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The ninth paragraph on his firft plate runs thus: tho' we are obliged to have the ground-plane below the bafe-line, " yet the parts which are in it will be produced by the rules * above it, and as it were beyond it, at a distance in a perSpective proportion, as thofe in the ground plane, are diftant from the bafe-line."

Here obferve the firft it fignifies the ground-plane, the fecond it the bafe-line, the third it has ftill another meaning, and the fourth it muft fignify the plane of the picture. The reft of the paragraph is nonfenfe: he should have faid, at a distance, whofe proportion to the real given distance of the original object is regulated by the pofition of the fpectator, eye. Then comes a problem, teaching us to find the reprefentation of a given point; in this problem he uses the term, vanishing point, without having firft defined it.


In a fubfequent paragraph he indeed tells us, that S is the vanifhing point of the original line, A B; because the line, • A B vanishes in that point. Which is not true, for it is the perfpective reprefentation S B, of the line A B, which vanishes in the point S, and were it as true as itis falfe, it could by no means be called a definition. He might as well have faid, the line A B vanishes in the point S, because S is the vanishing point of the original line AB; or that two and two make four, becaufe four confifts of twice two.

Before we quit this first plate, we muft obferve the abfurdities in which his wrong choice of a distance for the eye has involved him; and firft, The fhaded fide of the house, at H. which is a perpendicular plane, at right angles to the plane of the picture, fcarce reprefents more than one fourth of the extent he ought to fuppofe it. The fame blunder is committed again in the pier at I. whofe enlightened fide reprefents a plane at right angles to the picture of only one fourth of the extent he fuppofes it, which is monftrous. The direction of the fhadows is false, and the diftant steeple which terminates his view, exhibits a fide which it is impoffible fhould be seen, if S be, as he fuppofes it, the center of the picture. This is a fault, that a child who had learned perfpective a week, could not have committed. And what is more extraordinary, there is not one of the fix plates, which illustrate this work, but abounds in fimilar abfuidities. Strange, that a man who defpifes knowlege, fhould take it in his head to be a teacher; or that one who calls himself an artist, should

Our readers, in general, it is hoped, will excufe our referring, in this manner, to Mr. B's plates, which we cannot copy --Thele paragraphs are more particularly intended for thofe who are polieffed of Mr. B's book.

be at pains to publish a book, which fo evidently proves him ignorant in every branch of the art he treats of.

One more extract from this treatise on perspective appears neceflary, as it will fhew the reader how well Mr. Bardwell has kept the promise he made, that no mathematical knowlege fhould be neceflary to understand his book. There are many inftances of his having forgot this: we shall content ourfelves with the fifth paragraph of the explanation belonging to the second plate.

In order to understand the nature of the generating lines, and angles, (not yet defined) and the diftance of the picture, heing placed above the horizontal line, suppose they were ⚫ turned or lifted upon their axis, the vanishing line D E, till the eye-point O is directly oppofite to the point of fight, then they would be in a vifual plane, which paffes from the fpectator's eye parallel to the ground-plane: the interfection of which plane, with the imaginary plane or picture, is the vanishing line of that plane, or horizontal line.

Indeed Our Author had done well to recommend to his unmathematical readers that dictionary, out of which he picked all these hard words. For till fuch readers are acquainted with the fignification of fuch words, they may fancy their ignorance of mathematical terms, is the obftacle to their understanding Mr. Bardwell. We can, however, affure them, that the learned and unlearned may equally profit by the preceding paragraph in which we apprehend the latent meaning is beyond the power of mere mathematicians to develop; fo that if ever thofe gentlemen have puzzled Mr. Bardwell, it is not his fault if he is not now even with them.





For SEPTEMBER, 1756.


Fourth Letter to the People of England. 8vo. 2s.

Having pretty fully, tho' in a narrow compafs, fpoken of the three preceding pamphlets published by this Incendiary, under the title of, Letters to the People, we fhall take up little more of our Reader's time, on the prefent occafion; but content ourfelves with the following sketch of fuch patriots as Mr. Letterwriter, from a pamphlet entitled, An Impartial View, &c. See page 41.

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Men,' fays this brother-politician, who are the tools of a wrong-headed party, and fit for their employ, [who] acknow


lege they write for a Poft, or the Pillory. In short, men who -fcribble for bread, and do not fo much regard the contents as the fale of their productions.Men who have done their utmoft to be bought, but who have been found not worth the meaneft purchase.Under this portrait the author writes, AND SHARE YE, MY COUNTRY MEN, TO BE IDLY DUPED BY SUCH AS THESE! Ed and

II. A Letter to the Gentlemen of the Common-Council. By a Citizen and Watch-maker. 8vo. 6d. Cooper.

called himself a Merms

To This is one of the few occafional productions that deferves to ⚫ be remembered, after the occafions which gave rise to them are elapfed. The author is pleafed to call himself a Watch-maker; and in one page (24) he condefcends to write in that character: but then, as in another (15) he treats of an obftinate, unfkilful pilot, and bad teerage, in as accurate, he might as well have and if we confider the general drift of his performance, the character of an Apothecary would have fuited him better than any other. For tho' he addreffes himself gravely to the Common-Council, on the subject matter of their intended Addrefs, and treats of the manner in which they ought to make their approaches to the throne, as the principal object of his attention, citris plain, by the fequel, that this is done by way of vehicle only, for the more eafy and effectual conveyance of a medicine, which he would have us believe is the only true catholicon for the disorders of the times. In fhort, this occafional author takes particular care (p. 5) not to be mistaken for one of thofe gentlemen, who are patriots through their indigence, and whofe declamations are their fubfiftence; and fo far forgets his watch-making character, even in the only page in which he makes use of it, as to offer the ufe of his poor abilities to Mr. Fowke, in case his affair fhould become a matter of national enquiry: which muft imply, he has the honour to fit in one of the houses, at leaft for national enquiries can be made no where else; nor, on fuch an occafion, could his abilities be elsewhere ferviceable, What the ingredients are which compofe this catholicon of his, it is fit fhould be unfolded in his own words, which here follow:

Our patriot writers unanimoufly declare for turning out all ⚫ the great officers of state, at prefent in the adminiftration. This propofal hath too much violence in it; nor is it eafily practicable. It hath an air of party, which would prevent its own good effects, if it were carried into execution. It would probably continue an unfeasonable, and thereforé deftructive oppofition. Nor, for the honour of our country, 'would I willingly afk, whether, if all thefe gentlemen were turned out, we have others of more unblemished integrity, and more acknowleged abilities, to fill all their places, However, there are too gentle'men of apparent fuperiority to all others in either party. They have both continued long in offices of greatest trust and power, • with unfufpected reputation. They differed last year in their judg

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judgment of public meafures. Their conteft was maintained with a warmth, which might naturally rife from their mutual conviction. Their reconciliation is now become neceffary to the welfare, perhaps, to the very being of their country. If their conteft was of virtue, they will eafily be reconciled. Great ⚫ fpirits cannot long maintain little refentments, and if the love of country be their prevailing paffion, it will fubdue all others; for in effect there is but one paffion in the heart of man. Their common friends may propofe and fettle the terms of their • union; but the nation, in these her diftreffes, calls upon them, • implores, conjures, I had almost faid, commands them to unite. • She bath more than enough to gratify their perfonal ambition enough to indulge them in obliging and making happy their mutual friends,

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Permit me, Gentlemen, nor is it wholly foreign to the pur pofe of this Letter, permit me to mention fome of thofe advantages, which, I am perfuaded, will arife from this union. If they are each of them fuperior to every other man, most capable of ferving the public; if they were fingly opposed to each other last winter, who fhall be able to form an oppofition against them when united? The measures neceffary to retrieve the honour of the nation, will eafily then be carried into execution : not diftreffed by midnight debates, which not only fruitlessly confumed fo many valuable hours, but must have rendered the fpeakers liftlefs and inattentive to next day's business. If they are not wholly inexcufable, in throwing away the winter in these unprofitable debates, let us remember, that one of these gentlemen was actuated by the human refentment of being turned out of his employment; nor can we fuppofe him lefs fenfibly affected for his friends. The other probably imagined, if he could excufe the meafures, of the minifter, for instance, the Heffian treaty, he might have influence enough over him to direct ⚫ him afterwards to better counfels. But fuch is the gratitude of ambition, that this gentleman must have been long fince convinced, he was miftaken in his hopes; and that a man so tenacious of governing, as obftinately to hold his power amidst the errors, or let us call them the misfortunes, of his adminiftration; amidst the dangerous refentments of the people, will • never admit a partner in his administration. For, if we know any thing of this gentleman, fearfulness, and timidity is no part of his character, from whence we may believe he had no fhare in the late timid expedients, by which Minorca, was loft. But, indeed, what fhare of power or confidence, could he expect, who was at once feared and hated.'

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Where indications are fo ftrong, labels are unneceffary: then as to the Medicine itself, it does not become, us to pronounce, whether the palate, the ftomach, or the conftitution of the patient would bear it; and whether it can be adminiftred or not, even the prefcriber himself does not seem to have fufficiently confidered


POLITICAL.oildug to inomybu 295 didered. Divide and govern is an old maxim; and it must be owned, this is no bad graft upon it. But party-policy is one thing, and public good another; and the interesting question to 15 the community, is not, Who fhall govern us? but whether we can be governed better And if fo, by what means ? high

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1. Whether the minifters have acted upon principles of true patriotifm, and found policy? and in cafe any miscarriages may have happened, whether they are not to be attributed more to chance, and the want of that unattainable fore-knowlege, not in the power of man to acquire, than any defect in their capacities? And,

2. Whether feditious fpirits, who may have propagated infamous reports, to the minilter's prejudice, are to be credited upon their fimple evidence, in oppofition to facts, reafor, and their concomitant arguments?

Of the intelligence on which this performance is founded, the Reader is defired to accept the following fpecimens.

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