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highly complex. The housewife is called upon to be an amateur electrician, mechanic, chemist, toxicologist, dietitian, and mathematician-but she is rarely furnished the information she needs to perform these tasks proficiently.

Marketing is increasingly impersonal. Consumer choice is influenced by mass advertising utilizing highly developed arts of persuasion. The consumer typically cannot known whether drug preparations meet minimum standards of safety, quality, and efficacy. He usually does not know how much he pays for consumer credit; whether one prepared food has more nutritional value than another; whether the performance of a product will in fact meet his needs; or whether the "large economy size" is really a bargain.

Nearly all of the programs offered by this administration-e.g., the expansion of world trade, the improvement of medical care, the reduction of passenger taxes, the strengthening of mass transit, the development of conservation and recreation areas and low-cost powerare of direct or inherent importance to consumers. Additional legislative and administrative action is required, however, if the Federal Government is to meet its responsibility to consumers in the exercise of their rights. These rights include

(1) The right to safety-to be protected against the marketing of goods which are hazardous to health or life.

(2) The right to be informed-to be protected against fraudulent, deceitful, or grossly misleading information, advertising, labeling, or other practices, and to be given the facts he needs to make an informed choice.

(3) The right to choose-to be assured, wherever possible, access to a variety of products and services at competitive prices; and in those industries in which competition is not workable and Government regulation is substituted, an assurance of satisfactory quality and service at fair prices.

(4) The righe to be heard-to be assured that consumer interests will receive full and sympathetic consideration in the formulation of Government policy, and fair and expeditious treatment in its administrative tribunals.

To promote the fuller realization of these consumer rights, it is necessary that existing Government programs be strengthened, that Government organization be improved, and, in certain areas, that new legislation be enacted.


This administration has sponsored a wide range of specific actions to strengthen existing programs. Major progress has already been achieved or is in prospect in several important areas. And the 1963 budget includes recommendations to improve the effectiveness of almost every major program of consumer protection.

(1) Food and drug protection Thousands of common household items now available to consumers contain po

tentially harmful substances. Hundreds of new uses for such products as food additives, food colorings, and pesticides are found every year, adding new potential hazards. To provide better protection and law enforcement in this vital area, I have recommended a 25-percent increase in staff for the Food and Drug Administration in the budget now pending before the Congress, the largest single increase in the agency's history. In addition, to assure more effective registration of pesticides, a new division has been established in the Department of Agriculture; and increased appropriations have been requested for pesticide regulation and for meat and poultry inspection activities.

(2) Safer transportation

As Americans make more use of highway and air transportation than any other nation, increased speed and congestion have required us to take special safety measures.

The Federal Aviation Agency has reexamined the Nation's air traffic control requirements and is designing an improved system to enhance the safety and efficiency of future air traffic.

The Secretary of Commerce has established an Office of Highway Safety in the Bureau of Public Roads to promote public support of highway safety standards, coordinate use of highway safety research findings, and encourage cooperation of State and local governments, industry, and allied groups-the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare is likewise strengthening its accident prevention work-and the Interstate Commerce Commission is strengthening its enforcement of safety requirements for motor carriers.

In addition, I am requesting the Departments of Commerce and of Health, Education, and Welfare, to review, with representatives of the automobile industry, those changes in automobile design and equipment which will help reduce the unconscionable toll of human life on the highways and the pollution of the air we breathe. Additional legislation does not appear required at this time in view of the automobile industry's action to incorporate in the new model design changes which will reduce air pollution.

(3) Financial protection Important steps are being taken to help assure more adequate protection for the savings that prudent consumers lay aside for the future purchase of costly items, for the rainy day, for their children's education, or to meet their retirement needs.

Legislation enacted last year has strengthened the insurance program of the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation.

The Securities and Exchange Commission has undertaken at the request of the Congress a major investigation of the securities market which should provide the basis for later legislation and administrative measures.

The Postmaster General and the Department of Justice have stepped up enforcement of the mail fraud statutes.

Arrests for mail fraud last year set an alltime record; and convictions increased by 35 percent over the previous year.

(4) More effective regulation

The independent regulatory agencies also report increased emphasis on programs directly helpful to consumers.

The Interstate Commerce Commission has instituted proceedings designed to prevent excessive charges for moving household goods in interstate commerce.

The Civil Aeronautics Board has recently taken action to protect air travelers from abuses of overbooking.

The Federal Trade Commission has intensified its actions against deceptive trade practices and false advertising affecting a variety of goods, including refrigerators, house paint, sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, kitchen utensils, food wrapping, and carpets.

The Federal Power Commission is initiating a vigorous program to assure consumers of reasonable natural gas prices while assuring them of adequate supplies—revitalizing all of its regulatory programs in the electric power field—and undertaking a national power survey designed to identify ways of bringing down power costs in the decades ahead by making the best possible use of our capital and energy resources; and I recommend that the Congress enact legislation and make available funds to enable the Commission to provide for 34 million natural gas consumers the information similar to that now provided electrical consumers on typical bills in various areas, thus spotlighting abnormally high rates and stimulating better industry performance.

The Federal Communications Commission is actively reviewing the television network program selection process and encouraging the expanded development of educational television stations: and it will also step up in fiscal year 1963 its enforcement program to prevent interference with air navigation signals, distress calls, and other uses of radio important to public safety.

For all of the major regulatory agencies, I am recommending increased appropriations for 1963 to provide the increased staff necessary for more effective protection of the consumer and public interest.

Of the important changes in agency organizational procedure recommended last year to eliminate delays and strengthen decisionmaking, the great majority have been authorized by reorganization plans or legislation and are being put into practice by agency heads; and, to permit similar improvements in the operations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Federal Power Commission through greater delegation of assignments, I recommend enactment this year of legislation along the lines of S. 2135 for the SEC and S. 1605 and H.R. 6956 for the FPC.

(5) Housing costs and quality The largest purchase most consumers make in their lifetimes is a home. In the past year, significant steps have been taken to reduce the cost of financing

housing and to improve housing quality. The level of interest rates and other charges on mortgage loans has been reduced by a variety of Federal actions. Under authority provided by the Housing Act of 1961, new programs have been started (a) to encourage experimental construction methods likely to develop better housing at lower cost, (b) to provide lower interest rates and longer maturities on loans for rehabilitation of existing housing, (c) to provide especially low cost rental housing for moderate income families, and (d) to provide housing for domestic farm labor. The same legislation also authorized demonstration grants to develop better methods of providing housing for low income families.

(6) Consumer information and researchand consumer representation in Government

Government can help consumers to help themselves by developing and making available reliable information.

The Housing and Home Finance Agency will undertake, under the budget proposed for fiscal 1963, new studies to discover ways of reducing monthly housing expenses, lowering the cost of land for homebuilding, and minimizing financing charges.

The Department of Agriculture is undertaking similar research designed to help raise rural housing standards and reduce costs.

The Food and Drug Administration will expand its consumer consultant program which, together with the home demonstration program of the Agriculture Extension Service, now provides valuable information directly to consumers on product trends, food standards, and protection guides.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics is now conducting a nationwide survey of consumer expenditures, income, and savings, which will be used to update the widely used Consumer Price Index and to prepare model family budgets.

Too little has been done to make available to consumers the results of pertinent Government research. In addition to the types of studies mentioned above, many agencies are engaged-as aids to those principally concerned with their activities, in cooperation with industry or for Federal procurement purposes-in testing the performance of certain products, developing standards and specifications, and assembling a wide range of related information which would be of immense use to consumers and consumer organizations. The beneficial results of these efforts in the Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, and Health, Education, and Welfare, and in the General Services Administration and other agencies-should be more widely published. This is but one part of a wider problem: the failure of governmental machinery to assure specific consideration of the consumer's needs and point of view. With this in mind, I am directing:

First, that the Council of Economic Advisers create a Consumers' Advisory Council, to examine and provide advice

to the Government on issues of broad economic policy, on governmental programs protecting consumer needs, and on needed improvements in the flow of consumer research material to the public; this Consumers' Council will also give interested individuals and organizations a voice in these matters;

Second, that the head of each Federal agency whose activities bear significantly on consumer welfare designate a special assistant in his office to advise and assist him in assuring adequate and effective attention to consumer interests in the work of the agency, to act as liaison with consumer and related organizations, and to place increased emphasis on preparing and making available pertinent findings for consumers in clear and usable form; and

Third, that the Postmaster General undertake a pilot program by displaying in at least 100 selected post offices, samples of publications useful to consumers and by providing facilities for the easier purchase of such publications.


In addition to the foregoing measures, new legislative authority is also essential to advance and protect the consumer interest.

(A) Strengthen regulatory authority over foods and drugs

The successful development of more than 9,000 new drugs in the last 25 years has saved countless lives and relieved millions of victims of acute and chronic illnesses. However, new drugs are being placed on the market with no requirement that there be either advance proof that they will be effective in treating the diseases and conditions for which they are recommended or the prompt reporting of adverse reactions. These new drugs present greater hazards as well as greater potential benefits than ever before-for they are widely used, they are often very potent, and they are promoted by aggressive sales campaigns that may tend to overstate their merits and fail to indicate the risks involved in their

For example, over 20 percent of the new drugs listed since 1956 in the publication "New and Non-Official Drugs" were found, upon being tested, to be incapable of sustaining one or more of their sponsor's claims regarding their therapeutic effect. There is no way of measuring the needless suffering, the money innocently squandered, and the protraction of illnesses resulting from the use of such ineffective drugs.

The physician and consumer should have the assurance, from an impartial scientific source, that any drug or therapeutic device on the market today is safe and effective for its intended use; that it has the strength and quality represented; and that the accompanying promotional material tells the full storyits bad effects as well as its good. They should be able to identify the drug by a simple, common name in order to avoid confusion and to enable the purchaser to buy the quality drugs he actually needs at the lowest competitive price.

Existing law gives no such assurance to the consumer-a fact highlighted by the thoroughgoing investigation led by Senator Kefauver. It is time to give American men, women, and children the same protection we have been giving hogs, sheep, and cattle since 1913, under an act forbidding the marketing of worthless serums and other drugs for the treatment of these animals.

There are other problems to meet in this area:

An extensive underground traffic exists in habit-forming barbiturates (sedatives) and amphetamines (stimulants). Because of inadequate supervision over distribution, these drugs are contributing to accidents, to juvenile delinquency and to crime.

Two billion dollars' worth of cosmetics are marketed yearly, many without adequate safety testing. Thousands of women have suffered burns and other injuries to the eyes, skin, and hair by untested or inadequately tested beauty aids.


Factory inspections now authorized by the pure food and drug laws are seriously hampered by the fact that the law does not clearly require the manufacturer to allow inspection of certain records. uncooperative small minority of manufacturers can engage in a game of hideand-seek with the Government in order to avoid adequate inspection. But protection of the public health is not a game. It is of vital importance to each and every citizen.

A fifth of all the meat slaughtered in the United States is not now inspected by the Department of Agriculture, because the coverage of the Meat Inspection Act is restricted to meat products moving across State lines. This incomplete coverage contributes to the diversion of unhealthy animals to processing channels where the products are uninspected and can, therefore, be a threat to human health.

In short, existing laws in the food, drug, and cosmetic area are inadequate to assure the necessary protection the American consumer deserves. To overcome these serious statutory gaps, I recommend:

(1) First, legislation to strengthen and broaden existing laws in the foodand-drug field to provide consumers with better, safer, and less expensive drugs, by authorizing the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare to

(a) Require a showing that new drugs and therapeutic devices are effective for their intended use as well as safe-before they are placed on the market;

(b) Withdraw approval of any such drug or device when there is substantial doubt as to its safety or efficacy, and require manufacturers to report any information bearing on its safety or efficacy;

(c) Require drug and therapeutic device manufacturers to maintain facilities and controls that will assure the reliability of their product;

(d) Require batch-by-batch testing and certification of all antibiotics;

(e) Assign simple common names to drugs;

(f) Establish an enforceable system of preventing the illicit distribution of habit-forming barbiturates and amphetamines:

(g) Require cosmetics to be tested and proved safe before they are marketed; and

(h) Institute more effective inspection to determine whether food, drug. cosmetics, and therapeutic devices are being manufactured and marketed in accordance with the law;

(2) Second, legislation to authorize the Federal Trade Commission to require that advertising of prescription drugs directed to physicians disclose the ingredients, the efficacy, and the adverse effects of such drugs; and

(3) Third, legislation to broaden the coverage of the Meat Inspection Act administered by the Department of Agriculture, to promote adequate inspection-in cooperation with the States and industry-of all meat slaughtered in the United States.

(B) Require "truth in lending" Consumer debt outstanding, including mortgage credit, has almost tripled in the last decade and now totals well over $200 billion. Its widespread availability has given consumers more flexibility in the timing of their purchases. But, in many instances, serious abuses have occurred. Under the chairmanship of Senator Douglas, a subcommittee of the Senate Banking and Currency Committee has been conducting a detailed examination of such abuses. The testimony received shows a clear need for protection of consumers against charges

of interest rates and fees far higher than apparent without any real knowledge on the part of the borrowers of the true amounts they are being charged. Purchasers of used cars in one study, for example, paid interest charges averaging 25 percent a year, and ranging well above this; yet very few were aware of how much they were actually paying for


Excessive and untimely use of credit arising out of ignorance of its true cost is harmful both to the stability of the economy and to the welfare of the public. Legislation should, therefore, be enacted requiring lenders and vendors to disclose to borrowers in advance the actual amounts and rates which they will be paying for credit. Such legislation, similar in this sense to the truth-in-securities laws of 1933-34, would not control prices or charges. But it would require full disclosure to installment buyers and other prospective credit users, and thus permit consumers to make informed decisions before signing on the dotted line. Inasmuch as the specific credit practices which such a bill would be designed to correct are closely related to and often combined with other types of misleading trade practices which the Federal Trade Commission is already regulating. I recommend that enforcement of the new authority be assigned to the Commission. The Government agencies most concerned in this area have been cooperat

ing with the subcommittee in developing the information necessary to prepare a workable and effective bill; and in view of the exhaustive hearings already held. I hope that the Congress can complete action on this important matter before it adjourns.

(C) Manufacture of all-channel television


Five out of six home television receiv

ers today are equipped to receive programs on only the 12 very high frequency (VHF) channels. As a result, in most areas, stations desiring to operate on any of the 70 ultra-high-frequency (UHF) channels would usually have such small audiences that there is little incentive to make the substantial initial investment and continuing expenditures that effective broadcasting requires. The result is a sharply restricted choice for consumers.

After extensive study, the Federal Communications Commission has concluded that an effective and genuinely competitive nationwide television service, with adequate provision for local outlets and educational stations, is not possible within the narrow confines of 12 VHF channels. Legislation now before the Congress would authorize the Commission to prescribe the performance characteristics of all new television receivers shipped in interstate commerce to assure that they can receive both VHF and UHF signals. I strongly urge its passage as the most economical and practical method of broadening the range of programs available. This step, together with the Federal aid for construction of educational television stations

which is nearing final passage by the Congress, will speed the full realization of television's great potential.

(D) Strengthen laws promoting competition and prohibiting monopoly

The most basic and longstanding protections for the right of consumers, to a choice at a competitive price, are the various laws designed to assure effective competition and to prevent monopoly The Sherman Act of 1890, the Clayton Act of 1914, and many related laws are the strongest shields the consumer possesses against the growth of unchecked monopoly power. In addition to the measure now nearing final passage which would provide subpena powers for civil as well as criminal antitrust investigations, several other improvements are needed:

(1) The Federal Trade Commission should be empowered to issue temporary cease-and-desist orders against the continuance of unfair competitive practices while cases concerned with permanent relief from such practices are pending before the Commission. Under the present law, smaller competitors may be driven into bankruptcy or forced to accept merger on adverse terms long before present remedies become effective, thus reducing the competitive safeguards vital for the consumer. Similarly, deceptive trade practices, in consumer goods may do their damage long before the Commission can "lock the barn door." I, therefore, reiterate my pre

vious recommendation that the Congress give prompt consideration to effective legislation to accomplish this purpose.

(2) The consumer's right to a reasonable price can also be adversely affected by mergers of two business firms which substantially reduce effective competition. As in the case of unfair methods of competition, damage once done is often irreparable, and the Government, acting through the courts, cannot readily restore the degree of competition existing prior to the merger. Accordingly, I strongly recommend enactment of legislation to require reasonable advance notice to the Department of Justice and to the appropriate commission or board of any merger expected to result in a firm of substantial size. This will enable the businessman to obtain advice in advance, without litigation, as to whether a proposed merger would be regarded as contrary to the public interest. In addition, along with the recommended authority for the FTC to issue cease-anddesist orders, it is an essential safeguard against combinations which might cause unwarranted increases in consumer prices.

(3) In view of the potentially anticompetitive abuses to which the use of patents and trademarks are by nature subject, I recommend

Enactment of legislation requiring publication of the terms of all settlement agreements between different persons applying for patent rights on the same invention—for recent hearings have shown that such agreements may include features designed to weaken future competition at the expense of the consumer; and

Enactment of legislation authorizing the FTC to apply for the cancellation of any trademark which is, or becomes, the common descriptive name of an article and thus should be in the public domain.

While a competitor has such a right today, it is important—if the FTC is to have clear authority to halt this kind of unfair commercial advantage-that the Senate insert this provision in its review of trademark legislation (HR. 4333) already approved by the House.

(E) “Truth in packaging"

Just as consumers have the right to know what is in their credit contract, so also do they have the right to know what is in the package they buy. Senator HART and his subcommittee are to be commended for the important investigation they are now conducting into packaging and labeling practices.

In our modern society good packaging meets many consumer needs, among them convenience, freshness, safety, and attractive appearance. But often in recent years, as the hearings have demonstrated, these benefits have been accompanied by practices which frustrate the consumer's efforts to get the best value for his dollar. In many cases the label seems designed to conceal rather than to reveal the true contents of the package. Sometimes the consumer cannot readily ascertain the net amount of the product. or the ratio of solid contents to air. Fre

quently he cannot readily compute the comparative costs per unit of different brands packed in odd sizes, or of the same brand in large, giant, king-size, or jumbo packages. And he may not realize that changes in the customary size or shape of the package may account for apparent bargains, or that "cents off" promotions are often not real savings.

Misleading, fraudulent, or unhelpful practices such as these are clearly incompatible with the efficient and equitable functioning of our free competitive economy. Under our system, consumers have a right to expect that packages will carry reliable and readily usable information about their contents. And those manufacturers whose products are sold in such packages have a right to expect that their competitors will be required to adhere to the same standards. Upon completion of our own survey of these packaging and labeling abuses, in full cooperation with the Senate subcommittee, I shall make recommendations as to the appropriate roles of private business and the Federal Government in improving packaging standards and achieving more specific disclosure of the quantity and ingredients of the product inside the package in a form convenient to and usable by the consumer.

As all of us are consumers, these actions and proposals in the interest of consumers are in the interest of us all. The budgetary investment required by these programs is very modest-but they can yield rich dividends in strengthening our free competitive economy, our standard of living and health, and our traditionally high ethical patterns of business conduct. Fair competition aids both usable by the consumer.

It is my hope that this message, and the recommendations and requests it contains, can help alert every agency and branch of Government to the needs of our consumers. Their voice is not always as loudly heard in Washington as the voices of smaller and better organized groups-nor is their point of view always defined and presented. But under our economic as well as our political form of democracy, we share an obligation to protect the common interest in every decision we make. I ask the Congress, and every department and agency, to help in the fulfillment of that obligation.

THE WHITE HOUSE, March 15, 1962.

The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communication from the Under Secretary of Commerce, transmitting a draft of proposed legislation to provide penalties for certain offenses committed in connection with highway construction; which, with the accompanying paper, was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.


Mr. CARLSON presented a resolution of the board of directors of the Central Industrial District Association, Kansas City, Mo., favoring necessary funds for

the planning and construction at the earliest date of the Tuttle Creek project in the Kaw Valley; which was referred to the Committee on Appropriations. REPORTS OF COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY

Mr. KEFAUVER, from the Committee on the Judiciary, submitted a report (No. 1304) entitled "Antitrust and Monopoly," pursuant to Senate Resolution 52 (87th Cong., 1st sess.), as extended; which was ordered to be printed.

Ordered, by unanimous consent, That the individual views of Mr. DIRKSEN, Mr. WILEY, and Mr. HRUSKA be printed as part of the said report.

Mr. KEFAUVER, from the Committee on the Judiciary, submitted a report (No. 1305) entitled "Constitutional Amendments," pursuant to Senate Resolution 59 (87th Cong., 1st sess.), as extended; which were ordered to be printed.

Ordered, by unanimous consent, That the individual views of Mr. DIRKSEN and Mr. KEATING be printed as part of said report.

Mr. HART, from the Committee on the Judiciary, submitted a report (No. 1306) entitled "Refugees and Escapees," pursuant to Senate Resolution 50 (87th Cong. 1st sess.), as extended; which was ordered to be printed.


Bills and joint resolutions were introduced, severally read the first and second times by unanimous consent, and referred as follows:


S. 2999. A bill for the relief of Kang Soon Yang; to the Committee on the Judiciary.


S. 3000. A bill for the relief of the widow and children of the late Lt. Cmdr. Douglas L. Barker, U.S. Navy; to the Committee on the Judiciary.

By Mr. HILL:

S. 3001. A bill to amend the definition of the term "telephone service" as used in title II of the Rural Electrification Act of 1936, as amended; to the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry.

By Mr. DODD:

S. 3002. A bill to amend section 201 of the Immigration and Nationality Act; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. CARLSON:

S. 3003. A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to provide an additional income tax exemption of $1,000 for a taxpayer, spouse, or dependent who is a student at an institution of higher learning; to the Committee on Finance.


S. 3004. A bill to authorize the establishment of the Whiskeytown National Recreation Area in the State of California, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs.


S. 3005. A bill for the relief of Cathryn A. Glesener; to the Committee on the Judiciary.

By Mr. KEATING: S.J. Res. 170. Joint resolution designating the month of June of each year as "Children's Music and Arts Festival Month"; to the Committee on the Judiciary.

By Mr. JAVITS (for himself and

S.J. Res. 171. Joint resolution providing for the establishing of the former dwelling house of Alexander Hamilton as a national memorial; to the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs.


On motion by Mr. HOLLAND, and by unanimous consent,

Ordered, That the name of Mr. GOLDWATER be added as a coauthor of the joint resolution (S.J. Res. 58) proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, relating to the qualifications of electors.


Under authority heretofore granted, the following-named Senators have been added as coauthors of each of the following bills and resolutions, as indicated, previoulsy introduced or submitted: Mr. HUMPHREY, Mr. LONG of Missouri, Mr. CASE of New Jersey, Mr. DIRKSEN, Mr. MORSE, Mr. BUSH, Mr. KUCHEL, Mr. PROXMIRE, and Mr. WILLIAMS of New Jersey: S. 2979. A bill to further secure and protect the rights of citizens to vote in Federal and State elections;

S. 2980. A bill to establish a procedure for adoption and implementation of plans for the desegregation of public schools; to provide financial and technical assistance to facilitate desegregation of public schools; to restrict Federal financial aid for segregated public schools and institutions of higher education, and for other purposes;

S. 2981. A bill to establish a Commission on Equal Employment Opportunity to encourage and enforce a policy of equal employment opportunity in Federal employment, in employment under Government contracts, and in employment in programs supported or in facilities constructed by Federal grants-inaid; to prohibit discrimination by labor organizations because of race, color, religion, or national origin, and for other purposes;

S. 2982. A bill to assure decent, safe, and sanitary housing to families displaced by construction of highways forming a part of the Interstate System;

S. 2983. A bill to protect civil rights through providing criminal and civil remedies for unlawful official violence; authorizing suits by the Attorney General to prevent exclusion of members of minority groups from jury service, and for other purposes;

S. 2984. A bill to establish a matching grant program to be administered by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare to improve the education, training, and recruitment of State and local police forces;

S. Res. 311. Resolution concerning the establishment of congressional and State election districts;

S. Res. 312. Resolution authorizing a study of the question of utilizing the full manpower resources of the Nation; and S. Res. 313. Resolution concerning loans without discriminatory provisions on real estate by financial institutions.

Mr. BUSH, Mr. JAVITS, Mr. MILLER, Mr. ALLOTT, and Mr. BOGGS were added as additional coauthors of the resolution (S. Res. 309) providing for minority rights, previously submitted.


Mr. MCCLELLAN, from the Committee on Government Operations, reported the following resolution (S. Res. 316):

Whereas in the case of United States of America v. Mack S. Tane, Criminal Action Numbered 61 Cr. 32, pending in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York, subpenas ad testificandum and duces tecum were issued upon the application of the defendant, Mack S. Tane, and addressed as follows:

"To Ruth Watt, who is chief clerk of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee on Government Operations, directing her to appear as a witness before the said court on the 12th day of March 1962 at 10 o'clock antemeridian (which appearance has been continued by said court to the 19th day of March 1962 at 10 o'clock antemeridian), and to give testimony in the above entitled cause, and to bring with her:

"1. All records, correspondence, letters, memoranda, notes of communications, summaries, transcripts, and statements in the files of the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the United States Senate Committee on Government Operations, in connection with its investigation of the defendant Mack S. Tane, as regards information concerning Mack S. Tane obtained directly, indirectly, or derivatively by the staff of said subcommittee, from commissioners. officers, agents, or employees of the New York City Police Department, including the Criminal Intelligence Bureau and Squad of said Police Department, and the District Attorney of New York County, and the officers, chiefs, employees of his office, and the detectives assigned thereto:

"2. All records, correspondence, letters, memoranda, notes of communications, summaries, transcripts and statements in the files of the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the United States Senate Committee on Government Operations, as above relates to Pase Motors, Inc. and Wesley Pase, and the latter's dealings with Local 239, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, its officers, agents and employees, concerning information obtained directly. indirectly or derivatively by the staff of said Subcommittee from commissioners, officers, agents or employees of the New York City Police Department, including the Criminal Intelligence Bureau and Squad of said Police Department, and the District Attorney of New York County, and the officers, chiefs, em

ployees of his office and the detectives duty with the Senate Permanent Subassigned thereto:

"3. An official transcript of the hearings before the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee

Government Operations, United States Senate, Eighty-Seventh Congress, January 10, 11, 12, 24 and 25, 1961, together with the following exhibits introduced in evidence, or otherwise employed at such hearings: Exhibits '1A', 'B', '2', '3', '4', '5', '5A', '6', '7A', '7B', '8', '9', '10A' '10B', '11A', '11B', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', and '32';

"4. All records, recordings, transcripts, memoranda, notes, summaries and statements, of any kind and description, of any and all intercepted telephonic communications and wiretaps of the defendant Mack S. Tane with others, obtained by the Subcommittee, its staff, agents or employees, either through their own efforts or the efforts of others;

"5. All records, recordings, transcripts, memoranda, notes, summaries and statements, of any kind and description, of any and all intercepted communications, including wiretaps, room taps of conversations, obtained by the Subcommittee from the New York City Police Department, its agencies, or branches thereof, and/or the District Attorney of the County of New York, his agents, officers or employees, of the defendant herein, with others, of the officers, agents and employees of Local 239, Brotherhood of Teamsters, with Pase Motors, Inc., its agents, officers or employees and/or Wesley Pase or his then attorney Leo Guzik; and

"To Jerome S. Adlerman, who is general counsel of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigation of the Committee on Government Operations, directing him to appear as a witness before the said court on the 12th day of March 1962 at 10 o'clock antemeridian (which appearance has been continued by said court to the 19th day of March 1962 at 10 o'clock antemeridian), and to give testimony in the above entitled cause; and

"To Paul J. Tierney, who is assistant counsel of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee on Government Operations, directing him to appear as a witness before the said court on the 14th day of March 1962 at 10 o'clock antemeridian (which appearance has been continued by said court to the 19th day of March 1962 at 10 o'clock antemeridian), and to give testimony in the above entitled cause; and

"To Robert Dunne, who is assistant counsel for the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee on Government Operations, directing him to appear as a witness before the said court on the 14th day of March 1962 (which appearance has been continued by said court to the 19th day of March 1962 at 10 o'clock antemeridian), and to give testimony in the above entitled cause; and

"To Paul Wilner, who is an employee of the United States General Accounting Office, and who was formerly assigned to

committee on Investigations of the Committee on Government Operations, directing him to appear as a witness before the said court and give testimony in the above entitled cause; and

"Attorney for the defendant states that he intends to address a subpena and testificandum to Carmine S. Bellino, former accountant-consultant to the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee on Government Operations, directing him to appear as a witness before the said court and to give testimony in the above entitled case"; Therefore be it

Resolved, That by the privileges of the Senate of the United States no evidence under the control and in the possession of the Senate of the United States can, by the mandate of process of the ordinary courts of justice, be taken from such control or possession, but by its permission; be it further

Resolved, That by the privilege of the Senate and by rule XXX thereof, no Member or the Senate employee is authorized to produce Senate documents but by order of the Senate, and information secured by Senate staff employees pursuant to their official duties as employees of the Senate may not be revealed without the consent of the Senate: be it further

Resolved, That when it appears by the order of the court or of the judge thereof, or of any legal officer charged with the administration of the orders of such court or judge, that testimony of an employee of the Senate of the United States is needful for use in any court of justice or before any judge or such legal officer for the promotion of justice and, further, such testimony may involve documents, communications, conversations, and matters related thereto under the control of or in the possession of the Senate of the United States, the Senate of the United States will take such order thereon as will promote the ends of justice consistently with the privileges and rights of the Senate; be it further

Resolved, That Ruth Watt, Chief Clerk of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee on Government Operations, be authorized to appear at the place and before the court named in the subpena duces tecum before mentioned, but shall not take with her any papers or documents on file in her office or under her control or in her possession as Chief Clerk of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee on Government Operations; be it further

Resolved, That Jerome S. Adlerman, general counsel of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee on Government Operations, be authorized to appear at the place and before the court named in the subpena ad testificandum before mentioned, but shall not take with him any papers or documents on file in his office or under his control or in his possession as general counsel of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Com

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