“A” Complete Collection of English Proverbs: Also the Most Celebrated Proverbs of the Scotch, Italian, French, Spanish and Other Languages ... : to which is Added, by the Same Author,a Collection of English Words Not Generally Used ...T. and J. Allman, 1817 - 308 páginas |
Otras ediciones - Ver todo
“A” Complete Collection of English Proverbs: Also the Most Celebrated ... John Ray Vista completa - 1817 |
A Compleat Collection of English Proverbs: Also the Most Celebrated Proverbs ... John Ray,Professor of Egyptology John Ray No hay ninguna vista previa disponible - 2013 |
Términos y frases comunes
Asino begger Belg belly better bird Bishop of Chester bissome bread Brokesby called cast Chaucero Chesh Cheshire cold comes corn Devil Dial diphthong door doth drink England English Essex fair fall fellow fire fish fool fortè Fræna French Gall give goes goose Goth hand hang hang'd hath head Hence Hesiod hill Hispan horse iron Ital Italian Juvenal Kent Lancashire Latin Lincolnsh litharge live look maid malè man's mare meat meikle mouth neighbours never Norf nose old Saxon one's Ovid penny persons Plutarch pronounce Prov proverb purse quæ quod quoth ride saith salt Saxon sheep signifies Skinner Somerset soon spoken Suff Suss tail Teut There's thereof thing thou vowel Warwickshire wife wind wise wood word worth Yorkshire young καὶ
Pasajes populares
Página 11 - For want of a nail the shoe is lost, for want of a shoe the horse is lost, for want of a horse the rider is lost.
Página 90 - Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips.
Página 14 - When the fern is as high as a spoon, You may sleep an hour at noon. When the fern is as high as a ladle, You may sleep as long as you are able. When fern begins to look red, Then milk is good with brown bread.
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