Imágenes de página


607 LA FONTAINE (Jean de) FABLES CHOISIES; with portrait by PICART after H. RIGAUD, and etched vignettes after CAUSE, copied from the edition of 1668, 5 vols. post 8vo. in 2, maroon morocco, 9. e., £4. 4s Amsterdam, 1727-8


FABLES CHOISIES mises en VERS; with portrait of OUDRY by LARGILLIÈRE, after TARDIEU, frontispiece by OUDRY and DUPUIS, engraved by COCHIN; and 275 FULL-PAGE PLATES designed by OUDRY, and engraved by AUBERT, AVELINE, BAQUOY, BEAUVAIS, BEAUVARLET, CARS, CHEDEL, CHENU, CHEVILLET, COCHIN, FESSART, LEBAS, PASQUIER, TARDIEU, and others, 4 vols. roy. folio, hf. mottled calf, £10. 10s chez Dessaint et Saillant, 1755-9 609 LONGUS: Les AMOURS PASTORALES de DAPHNIS et CHLOÉ; with engraved title-page, and 8 plates by SCOTIN (including les petits pieds'), and numerous pretty vignettes, 12mo. contemporary mottled calf, g. e., with the TOWNLEY BOOKPLATE, £4. 15s 1745

'Ce magnifique ouvrage.'-Cohen.

This is a scarce issue, not in BRUNET or COHEN.

610 LOUVET de COUVRAY (Jean Baptiste) Les AMOURS du CHEVALIER DE FAUBLAS, Troisième Edition; with 27 plates engraved by BAQUOY, CHOFFARD, DELAUNY, etc., after MARILLIER, MONNET, and others, 4 vols. 8vo. contemporary tree-calf, £5. 5s 1798


£5. 5s




AUTRE ÉDITION; with 8 fine plates by COLLIN, 4 vols. 8vo. mottled calf extra, g. e., 612 MARGUERITE de Valois, Reine de Navarre : L'HEPTAMERON des NOUVELLES, nouvelle Édition, publiée d'après les MANUSCRITS par la SOCIÉTÉ des BIBLIOPHILES FRANÇOIS; with portrait and plate on India paper, extra-illustrated by the addition of the 73 FAMOUS FREUDEBERG PLATES, 3 vols. post 8vo. crimson polished Levant morocco, backs richly gilt, with floral sprays, and small crowned monogram; doublé with yellow morocco, with geometrical Grolier pattern inlaid in black morocco; vellum ends tooled in gold, edges gilt over red; A VERY BEAUTIFUL COPY, £22. 10s 613 MARMONTEL (Jean François) CONTES MORAUX; with portrait by COCHIN, engraved by SAINT-AUBIN, 3 title-pages by GRAVELOT, engraved by DUCLOS, and 23 plates by GRAVELOT, engraved by BAQUOY, LEGRAND, LE MIRE, LE VEAU, DE LONGUEIL, PASQUIER, ROUSSEAU, and VOYEZ, 3 vols. 12mo. old tree-calf (name written on title-page), £1. 10s J. Merlin, 1765 614 MOLIÈRE (Jean-Baptiste Poquelin de) ŒUVRES, redigés par BRET; with portraits and beautiful plates by MOREAU LE JEUNE, 6 vols. 8vo. new half calf extra, q. e., £10. 10s 615 PEZAY (Alexandre Frederic Jacques Masson, Marquis de) ZÉLIS au BAIN: Poëme en quatre Chants; with fine impressions of the very beautiful illustrations, consisting of title-page by EISEN, engraved by LEMIRE; 4 plates, 4 vignettes, and 4 culs-de-lampe by EISEN, engraved by ALIAMENT, LAFOSSE, LEMIRE, and DE LONGUEIL; à Genève, 1773 LETTRE d'ALCIBIADE à GLICERE, BOUQUETIÈRE d'Athènes, suivie d'une LETTRE de VÉNUS à PARIS, et d'une EPÎTRE à la MAÎTRESSE que j'aurai; with very BEAUTIFUL ILLUSTRATIONS, consisting of 1 plate, 3 vignettes, and 2 culs-de-lampe by EISEN, engraved by ALIAMENT, DE LONGUEIL, and LEMIRE, Genève et Paris, Chez Sebastien Jorry, 1764-DORAT (Claude Joseph) LETTRE de JULIE, Fille d'Auguste, à OVIDE; with 1 exquisite vignette and 1 cul-de-lampe by EISEN, engraved by MASSARD; Genève et Paris, Chez Bauche, 1766-[-] LETTRE d'OVIDE à JULIE; with 1 plate, 1 vignette, and 1 cul-de-lampe by EISEN, engraved by NÉE, 1767---[—] BAGATELLES ANONYMES, recueillies par un AMATEUR; with 1 vignette unsigned, and 1 cul-delampe by EISEN, engraved by NÉE; Genève, 1766:- SUITE des BAGATELLES ANONYMES; with 1 vignette, and 1 cul-de-lampe by EISEN, engraved by NÉE, ib., 1767-6 vols. 8vo. in 1, Large Paper; A SCARCE AND VERY BEAUTIFUL COLLECTION; £12. 12s

Of the first item COHEN says 'très belles illustrations of the second 'les vignettes et les cul-de-lampes sont très beaux. 616 RABELAIS (François, Curé de Mendon) (EUVRES, avec des REMARQUES historiques et critiques de M. LE DUCHÁT; Nouvelle Édition, ornée de figures de B. PICART; with frontispiece by and after FOLKEMA, engraved titles to the first and third volume by PICART, fleurons on the titles of these 2 vols., and a different fleuron on the title of the second, 3 topographical engravings, figure of Bouteille,' portrait of RABELAIS by TANJE, 12 vignettes and 12 culs-de-lampe by PICART, and 12 plates by DU BOURG, engraved by BARNAERTS, FOLKEMA, and TANJE, 3 vols. 4to. new crimson morocco extra, the sides having a beautiful design in gold, facsimiled from the engraved title mentioned above; green watered silk linings and ends, g. e., by Riviere, in drop case: a magnificent and unique binding, £34. Amsterdam, 1741



[ocr errors]

EUVRES, suivies des REMARQUES publiées en Anglois par M. LEMOTTUX, et traduites par C[ÉSAR] D[] M[ISSY]; with portraits and 75 very curious plates, 3 vols. 8vo. old mottled calf (joints repaired), £2. 10s An VI [1798] EUVRES; ÉDITION VARIORUM, augmentée de Pièces inédites, des SONGES DROLATIQUES de PANTAGRUEL; des REMARQUES de LE DUCHAT, de BERNIER, de le MOTTEUX, de l'ABBÉ de MARSY, de VOLTAIRE, de GINGUENÉ, etc.; et d'un nouveau COMMENTAIRE Historique et Philologique par ES MANGART et ÉLOI JOHANNEAU; with portraits, and plates on India paper by DEVERIA, and reproductions of the 120 GROTESQUE WOODCUTS to the Songes,' originally published in 1565, 9 vols. 8vo. new hf. crimson polished Levant morocco extra, uncut, t. e. g. (A BEAUTIFUL SET), £10. 10s



619 QUERLON (Meunier de) Les GRACES; with title engraved by MOREAU, frontispiece by BOUCHER engraved by SIMONET, and 5 plates by MOREAU, engraved by DE LAUNAY, DE LONGUEIL, MASSARD and SIMONET, 8vo. contemporary mottled calf, £4 10s chez Laurent Prault et Bailly, 1769 'Charmant ouvrage galamment illustré et très-recherché.'-Cohen.

620 RACINE (Jean) ŒŒUVRES; with portrait by DAULÉE, 3 fleurons on the titles, 12 large and fine plates, 13 vignettes, and 60 culs-de-lampe, all by DE SÈVE, engraved by ALIAMENT, BAQUOY, CHEVILLET, FLIPART, LEGRAnd, Lemire, LEMPEREUR, SORNIQUE, and TARDIEU, 3 vols. 4to. contemporary mottled calf gilt, red edges, £5. 10s 1760

'Très-belle édition.'-Cohen.

621 RESTIF de la BRETONNE (Nicolas Edme) Les CONTEMPORAINES, ou Aventures de plus jolies FEMMES de l'AGE PRÉSENT; THE THREE SERIES COMPLETE, with nearly 300 very beautiful plates by BINET, 42 vols. post 8vo. hf. brown morocco gilt SCARCE), £10. 10s Léipsick, 1781-5 The first 2 Series are second editions; the third has fine impressions of the plates, as it was not reprinted.


Les NUITS de PARIS: ou le SPECTATEUR NOCTURNE; with the SCARCE 15TH PART, with 16 fine plates by BINET, 15 vols. post 8vo. half blue morocco extra, t. e. g.: A VERY PRETTY SET OF THIS SCARCE BOOK, £21 1788-94 'La 15e partie est très-rare. Elle a un titre différent des autres: Le Semaine nocturne, sept Nuits de Paris, qui peuvent servir de suite au IIICLXXX. déjà publiées, Ouvrage servant à l'histoire du Jardin du Palais Royal.'Cohen. The present Vol. 15 is misdated 1691. Another volume was afterwards published, but as Cohen says it is presque introuvable.' 623 RICHER (Adrien) THÉÂTRE du MONDE : où, par des Exemples tirés des Auteurs anciens et modernes, les Vertus et les Vices sont en Opposition; with 20 plates by MOREAU and MARILLIER, engraved by DAMBRUN, DELIGNON, GAUCHER, de Ghendt, HELMAN, LANGLOIS, DE LONgueil, and SIMONET, 4 vols. 8vo. old hf. calf, £2. 10s chez Defer de Maisonneuve, 1788


624 ROSSI (du) Le SENS: Poëme en six Chants; with 7 beautiful plates, 4 by EISEN, and 3 by WILLE; 6 vignettes, 3 by EISEN, and 3 by WILLE, and 2 culs-de-lampes by EISEN, engraved by DE LONGUEIL, and 2 pp. of Music; A LARGE PAPER COPY, 8vo. original russia (joints repaired), with broad borders of gold on the sides, £6. 15s Londres [Paris], 1766 A SMALL PAPER COPY, without the 2 pp. of Music, but having at end PIÈCES DÉTACHÉES, 37 pp., with 2 plates, one by CARESME engraved by HELMAN, the other unsigned, 8vo. hf. morocco, £4. 15s 626 ROUSSEAU (Jean-Jacques) ÉMILE; ou, de l'ÉDUCATION; with 8 pretty plates, reduced from MOREAU'S designs, and engraved by DELVAUX, 4 vols. 18mo. contemporary mottled calf, g. e., £2. 28 Londres [Paris, Cazin], 1780-1 A LARGE PAPER COPY, 4 vols. 8vo. new mottled calf extra, full-gilt backs, inside borders of gold, g. e., by BROCA, £9. 9s




JULIE; ou la NOUVELLE HELOISE: Lettres de deux Amans, habitans d'une petite Ville au pied des Alpes; with 12 fine plates [after Gravelot] within ornamental borders, 3 vols. 12mo. contemporary calf gilt, red edges joints broken), £2. 10s Amsterdam, chez Marc Michel Rey, 1769 629 SAND (Maurice DUDEVANT, dit) MASQUES et BOUFFONS (Comédie Italienne), avec une Preface par GEORGE SAND; with 50 full-page COSTUME PLATES engraved by A. MANCEAU, after designs by the author, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. hf. morocco, g. e. (a few pp. slightly spotted), 10s 6d 630 TASSO (Torquato) La GERUSALEMME LIBERATA: with portraits of Tasso by GRAVELot, 2 engraved titles with fleurons by DROUET, dedication with vignette by LE ROY, 20 BEAUTIFUL PLATES, 9 large and 14 small culs-de-lampe at the end of the cantos, and 20 vignettes at the top of the same with portraits, all after designs by GRAVELOT, engraved by BAQUOY, DUCLOS, HENRIQUEZ, LEVEAU, LINGÉE, LE ROY, MASSARD, MESNIL, NÉE, PATAS, PONCE, ROUSSEAU, and SIMONET, 2 vols. large 8vo. calf (rebacked), g. e., £6. 6s Parigi, appresso Agostino Delalain, Pietro Durand, Gio. Claudio Molini [da' Torchi di Francesco Agostino Quillan], 1771 631 TRESSAN (Louis Elisabeth de la Vergne, Comte de) HISTOIRE du PETIT JEHAN de SAINTRÉ et de la DAME des BELLES-COUSIN ES, extraite de la vieille CHRONIQUE de ce Nom; with 4 pretty plates engraved after MOREAU, by DA MBRUN, DE LONGUEIL, and HALBOU, 18mo. old crimson morocco, gilt back, geometrical gold tooling on sides, g. e., £5. 10s


632 VOLTAIRE (François Marie Arouet de) La HENRIADE: Poëme, suivie de quelques autres Poëmes; with fine portrait by TARDIEU, engraved title and 10 beautiful plates by MOREAU, enlarged by DAMBRUN, DE LAUNAY, DUCLOS, GUTTENBERG, HELMAN, LINGÉE, PATAS, ROMANET, SIMONET, and TRIÈRE, 4to. contemporary mottled calf gilt, £9. 9s Société Littéraire-Typographique [Kehl], 1789



This was the specimen volume of an edition of Voltaire's Works in 40 vols. 4to., which Beaumarchais intended to have published, and which Moreau was to have illustrated.

· THÉÂTRE; with portrait and 40 plates after MOREAU, 10 vols. roy. 8vo., LARGE PAPER; contemporary calf, g. e., by TESSIER, with his ticket (some pp. a little browned, and backs of the vols. dull), £2. 10s de l'Imprimerie de la Société topographique [Kehl], 1784

The above forms part of the 70 volume set of the Euvres.

ROMANS, et CONTES en VERS, with 11 fine plates by MOREAU, engraved by TRIÈRE, DUCLOS, DAMbrun, Baquoy, Delignon, Simonet, LanglOIS, HALBOU, and DE LONGUEIL, 4 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, £2. 2s

ib., 1785

Forming Vols. 14 and 36-38 of the 70 volume edition of the Euvres.



635 WATTEAU (Antoine): FIGURES de DIFFÉRENTS CARACTÈRES de PAYSAGES et d'ETUDES dessinées d'après Nature, par ANTOINE WATTEAU, Peintre du Roy en son Académie Royale de Peinture et Sculpture, gravées à l'EAU-FORTE par des habiles Peintres et Graveurs du Temps, tirées des plus beaux Cabinets de Paris; portrait of WATTEAU engraved by BOUCHER, and 300 most beautiful etchings on 221 plates, by JEAN and BENOIT AUDRAN, BOUCHER, CARS, CAYLUS, COCHIN, DESPLACES, LÉPICIÉ, SYLVESTRE and CARLE VANLOO, most brilliant impressions, the plates being as clean and fresh as on the day they were issued (1 torn across, but in no way defective), 2 vols. roy. folio, ORIGINAL BOARDS (backs broken), UNCUT: MOST RARE AND ALMOST UNIQUE THUS, £315.

à Paris, chez Audran, graveur du Roy en son Hôtel royal des Gobelins, et chez F. Chereau, graveur du Roy, rue Saint-Jacques, aux deux piliers d'or. Roland scrips. F. Baillieul l'aisné sculpsit, s. d. [vers 1735]


TOME I Titre; portrait, vie, 2 ff.; épitaphe, 2 ff.; préface, 1 f = 7 ff: et 132 sujets sur 101 planches.
TOME II: Titre, avertissement, frontispiece 3 ff: et 120 (ou parfois 121) ff. contenant les sujets 133 à 350.
EDITION ORIGINALE de ce précieux recueil publié par les ordres de M. DE JULIENNE, qui, selon Mariette, grava lui-même
les Nos. 221 et 222 ... Cette édition, la seule bonne, est fort rare.'—Brunet.


636 BREE (Charles Robert, M.D.) HISTORY of the BIRDS of EUROPE, NOT OBSERVED in the BRITISH ISLES, original edition, with BEST IMPRESSIONS of the 238 large and BEAUTIFULLY HAND-COLOURED PLATES of Birds, Nests, and Eggs, 4 vols. roy. 8vo. cl. gilt (SCARCE), £2. 10s



637 DRESSER (Henry Eeles), and Richard Bowdler SHARPE, LL.D., F.Z.S., Brit. Mus.: HISTORY of the BIRDS of EUROPE, including all the Species inhabiting the WESTERN PAL ARCTIC REGION, complete with the SUPPLEMENT, with over 700 EXQUISITE ILLUSTRATIONS, BEAUTIFULLY DRAWN and coloured, by JOSEPH WOLF, J. H. KEULEMANS, and E. NEALE, 9 vols. roy. 4to. in 8, hf. crushed morocco gilt, t. e. g. (CHOICE SET); very scarce, £63. 1871-96 638 GROUSE (The) in HEALTH and DISEASE: being the FINAL REPORT of the COMMITTEE of INQUIRY on GROUSE DISEASE, with 59 plates (mostly FINELY COLOURED), 31 text-illustrations, and 41 maps, 2 vols. 4to. buckram, t. e. g. (FRESH COPY); VERY SCARCE, £9. 9s 1911

The most important work ever written on the grouse. It is divided as follows:-I. The Normal Grouse II. The Grouse in Disease: III. Management and Economics of Grouse Moors; and contains contributions by Lord Lovat (Chairman of the Committee), Dr. L. Cobbett, A. H. Evans, Dr. H. B. Fantham, Dr. G S. Graham-Smith, P. H. Grimshaw, A. S. Leslie, R. H. Rastall, A. E. Shipley, F.R.S., Dr. H. Hammond Smith, and Edward A. Wilson.

The admirable bird doubtless fully deserved all this attention to his health and welfare; but if in the past a featherless biped whose habitat in slums equally needed purification after the manner of heather-burning, had been thought worthy of equal care, the Registrar-General's returns might have been a good deal better than they yet are. 639 HEWITSON (William Chapman) COLOURED ILLUSTRATIONS of the EGGS of BRITISH BIRDS, with Descriptions of them and their Nests [second Edition], with 131 HANDCOLOURED PLATES, containing several hundred figures, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. olive calf gilt, cl. sides, g. e. (nice copy), £3. 1846


THIRD [AND LAST] EDITION [enlarged], with 149 HANDCOLOURED PLATES, 2 vols. 8vo. original cl., uncut (fresh copy), with booklabel of Col. E. A. Butler (ornithologist), £4. 1856 Hewitson was a most accomplished artist and scrupulously accurate draughtsman, and his figures, whether of birds' eggs or butterflies, are drawn and coloured with conscientious care'.-D. N. B.

611 HUME (Allan Octavian; Indian Radical) STRAY FEATHERS: a JOURNAL of ORNITHOLOGY for INDIA and its DEPENDENCIES; from its Beginning in 1872 to its Conclusion in 1888, with maps and plates, 11 v.: GENERAL INDEX to vv. I-XI, by CHARLES CHUBB, Brit. Mus.-together 12 vols. 8vo. and roy. 8vo. cl. gilt, as issued (vols. I and II with MS. notes by Col. E. A. Butler, ornithologist), £7. 10s Calcutta, 1873-99

The special organ for recording the observations and discoveries of travellers and explorers, as well as professed ornithologists, working on the spot among the living birds, noted already up to nearly 1600 species in India and its Dependencies.

642 LILFORD (Thomas Littleton Powys, 4th Lord, F.L.S.) on BIRDS: a Collection of his informal and unpublished Writings, with Papers on FALCONRY and OTTER HUNTING, edited by AUBYN BERNARD ROCHFORT TREVOR-BATTYE, F.L.S., with portrait and 12 plates by ÁRCHIBALD THORBURN, 4to. cl., t. e. g., 10s (p. 16s nett) 1903


COLOURED FIGURES of the BIRDS of the BRITISH ISLES; second Edition, containing 421 BEAUTIFULLY COLOURED PLATES by KEULEMANS and other eminent artists, with Descriptions, 7 vols. impl. 8vo. hf. morocco extra, uncut, t. e. g. (FINE SET); SCARCE, £55. 1891-7


644 Works without which no Sportsman's Library can be complete.


Mr. J. G. Millais's Great Works


Sport and Natural History,

several of which are now very scarce.

12 Vols. 4to. New half polished Levant Morocco, top edges gilt, Price £94: 10:0.


I. GAME BIRDS AND SHOOTING SKETCHES. The Original Large Edition. With 15 beautiful Coloured Plates and 49 other Illustrations by the AUTHOR, and fine Portrait of BEWICK by SIR JOHN MILLAIS, Bart., P.R.A. 1892


II. A BREATH FROM THE VELDT. Original Large Edition. With 24 Full-page Plates and 125 Illustrations in the Text by the AUTHOR, and Frontispiece by SIR JOHN MILLAIS, Bt., 1895 III. BRITISH DEER AND THEIR HORNS. With 185 Full-page and other Illustrations by the AUTHOR, 10 fine Electrogravures and a Coloured Frontispiece by the AUTHOR and SIDNEY STEEL, and a Series of unpublished Drawings by SIR EDWIN LANDSEER, R.A. 1897 IV. THE WILDFOWLER IN SCOTLAND. With 8 Photogravure Plates, 2 Coloured Plates, and 50 Illustrations from the AUTHOR'S Drawings, etc., and Frontispiece by SIR JOHN MILLAIS, Bart., P.R.A.

1901 V. THE NATURAL HISTORY of the BRITISH SURFACE-FEEDING DUCKS. With 6 Photogravures and 66 Plates (41 being in Colours) from Drawings by the AUTHOR, ARCHIBALD THORBURN, etc. 1902 VI. THE MAMMALS OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. With 269 Full-page Plates after Drawings or Photographs by the AUTHOR, ARCHIBALD THORBURN, H. GRÖNVOLD, E. S. HODGSON, and G. E. LODGE. 3 vols. 1904-6

52 of the Plates are in Colours, 68 are Photogravures, and 149 are uncoloured. VII. NEWFOUNDLAND AND ITS UNTRODDEN WAYS. With 6 Coloured Plates, 6 Photogravures, and 18 Illustrations in the Text, from Drawings by the AUTHOR, or from Photographs. 1907 VIII. THE NATURAL HISTORY OF BRITISH GAME BIRDS. With 18 Coloured Plates, 17 Photogravures, and 2 other Illustrations by ARCHIBALD THORBURN and the AUTHOR. 1909 IX. BRITISH DIVING DUCKS. With 15 Coloured Plates by ARCHIBALD THORBURN, 24 Coloured Plates from Drawings by the AUTHOR, O. MURRAY DIXON, and H. GRÖNVOLD, 14 beautiful Photogravure Plates from Drawings by the AUTHOR and O. MURRAY DIXON, and 21 Collotype Plates. 2 vols. 1913

Of the above, the following can be still supplied

[blocks in formation]

separately in cloth as issued:

No. VII., £1. 1s.
No. IX., £12. 12s.

The Second Edition, reduced in size, of No. I. can be supplied at 18s.;

No. II., £2. 2s.

The scarce First Editions of Nos. I. and II., and also No. VIII., can be occasionally supplied Secondhand.



646 MACGILLIVRAY (William; Prof. Natural History, Aberdeen) HISTORY of BRITISH BIRDS, indigenous and migratory; including their Organization, Habits, and Relations, Classification and Nomenclature, principal Organs, and Observations relative to practical Ornithology, with plates and numerous wood-engravings, 5 vols. 8vo. tree-calf extra (CHOICE COPY); SCARCE, £4. 10s 1837-52


The only book on the subject of this profitable treachery.

ANOTHER COPY, 5 vols. green polished Levant morocco, morocco joints, tooled inner margins, crimson watered silk linings and ends, uncut, t. e. g., by Riviere (A BEAUTIFUL SET), £9. 9s 648 MORRIS (Francis Orpen; Rector of Nunburnholme; anti-Darwinian) HISTORY of BRITISH BIRDS, first edition, with 363 beautiful and accurately COLOURED PLATES, 6 vols. roy. 8vo. original cl. gilt, with bookplate of Col. E. A. Butler (ornithologist), £4. 4s 1851-64 649 PAYNE-GALLWEY (Sir Ralph) The Book of DUCK DECOYS: their Construction, Management, and History, with 32 coloured plates and woodcuts, cr. 4to. cl., uncut, 10s 6d (p. £1. 5s) Van Voorst, 1886 'I have taken much trouble in acquiring all possible information on this sport-one rapidly being forgotten; and one that, for amusement and instruction to all lovers of wild birds, has no equal.'-Preface. 650 SEEBOHM (Henry, F.L.S.) COLOURED FIGURES of the EGGS of BRITISH BIRDS, with descriptive Notices; edited [with Memoir] by RICHard Bowdler Sharpe, ll.D., with 59 fine COLOURED PLATES containing several hundred figures, and photogravure portrait, roy. 8vo. cl. (FRESH COPY), £1. 15s (p. £3. 3s nett) Sheffield, 1896 HISTORY OF BRITISH BIRDS, with COLOURED ILLUSTRATIONS of their EGGS, original edition, with best impressions of the 68 most beautifully executed COLOURED PLATES (bound separately), besides woodcuts, with copious and valuable Descriptions, etc., 4 vols. impl. 8vo. hf. olive morocco gilt, t. e. g.; SCARCE, £4. 15s 1883-5


The author claims for his plates that they are better than anything yet produced. He modestly says that even they are not perfect, and as to his text is content to say, 'I have at least aimed higher than others, and suggested to some extent what a good History of British Birds ought to be.'

652 YARRELL (William; bookseller, F.L.S.) HISTORY of BRITISH BIRDS, second Edition, with superior impressions of the 553 beautiful woodcuts of the birds and country scenes, 3 thick vols. 8vo. cl., £1. 10s


ANOTHER COPY, 3 vols. purple morocco extra, edges gilt over red, £2. 15s



654 COLLECTION of PAMPHLETS, EXCERPTS, etc. relating to WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY, including about 60 PATENT SPECIFICATIONS, ENGLISH and AMERICAN, by various Inventors, including 17 by SIR OLIVER LODGE, F.R.S., Pamphlets by or relating to him; the LODGE-MUIRHEAD SYSTEM; AGREEMENTS between the MARCONI CO. and the GENERAL POST OFFICE and the ADMIRALTY; REPORT on the MARCONI SYSTEM by the ASSISTANT ENGINEER-IN-CHIEF to G.P.O.; NEWSPAPER CUTTINGS, etc.; an interesting collection in connexion with the historical development of Wireless Telegraphy, £4. 4s Sæc. XX. 655 EDELMAN (Philip E.) EXPERIMENTAL WIRELESS STATIONS: their Theory, Design, Construction, and Operation, including WIRELESS TELEPHONY and Quenched Spark Systems: a Complete Account of sharply tuned modern Wireless Installations for experimental Purposes which comply with the new Wireless Law; Revised Edition, with over 80 illustrations, 8vo. cl., 5s 6d Minneapolis, 1914 656 ERSKINE-MURRAY (James, Lecturer on Wireless Telegraphy at the Northampton Institute, London) HANDBOOK on WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY: its Theory and Practice, for Electrical Engineers, Students, and Operators, with 131 illustrations, 8vo. cl., 4s



1907 FOURTH EDITION, ENLARGED, with 195 illustrations, thick 8vo. cl., 6s 6d (p. 10s 6d) 1913 WIRELESS TELEPHONES and how they work, with 17 illustrations, post 8vo. cl., 1s 6d 1910 659 FLEMING (John Ambrose, Professor of Electrical Engineering, University College) HERTZIAN WAVE WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY, with 26 illustrations, 8vo. sewn, 2s 6d 1903



ELEMENTARY MANUAL of RADIOTELEGRAPHY and RADIOTELEPHONY, for Students and Operators, with many illustrations, 8vo. cl., 4s 6d (p. 7s 6d nett) 1908 The PRINCIPLES of ELECTRIC WAVE TELEGRAPHY and TELEPHONY; second Edition, revised and extended, with folding plates and numerous illustrations, thick 8vo. cl., 14s (p. £1. 4s)



The WONDERS of WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY explained in simple Terms, with 54 diagrams, post 8vo. cl., 2s 6d



The WIRELESS TELEGRAPHIST'S POCKET BOOK of Notes, Formulæ, and Calculations, with 39 illustrations, post 8vo. limp roan, 4s (p. 6s nett) 1915

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