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" Ignorant people may object that the upper lakes are fresh, and that cod and whale are salt water fish. But let them know, sir, that cod, like other fish when attacked by their enemies, fly into any water where they can be safest; that whales, when they... "
The works of Benjamin Franklin: with notes and a life of the author by J. Sparks - Página 292
de Benjamin Franklin - 1840
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Principles and Acts of the Revolution in America: Or, An Attempt to Collect ...

Hezekiah Niles - 1822 - 514 páginas
...like other fish, when attacked by their enemies, fly into any water they think they can he safest in; that whales, when they have a mind to eat cod, pursue them wherever they fly; and he should lay the tame before his majesty: and since that I have received satisfaction that our friends...
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Principles and Acts of the Revolution in America: Or, An Attempt to Collect ...

Hezekiah Niles - 1822 - 518 páginas
...other fish, when attacked by their enemies, fly into any water they think they can be »»feet in; that whales, when they have a mind to eat cod, pursue them wherever they fly; una that the grand leap of the whale in that chace up ly and only, for self defence." From Benjamin...
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Littell's Living Age, Volumen 235

1902 - 878 páginas
...letter in particular to the English papers, in which he declares that "the grand leap of the whale up the Falls of Niagara is esteemed by all who have...seen it as one of the finest spectacles in nature," is remarkable as being the first example in literary history of what is now generally recognized as...
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The Select Works of Benjamin Franklin: Including His Autobiography

Benjamin Franklin - 1855 - 522 páginas
...fish ; but let them know, sir, that cod, like other fish, when attacked by their enemies, fly into any water where they can be safest ; that whales,...that the grand leap of the whale in the chase up the Palls of Niagara is esteemed, by all who have seen it, as one of the finest spectacles in nature. Really,...
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The Works of Benjamin Franklin: Containing Several Political and ..., Volumen 7

Benjamin Franklin, Jared Sparks - 1856 - 608 páginas
...water fish; but let them know, Sir, that cod, like other fish when attacked by their enemies, fly into any water where they can be safest; that whales, when they have a mind to eat cod, pursue them wher •' ~7r they fly; and that the- gcaad leap of the.jr l 'V^. u U the chase up the Falls of Niagara...
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Benjamin Franklin : His Autobiography: With a Narrative of His Public Life ...

Benjamin Franklin - 1859 - 622 páginas
...fish ; but let them know, sir, that cod, like other fish, when attacked by their enemies, fly into any water where they can be safest; that whales, when...esteemed, by all who have seen it, as one of the finest jpectacles in nature. Really, sir, the world is grown too incredulous. It is like the pendulum, ever...
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Life and Times of Benjamin Franklin, Volumen 1

James Parton - 1865 - 672 páginas
...water fish ; but let them know, sir, that cod, like other fish, when attacked by their enemies fly into any water where they can be safest; that whales, when...Falls of Niagara is esteemed, by all who have seen it, MS one of the finest spectacles in nature. Really, sir, the world is grown too incredulous. * * * "Thus...
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Centennial Offering: Republication of the Principles and Acts of the ...

Hezekiah Niles - 1876 - 536 páginas
...like other fish, when attacked by their enemies, fly into any water they think they can be safest in ; that whales, when they have a mind to eat cod, pursue...they fly ; and that the grand leap of the whale in that chase up the falls of Niagara is esteemed by all who have seen it, as one of the finest spectacles...
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Benjamin Franklin's Life and Writings: A Bibliographical Essay on the ...

Henry Stevens (Jr.) - 1881 - 76 páginas
... I AjiT^.-V- •i.-'vvO FRANKLIN A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL ESSAY 'The grand leap of the whale in the chase up the Falls...seen it, as one of the finest spectacles in nature/ Franklin BENJAMIN FRANKLIN'S Life and Writings Bibliographical rLssay On the STEVENS' COLLECTION of...
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The Life of Benjamin Franklin, Written by Himself: Now First ..., Volumen 1

Benjamin Franklin - 1884 - 598 páginas
...water fish ; but let them know, Sir, that cod, like other fish when attacked by their enemies, fly into any water where they can be safest ; that whales, when they have a mind to eat cod, pursue then? wherever they fly ; and that the grand leap of the whale in the chase up the Falls of Niagara...
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