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Colleges and Universities

Kelley, J. H., ed. The alumni record of the
University of Illinois, including historical
sketch and annals of the University. 1913.
L 10690

Lockwood, F. C., comp. The freshman and
his college; a college manual. 1913.
L 10708

Contents: Introduction.-The afterself, by D. S.
Jordan. An address to freshmen, by W. D. Hyde.
-Habit, by W. James.-How to study, by F. C.
Lockwood. Recent tendencies in college education,
by D. S. Jordan.-The new definition of the culti
vated man, by C. W. Eliot.-Two kinds of educa
tion for engineers, by J. B. Johnson.-A poisonous
phrase, by W. D. Hyde.-An inaugural address, by
A. Meiklejohn.-The philosophy of education, by J.
G. Hibben.-New wine in old bottles, by W. W.
Thoburn.-The description of a gentleman, by J.
H. Newman.

Schmeisser, W. C. Are you going to col-

lege? Letters from a graduate to a fresh-

man. 1913.

L 10716

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Ayres, L. P. The new attitude of the school
towards the health of the child.


Putnam, H. C. School janitors, mothers
and health. 1913.

L 12070

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Houghton, A. A. Molding concrete chimneys, slate and roof tiles; a practical treatise explanatory of the construction of block and monolithic types of concrete chimneys. 1911. K 13484

(Concrete worker's reference books).

Kelly, A. A. The expert estimator and business book (2d ed.). Prepared for the use of house and sign painters, paper hangers, grainers, wood finishers, glaziers and interior decorators; how to measure and estimate with a complete list of prices. 1912. K 13529b

1st edition has title: The painter's estimator and business book. 1911. Call no.: K 13529a.

Fine Arts

Bailey, H. T. Twelve great paintings; personal interpretations. 1913. K 10369

Contents: Pope Innocent x, by Velasquez. Spring, by Corot.-Ulysses deriding Polyphemus, by Turner.-Creation of man, by Michelangelo.Saint Barbara, by Palma Vecchio.-The mother, by Whistler.-Judith and the head of Holofernes, by Botticelli.-The golden stairs, by Burne-Jones.The Sistine madonna, by Raphael.-The transfiguration, by Raphael.-The assumption, by Titian.Pietà, by Titian.

Blashfield, E. H. Mural painting in America; the Scammon lectures, delivered before the Art Institute of Chicago, March, 1912, and since greatly enlarged. 1913. K 10364 Cundall, H. M. A history of British water colour painting, with a biographical list of painters. 1908. *P 3030

Elder, T. L., comp. The Elder rare coin book; a comprehensive work on numismatics, coin premiums, numismatists, coin collecting. 1913. K 10865


Hall, J. With pen and ink. 1913. Art Industry

K 11151

Averill, M. applied to Hayden, A. Library has also 1st ed. 1904. K 14093a. Lawrence, M. and Sheldon, C. The use of the plant in decorative design. for high schools. 1912. K 10716 Schumacker, A. Columbia manual of cotton crocheting. 1913. K 14027 Wedgwood, J. C. Staffordshire pottery and its history. 1913. K 14151

Japanese flower arrangement western needs. 1913. K 16882 Chats on English china. 1912. K 14093b

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