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Women's Clubs Burrell, Mrs. C. F. B. The complete club book for women; including subjects, material and references for study programs; together with a constitution and by-laws; rules of order; instructions how to make a year book; suggestions for practical community work; a resume of what some clubs are doing, etc., etc.; a companion volume to Woman's club work and programs. 1915. L 12171

Home Training of Children Forbush, W. B. The boy problem in the home. 1915. L 12649

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Noyes, W. A. A text book of organic chemistry. 1903. K 19855

Hegner, R. W. animals. 1914.


The germ-cell cycle in
K 21590

Botany Armstrong, M. N. and Thornber, J. J. Field book of western wild flowers, with five hundred illustrations in black and white, and forty-eight plates in color drawn from nature by the author. 1915.

Wild Life Protection

K 21242

Friends of Our Native Landscape. 1st year K 16992 book for the year 1914.

Year book for 1914 contains, "A masque," by Kenneth Sawyer Goodman, p. 7-14.

Permanent Wild Life Protection Fund. The

statement of the Permanent Wild Life Protection Fund 1913-1914. 1915.

Useful Arts

K 30881

Johnson, V. E. Modern inventions. 1915.

("Romance of reality series").

Medicine, Hygiene

K 22450

1915. L 12181

Friedenwald, J. and Ruhräh, J.

for nurses.

Dietetics N 2451


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Elementary mechanical drawing; theory and practice, with chapters on geometrical drawing, mensuration and reproduction of drawings; a textbook for technical, secondary, trade and Vocational schools. 1915. K 28640


Electricity and Magnetism Franklin, W. S. and MacNutt, B. Elementary electricity and magnetism; a textbook for colleges and technical schools. K 19770 -Advanced theory of electricity and magnetism; a text-book for colleges and technical schools. 1915. K 19771 McCormick, W. H. Electricity. 1915. K 19648

("Romance of reality series").
Wireless Telegraph

Collins, A. F. The book of wireless, being a clear description of wireless telegraph sets and how to make and operate them; together with a simple explanation of how wireless works. 1915.

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K 9621

The K 19345

Holbrook, F. M. Skunk culture for profit 1915. K 24475 Milburn, T. Fungoid diseases of farm and garden crops. 1915. K 24030

Sell, M. A. and Sell, H. B. Good taste in home furnishing. 1915. K 18384

Business, Commerce International Cable Directory Company. International cable directory of the world in conjunction with Western Union telegraphic code system. 1898-1911. 3v.

*R 3221

MacRae's blue book, consolidated with the Railway Supply Index-catalogue; the official index of railway supply manufacturers and their products, published primarily for the use of the purchasing, mechanical and engineering departments of the steam and electric railways of North America. v.5-6. 1914-1915. *R 1966

Latest edition in Civics Dept. System Company. Executive control; building up the organization-selecting and training men-reorganizing under scientific management-establishing written standard practice-management duties, decisions and policies. 1915. L 12514 -Materials and supplies; purchasing methods-price, service and inspection policies-material tests, standards and specifications-purchasing and stores systems-how to make inventory. 1915.

L 12513 -Operation and costs; bringing factory production up to capacity-scheduling and dispatching work-maintaining quality-cost keeping methods and systems -cost cutting and plant control. 1915. L 12515

Panama Canal Pepperman, W. L. Who built the Panama canal? 1915. K 23648 The plates are photogravure reproductions of Mr. Joseph Pennell's drawings of the canal.

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Sharp, C. J. and Macilwaine, H. C. The Morris book, with a description of dances as performed by the Morris men of England. 1909-1913. 5v. *V 2714 Bergholt, E. A second new book of patience games. 1915. K 30423 Companion volume to the author's: New book of patience games. 1915. K 30422. Dawson, M. Money-making entertainments for church and charity. 1915. K 30180 Hall, A. N. Home-made toys for girls and boys; wooden and cardboard toys, mechanical and electrical toys. 1915.

K 30034

K 27020



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Barry, J. D. The city of domes; a walk with an architect about the courts and palaces of the Panama-Pacific International Exposition, with a discussion of its architecture, its sculpture, its mural decorations, its coloring and its lighting, preceded by a history of its growth. 1915. K 22353

Barstow, C. L. Famous buildings; a primer
of architecture. 1915.
K 27406
Wallis, F. E. A-B-C of architecture. 1915.
K 27398

(Harper's A-B-C series).

Lutz, E. G. Practical drawing; a book for the student and the general reader. 1915. K 28450


Dickinson, E. Music and the higher education. 1915. K 29570

Contents: Prelude: In a college music room. -pt. I. The college and the fine arts.-pt. II. Music in the college.-pt. III. Teacher and critic: his preparation and his method. Pougin, F. A. A. P.

Russian music. 1915.

Upton, G. P.


Children's Games and Crawford, C. and Fogg, E. R. of childhood. 1915.

Contains music.


Belloc, J. H. P. The aftermath; or, ings from a busy life. 1910.

K 30020

GleanE 1897

A satire on modern literary and journalistic


Dawes, C. G. Essays and speeches, by Charles G. Dawes; with extracts from the journal of Rufus Fearing Dawes, and an address upon the Army of the Potomac by General R. R. Dawes. 1915.

L 12686 Huneker, J. G. Ivory apes and peacocks; Joseph Conrad, Walt Whitman, Jules Laforgue, Dostoievsky and Tolstoy, Schoenberg, Wedekind, Moussorgsky, Cézanne, Vermeer, Matisse, Van Gogh, Gauguin, Italian futurists, various latter-day poets, painters, composers and dramatists. 1915. E 3512

Mason, E. A book of preferences in literaJ 4688

A short history of K 29610 1899.

ture. 1915.

K 3896

Moore, C. L. Incense & iconoclasm;
studies in literature. 1915.
J 4718
Contents: Incense and iconoclasm.-On style

Woman in music.

in literature.-The supernatural in literature.The solidarity of literature.-Some Hindu dramas. -Celtic literature.-Goethe-the old view and the new. The splendid years of modern literature.— Our pioneer American poet.-A master of maxims. Arnold and Lowell.-The old New-Englanders and the rest of us.-The two worlds.-The greatest literary form.-On comedy.-The novel and the play.-Originality in literature. A study in proportion.-Poetic expression.-Literature, music, and morals.-The root ideas of fiction.The hunger-motive in fiction.-The love-theme in fiction. The master note in literature.-The analytic method.-On teaching literature.-The_educational system of the elder Mr. Weller.-The weather in literature.-The landscape painter.The nomad in literature.-The architectural background. The city-builder.-Cabbages and roses.The intoxication of words.-Pictures and words. -The traditions and the new age.-Modernity in literature and the next movement.-The fight for free raw materials in literature.-The magazine

girl. Moulton, R. G. The modern study of literature; an introduction to literary theory and interpretation. 1915. J 4716 Perry, B. Thomas Carlyle; how to know him. 1915. J 5747 Phelps, W. L. Robert Browning, how to know him.


E 6584 Poe, E. A. The works of Edgar Allan Poe, newly collected and ed. with a memoir, critical introductions and notes, by Edmund Clarence Stedman and George Edward Woodberry. 1903. 10v. *J 316 Waugh, A. Reticence in literature, and other papers. 1915. J 5750 Thompson, E. N. S. Essays on Milton. E 11284


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Strindberg, J. A. Master Olof; a drama in five acts, tr. from the Swedish, with an introduction by Edwin Björkman, from the prose version of 1872. 1915. J 5628, 4 (Scandinavian classics).

Motion-Picture Plays Ball, E. H. Photoplay scenarios; how to write and sell them. 1915. E 11779 Parsons, Mrs. L. O. How to write for the "movies." 1915. E 11786

Travel and Description

Kettle, T. M., comp. Irish orators and oratory. 1915.

Great Britain

J 319,5

(Library of Irish literature). Maxwell, W. H. Wild sports of the West.

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(Library of Irish literature).

Latin Literature

J 319, 2

-and Mitton, G. E. The Strand district. 1903. I 10160, 6

(Fascination of London).

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Kane, E. K. Adrift in the Arctic ice pack, from the history of the first U. S. Grinnell expedition in search of Sir John Franklin. 1915. I 9592 (Outing adventure library. no. 5). Marriott, Mrs. I. L., ed. The logbooks of the "Lady Nelson," with the journal of her first commander, Lieutenant James Grant, R. N. I 9194 Scott, R. F. The voyages of Captain Scott retold from "The Voyage of the 'Discovery," and "Scott's last expedition," by Charles Turley. 1915. I 9595


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Osaka Shosen Kaisha, The (Osaka, Japan). Official guide for shippers and travellers to the Orient. 1914. *V 3154



Browning, C. H. Magna Charta barons and their descendants, with the story of the great charter of King John; sketches of the celebrated twenty-five sureties for its observance, and their lineal descendants from them of the members of the Baronial Order of Runnemede. 1915. *R 379 Dendy, F. W., ed. Visitations of the north; or, Some early heraldic visitations of, and collections of pedigrees relating to the north of England. 1912. *A 1065, 122 (Publications of the Surtees Society).

St. Louis (Mo.). Public Library. Genealogical material in the St. Louis Public Library, by Katharine Twining Moody. *O 1988

Genealogical number, Monthly bulletin. ser. v. 13, no. 8. Aug., 1915.


Current additions are listed in the Monthly bulletins. Call no.: *O 1982.

Titled Americans. 1915. Comp. by A. E. Hartzell. 1915. *C 20450 "A list of the names of American women who have married foreigners of title or of prominence." Individual Biography

Barton, C. H. The life of Clara Barton, by C 20760 P. H. Epler. 1915.

Carducci, G. Giosue Carducci, by Orlo Williams. C 21157 1914. (Modern biographies). Darwin, Mrs. E. W. Emma Darwin, a century of family letters, 1792-1896, ed. by her daughter, Henrietta Litchfield. 1915. C 21512


Vol. 2 contains letters of Charles Robert Dar


Hawkes, C. Hitting the dark trail; star-
shine through thirty years of night. 1915.
C 22344
Jackson, A. The life and times of Andrew
Jackson, by Thos. E. Watson. 1912.
C 22591
Lincoln, A. Lincoln birthday service. Ad-
dress by Francis W. Shepardson. 1915.
C 22960

-Ceremonies in commemoration of the hundredth anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln by the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, Pennsylvania Commandery, Feb. 12, 1909. C 23045 -Memorial meeting of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, Pennsylvania Commandery, Feb. C 23046


11, 1914. 1914.

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