Gentleman's Magazine: AND Historical Chronicle. From JANUARY to JUNE, 1821. VOLUME XCI. (BEING THE FOURTEENTH OF A NEW SERIES.) PART THE FIRST. PRODESSE ET DELECTARE. E PLURIBUS UNUM. By SYLVANUS URBAN, Gent. LONDON: Printed by JOHN NICHOLS and SON, where LETTERS are particularly requested to be sent, POST-PAID; AND SOLD BY JOHN HARRIS and SON (Successors to Mrs. NEWBERY), at the Corner of St. Paul's Church Yard, Ludgate Street; UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA 1. PÆSTUM. 'MID the deep silence of the pathless wild, Between the mountains and the azure main, In solemn beauty, through the clear blue light, The gazer's heart still mutely worships there. The Sea's dread sovereign, Posidonia's lord, With votive tablets deck'd yon ballow'd walls, Or sued for Justice in her crowded balls. There stood on high the white-rob'd Fiamen-there While to the o'er arching Heaven swell'd full the sound, 'Tis past the echoes of the plain are mute, ere the world had bow'd at Cæsar's Throne, re man was glorious, and his works sublime; While in the progress of their long decay, Thrones sink to dust, and Nations pass away. * The Temples. RB-107 PREFACE. W To remove the impediments that might otherwise have existed, in discovering any particular information amongst so extensive a collection of Volumes, a complete and general Index has been recently published, which affords immediate reference to the whole series. By such an auxiliary the Gentleman's Magazine forms a species of Encyclopædia, embracing almost every subject connected with History, Literature, or Science. In the present Volume several articles have been extended beyond the limits usually prescribed; but we flatter ourselves that the interesting information they convey will afford ample compensation. The "Progress of Anecdotal Literature contains many curious fragments of unpublished Biography, in addition to a considerable fund of genuine amusement. The "Tour on the Continent" will always be perused with interest, as conveying a just idea of the state of Europe in the year 1818.- "The Progress of Literature in different Ages of Society" glows with bold and energetic sentiments, and is replete with ingenious and original remarks. These papers conclude with the present Volume. The Gentleman's Magazine was for many years the earliest and almost only vehicle for giving authentic publicity to the Parliamentary Proceedings; but, as there is now no restraint on the daily publication of Parliamentary affairs, by which they lose their originality in a Monthly Magazine, these proceedings are necessarily confined to a more limited space, Notwithstanding, when questions of public importance transpire, the speeches of the most distinguished speakers will be given; so that this department may still remain an historical record of constant reference. The Embellishments, particularly in Wood, will be found more numerous than usual. As the art of Wood-Engraving of late years GENERAL LIBRARY has |