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Extraordinary Papal Brief of 1791.


Chariffimo in Chrifto Filio Noftro Ludo-
vico Francorum Regi Chriftianiffimo
Pius Papa VI.

VENISSE tandem quod fummoperè

tem tuam inter varios cafus timorefque ac difcrimina ex illâ Parifienfi etteratorum ac furentium hominum immanitate, cum universâ Regiâ familiâ elap. fam efle, jamque in tuto confiftere. Incredibile eft, chariflime in Chrifto Fili nofter, quæ à paterno noftro animo fuerit ex hifce recentibus nuntiis percepta confolatio, quam certè nullis fatis allequi verbis ac explicare poffumus. Ne. que noftra folum hæc maxima jucanditas eft, fed univerfæ civitatis noftræ, omniumque ordinum à fummis ufque ad infimos, qui te tuofque falvos incolumefque, Deo protegente, à graviffimis illis periculis evafiffe lætantur. Refonant adhuc hujus urbis fora viæque exultantis populi Romani publicis vocibus de tuâ falute gratulantis, cujus lætitiæ teftes, nequid à nobis hic exaggeratum fufpicari poffis, ipfas adducimus Regias Prineipiflas dilecithimas in Chrifto filias noftras, Mariam Adelaidam et Victoriam Mariam præftantiffimas amitas tuas, necnon et venerabilem fratrem noftrum Cardinalem de Bernis, qui certè in hoc communi animorum ftudio continere lachrymas minimè potuerunt. Sed fi in percipiendâ de te confolatione cæteros omnes à nobis fuperari dicimus, id veriffimè dici facilè tibi perfuaferis, qui jam præclarè noveris quæ magna tecum femper fuerit amoris officiorumque omnium conjun&tio, quantumque hoc poftremo adverfiflimo tempore doloris, anguliarum ærumnarumque tua rum partem in nofmetipfos fufciperemus. Nunc verò hæc omnia tantum folantur magis, quod hoc ipfo egreffu tuo percipiamus qui tuus femper aniinus fuerit erga Religionem atque Eccletiam, ac erga egregios illos penè omne Gallorum Antiftites, quibus fumma eft, vel per exilia difperfis, in fide omnique virtute conftantia. Quid jam dicemus de immenfo bonorum virorum numero, de profugâ præclarâ illâ nobilitate in te netpiciente, pro teque capita fua devovente? Horum omnium te in libertate vindicato, teque fuo recepto Rege cumulantur in nos gaudia; eorum in te vota fpefque maxima in nos


nunc ipfos redundant. Itaque non potuimus hoc tempore plurimas immortalefque non agere D. O. M. gratias, cujus mifericordiæ accepta referre hæc fucceffuum initia debemus, neque non cum Majeftate tuâ noftros animi communicare fenfus per hafce plenas lætitiæ, ftudii, gratulationifque litteras ad teipfum à venerabili fratre Bartholomæo

et Apof

tolicæ Sedis ad Trajectum Rheni Nuntio Ordinario perferendas. Dum eas ipfe tibi reddet, et coram te impofitum à nobis munus explebit, valdè à te petimus ut ipfum Regiâ humanitate excipias, eandemque in omnibus præftes fidem, quam nobis ipfis te alloquentibus præftiturus effes. Quas nos tecum partes peragimus, eafdemque et cum chariflimâ in Chrifto Filia noftrâ Antoniâ Reginâ conjuge tuâ, et cum dilectiffimo in Chrifto Filio noftro Ludovico Delphino, cæterâque Regiâ familiâ loculentiore, quo poffumus, animo exhibemus. Quas nunc preces obfecrationefque noftras ad Omnipotentem Deum pro te, chariffime in Chrifti Fili nofter, quæque vota, quas lachrymas effundimus! Imploramus tibi promptum, pacificum, gloriofumque in regnum reditum, receptam à te priftinam poteftatem tuam, reductas leges, juraque omnia reftituta. Te illuc Religio reducat cum ampliffimo Præfulum in fuas fedes redeuntium comitatu: Tecum illa regnat in Populos, quorum jam contumaciam licentiamque fregerit, volentefque animos ad mores, ad pietatem, ad officia revocarit. Hæc funt affidua ad Deum pro te vota noftra, huc noftræ cogitationes, ftudia, curæque omnes unicè converfæ collocataque funt. Hoc animo Apoftolicam benedictionem, quæ divinarum omnium benedictionum aufpicia effe poflit, tuaque omnia confilia atque incepta veræ felicitatis exitu profequetur, et cumulet tibi, chariffime in Chrifto Fili nofter, unà cum Auguftâ Conjuge tuâ omnique Regiâ familia, ex intimo paterno corde amantiflimè impertimur.

Datum Romæ, die fexto Julii, 1791, Pontificatûs noftri anno decimo feptimo.




As you are a man of genius and learning, whofe writings have done honour to your country, I am fincercly concerned for your fufferings. But, at the fame time, I am furprized


you could not forefee the confequences of that factious and rebellious fpirit which your party had endeavoured to raife and foment. Could you imagine that fober and fenfible people would TAMELY hear the prefent Government in Church and State atrociously vilified by a fet of mischievous Republicans? Could you calmly and confiderately fuppofe that thefe difcontented and tur bulent fpirits could celebrate the triumphs of anarchy and confufion in France, without giving offence to loyal and prudent Englishmen? Could you seriously think, that the zeal of your party could propagate their feditious libels, and infamous publications, against the Government and an amiable Sovereign, without exciting a general horror and indignation?

You certainly expected that your Revolution-focieties, confederation-dinners, advertisemnts, hand-bills, and inflammatory publications, would operate on the minds of the people in your favour, and perhaps produce a general infurrection; and that, at fuch a crifis, our established form of government might be abolished, and a new fyftem propofed, modelled, and organized by fome of your vifionary projectors.

You feem to be infenfible of the happinefs you have enjoyed; and not to reflect, that there will be imperfections in all human inftitutions; that the moft oftentatious theories would not be ex. empt from irregularities, inconveniences, and corruptions; and that, what ever form of government fhould be adopted, fpeculative philofophers and factious politicians would still demand a farther reformation, or, as you call it, an "improvement." To expect PERFECTION in the adminiftration of a great empire is an ideal fcheme of metaphyfical phrenzy.

You think that "a neighbouring nation is emancipated from tyranny;" and that a company of Englishmen may very laudably exprefs their joy on this occafion. Were your premiffes true, I would allow your conclufion. But let us wait the event. Philofophers fhould not be too credulous, or form their determinations too rafhly. It is very poffible, that all the magnificent fchemes of your Auguft Diet in France may be fucceeded by a ridiculous, a villainous, or a bloody catastrophe.

Hitherto the members of the National Affembly are in their probationary ftate; and while the eyes of all Europe are at


tentive to their tranfactions, they may at with integrity and honour. when the fervour of patriotifm is abated, we may poffibly fee fome of the projectors of this Revolution in a very different light; we may fee a deluded people waking out of their trance, and execrating the wild and deftructive policy of their rulers.

You think it very hard that your property fhould be deftroyed in this infurrection. I will charitably believe, that your fufferings are much greater than your fault. But reflect for a moment, and you will perceive, that the Revolution Societies, for which you have been a loud and firenuous advocate, have been the PRIMARY CAUSE of all the calamities which you and your friends have fuftained. They have, in fact, lighted up the flames in Birmingham. When a mob is collected, you know it is not easily controuled; and thofe who occafion the infurrection are anfwerable for the confequences.

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- Neque lex eft æquior ulla, "Quam necis artifices arte perire fua.”

Permit me to add, that, as a late factious and fanatical politician predicted, that Bofton would be the Land of Liberty, the Mount Sion, the Heavenly Jerufalem, you cannot do better than advife all difcontented Democrats to crofs the Atlantic immediately, and join their brethren in the United States. Let a certain petulant and malignant pamphleteer of that country be their conductor. They may fing" I triumphe" on Bunker's-hill; and we shall rejoice in our deliverance. I am, Sir, your fincere well-wisher,

BISHOP OF DURHAM'S PUBLIC ENTRY, AUGUST 4, 1791. N this day the Bishop of Durham made his pubiic entry into his diocefe. He was met on Croft-bridge by a great number of gentlemen, and accompanied to Darlington, where upwards of an hundred gentlemen, of the firft diftinction and property in the county, dined with his Lordship. At Farewell-hall he was met by the Chap ter of Durham, where he was addreffed, in a very handfome fpeech, by Dr. Sharp, the Subdean, in the name of the Dean and Chapter; to which his Lordfhip made an anfwer, diftinguished by thofe fentiments of piety, loyalty, and munificence, which every friend to the Church and to his Country must wish to fee exemplified in a Bishop of Durham,



The Bishop of Durham's Public Entry.

`and of which it is but justice to fay, that his Lordship gave a promising earneft in the diocefe of Sarum.

My Lord,

Permit me, on this joyful occafion, to congratulate your Lordship, in the name of the Right Reverend the Dean and the Chapter - of the Cathedral, on your Lordship's tranflation to the fee of Durham; an event which, there is every reafon to believe, will give the moft general fatisfaction to both Laity and Clergy in your Lordship's diocefe; who are truly fenfible of his Majesty's care and protection of the Church in this Northern part of the kingdom, by his nomination of your Lordship to fill this important fation; efpecially as the deplorable state of health of our late Diocefan had, for fome time, unavoidably prevented him from refiding among us. But your Clergy will now think themfelves happy in having free access to your Lordfhip, for advice, protection, or in any diffi. culties that may occur in their respective parishes, and will be glad of every opportunity of teftifying their refpect and obedience to your Lordship.

The fee of Durham has been filled, at different times fince the Reformation, with Prelates of the most exalted characters, whether for learning, piety, munificence, benevolence, or charity; all which, we flatter ourselves, will be united in your Lordship's character, in which both the will and the power of doing good, we truft, are happily joined.

Had the Right Reverend the Dean been prefent, inftead of so humble a fubftitute as myfelf, to have welcomed your Lordship on your entrance into your diocefe, he would have conveyed the fentiments of the Chapter with elegance and propriety. But your Lordship will be fo kind as to accept my well-meant endeavours.

The elegant Cathedral which your Lordfhip has given up, and which, under your infpection, was highly improved and decorated while your Lordship prefided in it, is greatly fuperior to any thing to be met with here: but I flatter myself that it will be fome fatisfaction to your Lordship to fee your prefent Cathedral emerging from a decayed ftate, as to outward appearance; in the infide, indeed, the robuft style of the Saxon architecture is incapable of much improvement; but there is, nevertheless, what will make up that defect, and give much pleafure to a perfon of your Lordship's refined tafte and judgement in musick, particularly in facred harmony-a Choir, perhaps equal, if not fuperior, to most in England, except in the great metropolis.

I prefume I may fay, with fome degree of confidence, that it is the ardent with of every good member of the Church of Eng


land within your Lordship's diocese, that your Lordship may be, and long continue to be, a Father to your Clergy, the Patron of Merit, the Friend of the Poor and Diftreffed, and an example of every thing that is great and good.


I confider it, Mr. Subdean and Gentlemen, as one of the most pleasing circumstances attending my unfolicited elevation to this diftinguished fee, that I receive, on my acceffion to it, the kind and obliging congratulations of a Chapter with the very respectable Head of which I have long lived in habits of intimacy, and with fome of whofe valuable members I palled a part of iny early days;with thofe to whom it has not hitherto been my good fortune to be perfonally known, I hope to be foon connected in friendly intercourfe.

While this recent and repeated inftance of his Majesty's favourable opinion excites in my mind the warmest gratitude. it will alfo, I trust, animate me in fuch a discharge of thofe important duties which my fituation demands, as may best express the sense I entertain both of the nature of the office and the manner of conferring it; and prove the moft acceptable return which a Sovereign, invariably anxious for the welfare of his people, wishes to receive.

I am too well aware how much the civil and ecclefiaftical interests of this palatinate and diocefe depend on the peculiar powers vefted in the arduous ftation which I have the honour to hold, not to feel a real confcioufnefs of my own little merits and abilities, and a fincere defire to profit by your advice, as emergencies may occur. But, whatever be my deficiencies, I can yet venture to promife my earnest attention to those great and primary interests which should never be feparated, the union of which forms the envied Conftitution that we enjoy; a Constitution in which Establishment is harmoniously blended with Toleration, and limited Monarchy is the best Guard to the Rights of the Subject; a Conftitution, which it should be the object of every good citizen to fupport, that the unparalleled System of National Polity, which our ancestors delivered down to us, may be tranfmitted inviolate to pofterity.

To deferve the esteem of this palatinate and diocese shall be the ambition and endeavour of my future life. May it please God to enable me to fulfill the various duties of this office, which, in the courfe of his providence, he has entrusted to me, with fidelity and diligence !-to maintain, against the encroachments of Error and Innovation, the genuine doctrines of Chriftianity!-to advance the interefts of Virtue, Religion, Learning, and Merit!-to be the friend of my Clergy, and to promote my own happinefs, temporal and eternal, by studying to promote that of others.




Manchester, July 1. HE inclofed drawings (Plate 1.) were faithfully copied by me from two pieces of old painted glafs, now in the windows at Healey Hall, the feat of Colonel Chadwick, in I.ancashire; and, as the fubjects appear rather fingular, perhaps you may think them worth inferting in vour entertaining repofitory.

N. is furrounded by a mutilated Durch infcription, which feems to exprefs, that this man's blood was jufly taken away by the bands of juftice," but to what particular incident it alludes I confefs myself totally ignorant. This piece was brought, it is faid, from fome part of the Continent a few years ago, and there is fome reason to fuppofe it originally came from Antwerp.

The principal figure in N° 2. feems intended to represent fome Bishop or Abbot (perhaps of the Carthufian order), who, by the glory round his head, has alfo the appearance of a Saint: he pays particular attention to a poor doe, or fawn, which is imploring his protection, after having been wounded in the breast by an arrow; whilft a kneeling figure on the other fide is fupplicating pardon. I hope fome of your correfpondents, well verfed in legendary lore, will be obliging enough to point out its hiftory, and inform us what pious (and, no doubt, ample) atonement this offender made, whether for wanton or accidental facrilege. This piece was brought from Antwerp by Mr. Chadwick in August, 1786. Yours, &c.



Mr. URBAN, July 22. R. Locke's epitaph is to be found in the General Dictionary.-He lies interred in that part of the churchyard of High Laver, near Epping, Effex, which is appropriated to Oates, an obfcure, retired village, noted for little elfe than being the feat of Lord Matham, one of the twelve Peers created by Q. Anne, now belonging to the family of Mr. Palmer, the late Duke of Bedford's Reward. I once made a pilgrimage to this place, from a devout veneration to this great Philofopher, who deserves to be ranked with Bacon, Newton, and Boyle, and to whom we are indebted for the foundest principles of government, religion, and policy.

Here Lady Masham confoled his laft moments by her kind offices, and by reading to him the Pfalms, and other portions of Scripture.

Here was a well-chofen library, in
GENT. MAG. Auguft, 1791.

which I remember to have feen the Cha racteristicks, the gift of Lord Shattef bury to his rutor.

I was forry to fee the infcription fo defaced.—I doubt not but it will be reftored by the prefent proprietor, as a mark of refpect to the once noble owner, who regarded Mr. Locke as her Divine, Philofopher, and Friend. WM. Ray.


July 29.

THE epitaph compofed by Mr. Locke for himfelf faces the title-page of the folio edition of his works. I have fent you a copy of it, from the monu ment affixed to the South wall of High Laver church, Effex, near to which he was interred. As I do not recollect to have feen it in any of your volumes, nor in any edition of his writings, except that I have mentioned, which I first met with in the library at Oates, where is preserved his picture, and the great chair he ufually fat in; no repofitory can be fo proper for its infertion as the Gentle man's Magazine: it will there, I truft, be fecure from dilapidation. I am led to this hope, from the prefent ftate of the infcription. It is not long fince I was in High Laver church-yard. The letters were fo obliterated, that I could not make out one word. I was told, that it was to be repaired. Perhaps, Mr. Urban, from the infertion of this letter, you will not only gratify your enquirer, p. 563, but hint to the prefent worthy poffeffor of Oates, that the friends to civil and religious liberty will expect from him, and indeed from every fucceeding owner of the maufion where the great Locke breathed his last, a proper atten tion to his monument.

It may be unneceffary to fubjoin, that Oates (a manor in the parish of High La ver) was the refidence of the Malhams; that one of this family was often chofen, reprefentative for Effex, till ennobled by Q. Anne. They are buried in the fame church-yard; as is General Hill, brother, I think, to Lady Malham of Queen Anne's day. The eftate has paffed by purchase to the Palmers, the prefent pol fellors.

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698 Anecdotes of Henry Wharton, Chapman, Addifon, &c. [August,

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volume, is entitled to the thanks of your learned readers for his valuable communication of the original letter from the famous Antiquary, Henry Wharton, M.A. and Chaplain to Archbishop Sancroft. The following intelligence, relative to the fame perfon, will not, perhaps, be unacceptable. In the Manufcript Library at Lambeth, No 956, is the firk volume of Cave's Hiftoria Literaria, London, 1688, emendationibus, noris, & additionibus quamplurimis, in margine feu calce libri adjunctis, aucta & illuftrata." There are the words of Wharton himfelf (copied from a manufcript catalogue of his own manuscripts), deferibing the faid article: and in the laft much-augmented edition of Cave, published at Oxford, thefe very improvements are fubjoined to the fecond volume, but not attributed to the true author. The preface to this volume announces them as "Obfervationes & additamenta quædam à Revo Thoma Tenifon, Archiepifcopo Cantuarienfi, confcripta." And at the end of the volume thefe words are prefixed to them: "Notæ MSS. & accelliones anonymi ad Cavei Hift.. Lit. codicis margini adfcriptæ, in Biblioth. Lambeth. Manus eft planè Reverendif. Too. Tenifon, Cantuar. Archiepifcopi :" and the laft article of the "Acceffiones" is thus introduced: "His accedito Hiftoriola de Chaucero noftre, fcripta etiam à Reverendif. Tho. Ten fon, Archiep. Cant. ad calcem Hiftoria cl. Cavei Literariæ."

Upon comparing thefe "Notæ MSS." with the abovementioned N° 956, they clearly appear to be tranfcripts from the margins of it; as do the Acceffiones" from the feparate leaves at the end,—all agreeing precifely with the improvements here specified. It is not reafonable that Wharton, though his literary character wants no addition, fhould be deprived of the reputation of any of his learned labours, and, from the foregoing ftate

ment, it is evident that this was one of the number. Manus eft planè Henrici Whartoni; many of whofe manufcripts were purchased by Tenison. The late Archdeacon Chapman, who was Chaplain to Archbishop Potter, appears, from the preface to the fecond volume of the Oxford edition of Cave, to have communicated thefe manufcript improvements, and to be anfwerable for the egre gious mistake of attributing them to Te nifon, instead of Wharton. The name of Chapman reminds me of an omiffion in

learned Archdeacon was author of a pubit fhould have been recorded, that this lication prior to any there noticed, which was intituled, "The Objections of a late anonymous Writer [Collins] against the Book of Daniel confidered; Cambridge, 1728" octavo pamphlet. Ia col. i, of the next page, mention should also have been made of "The Jefuit Cabal farther opened: or, A Defence of Dr. Chapman's late Charge, 1747;" and, in line 33, the words "without his name" fhould be erafed. ACADEMICUS.

Dear Sir,
Aug. 7, 17...

HOPE this will find you fafe at Ge


Ineve, and that the adventure of the rivulet, which you have fo well celebrated in your laft, has been the worst you have met with in your journey thither. I can't but envy your being among the Alps, where you may fee froft and fnow in the dog-days. We are here quite burnt up, and are at leaft ten degrees nearer the fun than when you left us. am very well fatisfied 'twas in Auguft that Virgil wrote his "O quis me gelidis fub montibus Hæmi," &c. Our days at prefent, like thole in the first chapter of Genefis, confift only of the evening and the morning; for the Roman noons are as filent as the midnight of other countries. But, among all thefe inconveniences, the greatest I fuffer is from your departure, which is more afflicting to me than the Canicule. I am forced, for want of better company, to converse moftly with pictures, ftatues, and medals; for you must know I deal very much in ancient coins, and can count out a fum in sesterces with as much eafe as in pounds sterling. I am a great critick in ruft, and can tell you the age of it at firft fight. I am only in fome danger of lofing my acquaintance with our English

*From Ballard's MSS. vol. XX. 24.


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