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amiable weakness, and made him occasionally apply the rod. He says nothing of natural children, in his Memoirs, so that this organ had never been brought into play.


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the unfortunate Miss Baillie. Besides, perhaps, there is a little embellishment in this picture from Mr Haggart's imagination, Wiser and better men than he, have been apt to stretch a long bow in love matters; and let us hope 3. Inhabitiveness, LARGE. According that David was not so ruinous to the to Spurzheim, the positive evidence maid-servantry of Scotland as this con- of the existence of this faculty is insuffession, so much in the spirit of Rous- ficient; and it is stated only as conseau, might lead us to suppose. His jectural. Perhaps, therefore, the ortime seems to have been rather too gan which is now supposed to be that much occupied to have left him any of inhabitiveness, may afterwards turn leisure hours for such exploits, which out to be for some totally different we should conjecture must often prove purpose. This also is conjectural. tedious and protracted even to the most Haggart had it large; and it appears dexterous; and his opportunities of from almost every page of his Meforming acquaintance with modest moirs, that he had the faculty in great young women, in decent private fami- perfection. He took up his habitation fies, could not have been very great. any where-in lodging-houses,-in Here and there too, during his Me- bagnios,-in prisons,-in sheds,-in moirs, as dictated to his amanuensis, hay-stacks,-in woods,—in ditchesMr Robertson, he seems to talk of" those no place came amiss to him. called prostitutes," in a way rather in- animals," says Mr Combe, consistent with his language on that tial to high regions, some to low counclass of society,in his remarks on Combe. tries and plains, and others to marshes." We hear of him passing whole months Haggart was not so nice-but would in houses of bad fame, and a scene of sleep one night in the Figgite Whins, such profligacy and wickedness in an one inch above the level of the sea, Irish Jail is alluded to, that Mr Hag- and another on the top of Arthur's gart's modesty prevents him from lay- Seat, 800 feet above high water. ing the details before the public. În 4. Adhesiveness, MODERATE. "The fact, notwithstanding his abhorrence function of this faculty is to give at"to those called prostitutes," he seems tachment in general." See Combe on to have lived in their company at all Phrenology, p. 145. "When too times when not with his male palls, strong,-excessive regret at a loss of a following the more or less active duties friend, or excessive uneasiness at leaof his profession; and let us hope, that, ving our country, called Nostalgia, is on the same principle of historic truth, the result." Ibidem.-Haggart seems he abstained entirely from the com- to have mixed a good deal with sociepany of those modest virgins whom ty; but then it is to be remembered, he says he found so much pleasure in that it was not from the feeling of deluding. Still, in whatever conclu-adhesiveness," or attachment to the sion the mind may ultimately rest, there is no reason to doubt that his conduct is reconcileable to the fact of a moderate organ of amativeness, which is the point contended for by us and Mr Combe.

2. Philoprogenitiveness, LARGE. This is an exceedingly amiable trait in the natural character of Haggart. This organ is in general larger in females than in males; and its great size indicates the feminine tenderness of Hag gart's heart. No doubt, had he been the father of a family, he would have been a most indulgent one, perhaps spoiled his children by giving them too much of their own way,-unless, indeed, his firmness, which we shall see he possessed in an eminent degree, had counteracted the tendency to this VOL. X.

parties, but simply in order to pick their pockets. He certainly says that he loved his friend Barney, but it was not pure disinterested attachment. It was rather admiration of superior talents and acquirements-and when Barney's own feelings of adhesiveness were violently rent asunder by transportation for fourteen years to BotanyBay, it appears that Haggart mourned, not for the loss of a bosom friend, but for the withdrawing of the guiding genius of his profession. His good spirit, he says, forsook him when Barney was lagged, and he never prospered afterwards. No symptoms of Nostalgia ever shewed themselves in David. Indeed, he was preparing to go to France, and we have understood that he would willingly 4 R

have had sentence of death commuted for that of transportation for life. Therefore his organ of adhesiveness was but moderate.

5. Combativeness, VERY LARGE. 6. Destructiveness, FULL. Haggart, according to his own account, was a tolerable pugilist. But unluckily he was but poorly made about the chest, shoulders, and arms. He was an eleven stone man; but he could not have stood for ten minutes before the Sprig of Myrtle, who weighs only a few pounds above eight. We saw him dissected by Dr Monro, and that skilful anatomist observed the defects we have now spoken of. At school, &c. he used to fight boys bigger than himself; and in Ireland, on one occasion, he fought a Paddy, and smashed him all round the ring. So he says. On another occasion, he and Barney together knocked down a man in a flash-house, and Haggart struck him when down with the heels of his shoes. There are other anecdotes to which we might refer to prove his combativeness. He knocked down a pig-drover at an Irish fair; and also struck a man on horseback from behind with the butt-end of his whip. His destructiveness was exhibited by his shooting a Newcastle beak, and by fracturing the skull of the Dumfries jailor. He had also in tended to drown a justice of the peace, we forget where, and to shoot an Edinburgh police-officer.

7. Constructiveness, LARGE. This organ was, we understand, very large in the late Mr Rennie, who designed the Waterloo Bridge, and the Plymouth Breakwater. Why it should have been so large in Haggart, who does not appear to have studied architecture, it is hard to say. But he had a mechanical turn, and could construct false keys. He had also a singular felicity in pulling down walls, and getting out of places of confinement. This shewed he excelled in one part of the mason's trade. Besides, Mr Combe says in his Phrenology, p. 150, "That it does not form ideas of the objects to be constructed."- "Its function is to produce the desire or impulse to construct in general.”

8. Acquisitiveness, MODERATE. No. 8, in Mr Combe's great work, is called Covetiveness; and he observes, "that the intention of nature in giving this faculty, is to inspire us with the desire of acquiring; so that, in consequence

of its activity, we may possess when the day of want comes, and not be left to the uncertain provision which could be made from the mere dictates of reason, after tracing a long chain of consequences." In Haggart this organ was moderate. Now it appears, that he never shewed the least disposition to hoard. We do not read of his having lodged money with Sir William Forbes, or lent it out on heritable bonds, or dabbled in the stocks. Mr Combe adds, "This faculty, when too energetic, and not controlled by superior powers, produces theft." But he ought to have added, that the individual must, in that case, be both a thief and a miser. Now Haggart, as we have seen, was no miser; therefore, though a thief, his organ of acquisitiveness was moderate.

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9. Secretiveness, VERY LARGE. "The function of this faculty," says Mr Combe, appears to be to conceal in general, without delivering the object and the manner of concealing. Many persons conceal their opinions and intentions, and sometimes maintain in conversation, in writing, or in public, an opinion opposite to their own. The faculty gives the propensity in poets to construct interesting plots for romances and dramatic pieces; and it appears to inspire that compound of dissimulation and intrigue which is designated scavoir faire. In animals it produces slyness.' "When the faculty is very powerful, it produces a slyness of look, a peculiar side-long rolling cast of the eyes, and a stiffened approach of the shoulders to the head." Mr Haggart excelled in concealment. He concealed bank-notes in the palm of his hand so dextrously, that they were invisible to the searching eyes of the beak. He concealed his very name, and assumed divers alias's. He not only concealed all his intentions, but he concealed himself for two days in a hay-stack. Had he written for the stage, no doubt he would have constructed interesting plots for romances and dramatic pieces; and we regret that Mr Murray had not retained him about the theatre here as stage-poet. We believe also, that Haggart's general appearance corresponded very near ly with the above description. We never but once had the pleasure of seeing him; and then we particularly remarked "the stiffened approach of the shoulders to the head." But can

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dour forces us to confess, that the appearance may have been temporary and deceitful, for he had just been turned off; and in that predicament, it is possible that the shoulder of any gentleman whatever might make a stiffened approach to his head, however deficient the gentleman hight have been in slyness, or in the scavoir faire, or in dramatic genius, or in a general talent for constructing interesting plots

or romances,

10. Self esteem, VERY LARGE. This is one of the four organs that, in Mr Combe's opinion, brought Haggart to the gallows, Dr Gall first found this organ of self-esteem in a beggar. In examining the head of this person, he observed, in the midst of the upper posterior part of the head, an elevation which he had not before observed in so high a degree. He asked him the cause of his mendicity; and the beggar accused his pride as the cause of his present state, he having considered himself as too important to follow any business. He had therefore only spent his money, and did not think of earning a livelihood.-COMBE's Phrenology, p. 157. When this organ becomes diseased, the individual sometimes believes himself to be a king, emperor, a transcendent genius, or even the Supreme Being.-COMBE, p. 160. It does not appear that Haggart went the length of believing himself the Supreme Being; and he was too often in confinement, and under the lash of the law, ever to think himself a king or an emperor. But he

certainly thought himself a transcend ent genius; and Mr Combe seems to think so likewise. Mr Haggart says, that at school, though rather idle, he excelled all his fellows in talent and erudition; and Mr Combe afterwards speaks of his "great talents." His self-esteem of himself, as a master in his profession, knew no bounds. We have seen that he thought himself irresistible among the fair sex. He prided himself on his personal prowess in fighting, running, &c. He thought himself skilful in the law, and made some very arrogant strictures on the conduct of an Irish judge on the bench; and he imagined his poetical genius to be of a high order, as witness his Chaunt composed in prison on the evening of his sentence. "This sentiment of self-esteem, when predominantly powerful, makes the individual

carry his head high, and reclining backwards. The expression it gives to the manner is cold and repulsive." -COMBE, p. 159. Haggart was consequently placed, by this organ, in a very awkward predicament. For we have seen that he also possessed in great force, the organ of secretiveness, "which produces a slyness of look, a peculiar sidelong, rolling cast of the eyes, and a stiffened approach of the shoulders to the head." Now, let the reader combine these appearances, and suppose them, for a moment, united in one individual. What would he think, say, or do, if he were to meet in Mr Blackwood's or Mr Constable's shop, a gentleman carrying his head so high as to recline backwards, with a cold, repulsive air, haughty as a king, an emperor, or a transcendent genius, and yet with a sly look, a peculiar, sidelong, rolling cast of his eyes, and a stiffened approach of the shoulder to the head? What if he were told, that is Mr Combe, the great phrenologist, or Christopher North, the Supreme Editor, or the Great Unknown? How Mr Haggart, having both organs in perfection, contrived to manage the matter, we do not know, nor, in a scientific point of view, do we care. For, that he had the organs, and that the sentiments do produce these indications, are matters of fact; and it is altogether a private concern of the gentleman who unites them, how he carries himself-let him look to that

let the painter study his appearance if he chuses; but we repeat, it is enough for the man of science to have discovered the facts, and the philosophy of the facts-all the rest is but My eye and Betty Martin.

11. Love of approbation, SMALL. There was some strange anomalies in Haggart's character. Though able to command the approbation of great part of mankind, and though receiving it every day in his life, he did not value it a single curse. Even on the scaffold, where he conducted himself in a manner deserving the highest approbation, he did not, we are told, (for we were a minute or two behind our time) seem to value the good opinion of the spectators at a pin's head, but seemed to be wholly absorbed in the enjoyment of his own self-esteem. Even when saluted by the tears and the blessings of the most fair and virtuous of their sex, who lined the lane

up which he walked to the place of execution, he appeared to hold light their tender and touching expressions of approbation, though, with that gallantry for which he was, nevertheless, distinguished and beloved, he graciously inclined his head towards them; at which, according to the newspaper reporter, the air was rent with the clamours of female grief. Probably some of the young women were those "whom he had left to the freedom of their own will;" and it must have disgusted his chaste nature to see also so many of those called prostitutes," collected to witness his last efforts, with an approbation of his courage, which the conformation of his skull rendered hateful to his proud and intrepid spirit.

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12. Cautiousness, FULL.- 66 It appears to me," says Mr Combe, "that this faculty gives an emotion in general, and that this emotion is fear." "The tendency of it is, to make the individual in whom it is strong, hesitate before he acts, and, from apprehending danger, to lead him to calculate consequences, that he may be as sured of his safety." "Too great an endowment, and too great activity of this faculty, predispose to self-destruction. Now, from this account, we should have expected Haggart to be afraid of ever putting his hand into any man's pocket, without having previously proved, to a demonstration, the certainty of his taking it out again in safety. It is also calculated to make us look on Haggart as a youth whose imagination must have been continually haunted with fetters, stripes, dungeons, cords, and gallow-trees. It prepares us also to find him self-suspended by his pocket-handkerchief to a nail in the wall, or with a quarter of a pound, at least, of arsenic in his stomach. But, reader, admire the wise provision of nature; for, look at No. 18. Firmness, and you will find it very LARGE. Now it gives constancy and perseverance; and when too energetic, produces obstinacy, stubbornness, and infatuation." "When eminently powerful, it gives a stiffness and uprightness to the gait, as if the person were transfixed with an iron rod; and it gives a peculiar emphatic tone to the voice."-COMBE, 181. Now, Nature gave Haggart that power of firmness, to counteract the effects of cautiousness. And if it is asked, Why


this roundabout way of going to work? our answer is, Hold your tongue. We present you with facts; and if they seem mysterious to you, you ought to remember that all nature is full of mys tery. Now that these opposite powers, when existing in the same individual, do neutralize themselves, or leave a balance merely in favour of some one, is certain, otherwise Mr David Haggart's personal appearance, as far as we have followed him in Combe, might be thus recapitulated:" Mr Haggart carried his head so high, that it even reclined backwards. He had a cold, repulsive air, which bespoke a haughtiness equal to that of a king, an emperor, or a transcendent genius. United with these externals, he had a peculiarly sly look, a peculiar, sidelong, rolling cast of his eye, and a stiffened approach of the shoulder to his head. The tones of his voice were emphatic; and the stiffmess and uprightness of his whole gait were such as if his person were trans+ fixed with an iron-rod. He was a bold, timid, fearless, cautious, considerate, and infatuated person, who rushed boldly on danger, without a moment's pause, after the most mature deliberation on the most remote consequences; and he was only prevented from committing suicide, to which he had a strong natural propensity, by two other propensities, which he had the good luck to possess in equal vigeur-combativeness and destructiveness, which led him to put others to death, instead of himself, and finally saved him from the guilt of self-destruction, by placing him in the salutary hands of the hangman." To a mind uninstructed in the new and true philosophy, this sounds oddly. But before the eye of a Combe every thing is reduced to order; and the picture is complete, distinct, and individually characteristic.

We have not room to continue our separate consideration of all the powers and feelings of Mr Haggart; so let us say a word or two on his Benevolence, LARGE, and skip over the rest lightly. Mr Combe seems at first sight to have stared a little at the big bump of benevolence on the head of Haggart. But he soon recovered from his amazement, and remarks, "When, however, the organ of benevolence possesses the degree of development, which, in Haggart's case, it undoubtedly does, its

manifestation cannot be entirely sup➡ pressed; and it may be extended to shew itself in occasional gleams of good feeling amid his atrocities, like the lightning's flash through the gloom of the storm!" This is one of the few bursts of impassioned eloquence in Mr Combe, whose style is in general marked by a philosophical calmness and scientific precision, that remind us of the happiest passages of the late Mr Playfair. Mr Combe has too much good sense to sustain long this highly elevated tone, and accordingly descends into his own dignified simplicity thus: "There are, accordingly, various indications of the activity of this feeling; as his dividing the plunder of a gentle man's pockets betwixt two poor thieves, and retaining none for himself; his sealing the walls of Durham jail, to liberate his condemned associate; his bribing the hangman in Perth, not to be severe on the boys whom he was employed to flog through the town; his forbearing to rob a young gentle man, whom he met in the mail-coach coming to Edinburgh, because he had been kind to him; these instances, and his dying declaration, that the humanity with which he had been treated while under sentence of death, was the severest punishment he had yet met with, afford decided evidence that he was not altogether insensible to generous emotion, although this feeling unfortunately was not sufficient to control the tendencies by which it was opposed. The singular mildness of his aspect, also, which was remarked by all who saw him, and which evidently, in various instances, contributed to his escape, by misleading spectators as to his real character, is unaccountable, except on the principle now explained.


In Haggart's Life, we find the narrative of two murders; but these appear to me referable, with greater propriety, to combativeness, which gave to his mind the bold and determined tendency to attack, than to destructiveness, which, when too energetic, inspires with a disposition to deliberate ferocity. Benevolence is opposed to destructiveness, which, when powerful, disposes to cruelty. In Haggart's head, conscientiousness is small, and it will be perceived that there is scarcely a feeling of remorse expressed for the numerous robberies which he committed; but benevolence is large,

and we have now to inquire into the emotions which he experienced in surveying the murder of Morriu, which he was certain he had committed. The account of his sensations, when he heard that the jailor was dead, is completely in point." When," says he, " the boy answered, “ No, but the jailor died last night at ten o'clock,' his words struck me to the soul; my heart died within me, and I was insensible for a good while; on coming to myself, I could scarcely believe Ï had heard them, for the possibility of poor Morrin's death had never entered into my mind." The sympathy which he expresses (p. 141) for the young women, who had murdered a lady in Dublin, because their situation resem→ bled his own, and the agony which he felt when he entered the jail at Dumfries, after the murder, (p. 146,) afford evidence, that his mind was not altogether steeled against humanity. Bellingham, the murderer of Mr Percival, a cast of whose skull may be seen with Messrs O'Neill and Son, in which destructiveness is very largely deve loped, and benevolence uncommonly small, shewed no contrition, but to the last hour of his life spoke of his crime with the most perfect indifference, and even self-approbation. This was the natural feeling of such a combination, but Haggart never exhibited such relentless ferocity.'

Never was there a more triumphant vindication of disputed benevolence. The organ of benevolence is thus seen to be of the greatest use in tempering murder to the shorn lamb. We see little or no ferocity in Haggart. He shot (as he says) the Newcastle beak, with a small pocket-pistol,-a weapon in which there is little to shock the feelings. Neither, perhaps, is shooting a beak any thing very reprehensible in the abstract. Then it is obvious, that in knocking the Irish farmer off his horse with a blow on the back of the head, with the loaded butt of a whip, poor Haggart acted more in the spirit of fear than of ferocity. There was nothing very ferocious in the mere thought of drowning an impertinent gentleman, who stared Haggart out of countenance in the packetboat; and when all the circumstances of the murder of Mr Morrin are taken into consideration, we agree with Mr Combe in considering it, on the whole, rather a mild murder. Hag

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