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are) committed, and that too by persons, as I before observed, who ought to know better.

I was more immediately led to make these observations, by the style in which the Earl of Wellington's advancement to a Marquisate was announced in the Gazette of Tuesday last. Not that it falls within either of the cases above stated, for it is perfectly anomalous, as a very few observations will tend to shew. The noble Lord is announced in the Gazette as "Marquis Wellington, of Wellington." This mode of framing the title may perhaps be proper, but it appears to me to be perfectly novel. There is not, I believe, an instance in the peerage of either Marquis or Earl attaching the name of the place to the fitle, in the way in which this is done. Had the noble Lord been announced as" Marquis of Wellington," I should have understood it; but at present I must confess I do not. Surely we might as well say Charles Ingoldsby Paulet, Marquis Winchester of Winchester, or Charles Talbot, Earl Shrewsbury of Shrewsbury, as to say Marquis Wellington of Wellington. AN OCCASIONAL CORRESPONDENT.

Aug. 27. Aheme,big T a time, big with improvement,

advancing towards perfection, and a new Coinage is in contemplation, I would wish to draw the attention of those more immediately concerned, to the inconvenience still felt by the people at large, for want of greater accommodation in money transac tions, in respect to the current Coin of the Realm. The pieces issued by the Bank of England, during the late scarcity of Silver, have certainly been extremely convenient to the publick; but to the coin itself I would state many objections. It is an essential point that the value of the Coir, issued by Government, should be of such denomination as to admit of the greatest facility in all pecuniary transactions; and the value of each piece should be such as to correspond with the other pieces, either of the same metal or otherwise, of a greater or a lesser denomination; and, to be as simple as possible, they should not be greater in number than is necessary for that purpose. With respect to the execution of the Coin, it is un

necessary for me to make any remark, as the propriety of its excellence must be sufficiently obvious to every one who has given the smallest attention to the subject. To effect the pur

poses in view, and which, from a little consideration, I presume will be evideut, I would propose that the Coin, issued in future from the Mint should be of the denomination and value as under:



Farthing Halfpenny id. Penny.

6d. Sixpence

Is. Shilling


2s. Half-crown

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From a view of the above list it will appear that the Gold Coin is intended to correspond with our mode of calculation by Pounds.-And as the 10s. piece is the smallest of that metal, it is clear that Silver will be saved, and reckonings be more easily adjusted, by the use of the Regent and Half-regent; and here I must observe, the same accommodation Bank to call in their would be given the publick were the

Notes, and issue Notes of Two Pounds Ten Shillings in lieu of them. The present Crowns of 5s. or the Bank Tokens of 58. 6d. each, are too large and heavy for the pocket; and as the Crown and Half-crown of 4s. and 2s. here proposed are even parts of a pound, they are considered more eligible.

As a great proportion of the Coin of the Realm has for some time past disappeared, and as, without a new coinage, we are likely to be sine pecunia, I hope you will give publicity to the observations of

[blocks in formation]

ministry, it has been my unwearied endeavour to spread neatness over the sacred domain; but I never could get assistance for that end. I am a Country Vicar, having a parish five miles long, by three miles and a half or four miles wide, with a population of about 1600 persons spread over it. The duties and calls to so many persons must be very great, and I hope and trust they were conscientiously done. But I could not have the necessary comfort of keeping a horse for that purpose, till late in life, for the reasons chiefly subjoined. My glebe is all very remote from the vicarage; and I never could get any land to pasture my horse (hay I could buy); I was therefore obliged at last to make the Church-yard the pasture. Having taken so much pains to make it neat, this was grievous to me. I represented to the parishioners, that the tread of a horse was too heavy for such a place, and requested that they would take it, finding me an equivalent of pasturage; but my suit was in vain. I then tried to get a quarter of an acre to produce lucerne, but with the same bad success. I then applied to a neighbour, whose ricks and fold-yard are within 20 yards of the Church-yard, proposing that he should eat off the bite with sheep, (the pains I had taken had made the sward good); and that he should let me have a little field in his possession; and for whatever it measured more than the Church-yard I would pay at the rate of six pounds an acre; but I was refused! Nobody belonging to me lies in the Church-yard. Strange! that a man thus circumstanced should be the only person anxious for the neatness of the place; while they whose ancestors, relations, and friends, are buried there, will not look at the matter. I believe there have been more inclosures in the diocese of Lincoln than any other: and when inclosure has taken place, Bp. Tomline has, if possible, taken care that some land should be allotted near to the Parsonage, in order that there might be residence. Were it not for the Church-yard, I presume, I must quit my station. Surely the horse of a pains-taking Clergyman is kept for the most important of purposes. And strange that he shall be the least accommodated!

Yours, &c.




Sept. 1. HE Coventry District Committee of the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge, in a recent Circular Address to their Christian Brethren, have given the following abridged account of that Establishment; with a request for their active co-operation in promoting the designs of the Society; a duty, under existing circumstances, peculiarly incumbent on every friend to the advancement of Christianity. WARVICEN SIS.

"This Society was established by the charitable and praise-worthy exertions of a few individuals in the year 1698, and from that period its establishment and revenue have been gradually enlarged, not only by increased subscrip tions, but by the income arising from the most valuable legacies and donations. Great, however, in return has been the expenditure. Missionaries repeatedly sent out (and constantly maintained at the expence of the Society) to Colonies and Factories beyond the Seas, under the jurisdiction of Great Britain-The Holy Scriptures translated into various languages Charity Schools at different periods erected-Bibles and Books of Common Prayer, together with approved Religious Tracts, not only bound at the expence of the Society, and sold at reduced prices for the benevolent use of its Members, but gratuitously distributed to Commanders of Vessels in the Royal Navy, and to Captains of East India ships-Prisons and Workhouses likewise supplied with books, have formed an important part of that expenditure, and subjected the Society at the close of which reduced their capital more than the year 1810 to an accumulated debt,


"The sincere Friends of Christianity will learn with pleasure the causes of the increased demands upon the Parent Society; namely, the great expence incurred by printing a new and enlarged edition of the Welsh Bible, added to the zeal of those who have been active in diffusing the knowledge of Salvation, and the thirst which has been exhibited in the most gratifying degree by the poorer classes, to imbibe that knowledge. Yet these causes, however pleasing in themselves, have created such an additional call upon the Funds of the Society, as can alone be met by all the

collective and individual exertions of the Diocesan and District Committees.

"The Committee do not presume to dictate the mode in which either their present Members, or those who may wish to unite with them in this labour


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