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against them, in the Prefatory Speech, which ftands as an Introduction to The State, &c.

In the profecution of this defign, the Letter-writer attacks the General with great feverity. Sir William Howe likewife comes in for a fhare of our Author's keen animadverfions; and the pamphlet concludes with the following paragraph:

Harsh as thefe obfervations may to you appear, they are fuch as have occurred, on the Prefatory Speech, to a mind unbiaffed by party, and uninfluenced by power. They will, I am almost perfuaded, have little weight with an understanding like yours: but if they shall ferve to convince the candid and impartial, that to the misfortune of having lost an army, you have added the crime of wilful and unjust accufation; the purpofe of this Writer will not be entirely unaccomplished. His mind will, in all events, receive a fecret fatisfaction, in having attempted to defend innocence from the imputation of guilt, and in having affixed to guilt the infamy it de ferves.'


Art. 18. Female Restoration, by a moral and phyfical Vindication of Female Talents: In Oppofition to all dogmatical Affertions relative to the Difparity in the Sexes. Dedicated to her Majefty; and humbly addreffed to the Ladies of Great Britain and Ireland. By a Lady. 4to. 35. fewed. Macgowan. 1780.

Whether this performance was ferioufly written in vindication of female talents,' or ludicrously with a view to expofe them, we pretend not to determine. If the former was its object, the execution is fo imperfect and injudicious, that it will add little credit to the caufe it undertakes to vindicate; if the latter, the ridicule is so obscure, and fo feeble, that the Ladies have very little mifchief to apprehend from it.

The Author, or Authorefs (as the Writer flyles herself), informs the Ladies of Great Britain and Ireland,' that she hath rushed forth the champion of their caufe, without fubfidies, without fuecours, and with scarce a troop of well-mustered ideas hath taken the field.' This literary amazon, who hath dared to take the field by herself, and is determined to fight her way through the thickest phalanx of the other fex, without waiting till her troops are mustered to fupport her, takes care to inform us, that the is quite in earnest, and that nothing is farther from her thoughts than to turn the women into ridicule, and make them appear more contemptible than ever. A ferious addrefs to reason and good fenfe, a thorough difquifition of the fource and progrefs of that empire the men have affumed over us, and the cause of our present state of fubjection, with moral and phyfical reafons to prove our natural equality with the men in every thing, are what compofe the fubftance of the following fheets.-This is verily an arduous undertaking, and requires great kill as well as great courage; and at no rate can be accomplished without a large troop of well-mufered ideas.

If the Writer's profeffions be fincere, this performance is defigned to prove, not only the equality of the women to the men in every thing;

Originally delivered in the Houfe of Commons.



but even their fuperiority in moft things. This is turning the tables on proud man with a witnefs! One objection to this female hypothefis, arifing from the fubfequent creation of the woman, is thus commodiously answered, 'It was God's will, and he hath not thought proper to give us any reafon for it.'-Farther- if it be added, that Eve was not only created after Adam, but was formed out of one of his ribs agreed: but Adam was made of clay is that a reason that clay was more noble than him?After all, this argument can only relate to Eve; other women being no wife indebted to their hufbands for their creation, and do not pretend to be of a more perfect nature than their children, though they contribute to their production in quite a different manner from Adam with respect to Eve? Are we told in jeft or earnest, that children do not spring from their parents fides?

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If the Writer of this pamphlet be a Lady, as the Title-page and Dedication affure us, we are not at all furprised that the fhould give the following definition of a perfect man. A man is perfect in my opinion when he hath every thing that is neceffary to produce and receive the effects for which he is defined: and he is imperfect when he has more or lefs parts than are neceffary, or fome indifpofition which impedes the intent of his creation.'


As this Lady profeffes to confider her fubject phyfically as well as morally, the fagely obferves, that the Almighty having refolved to produce man dependently of each other by the help of two perfons, he formed two different bodies for that purpofe. Each was perfect in its way and it was neceffary that they should be difpofed as we see them. It is therefore without foundation that fome imagine, that the women are not fo perfect as the men, and reprefent that as a defect which is an effential appendage to the fex, without which they could not answer the intent of their creation. The two fexes are neceffary for producing together their likeness; and what reason can be given for afferting that men are more noble than the women in what relates to children?' Really the matter is fo clear as to need no illuftration ; and the Ladies in this cafe neither afk nor want an apology.

In the delineation of their moral qualities, this Writer expatiates fo much in their praise, that, if we are to pay any credit to profeffion, they are here fuppofed to be equal to all the toils and hazards of war, to all the intrigues of flate, to the most laboured inveftigations of science, to the moft exalted flights of genius, in a word, to all that ever did or ever can give luftre, authority and greatness to man, as well as gentleness, fweetness, and all the fofter attractions to


If this performance be ferious, we wish it had more argument to fupport it ; if ironical, we wish it had more humour to enliven it. Art. 19. An Account of the Statues, Pictures, and Temples in Greece; tranflated from the Greek of Paufanias. By Uvedale Price, Efq; 8vo. 4 s. fewed. Evans, 1780.

The Tranflator's Advertisement will beft explain the nature of this performance: The contents of thefe fheets being a faithful tranfcript of all that is to be found in Paufanias, in relation to the temples, ftatues, and paintings remaining in Greece when he tiavelled over all its ftates, about the 177th year of the Christian æra,

in order to defcribe them, it may reasonably be prefumed, that an accurate bill of fare of fo fumptuous an entertainment, with a particular defcription of the nobleft and most elegant parts of it, will meet with a favourable reception.'

With refpect to the work itself, valuable as it is, on fome accounts, to the scholar and the antiquary, it is a dry, uninterefting catalogue, drawn up with no more tafte than might be expected from a common appraifer, and, confequently, can furnish, to the mere English Reader, little instruction, or amufement.


Art. 20. An eafy Introduction to the Knowledge of Nature, and reading the Holy Scriptures. Adapted to the Capacities of Children. 8vo. 3 s. fewed. Dodfley, &c.


We rejoice in every opportunity of paying our refpects to the Ladies; and indeed literature has, of late, been much indebted to them.

By the Dedication to Lady Charlotte Finch (which is fenfible, modeft, and polite) we find, that this is the production of a female pen; and in our opinion it does great honour to the Author *.

In the Preface, page 11, fhe fays, I cannot pafs over this opportunity of mentioning a very ufeful publication, entitled, Leffons for Children from two to three or four Years old, written by Mrs. Barbauld, which I think are the beft adapted for the purpofe of teaching them to read, of any I ever met with, being wrote in a ftyle of familiar converfation, and free from all formality. I have endeavoured to adopt a fimilar mode of expreffion, and to build upon the groundwork which the ingenious author has laid for the education of children.'

Our Author farther adds, Perhaps it will be thought, that I have deviated from my plan of fimplicity and cafe in the latter part of this work, but I have here taken for my guide the Archbishop of Cambray's inftructions for the education of a daughter, and, indeed, copied him in fome places, refpecting the diftinction between the foul and the body.' Upon the whole, we think the Author entitled to the thanks of all parents, and would advise every mother to put this pleafing performance into the hands of her children, for the united purposes of rational amufement and useful instruction.

Page 146, line 1, for South read North.

Art. 21. Memoirs of the Marshal Duke of Berwick. Written by himself. With a fummary Continuation from the Year 1716, to his Death in 1734. To this Work is prefixed, a Sketch of an Hiftorical Panegyric of the Marfhal, by the Prefident Montefquieu; and Explanatory Notes, and original Letters relative to the Campaign in Flanders, in 1708, are fubjoined. Tranflated from the French. 8vo. 2 Vols. 12 s. Cadell. 1779.

The ample account we gave of the original publication of these Memoirs †, leaves very little to be added on their appearance in an English drefs; excepting to remark their having remained for an unufual number of years in bad hands, until their contents became too ftale for any historical purpose, but that of uniting with fome late publications evidently managed to difcredit the Revolution, and

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to defame the characters of King William III. and the principal actors in that happy event. At Rome, they carry on profitable ma. nufactures of relics and antiques; and fecret anecdotes purporting to be derived from the cabinets of the natural and interested enemies of Our country and conftitution, conveyed to us from time to time, through queftionable hands,-are not now to put us out of conceit with the fecurities provided for us by our forefathers against the imminent evils that then hung over their heads; nor to put us into conceit with the principles of those whofe gloomy tyranny we fo happily escaped. Peace be to their memories on both fides; we are fatisfied: every generation finds political evils enough to engage their attention, without recurring a century back; and out of the frying pan into the fire, has ever been deemed a fatal leap.

In a note to the Advertisement, we are informed that "the original Editor of thefe Memoirs is faid to be Mr Hooke, a Doctor of the Sorbonne, and fon of the gentleman of that name who wrote the Roman Hiftory:" and as Mr. Macpherson and Sir John Dalrymple have made liberal ufe of Jacobitical authorities in French cabinets; fo the compliment is returned by the Popish Doctor of the Sorbonne, who reflects the authorities of thefe collectors back on fuitable parts of the Duke of Berwick's Memoirs: thus is the old adage illustrated —manus manum fricat.

The duke of Berwick appears, under his education, and suitable to his attachments, from his own writing. to have been an able honeft man; without attending to the colouring of Montefquieu's panegyric: French panegyrics are to be confidered in the fame point of view with monumental infcriptions; which difplay the qualifications of their writers with more truth than thofe of the fubje&.

As the Duke of Berwick paffed the most active part of his life in camps, and was frequently called abruptly from fervice in one place to engage in another, the chief part of his Memoirs confifts of military details: and as thefe are rather relations of his own particular fhare in the respective campaigns he made, than hiftories of the motives and operations of the wars at large, the Reader will find them proportionably defultory and confined in their objects. In the cha racters and opinions interfperfed, candour requires fome allowance for his prejudices of education. When we add, that the tranflation appears to be faithfully executed, and that it reads free and easy, we imagine that nothing farther will be required from us, in relation to the Duke of Berwick's Memoirs.

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Art. 22. Directions for breeding Game Cocks: With the Methods of treating them from the Time they are hatched, till fit to fight. Including Inftructions for the Choice of a Cock and Hens to breed from; Place to breed at; and Remarks worthy Obfervation previous to fighting a Match; Articles for a Cock Match; Key to a Match Bill; Rules and Orders in Cocking, abided by at the Cockpit Royal, Weftminster, &c. with Calculations for betting, being the Refult of many Years Experience. 12mo. I s. 6d. Macgowan. 1780.

Little did we expect at this time of day, to have seen a diversion Scientifically treated, which is now, for the most part, confined to the lowest of the vulgar. We have, however, the fatisfaction to think

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the prefent attempt will tend very little to revive this brutal entertainment. Those barbarians, who can find amusement in cockfighting, and who wish to improve their fkill in this fpecies of blackguard butchery, will learn nothing from this catchpenny performance: the only myfterious part of the bufinefs this cunning adept has contrived to pass over in filence-not chufing, we fuppofe, to make others as cunning as himself,

Art. 23. The New Univerfal Traveller. Containing a full and diftin&t Account of all the Empires, Kingdoms and States, in the known World.-By J. Carver, Efq; Author of Travels through the Interior Parts of North America. Folio. 11. 14 s. Robinson. 1779.

Compiled, and abridged, from the more voluminous collections of the fame kind; and illuftrated by Maps, and other engravings.-Of Captain Carver's book of American Travels, which appears to have been an original work, an ample account was given in the Sixtieth Volume of our Review: See pages 90, and 281. See, likewife, our account of his Treatife on Tobacco, Rev. vol. Ixi. p. 78.

Art. 24.

A Tour from London to Peterburgh, from thence to Moscow, and Return to London by way of Courland, Poland, Germany, and Holland. By John Richard. 12mo. 2 s. 6 d. fewed.

Evans. 1780.

In a series of forty-one letters, which are written with fome vivacity, this fmall volume gives an amufing account of the places above mentioned, interfperfed with hiftorical anecdotes, &c. Art. 25. The Regal Table: Exhibiting in a concife and accurate Manner, the Times of the Commencement and Conclufion of every Sovereign's Reign, from William the Conqueror to his prefent Majefty, King George the Third, and the exact Years, Months and Days, they feverally reigned: Together with the Year of each Reiga in progreffive Order, the Year of the Lord correfponding to the Year of each Reign, and the Number of Years fince the Conqueft. Neceffary in all Colleges, Libraries, and for Members of both Houses of Parliament, Hiftorians, Profeffors of the Law, and other ftudious and learned Perfons; alfo very proper to be introduced into all Schools and Places of public and private Education. 12mo. I S. Faden. 1780. A very long title to a very little book.

Art. 25.


Poems on various Subjects, chiefly facred. By the late Mr. Thomas Greene of Ware, Hertfordshire. 12mo. 3 s. 6d. Harris, in Leadenhall Street. 1780.

The Author feems to have been a very good fort of man, much devoted to Methodistic piety, and Methodistic poetry: for instance, when fuch preachers fill the facred place,

Who feem quite ftrangers to redeeming grace,
I fit beneath their lectures funk in grief,
And pafs the tedious hour without relief.
With human excellence their fermons fwell,
A heathen Socrates could preach as well.
Cold dry morality is all their flore,

A good old Levite would have taught us more.


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