 95th regiment.-STAFF: Henry Torreus, lieut. col. and military secretaty, Geo. Tucker, lieut. col. and deputy adjutant ge neral, Thomas Arbuthnot, major and deputy assistant-general, Andrew Pattan, do. do. do., Wm. Gunn, do. do. do., D. Leeky, do. do. do., A. Coghlan, do. do. do., James Bathurst, lieut. col. and deputy quarter-mastergeneral, J. Painy, assistant deputy quartermaster-general.To which, by their par ticular request, are added the names of lieutenant-col. Walsh, and the field officers of the 2d battalion of the 9th regiment, which arrived previous to the 21st of August and served in that action.

Camp at St. Anna, near Lisbon, Sept. 18, 1808.-Sir, It has happily fallen to my lot as the eldest field officer in your army, to have the honour of presenting the inclosed address, from the commanding officers of corps, and field-officers serving in it; we have but one sentiment on the occasion, admiration of your talents and confidence in your abilities. James Kemmis, lieut. col. 40th and colonel.-To the right hon. Sir Arthur Wellesley, K. B. &c. &c. &c.

September 18, 1808.-Sir,-I have had the honour of receiving your letter of this day's date, in which you have transmitted an address, from the officers commanding corps, and the field officers who served under my command in the late operations in Portugal. I have had more than one occasion of expressing the satisfaction which I had derived, from the state of discipline and order in which we were employed; and my sanse of the assistance which I had derived from the officers belonging to the different departments of the army. These advantages rendered our operations easy and certain; and we were enabled to meet the enemy on fair terms in the field of battle.—I beg you

to convey to the field officers of the atmy, the assurance that I shall not lose the recollection of their services; that I am fully sensible of their kindness towards me; and that I value highly their good opinion -I have the honour to be, Sir, &c. ARTHUR WELLESLEY.-Colonel Kemmis, 10th Regi


AMERICA.-Mr. Jefferson's Inhabitants of Boston, Repeal of the Embargo. 26, 1808.

Answer to the who prayed a Dated August

Your representation and request were received on the 22d instant, and have been considered with the attention due to every expression of the sentiments and feelings of so respectable a body of my fellow-citizens. No person has seen, with more concern than myself, the inconvenience brought on ont country in general, by the circumstances of the times in which we happen to live; times to which the history of nations presents no parallel. For years we have been looking spectators on our brethren of Europe, affect ed with all those evils which necessarily fel low an abandonment of the moral rules which bind men and nations together. Connected with them in friendship and commerce, have happily so far kept aloof from their calamitous conflicts, and by a steady r vance of justice towards all, by much bearance and multiplied sacrifices. length, however, all regard to the rights of others having been thrown aside, the bellige rent powers have beset the highway of com mercial intercourse with edicts, which, taken together, expose our commerce and mariners under almost every destination, a prey to their fleets and armies. Each party indeed would admit our commerce with themselves, with the view of associating us in their wat against the other. But we have wished wat with neither.-Under these circumstances were passed the laws of which you complain by those delegated to exercise the power legislation for you, with every sympathy of a common interest in exercising them faithfully. In reviewing these measures, there fore, we should advert to the difficulties out of which a choice was, of necessity, to be made. To have submitted our rightful commerce to prohibitions, and tributary ex actions from others, would have been to sur render our independence-to resist them by arms was war, without consulting the state of things or the choice of the nation. The alternative preferred by the legislature of suspending a commerce placed under such anexampled difficulties, besides saving to our citizens their property, and our mari

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several interests comprising those of the United States, that of manufactures would of course prefer to war a state of non-intercourse so favourable to their rapid growth and prosperity.-Agriculture, although sensibly feeling the loss of market for its produce, would find many aggravations in a state of war. - Commerce and navigation, or that portion which is foreign, in the inactivity to which they are reduced by the present state of things, certainly experience their full share in the general inconvenience; but whether war would be to them a preferable alternative, is a question their patriotism would never hastily propose. It is to be regretted, however, that overlooking the real sources of sufferings, the British and French edicts, which constitute the actual blockade of our foreign commerce and navigation, they have, with too little reflection, imputed them to laws which have preserved them from greater, and have saved for our own use, our vessels, property, and seamen, instead of adding them to the strength of those with whom we might eventually have to contend. - The embargo, giving time to the belligerent powers to revise their unjust proceedings, and to listen to the dictates of justice, or interest and reputation, which equally urge the correction of their wrongs, has availed our country of this only honour

ners to their country, has the peculiar advantage of giving time to the belligerent nations to revise a conduct as contrary to their interests as it is to our rights-In the event of such peace, or suspension of hostilities between the belligerent powers of Europe, or such change in their measures affecting neutral commerce, as may render that of the United States sufficiently safe in the judgment of the president, he is authorised to suspend the embargo. But no peace or suspension of hostilities, no change of measures affecting neutral commerce, is known to have taken place; the orders of England, and the decrees of France and Spain, existing at the date of these laws, and still unrepealed, as far as we know. In Spain, indeed, a contest for the government appears to have arisen; but of its course or prospects, we have no information, on which prudence would undertake a hasty change in our policy, even were the authority of the executive competent to such decision.-You desire that, in this defect of power, congress may be specially convened. It is unnecessary to examine the evidence, or the character of the facts, which are supposed to dictate such a call; because you will be sensible on an attention to dates, that the legal period of their meeting ises early as, in this extensive country, they could be fully convened by a special call. I should, with great wil-able expedient of avoiding war; and should agness, have executed the wishes of the inhabitants of Boston, had peace, or a repeal of the obnoxious edicts, or other hanges, produced the case in which alone the laws have given me that authority; and So many motives of justice and interest lead to such changes, that we ought continually to expect them.-But while these edicts remain, the legislature alone can prescribe the course to be pursued.-THOS. JEFFERSON.

The President Jefferson's Answer to the Dissent of the Republicans from the Proceedings of the Town of Boston, relative to the Embargo.

I have duly received the address of that portion of the citizens of Boston who have declared their approbation of the present suspension of our commerce, and their dissent from the representation of those of the same place who wished its removal. A division of sentiment was not unexpected; on no question can a perfect unanimity be hoped, or certainly it would have been between war and embargo, the only alternatives presented to our choice; for the general capture of our vessels would have been war upon one side, which reason and interest would repel by war and reprisal on our part.-Of the

a repeal of these edicts supersede the cause for it, our commercial brethren will become sensible, that it has consulted their interest, however against their own will. It will be unfortunate for their country, if in the meantime these their expressions of impatience. should have the effect of prolonging the very sufferings which have produced them, by exciting a fallacious hope that we may, under any pressure, relinquish our equal rights of navigating the ocean, go to such ports as others may prescribe, and there pay the tributary exactions they may impose; an abandonment of national independence and essential rights revolting to every manly sentiment. While these edicts are in force, no American can ever consent to a return of peaceable intercourse with those who maintain them. I am in the approach of the period when the feelings and the wisdom of the nation will be collected in their representatives assembled together. To them are committed our rights, to them our wrongs are known, and they will pronounce the remedy they call for; and I hear with pleasure from all, as well those who approve as those who disapprove of the present me:sures, assurances of an implicit acquiescono in the annunciation of the general wa

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beg leave, through you, to communicate this answer to the adress, on which your signature had the first place, and to add as surances of my respect.-(Signed) THOMAS JEFTERSON.To Col. Edward Proctor.

Petition of the Subscribers, Officers of Merchant Ships, belonging to the Port of Philadelphia, to Thomas Jefferson, Esq. President of the United States of America: Respectfully Sheweth, that in consequence of the present embargo laws, the situation of your petitioners is grievous and afflicting; that they have been engaged in the mercantile service since their infancy, with few exceptions, and accustomed only to conduct ships or vessels across the ocean; that from the operation of the present restrictive laws, they find themselves cut off from their usual employment and of course the means of subsistence are gone.-Your petitioners are well acquainted with the duties of conducting ships from port to port-well versed in naval tactics, but unable to handle the harrow or plough.-Your petitioners have for a long time borne with patience the privations incident to these restrictive laws, without murmur or complaint; but when imperious necessity compels them to disclose the cause of their grievances, they humbly suppose they have a right so to do in a decent and respectful manner.-Your petitioners, therefore, pray that your excellency will take their case into consideration, and adopt such measures as will relieve the wants of your petitioners; or, if there are vacancies in the navy to give to your petitioners, or some of them, an opportunity of serving therein, as they think themselves capable of performing services of that nature. They, however, submit their whole cause to your consideration, hoping your excellency will adopt such measures as wisdom and justice may point out, and as in duty bound will pray, &c Philadelphia, August 10th


The President's Answer.

SIR-In answer to the petition which you delivered me from the officers of merchant vessels betonging to Philadelphia, I must premise my sincere regret at the sacrifices which our fellow citizens in general, and the petitioners in particular, have been obliged to meet, by the circumstances of the times. We live in an age of affliction, to which the history of nations presents no parallel; we have for years been looking on Europe covered with blood and violence, and seen ra

| pine spreading itself over the ocean. On this element it has reached us, and at le in so serious a degree, that the legisin of the nation has thought it necessary to with draw our citizens and property from it, either to avoid or to prepare for engaging in the general contest. But for this timely preca tion, the petitioners and their property mig now have been in the hands of spoilers, wha have laid aside all regard to moral right. Withdrawing from the greater evil, a lesser has been necessarily encountered; and er tainly, could the legislature have made provision against this also, I should have ha great pleasure as the instrument of its ́execution; but it was impracticable by any general and just rules to prescribe, in every case, the best resource against the incos veniences of this new situation. The diff culties of the crisis will certainly fall with greater pressure, on some discription of ti tizens than others, and on none perhaps with greater than on our seafaring brethren Sould any meaus of alleviation occur within the range of my duties, I shall with certain ty advert to the situation of the petitioners and in availing the nation of their services, aid them with a substitute for their forme: occupation. I salute them and yourself with sentiments of sincere regard. TH. JEFFERSON."

HOLLAND.-Dutch Commercial Dre

dated 18th October, 1808. Louis Napoleon, by the grace of Cl and the constitution of the kingdom, k of Holland, and constable of France, s decreed and decrees as follows:-Art. I. The exportation, by sea, of the produce of the kingdom, hitherto permitted to be exported to neutral ports, is provisionaly suspended until further orders.-Art. II. The superintendance of the coast shall be divided into three grand precincts; the first, extending from the Helder to the Isle of Walcheren, inclusive; the second from the Helder, inclusive, to Harlingen; and the third from Harlingen to the Jade, inclusive. -Art. III. The commanders-in-chief shal! be personally responsible for the execution of the dispositions that relate to the complete shutting of all the ports of the kingdom, and the prevention of all communication with the enemy, and likewise of all that we may hereafter decree. They shall daily transmit a report to our ministers of what relates to their respective departments, (To be continued.)

Printed by Cog am! Baylis, Great Queen Street, published by R. Bagshaw, Brydges Street, Covent Garden, where other Numbers may be had: sold also by J. Budd, Clown and Mitrey Pall Mall

VOL. XIV. No. 21.] LONDON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1808. [Price TOD.

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"Save me from my Friends!"

REV. EDMUND POULTER. (See his Letter below.)

Without any waste of time or room for the sake of ceremony, I shall, at once, and following the order you have pursued, endeavour to answer every part of the letter, which you did me the honour to send me on Thursday evening last, which should, if I had had it three hours sooner, have appeared in the Register of the last week, and which I now am about to send forth to the public.

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First, then. Sir, you complain of the partiality of the gentlemen, by whom the Report of the Proceedings was taken and published. I really did not, when I read the Report, perceive in it any marks of partiality. It appeared to me to be as nearly correct as such a report could be expected to be. You cite, however, a particular instance; and, in this you are unfortunate; for, I myself am ready to take my oath, that you, in speaking of air. Garnier, described him as your near and dear rela"tion." I have, since I have receive l your letter, put this question to six gentleinen, who were present, two of them clergymen: "What was it that Mr. Poul"ter called Mr. Garnier, when he gave "his reasons for not having called me to "order when I was going into that subject?" The answer of every one has been: "he called him his near and dear relaBesides this, I well remember, that, while you were speaking, a gentleman upon my right hand, asked me how you were the relation of Mr. Garnier; and, while at dinner, the same day, there being none present but persons of the county, there arose a conversation upon this very question of relationship. To be at issue, thus, upon a point of fact, is not pleasant ; but, it is generally true, that no one remembers so imperfectly what a speaker says, in the heat of disputation, as the speaker himself. Ask any of your friends, Sir, who were near you, in the Hall; and I am satisfied, that you will find reason to doubt your own accuracy, in this respect, at least. That you should forget what you said, in the haste of the moment, is not



only probable, but it is what one would naturally expect; but, that you should now give us, as the very words; that you should now lay before the public, marked by inverted commas, words which you did not utter, does, I must confess, greatly surprize me; and my surprize is not diminished by the reflection, that it is a matter of no inportance, as far as I can conceive, what the words were; for, what diffrence could it possibly make, as to the merits of the case before the meeting, whether Mr. Garnier was your relation, or not? What possible inducement could the reporters have to misrepresent you in a thing of this sort ? Supposing their partialities to have been against you, what end could they propose to themseives in making the world believe that you were the relation, instead of the friend and admirer, of the person of whom, mention had been made ?

As to my being out of order, in introducing the subject of Mr. Garnier and his immense emoluments, that I now deny, as I denied at the time. To talk over again the demerits of the Convention appeared to me to be quite useless; but, nothing seemed more proper, in addressing one's self to a meeting of tax-payers, than to show the causes of the friendship and support with the Convention-makers found; and, the particular instance, in question was a very striking one of the interest which son e persons had, and must naturally have, in a continuation of the war, at all events, and to which continuation the Portugal Convention was so manifestly a friend. The people want to be made acquainted with facts. They have so long been bandied about from faction to faction, that they cannot know what to think. They cannot know their friends from their enconies. The way is to give them some facts; names and dates and sums. Fix their attention to things, and not amuse them with sounds. The corrupters and the corrupted want nothing more than to keep facts from the people. Neither faction exposes, or attempts to expose, the other, in those points where the public are really interested. They quarrel; they hate one another most sincerely; but, their ha tred is that of rivals; that of rivale for

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