As fast in Paternoster Row, The double-quick of glory! Dear Public-that half guineas dropt a few The book drops its half-guinea now for you! Nor will the poet frown, Nor angry blame, If when deprived of money's double crown Poor Aubry's drawings-they were but the last To tell what Art and Humour lost in him! By war's adventure—or my mind misgives, R.A.-tho' not elected for this funnery, But, or for engineering or for gunnery, Elseway R.A.-by dint of Ordnance drillery, If I create him a Gun Cotton so, Amen! Gun Cotton now is all the go! And I've no doubt, without a word of scoff, Will make the "NEW TALE OF A TUB" go off! I see the Tale Pack'd in a Bale The Tiger charged-the Barrel well ramm'd down, And ready to explode for HALF-A-CROWN. F. W. N. BAYLEY. |