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frontispiece, with twisted columns niche, with statues of the Virgin and Child, is stuck against the old work, (much of which is yet in view, and is most beautiful). This frontispiece, it is said, was the work of Archbishop Laud; and as it was considered by the ignorant fanatics of his day a sort of forerunner of Popery, was made a high crime; which, with others of the same trifling nature, conduced to bring him to that fatal end all pious and loyal minds must for ever deplore. In the paintings of Rubens, Vandyke, and others of their school, are found these distortions of the elegant forms of the Roman and Grecian columns ; but we do not find our Jones ever debased his works with such a prevailing piece of architectural satire.


Mr. URBAN, July 16. T is revolting to every humane feeling of our nature to witness the ascendancy of ignorance and superstition at the present period. Although Vaccination has saved the lives of thousands of our fellow-creatures; although, instead of ravaging and mutilating our species, it confirms its beauty; although the Continent of Africa (which was formerly threatened by depopulation by the ravages of the Small Pox) is now enjoying the Sweets of health and security by the introduction and adoption of Vaccination; although the Board of Physicians are so convinced of the utility, afety, and humanity of Vaccination, as to adopt it, recommend it, and administer it gratis to as many as will apply for it; although every medical institution throughout the metropolis has discarded the Small Pox, and hailed and adopted Vaccination; although the British Senate has applauded and rewarded Jenner, the founder of Vaccination; although tributes of gratitude have poured from every part of the world, and the hearts of foreigners have overflowed, to view a current springing up against the strong tide of human misery; yet it is reserved for Englishmen! for the countrymen of Jenner! to endeavour to darken and obscure the rising sun of Vaccination by the clouds of prejudice, uperstition, and interested opposition. All the calumny and malevolence of party is exhibited, where humanity, co-operation, and affec

tion should be predominant. If an individual instance of failure occurs in Vaccination, it is exaggerated and blazoned, as though an important battle had been gained, or a country conquered; while innumerable instances of failure and death in the Small Pox are quashed and annihilated. If the subject of Vaccination is started, it is immediately accused of inefficacy and inadequacy; although, after an impartial examination and investigation of a number of alleged failures by the Board of Physicians, fewer real cases appeared than occur in Inoculation, and even those occasioned by the difficulty of procuring in many parts of the country fresh effective matter.

Vaccination is objected to by some on account of its alleged bestiality! but yet the very same persons have no objection to fatten and revel in the principal produce of the same animal! Is not pure animal matter preferable to human virus that perhaps has run through a succession of scrophulous and diseased generations? I disclaim all personal animosity or party spirit, in the production of this paper: nothing but the suffering cause of Humanity and the tears of bereaved mothers has occasioned it.

It is a lamentable and disgraceful thing that in an English city, not a hundred miles from the Metropolis, the Small Pox should be stalking from door to door in all its horrors, and that six little innocents should lie dead nearly at the same time in a corner of the same street, the unfortunate victims of ignorance and misrepresentation.

I appeal to parents whose children are deformed and scarred by this horrible infection, or who have unfortunately consigned their offspring to the grave, to acquire wisdom by experience, and by influence and example to stem the torrent of human woe.

If at the present enlightened period it is necessary to point out the superiority of Vaccination to Inoculation, I would give an individual feature of the former that ought to decide the question for ever.--Inoculation is infectious: Vaccination is not. Under my own observation, an Infant was Inoculated, the contagion spread in every direction; and in a very short time nearly the whole neighbourhood were bewailing

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I WAS very sincerely gratified the other day, by meeting with a small publication recently given to the world, and called, with the happiest felicity of title page, "The Frolics of the Sphynx." The volume comprizes a collection of Riddles and Charades, which are announced as entirely original; and, so far as I am competent, from a pretty familiar acquaintance with publications of a similar nature, to offer an opinion on the subject, they claim the additional merit of unequalled art and cleverness in the structure of them; and, in fact, form an exception to the general character of Riddle-books, of which Martial has given us a good definition, in his "Quædam mediocria, sunt mala plura." I cannot avoid thinking that such a publication, iusignificant and puerile as it may probably appear to the generality of your full-grown readers, is yet well calculated to answer a more serviceable end, than merely that of relieving the dulness of the breakfast-table, or the monotony of that half-hour, during which you sit wincing beneath the discipline of the hair-dresser.-I mean, if it were introduced into the winter assemblies of young persons, and made to supersede the predominant fashion of cards amongst them. It cannot be doubted that the amusement, excited by such a pastime, would be much more animated and rational; but then it will be said, "Who is this harsh and intolerant Zeno of the Nursery," who would mingle the Stoical severity of his system with the play-things of children, and debar the sweet cherubs from an innocent pool of Commerce,


Pope Joan? Let books be introduced in their proper places; but when the business of the day is over, let us all enjoy the harmless recreation of a game at cards." To which I beg leave to offer the following simple, though, I trust, satisfactory answer: If the games upon cards, so prevalent amongst children, were relinquished with other puerile sports, when the season of childhood had passed away, I should consider them quite as haimless as any other seden

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tary amusement. But the case is far otherwise. The love of two-penny Commerce ripens into the love of half-guinea Whist, and at length hardens into the pernicious habit of Card-playing; which, if it be not utterly unconquerable, yet, it must be allowed, is seldom, if ever, conquered, after it has been long indulged. I call "the habit pernicious, because I have the most settled conviction that it is generally productive of extreme irritation and fretfulness of temper; for, although the varnish of goodbreeding may often prevent the out ward display of these feelings, yet the fester rankles within upon the mind, and in a variety of ways disturbs the harmony and embitters the comfort of domestic life. But it is not my intention, Mr. Urban, to fatigue your Readers with a long and querulous moral essay upon this subject; I would rather hasten to refresh them with a few specimens of the compositions which have so much amused. me. The Frolics" contain some ingenious Riddles, recommended by very brilliant versification, upon the words Pen, Bark, Sword, &c.; but these, I fear, are too long for inser÷ tion in your Miscellany. Permit me, therefore, to offer to your notice a few of the Charades, which are much more short and chopping in their structure. I cannot help thinking that the three which follow are su perior to the celebrated one of the late Professor Porson upon Curfew, inasmuch as the three several limbs, of which the Charade is composed, dovetail, as it were, into each other, and form, in regard to sense, one connected whole; exempli gratiâ :

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"Whene'er my first, in calm repose,
Around the world my second throws,

Your eyes are seal'd in slumber deep;
But if, incautious and unwise,
You taste my whole, alas! those eyes
May rest in Death's unbroken sleep!"
Page 127.

There are a number of others
formed upon the same elegant prin-
ciple of coherence; but I am fearful
of trespassing too far, and shall rest
content with offering, for the sake of
variety, one more, in prose, which
I think is very humorously composed:
"Molly, the Cook-maid, stabbed des-
perately with my first; and because my
second, not being so hot as herself, re-
fused to roast quickly the impaled mar-
tyr, she flew into a violent passion, and
became my whole !"
Puge 80.

I will not add the solutions of these Charades, for the sake of tyrannising, though but for a moment, over the ingenuity of your fair readers, and in the confidence that their good humour will forgive this gentle cruelty in their devoted admirer, and your Constant Reader,



P. S. Can any of your Correspondents (who are more than Half Scholars) inform me when, and how, the name of James was introduced as a translation of Jacobus. Iaxwe is, I believe, undeclined, when translated Jacob, and Beza leaves it undeclined in the Latin; but the older versions, (or an older version placed by the side of Beza's) decline it from Ja cobus Matt. i. 2.; Matt. viii. 12.; Rom. ix. 13. In those days, therefore, if a man's name was conveyed in Latin, could it be known whether his name were Jacob or James?



July 10. HILST the Bibliomaniacal Fever rages, the following de scription of the Toledo Missal may not be unacceptable to your numerous Readers. It is extracted from Osborne's Catalogue of 1751; and the price asked for it was 35 pounds.

"Missale Mixtum secundùm Regulam Beati Isidori dictum Mozarabes; Toleti 1500." This is the scarcest Book in the whole World. At the end of it are the following words, which deserve to be in serted here:-" Ad Laudem Omnipotentis Dei, necnon Virginis Mariæ Matria ejus, Omnium Sanctorum Sanctarumque, expletum Missále secundum

July 13. HE interpretation of 1 Sam. xii. Tel, given in your Mag. for June Exquium Beati liidori dictum Mozalast, p. 537, would be very honour rabes: Maxima cum Diligentia perlec able to human nature, and to David, tum & emendatum, per Reveren dumin and appears when referred to the Sep- utroque Jure Doctorem Dominum Al tuagint and the Latin translation in fonsum Ortiz, Canonicum Toletanum. my possession, as by no means a forced Impressum in Regal. Civitate Toleti, Jussu Reverendissimi in Christo Patris one. (The Greek is Oxy the Latin, Domini D. Francisci Ximenii, ejusdem subjecil). But unfortunately, another Civitatis Archiepiscopi. Impensis Nopart of the Bible seems expressly to subbilis Melchioris Gorricii Novariensis, vert it; viz. the parallel history in 1 per Magistrum Petrum Hagembach, Chron. xx. 3: "And he brought out Alemanum, Anno Salutis nostræ 1500, the people that were in it (in Rabbah), Die 290 Mensis Januarii." This is supe and cut them with saws and with har-posed to be the antient Missal amended rows of iron and with axes: even so dealt David with all the cities of the children of Ammon." TheGreek is here διέπρισε πριοσι· "He sawed through, or into them with saws," &c. The Latin is dissecuit. Of the Hebrew I can say nothing, as I do not understand it. The criticks who have undertaken to Wipe away from David this revolting charge of cruelty, ought certainly to have cleared it up under both relations; it must otherwise unavoidably continue a matter of doubt to the unlearned reader. A HALF SCHOLAR. GENT. MAG. July, 1812.

and purged by St. Isidore, Archbishop
of Sevil, and ordered by the Council of
Toledo to be used in all churches, every
'one of which before that time had a
Missal peculiar to itself. The Moors
afterwards committing great ravages in
Spain, destroying the churches, and
throwing every thing there, both civil
and sacred, into confusion, all St. Isi-
dore's Missals, excepting those in the
city of Toledo, were lost. But those
were preserved, even after the Moors
had made themselves masters of that
city; since they left six of the churches
there to the Christians, and granted


them the free exercise of their religion. Alphonsus the Sixth, many ages afterwards, expelled the Moors from Toledo, and ordered the Roman Missal to be

used in those churches, where St. Isidore's Missal had been in vogue ever since the Council above-mentioned. But the people of Toledo, insisting that their Missal was drawn up by the most antient

Bishops, revised and corrected by St. Isidore, proved to be the best by the great number of Saints who had followed it, and been preserved during the whole time of the Moorish government in Spain, he could not bring his project to bear without great difficulty. In short, the contest between the Roman and Toletan Missals came to that height, that, according to the genius of the age, it was decided by a single combat, wherein the champion of the Toletan Missal proved victorious. But king Alphonsus, say some of the Spanish writers, not being satisfied with this, which he considered as the effect of chance only, ordered a fast to be proclaimed, and a great fire to be then made; into which, after the king and people had prayed fervently to God for his assistance in this affair, both the Missals were thrown, but the Toletan, only, escaped the violence of the flames. This, continue the same authors, made such an impression upon the king, that he permitted the citizens of Toledo to use their own Missal in those churches that had

been granted the Christians by the Moors. However, the copies of this Missal grew afterwards so scarce, that Cardinal Ximenes found it extremely

difficult to meet with one of them; which induced him to order this impression, and to build a Chapel, in which this Service was chanted every day, as it had at first been by the antient Christians. But, notwithstanding this, the copies of the Toletan Missal are become now so exceeding rare, that it is at present almost in as much danger of being bufied in oblivion, as it was when committed to the press by Cardinal Ximenes."

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the Margaret Professor and his advocates use, is the not adding to the gift of a Bible, a Prayer-Book; but, on consideration, we shall find even this but a very flimsy argument. I would ask Dr. M. and his unknown advocate, whether is it better that we should give a Bible, as the Society now does, without a prayerbook? or shall we, because the latter is not tendered, refrain from giving altogether? that is, because we cannot do all the good we could wish, shall we do none? or shall we neglect the feeding of the poor, because we cannot also clothe them ? But the spirit of controversy (and a very evil spirit it is) is not to be satisfied by reason and facts; an objection, no matter however ill-founded, must be made. We do not, say they, so much object to the circulation of the Bible, but because of the "extensive omis

sion of the Liturgy;" but this is frivolous to a degree, inasmuch as it cannot be proved that the Liturgy is wilfully omitted: it not being within the means of the Society to circulate both, the better of the two is preferred; and more especially because there is another Society of which Dr. M. is a member, which has the power, and perhaps the will, of counteracting what they think the evil effects produced by the extension of the Bible by the equally wide one of the Prayer-book. The objections, then, on this score, evidently fall to the ground.

Another plea is, the mischief which will ensue from the co-operation of Churchmen with Dissenters. We are taught, by the Scriptures, to prosecute in one bond of mutual confidence the labour of love. And it is not only a false, but an illiberal reflexion, to suppose that the Dissenters will use their influence to inculcate doctrines inimical to the Establishment. The Bible has ever been considered the standard on which to ground our faith. Our Fathers have told us it is by the examples and the doctrines there set before us, we are to regulate all our actions. What dangers, then, can result from the extensive circulation of that book of books? and what in the name of commonsense does it signify, whether the heart that dictates and the hand that bestows the present, is a Churchman's or a Dissenter's? I cannot better conclude this article than by strength

ening it with the language of two men whose opinions deserve at least equal attention with that of the Cambridge Margaret Professor of Divinity. "It is not simply to the diffusion of the Bible," says Mr. Vansittart, "but to the co-operation of all Christians to diffuse it, and to the effect of such a co-operation on our own hearts, that I look, not only for the establishment of Christian faith, but the extension of Christian charity:" and says Mr. Dealtry: "God forbid that we should seek to deprive our Church of the distinguished honour of assisting and co-operating with good. men, though not of our own communion, in the diffusion of universal blessing." BIBLICUS.


Mr. URBAN, Alton, July 10. AM sorry I cannot give Fabricius (page 544 of your First Part) all the information he requires.-In the Pedigree alluded to in my former letter, page 432, there is no notice of the Herons before Sir Nicholas, who is mentioned as the maternal grandfather of Anne Barham, who, in the latter end of the reign of Queen Elizabeth married Sir Oliver Boteler. In the margin of the Pedigree are the full arms of Sir Nicholas Heron, with a note stating that the first Coat is Heron; second, Bond; third, Alphen; and fourth, Petit. There is no other notice of the Herons or their alliances; but from the above disposition of his armorial bearings, there can be no question, I conceive, that Sir Nicholas must have obtained his right to quarter the coat of Petit through his mother, who, I find, from the History of Surrey, was Elizabeth, daughter and co-heir of William Bond.

I have no means of ascertaining at what period Thomas Heron, the father of Sir Nicholas, married; but in the History of Surrey, vol. II. p. 544, he is stated to have died in 1518.

The arms of Petit as given in the above Pedigree are Argent, a chevron engrailed Gules, between three Bugle Horns.

A HAMPSHIRE GENEALOGIST. P.S. In p. 549 of the Hist. of Surrey, it is said that Thomas Heron died in 1544; which is correct, I cannot tell : but his son Sir Nicholas, certainly died in 1568. See History of Surrey, vol. 11. and Lysons's Environs, vol. I.

Mr. URBAN, Orton-on-Hill, July 19.

Heft white marble monument HE following inscription is on a against the North wall in the Parish Church of Orton-on-the-Hill, Leicestershire, in memory of the late truly pious, charitable, and good-disposed wife of Rev. Joseph Phillimore.


"Near this stone lie the remains of Mary Wife of the Rev. Joseph Phillimore, Vicar of this Parish;

second daughter of John Machin,
of Kensington, Middlesex, Esq.
Born August 12th, 1751.
Married January 5th, 1775.
Died February 2d, 1810.
Blessed are the pure in heart;
for they shall see God."

In the church-yard, on a tombstone to the memory of the late Edward Brown, that once-admired fine tenor-singer (see Barr Chapel, in Shaw's History of Staffordshire, vol. II. page 106, &c.) is the following inscription:



"In memory of Edward Brown, Professor of Musick, who departed this life February 19, 1811, in his 63d year Lord, tune my heart within my breast, And frame it to thy holy will, And let thy Spirit within me rest,

Which may my soul with comfort fill." Brown, who died July 1, 1786, aged 35 "In memory of Mary wife of Edward


Also of Elizabeth, daughter of Edward and Mary Brown, who died Fe bruary 7th, 1800, aged 21 years."

At Orton-on-the-Hill there is a

Wake kept annually on the Sunday previous to September 4, or St. Bartholomew O. S.

At the Bean-hills, Richard Inge, esq. in 1811 built a handsome hall for his family-residence.

A new village has been built by the Earl of Moira (by name, Moira Town), near his Lordship's iron-foundery, coal-works, &c. upon Ashby built with stone; it is said that fifty Woulds. It consists of fifty houses, more houses are to be built in this new village, in the parish of Ashbyde-la-Zouch.

In the chancel of Ashby-de-la-Zouch: "In memory of the Rev. John Prior, B. D. vicar of this parish and of Packington, and master of the grammar school in this town. He died October 15, 1803, aged 74. Also of Anne his wife, who died July 20, 1774, aged 43,"

On a tomb erected on the South of the tower at Ashby-de-la-Zouch:



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