THE Eclectic Review, VOL. VI. PART II. FROM JULY, ΤΟ DECEMBER, 1810, INCLUSIVE. Φιλοσοφίαν δε ου την Στωικην λεγω, ουδε την Πλατωνικη, η την Επικουρειον LONDON: Printed for LONGMAN, HURST, REES, ORME, AND BROWN, PATERNOS- TER-ROW. THE ECLECTIC REVIEW, For JULY 1810. Art. I. The Lady of the Lake, a Poem. By Walter Scott, Esq. 4to, pp. 290. cxxx. Price 21. 2s. bds. Longman and Co. Miller. 1810. MR. Scott is the very Midas of literature. Not indeed that the selling a poem at two guineas, affords by any means so strong a presumption in favour of the length of a man's ears, as the buying of it. But the aurific potency of his touch is unquestionable. He no sooner sips of Hippocrene, than it becomes Pactolus. For every single stanza of this poem, if report say true, he has received nearly the whole purchase money of Paradise Lost! We sincerely congratulate him on the ample remuneration,-part of which he is well intitled to by his talents, part he has fairly earned by his industry, and part he owes to his good fortune, How it has happened that this very ingenious and accomplished writer, whose warmest admirer, we suppose, never associated him with the first rate poets of our language, has yet attained a greater share of popularity, perhaps, than any individual among them all ever lived to possess, is worth making some attempt to ascertain. In the first place, he has introduced a new species of poetry. Every department (except the ly ric) had been so ably filled, that in order to be very popular it was indispensable to create a new one. This kind of merit had just before given a high degree of temporary vague to more than one description of poetry, which had little else to recommend it. To have invented a new and an excellent species, would have required talents the most extraordinary and transcendant. But to the praise of originality, in the strictest sense, Mr. Scott had no claim. The subjects, the spirit, and the manner of his compositions, were adopted from the relics of Border antiquity. The taste of the public had already been pleased, and its appetite whetted, with the precious remnants collected and published by Dr. Percy, and more recently by the Minstrelsy of the Border. A judicious imitation of these antiques, was, on many accounts, very likely to suc VOL. VI. X x |