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In the present extraordinary circumstances, we have resclved to give new proof of our affection towards our beloved subjects, whose happiness, during the whole course of our reign, has been the constant object of our solicitude. We have therefore abdicated all our claims upon the Spanish kingdoms in favour of our friend and ally, the emperor of the French, by a treaty which has been signed and ratified, and which stipulates for the integrity and independence of the Spanish kingdoms, and the preservation of our holy religion, not only as predominant, but as the sole and exclusive religion of Spain. We have therefore thought proper to send you this letter, that you should conform yourselves thereto, publish its contents, and make every exertion in support of the emperor Napoleon. Display the utmost frankness and friendship towards the French; and, above all, direct all your care to preserve the country from insurrections and tumults. In the new condition upon which we are entering, we shall frequently turn our eyes towards you, and happy shall we be to know that you enjoy peace and contentment. Given at the imperial palace, the 4th of May, 1808.-I THE KING.

Declaration of Abdication of the new King, (now become a Prince again) and of his Brothers. Dated, at Bourdeaux, 12th May, 1808.

Don Ferdinand, prince of Asturias, and the infants Don Carlos and Don Antonio, deeply sensible of the attachment and fidelity displayed towards them by all the Spaniards, with the utmost grief behold them on the point of being plunged into anarchy, and threatened with all the dreadful calamities consequent thereupon; and being aware that these might, in a great measure, proceed from the state of ignorance in which they now are, both as to the principles of the 'conduct hitherto pursued by their highnesses, and the plans already formed for the benefit of their country, their highnesses find themselves under the necessity of making an effort to open their eyes, by that salutary counsel which they require, in order to prevent any obstruction to the execution of those plans; and thus to give them the dearest proof of the affection which they cherish for them. Their highnesses cannot, therefore, abstain from informing them, that the circumstances under which the prince, upon the abdication of the king, assumed the reins of government; the occupation of several provinces of the kingdom, and of all the frontier fortresses, by a numerous body of French troops; the actual presence of more than 60,000 of that nation in the capital and

the environs; in short, the knowledge of many other circumstances known only to themselves, convinced them that, surrounded by difficulties, they had only chosen, among various expedients, that which was likely to produce the least evil; and that, as such, they resolved upon a journey to Bayonne. On the arrival of their royal bighnesses at Bayonne, the prince, then king, was unexpectedly apprized that his father had protested against this act of abdication, declaring that it was not voluntary. The prince, who accepted the crown only under the impression that the abdication was voluntary, was no sooner informed of the existence of such a protest, than his sense of his filial duty instantly determined him to give back the throne. But a short time after, the king his father abdicated it in his own name, and that of his whole race, in favour of the emperor of the French, in order that the emperor, consulting the good of the nation, should determine the person and race which should hereafter occupy it.-Their royal highnesses, in this state of things, considering the situation in which themselves stand, and the difficult circumstances in which Spain is placed-considering that, under these circumstances, any attempt on the part of the inhabitants of Spain for the maintenance of their rights, would be not only useless but ruinous, and could tend only to make streams of blood flow, and to render certain the loss of at least a great part of her provinces, and that of her transmarine colo nies:-Being farther convinced, that the most effectual means of preventing these evils, is that their royal highnesses, for themselves, and all connected with them, should assent to the renunciation of their rights to the throne,—a renunciation already executed by the king, their father; taking also into consideration, that his majesty the emperor of the French engages, in this case, to maintain complete the independence and integrity of the Spanish monarchy, and its transmarine colonies, without retaining the smallest of its dominions for himself, or separating any part from the whole; that his imperial majesty engages to maintain the unity of the catholic religion, the security of property, and the continuance of the existing laws and usages which have for so long a period of time, and in so indisputable a manner, preserved the power and honour of the Spanish nation; their highnesses conceive that they afford the most undoubted proof of their generosity, and their affection towards it, and their eagerness to return the ardent attachment which it bears towards them, by sacrificing, to the utmost extent of their

power, their individual and personal interests for the benefit of that nation, and by this present instrument to assent, as they already have assented in a particular treaty, to the renunciation of all their rights to the throne. They accordingly release the Spaniards from all their duties in this respect, and exhort them to consult the general interests of their country, by conducting themselves in a peaceable manner, and by looking for their happiness to the wise arrangements of the emperor Napoleon. The Spaniards may assure themselves that by their zeal to conform their conduct to those arrangements, they will give their prince and the two infants the strongest proof of their loyalty; in like manner as their royal highnesses give them the greatest example of their paternal affection, by renouncing all their rights, and sacrificing their own interests for the happiness of the Spaniards, the sole object of their wishes.- THE PRINCE.-CARLOS.--ANTONIO.

Address of the Supreme Junta of the Government to Napoleon. Dated Madrid, 13th May, 180s.

Those who at critical and difficult periods are placed nearest the government, and who have at all times shewn themselves to be good and faithful subjects, can and ought to avow their sentiments when the welfare of their country requires it.-Convinced that the condition of Spain and all its concerns demand the closest connection with that political system of the empire which your ma jesty governs with so much glory, we consider that the greatest proof of kindness to the Spanish nation, which our sovereigns ever gave, is their having fixed their last determination on an immoveable basis, and confirmed by a long series of political events. -Oh that there were no Pyrennees! This was the constant wish of good Spaniards; because there could be no Pyrennees, whenever the wants of each should be the same, when confidence should be returned again, and each of the two nations have received, in the same degree, the respect due to their independence and worth. The interval which yet separates us from this happy moment cannot now be long. Your imperial majesty, who foresees every thing, and executes them still more swiftly, has chosen for the provincial government of Spain, a prince educated for the art of government in the great school of your majesty. He bas succeeded in stilling the boldest storms by the moderation and wisdom of his measures. What have we not, therefore, to hope from his deeds, now that all Spaniards unite to devote to him that admiration to

which he has so many claims, and assist him in those labours which he applies in our service?-The Spanish monarchy shall resume the rank which belongs to it among the powers of Europe, as soon as it is united by a new family compact to its natural ally, whose power is so great. Whoever the prince may be, whom your majesty destines for us, chosen from your illustrious family, he will bring that security we so much need; but Spain can urge a plea which none of the other countries connected with your majesty can dispute.-The Spanish throne rises to a greater height. The consequences arising from its relations to France are of an importance commensurate with the extent of its possessions. It seems therefore that the throne itself calls for your majesty's eldest brother to govern it. On the other side, it is a happy presage that this arrangement, which nature has confirmed, so well corresponds with the sentiments of reverence and admiration with which the actions of this Prince, and the wisdom of his government, had inspired us.-The council of Castile, whose wisdom commanded their giving all the support to these principles which stood in their power, unites with the wish of the supreme junta. May God grant prosperity to your imperial and royal majesty! Address of the City of Madrid to Murat, dated 15th May, 1808. .

Monseigneur ;-The city of Madrid has been informed, that its illustrious sovereigns have resigned the crown of Spain into the hands of the great emperor, and that the supreme junta of the government, as well as the council of Castile, have notified to his imperial and royal majesty their wishes. for the well-being of this monarchy; since they think it is certain, that his imperial and royal majesty intends to place the said crown upon the head of his illustrious brother, Joseph Napoleon, king of Naples.-This city, monseigneur, distinguished for its love of, and obedience to its sovereign, and desirous of the happiness of the people whom it contains, cannot omit joining its homage to that of the supreme junta of the government, and of the council, and to request your highness will have the goodness to notify the same to his imperial and royal majesty, if your highness thinks proper. The city avails itself of this opportunity to assure your highness of its respect and submission. Napoleon's Proclamation making his Brother Joseph King of Spain. Dated, at Bayonne, 6th June, 1808.

Napoleon, by the grace of God, emperor of the French, king of Italy, protector of the confederacy of the Rhine, to all men,

to whom these presents shall come, sends greeting-The junta of the state, the council of Castile, the city of Madrid, &c, &c. having notified to us by their addresses, that the well-being of Spain requires a speedy stop to be put to the provisional government, we have resolved to proclaim, and we do by these presents proclaim, our well-beloved brother Joseph Napoleon, the present king of Naples and Sicily, to be king of Spain and India. We guarantee to the king of Spain the independence and integrity of his states in Europe as well as in Africa, Asia, and America; charging the lieutenant-general of the kingdom, the ministers, and the council of Castile to cause this proclamation to be expedited, and publicly announced, according to the usual custom, that none may plead ignorance hereof. Given at our imperial palace at Bayonne, the 6th of June, 1308.

Arrival of King Joseph at Bayonne, 7th June, 1808.

His majesty king Joseph Napoleon arrived on the 7th inst. at eight o'clock, at Pau. As soon as the emperor was informed of it, he repaired from the castle of Marrac, to meet his serene brother. His majesty met the king two miles from Bayonne, and brought him in his carriage to Marrac, where he passed the evening. Her majesty the empress, attended by her ladies in waiting, met the king on the steps of the palace.. Immediately afterwards, the deputation of the grandees of Spain, with the Duke del Infantado at their head, had the honour of being presented to king Joseph Napoleon, by his excellency, M. Azanza, minister of finance for the kingdom of Spain. The president of the deputation made the following speech to the king :-" Sire-we feel the most lively joy in presenting ourselves before your majesty. The presence of your majesty is necessary to the re-establishment of our country. The grandees of Spain have at all times distinguished themselves by the fidelity towards their sovereigns. Your majesty shall meet with the same integrity and the same fidelity towards your person. May your majesty be pleased to accept our homage with the same benignity of which you have given so many testimonies to your subjects of the kingdom of Naples."-To this his majesty answered:-"That he should devote himself altogether to the government of Spain: that all his endeavours should be employed to bring order into the finances, and re-organize the naval and military force; that Spain might rely upon the preservation of her rights; that he would rule only by virtue of the laws; and finally

that the grandees of Spain might be assured of his especial protection."-Messieurs Urquijo and Cevallos were then admitted to an audience with his majesty, who conferred with them a considerable time concerning the affairs of the kingdom.-The deputation of the council of Castile was afterwards introduced, and made the following speech : -"Sire-The council of Castile, the first of the supreme courts of justice of the Spanish nation, having at their head Don Manuel de Lardizabel, Don Joseph Colon, the eldest of the deputation, has the honour to offer its homage to your majesty, and to testify its especial joy at the happy and wished for accession to the throne of Spain of the serene brother of the great Napoleon, whose fame has eclipsed the glory of antiquity. Your majesty has merited his choice, and your serene person unites the sublime qualities which support and strengthen thrones. -Your majesty constitutes a part of the family destined by Providence to govern. The fame of your deeds has stretched itself over the Pyrenees, and spread over all Spain. -Noble Spaniards! indulge in hope. The Catholic worship shall not suffer the least wrong. It shall retain all its purity, and be the sole religion in the country. The laws, the lawful customs, the courts of justice, the clergy, the national colleges shall be maintained and ameliorated for the benefit of the church and state. The various orders of the kingdom, the necessary supports of every true monarchy, shall continue in the employment of their prerogatives. poor shall be relieved. The integrity of Spain and the property of every one shall be inviolably respected.-These are the services which we expect from the known beneficence of your majesty. Such are the wishes which the council of Castile, under the present circumstances, forms Heaven grant that these wishes may be fulfilled, and that your majesty may be the happiest monarch in the whole world!"-His majesty dis coursed a considerable time with this depu tation, concerning the various establishments of the kingdom. He remarked a great resemblance between the laws of Spain, and those of the kingdom of Naples.-The de putations of the council of the inquisition, of the Indies, and finances, were presented to the king of Spain.-His Majesty said to the deputies of the inquisition, that "be considered the worship of God as the basis of all morality, and of general prosperity; that other countries allowed of different forms of religion, but that he considered it as the felicity of Spain that she had but one, and that the true one."-His majesty answered



the council of the Indies, that "he should not consider America as a colony, but as an integral part of Spain, and that its welfare would be as dear to him as that of his European states."-His majesty answered the council of finances, that "he well knew he had much to effect in this branch: that the pay of the soldiers and sailors were several months in arrears, but that he hoped, with the help of his faithful Spaniards, that he should be able to provide a remedy for the evil."The deputation of the military force of Spain with the Dake del Parque at its head, then addressed the king, who answered that he had confidence in the fidelity and attachment of the Spanish soldiery. I consider it (he added) an honour to be the first soldier of the army, and were it necessary, as in ancient times in your conflicts with the Moors, you should see me at your head, in every danger, advance to repel the unjust attacks of the eternal enemies of the continent. You may assure all who have served the state under my predecessors, that they shall enjoy their pay, pensions, titles, and emolaments; and that I pledge my honour to reward ancient services, as if they had been performed under my own government."After this audience his majesty, at ten in the evening, repaired to his apartments, and supped with their majesties the emperor and èmpress.

Address of the Deputation of Spaniards at Bayonne, to the Spanish Nation.-Dated Bayonne, 6th June, 1808...

Dear Spaniards, beloved countrymen. Your inhabitants, your cities, your power, and your property, are as dear to us as ourselves; and we wish to keep all of you in our eye, that we may be able to establish your security.-We, as well as yourselves, are bound in allegiance to the old dynasty to her to whom an end has been put by that God-like Providence which rules all thrones and sceptres. We have seen the greatest states fall under the guidance of this rule, and our land alone has hitherto escaped the same fate.-An unavoidable necessity has now overtaken our country, and brought us under the protection of the invincible emperor of France.-We know that you will regard our present situation with the utmost consideration, and we have accordingly, in this conviction, been uniformly conciliating the friendship to which we are tied by so many obligations. With what admiration must we see the benevolence and humanity of his imperial and royal majesty outstep our wishesqualities which are even more to be admired than his great power! He has desired

nothing else, than that we should be indebted to him for our welfare. Whenever he gives us a sovereign to reign over us in the person of his magnaminous brother Joseph, he will consummate our prosperity.-As he has been pleased to change our old system of laws, it becomes us to obey, and to live in tranquility: As he has also promised to re-organize our financial system, we may hope that then our naval and military power will become terrible to our enemies; national credit will be maintained; the chains which fetter our commerce will be broken; our agricultural resources will receive similar improvement. Lastly, knowing your attachment to your religion, and the uprightness of your character, no change will be made in your worship. He assures you, that you, as your forefathers have done, shall enjoy the holy catholic religion, as the same is permitted in all the kingdoms under his dominion.— And what is the return which the great emperor of the French requires from you, and from the whole nation, for such important blessings that you remain peaceable; that you watch over the interests of your households and your families; that you do not blindly give up yourselves to that madness which is inseparable from rebellion and insurrection, that you receive the improvement of your lot with becoming confidence, whereby you will experience the government of a worthy monarch, who will watch over you like a father, and whose happiness is inseparable from yours, and of which his subjects will reap the benefit.Spaniards, think upon yourselves, your families, and your children! What can you expect from rebellion and anarchy ?. Think on the benefits you enjoy, and are likely to enjoy-a continuance of the blessings enjoyed by your forefathers, with the redress of every thing of which they had cause to complain!-Honest agriculturists, who know the sweets of domestic comforts: -industrious mechanics, who fill the cities, you know what is dear to your heartsmerchants and manufacturers who owe your existence to your industry and diligencecitizens of all classes who owe so much to the protection of the laws-let all keep in view in what misery you will be involved if you suffer yourselves to be misled by those who wish to profit by your animosities !— One false step will deprive you of all! What can you hope to receive in return for so great a hazard? Can any thing induce you to resist the powers which reign over you, or to abjure the wholesome safeguard of the laws?-Anarchy is the greatest curse

that God can bring upon a people-while it prevails, it breaks down, burns, annihilates, and loosens every thing-the best people, in such circumstances, are generally the greatest sufferers. This state of things is as ungovernable as the waves of the sea. --Let us recollect the ties that bind us together as one people; that we have always fought under the same standard! Ah! how dreadful is civil war; For this century past Spain has enjoyed tranquillity-Why change the scene, and turn away from our fraternal advice?—No man doubts Spanish bravery. You can do wonders. But, without system, and without leaders, your efforts would be in vain. The most numerous bands of undisciplined men dwindle before a regular army, like chait before the wind --We have been placed in a most critical situation, but we now present you with a new and weilorganized government, which secures the liberty, the rights, and the property, of every individual. This was to be expected of the invincible Napoleon, who has been occupied in matters that relate to our happiness, and who has shewn himself anxious to deserve well of our country by becoming her restorer. Let us throw no obstacles in the way of the great benefits which will result from our new union. Thus you will fulfil the most ardent wishes of his imperial highness the lieut general of the kingdom (Murat), of the Junta, and of the council of Castile-the highest powers in the nation. Thus also will you deserve the countenance and protection of Him in whose mighty and benevolent hand is curlot.-May heaven, which has hitherto guarded our country, incline you to repose your confidence in these our councils." Proclamation by the Superior Junta of the

Government. Dated 7th June, 1808. Spaniards,-The saperior Junta of the government, consisting ofthe first magistrates of the nation, this day assembled, address you, in order to remove the errors which the evil-disposed and the ignorant endeavour to make you believe and cherish.-Wretched errors which might produce incalculable evils, if the supreme anthority did not hasten to destroy them in the birth.-The Junta confident that those who at all times, and on all occasions, have listened with respect to the voice of their magistrates, will not less incline their ear, and display submission, when the question is for them, either to secure their prosperity for ever, by uniting themselves with the first authorities of the state, or to labour for the destruction of their native land,

by lending themselves to those commotions, into which the eternal enemies of the glory and prosperity of Spain seek to throw them. --At a moment when in Spain, a country so nighly favoured by nature, but impover ished, exhausted, and disgraced in the eyes of all Europe, by the defects and misrule of its government, the period of its complete annihilation was approaching; when the very efforts which had been made for the renewal of its debilitated powers, had only served to aggravate its disasters, and to plunge it in new misfortunes; when, in short, no longer any hope remained, Providence had presented us with the means, not only of averting the destruction of our country, but even of raising it to a degree of prosperity and splendour, which it never reached even in the most illustrious periods of its history. By one of those political revoletions which amaze those only who are inattentive to the progress of events, the house of Bourbon saw itself driven from those thrones which it possessed in Europe, except that of Spain, the only one which it still retained. After having reduced the nation to the last stage of weakness and decay, deprived of that support which they had hitherto derived from the other branches of their family, those relations could not be maintained which had before united them with France; it became impossible for the Bourbons to maintain themselves on a throne, from which all the intervening changes of the political system obliged them to descend: the mightiest prince in Europe has received the abdication of the Bourbons, not to incorporate your territory with his own kingdom, which is already so extensive, but to establish the Spanish monarchy on a new basis, thus employing his irresistible power, for the purpose of operating those wholesome reforms which we have long wished for. this view that he has summoned the depu ties of the cities of the provinces, and of the state councils, into his illustrious presence, in order to consult them with regard to those fundamental laws which must form the security of sovereign authority, and of the fidelity of the subjects. He will place the crown of Spain on the head of a noble-minded prince, who will know how to attach to himself all hearts, by the worth of his character; he will exert means which no other man has in his power, and soon place Spain in that rank from which she has fallen by the weakness alone of those princes who have hitherto governed her.

(To be continued.)

It is with

Printed by Cox and Baylis, Great Queen Street; published by R. Bagshaw, Brydges Street, Covent Garden, where former Numbers may be had; sold also by J. Budd, Crown and Mitre, Pall-Mall,

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