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" ... but now-a-days we have scarce a little parson, that does not think it the duty of every man within his reach to sit under his petty ministrations; and that whoever omits them offends God. "
The works of Benjamin Franklin: with notes and a life of the author by J. Sparks - Página 79
de Benjamin Franklin - 1840
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The Annual Register of World Events: A Review of the Year, Volumen 59

Edmund Burke - 1819 - 822 páginas
...they need not hear even him for improvement ; but now-a-days \ve have scarce a little parson that docs not think it the duty of every man within his reach...ministrations ; and that whoever omits them, offends God. 1 wish to such more humility, and to you health and happiness ; being Your friend and servant, ]J....
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The Monthly repository (and review)., Volumen 12

1817 - 796 páginas
...themselves so good that they need 'not hear even him for improvement ; but now-a-days we have scarce a little parson that does not think it the 'duty of every man within his reach to sit under his petty ministratrations; and that whoever omits them, offends God. I wish to such more humility, and to you...
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The Edinburgh Observer: Or, Town and Country Magazine, Números 1-11

1817 - 292 páginas
...themselves so good that they need not hear even him for improvement ; hut now-a-days we have scarce a little parson that does not think it the duty of every...such more humility, and to you health and happiness ; heing your friend and servant." Ceremonial of taking poueaion of the duchy of Aiutria.— Europeao...
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The Private Correspondence of Benjamin Franklin, LL.D, F.R.S., &c ..., Volumen 1

Benjamin Franklin - 1817 - 524 páginas
...themselves so good that they need not hear even him for improvement ; but now-a-days we have scarce a little parson that does not think it the duty of every...ministrations ; and that whoever omits them, offends God. " j j»~ " " ' f " '** ' ;j TijC • ' I wish to such more humility, and to you health and hap* _ ....
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The Monthly Repository of Theology and General Literature, Volumen 12

1817 - 780 páginas
...they need not hear even him for improvement ; but now-a-days we have scarce a little parson that dpes not think it the duty of every man within his reach to sit under his petty ministratrations ; and that whoever omits them, offends God. I wish to such more humility, and to you...
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The British Review, and London Critical Journal, Volumen 11

1818 - 596 páginas
...themselves so good that they need not hear even him for improvement ; but now-a-days we have scarce a little parson that does not think it the duty of every...ministrations; and that whoever omits them, offends God." (Private Correspondence, p. 3, 4.) Dr. Franklin was not aware that good men, though they look upon...
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Annual Register, Volumen 59

Edmund Burke - 1818 - 1274 páginas
...themselves so good ,that they need not hear even him for improvement ; but now-a-days we have scarce a little parson th'at does not think it the duty of...ministrations ; and that whoever omits them, offends God. 1 wish to such more humility, and to you health and happiness ; being Your friend arid servant, B....
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The Private Correspondence of Benjamin Franklin ...: pt.I. Letters on ...

Benjamin Franklin - 1818 - 520 páginas
...themselves so good, that they need not hear even him for improvement ; but now-adays we have scarce a little parson that does not think it the duty of every...under his petty ministrations ; and that whoever omits tbem offends God. I Wish to such more humility, and to you health and happiJless; being ' : Your friend...
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The Annual Register, Or, A View of the History, Politics, and Literature for ...

1818 - 798 páginas
...they need not hear even him for improvement ; but now-a-days we have scarce a little parson that docs not think it the duty of every man within his reach...ministrations ; and that whoever omits them, offends God. 1 wish to such more humility, and to you health and happiness ; being Your friend and servant, K. FRANKLIN....
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The Christian Repository, Volumen 6

1826 - 302 páginas
...in his time so good, that they need not hear him for improvement; but now-a-dayswe have scarcely a little parson that does not think it the duty of every man within his reach to sit under his petty ministration, and that whoever omits this, offends God— I wish to such more humility, and to your...
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