Imágenes de página

Josselyn, John, derives the Indians from the
Tartars, i, 6.
Jung, Michael, v, 14.


among those of Long Island, 74.-Inde- | Joncaire, Mons de, v, 22.
cency to female captives, 81.-Sagacity Jones, Horatio, v, 88.
in following a track, iii, 34.-As humane
to prisoners, many of them, as the whites,
39. Stratagems to escape from their
enemies, 42, 43.-Sale of those taken in
the Pequot war, iii, 106.-Of those taken
in the Narraganset Expedition, 75.-
Great barbarity towards, 77, 78.-Re-
ported to be natural swimmers, 99, n.-
War stratagems, 103.-Iroquois, v, 1.
Names among them derived from objects,
2.-The name they give themselves, ib.
-One lives to a great age, 19.-Reflec-
tions on their employment in war by
whites, 24.-Their game of Baggatiway,
32.-Brant's letter stating they have beard,
v, 71.-Manner of flattening the head
among the Muskogees, iv, 64.-First em-
ployed by the Americans in the Revolu-
tion, iii, 127.

Indian Bible, some account of the printing
of, ii, 57.

Innes, Judge, his testimony to the truth of
Logan's speech.

Ioway River, battle opposite the mouth of,
v, 129.

Iroquois, erroneously called the Five Na-
tions, v, 1.-Nations composing them, ib.
n. Joined by the Tuscaroras, 2.-Their
true name, ib.-Visit of five chiefs to
England, 6.-Arrive at Boston, 9.-One
dies in England, iv, 69. Signification of
Iroquois, 157, n.

Irving, Washington, visits Black-hawk.-
His description of him, v, 135.
Iwikties. See Twightwees.


Jackson, Gen. subdues the Creeks under
Weatherford, iv, 43.-Fight with the In-
dians at Autossee, 44-At Tohopeka,
45.-Wounded in a private quarrel, 49.
-Speech to Path-kiler, 49.--Relieves
Talladega, 51.-Attacked at mukfau,
53.-Interview with Black-hawk in
Washington, v, 135.-At Baltimore, 140.
James I, ii, 3-Acknowledged by the pil-
grims, 20, 22.-By the Indians, 41.-His
conduct in the case of Ralegh, 55, 56, n.
-A weak prince, iv, 4.
Jaques, Lieut. kills Rasle, iii. 119.
Jefferson, his answer to Buffon and Raynal,
i, 10, 22.-Fort Jefferson, v, 58.
Jeremysquam Island, sold by Robinhood,
iii, 97.

Jews, Indians supposed to be descended
from, i, 6.

Johnson, Gen. R. M. v, 104.
Johnson, Edward, ii, 33.

Johnson, Isaac, iii, 89.

Johnson, Sir William, defeats the French at

Kadarakkui, v, 4, 5.-signification of, 7.
Kaimes, Lord, observations of, on the peo-
ple of the north, i, 15, 16.
Kenistone, John, killed, iii, 106.
Kent, William, íii, 79.
Keowee, a Cherokee town, iv, 29.
Kichtan, the god of the New England In-
dians, ii, 30.

Kikapoos, some serve under Black-hawk,
v, 130.

Kimbal, Thomas, killed, iii, 93.-106.
King, the title of, why conferred on Indian
chiefs, iv, 40.

Kinshon, the country afterwards called
New England, v, 2.

Kittell, Mrs. a captive among the Nipmuks,
iii, 87.

Kirkland, Samuel, his death, v, 19.
Klock, Col. v, 65.

Knickerbocker, i, 25.-The author of, visits
Black-hawk, v, 135,

Knight, Dr. taken prisoner, v, 47.—Makes
a fortunate escape from torture, 48.
Knox, Gen. Henry, iv, 39.


Labials, not used by the Iroquois, ii, 24.
Labrocre, attacks Wells and is slain, iii,

Lafayette, Gen. iv, 57.-Interview with
Red-jacket, v, 84.

Lancaster, people killed there, iii, 78.—
Capture of, 80.

Lane, Gov. Ralph, illtreats Indians, iv, 3.
Language, specimen of the Mohegan, ii,
Wampanoag, iii, 40.-The Tarra
tine, 129. Of the Iroquois, v, 111.
Laudonniere, René de, settles with a colony
in Florida.-Destroyed by the Spaniards,
iv, 65.

Lee, Samuel, lost at sea, iii, 38.
Lee, Arthur, commissioner, v, 45, 91.
Leffingwell, Lieut. Thomas, goes to the
relief of Uncas, ii, 94.

Leverett, Mr. marches against Pessacus,
ii, 84.

Leverett, Gov. John, iii, 22, 93.
Lewis, Col. killed at Point Pleasant, v, 27.
Lightfoot, John, of Boston, ii, 77.
Littafutche, capture of, iv, 50.
Long-knives. See Big-knives.
Lord's prayer, in Mohegan, ii, 89.-In
Wampanoag, iii, 40.

Lake George, v, 23.-Has great influ-Lothrop, Capt. Thomas, cut off at Sugar-`

ence with the Indians.-His connection
with Miss Brant, 60.

Johnson, Robert, Gov. of Carolina, iv, 68.
Johnston, Charles, captivity of, v, 48.

loaf Hill, iii, 27.

Lovewell, Capt. John, his expeditions and
death, iii, 120-4.

Low, Anthony, iii, 68.

Lucas, Thomas, killed in a swamp fight near
Taunton River, iii, 34-Note upon, ib.
Lyttleton, Gov. maltreats the Cherokees,
iv, 29.


Madock, supposed to have peopled Amer-

Manners and customs of the Indians.-They
render good for evil, i, 18.-Treatment
of their wives, 20.-Tolerant in religion,
ib.-Injuries remembered, 21.-A method
of taking game, ib.-Cannibalism, ii, 2.-
Dance when visited by strangers, 12.-
Dress of the New England Indians, 20.-
Their use of tobacco, ib. n.-Description
of their beds, 22.-Addicted to gaming,
23, 29.-Whipping practised among, 45.
-Powers of their sachem to make sales
of land, 61.-In passing through the coun-
try they visit the graves of their country-
men, 64.-One man may take another's
wife when the husband leaves her, 100.-
Mysterious solemnity among the sa-
chems, 107.-Sense of duty predominant,
iii, 48.-Commemorative dance described,
52.-A war dance among the Sogko-
nates, iii, 64, 65.-Their manner of
paring soldiers to join another nation, 70.
Sometimes feast captives, iv, 10.-
Manner of keeping times appointed on dis-
tant days, iv, 36.-Manner of burial
among the Creeks, 68.-Among the na-
tions of the west, v, 115.

March, Capt. besieged at Casco, iii, 105.
Martin, -, murdered by the Sacs, v, 129.
-Proceedings against the murderers, 137.
Mason, Capt. John, ii, 79, 93, 103.-Goes
against Sassacus, 105.

Massachusetts, origin of the name, ii, 15.-
The tribe of, 38.-Their history, 43.-Of-
fers a bounty for Indian scalps, iii, 120.
Massacre, of the crew of a French_ship, ii,
14, 18. Of the Massachusetts Indians,
ii, 36.-Of the English at Wethersfield,
ii, 79.-Of 30 Narragansetts, 81.-Of the
Virginians, iv, 22.-Another, 23.-Of
friendly Indians in Virginia, 28.-Of Hos-
tages at Fort P. George, 30.-Of Fort
Mimms, 43, 48.-At Guadenhuetten, v,
15.-At Point Pleasant, 29.-Michilimak-
inak, 32.-Of Indian prisoners at Co-
shocton, 42.-At Tallushatches, iv, 50.-
Of the Hallibees, 51.-Autossee, iv, 45,
52.-Of Christian Indians at Wamesit,
by burning, ii, 117.-Of Dassamonpeak,
iv, 3.

Mather, Dr. Cotton, singular notions of
about the origin of the Indians, i, 7.-His
account of Amoskeag Falls, iii, 96.-His
birth and death, ib. n.
Mather, Increase, singular expression of, ii,
106.-Derives Nahumkeik from the He-
brew, iii, 96.-Dies, ib. n.
Mather, Richard, iii, 96.

M'Culloh's Researches, i, 13.-Does not
prove the origin of the Indians, 15.
Medfield destroyed, iii, 80.

Meigs, R. J. iii, 127.—iv, 56.
Mendon, men killed there, iii, 77.
Menominies, v, 123.—Many ́killed by the
Sacs, 125

Messesagnes a 7th nation of the Iroquois,
v, 2, n.

Mikasauky, rendezvous of the Seminole
warriors, iv, 59.

Milton, bought of Kutchamokin, ii, 57.
Mimms, Fort, capture of, iv, 43, 48.
Minisink, great battle there, v, 71.
Mitchel, Jacob, murdered, iii, 57.
Mitchel, W. S. marries a daughter of M'In-
tosh, iv, 47.

Mitchill, Dr. S. L. view of his notions re-
specting the Americans, i, 12.
M'Kee, Elliot and Girty, instigate the In-
dians to barbarities, v, 44.-M'Kee de-
ceives them at Presque Isle, 59.
M'Krimmon, his life saved by a daughter
of Hillishago, iv, 59.

Mohawks, war upon by the Wampanoags,
ii, 46.-Name mistaken for that of a
chief, 54, n.-Murder Pessacus and
others, 59" A great sachem," 85.-
Meaning of the name.-Philip's massacre
of some of, iii, 31.-Attack the Tarra-
tines, iii, 92.-The Nipmuks, 94.-A
great terror to the Tarratines, 106.-
Head of the Iroquois confederacy, v, 2.
-Attack the Eastern Indians, iii, 130.
Montgomery, Col. iv, 29.
Montigny, his expedition against the Eng-
lish in Newfoundland, iii, 131, n.
Montreal, sacked by the Iroquois, v, 5, 154.
Morgan, Gen. in Arnold's Quebeck expedi
tion, iii, 127.

Morgan, a trader of Virginia, murdered,
iv, 21.

Morris, Robert, v, 90.
Mosely, Capt. Samuel, ambassador to the
Narragansets, ii, 85, 86-Fights Indians
at Sugar-loaf Hill, iii, 27.-A fortunate
officer, 29.-Has a narrow escape, 75.-
Severe with the praying Indians, 78, 86.
-His expedition to Pennakook, 94.
Morton, Thomas, his view of the peopling
of America, i, 5.-His history, ii, 14, n.
-Account of the massacre of Wessagus-
cus, ii, 36.

Morton, William, ii, 98, 99.
Moulton, Capt. takes Norridgewok, iii, 119.
Mounds, the western, ii, 4-v, 89.
Muchin, Christopher, a captive, iii, 86.
Muskogees, a chief nation of the Creeks,
iv, 62.-Prohibit the introduction of ar-
dent spirits among them, 63.-Flatten the
heads of their children.-The Seminoles
originate among them, 64.


Naemkeek, iii, 90.-Naticot, 92, 96, 98, 100,

Narraganset, the word variously written.-
Its meaning, ii, 21, 38.-Geography of
the country, 48.-War between the na-
tion of, and Pequots, 51.-Narrohiggin,

93.-Unfairly treated by the English, 96,
97.-Participate in Philip's war, iii, 24.
Send some Englishmen's heads to the
Nipmuks, iii, 85.-Their fort captured
by the English, 28-30.-Finally desert
Philip. The cause of it, 88.
Natik, meaning of the name, ii, 114.
Natchez, distressed by the oppression of
the French, and they murder 700 of them,
iv, 37.

New Albion, discovery of, ii, 17.

Passamaquoddy, meaning of the name, iii,
128, n.

Pawtucket Fight, iii, 42, 43.
Peirse, Capt. Michael, his expedition, and
death, iii, 42.-Notice of, 43.
Pelham, Mr. 84.

Pennsylvania, grants 800 dollars to the
Senecas, v, 91.-Confers an island in
Alleghany River on Big-tree, 94.
Penn, William, anecdote of, i, 28.-Arrives
in America, v, 13.

Newbury, attack upon, iii, 105.-The first- Penobscot, signification of the name, iii, 28.

born of, iii, 68, n.

Newbury, Capt. iii, 61.

New England, so named from NOVA AL-
BION, ii, 17.-Called KISHON by the
Iroquois, v, 1.

Newman, Gen. wounded at Autossee, iv,
52.-At Camp Defiance, 53.Goes
against the Seminoles, 61.
Newman, Rev. Noah, iii, 26, 42.
Newport, Capt. duped by Powhatan, iv, 11.
Newtown, battle of, v, 70.
Nicholson, Col. F. v, 8.

Nipmuks forsake Philip, iii, 88.-Without a
sachem, ii, 16.-Under Squaw-sachem,
40, 48.-103.

Pepper, Robert, iii, 27.

Pequots, geography and history of, ii, 104.
-Meaning of the name, ib.
Perkins, John, ii, 46.

Phoenicians, some cast away on a coast
west of Africa, i, 2.

Philadelphia, Indian name of, ii, 17.
Philip's Chair, a rock so called, ii, 16.
Philip, king of Spain, mistaken for Philip of
Pokanoket, i, 24.

Phips, Sir William, iii, 112.

Piankatanks, a tribe of Wingandacoa, iv, 9.
Pickens, Gen. goes against the Cherokees,
iv, 69.

Pidgeon, Major, interpreter, v, 7.
Norridgwok, capture of, iii, 119.-More Pilgrims, arrive at Plimouth, ii, 19.
properly called Nerigwok, iii, 111, n. Pinchon, John, ii, 84, 103.

Norton, Capt. ii, 60, 105.

[blocks in formation]

Plague among the Indians of New England,
ii, 13, 14.

Plato, supposed to have had reference to
America, i, 3.

Plimouth, so named by Capt. Smith, i,
17.-Its Indian name, 19.-iii, 65.
Pokanoket, described, ii, 16.-Meaning of
the name, 17.

Poor, Gen. defeats the Indians, v, 70.
Pope, John, murdered, iii, 57.
Popham, Lord, sends Prin to New Eng-

land, ii, 3.-A severe judge, ib.-Dies,
Portsmouth, acts of the Indians there, iii,

Pottowattomies, of the same origin as the
Ottowas, v, 120.-Early visited by the
French, 123.

Prat, Phinehas, note upon, ii, 35.
Prentice, Capt. Thomas, burns Pumham's
town, iii, 72.

Presque Isle, battle of, v, 58.

Prin, Martin, sails to New England, ii, 13.
Carries two Indians away, 4.
Proctor, Col. defeated at the Thames, v,
104. Censured, 109.

Proctor, Lieut. fights with the Indians at
St. Georges, iii, 117.

Psalter, an edition of the Indian and Eng.
lish, ii, 57.

Putnam, Gen. promises lands to Corn
planter, v, 95,


Quabaogs, attacked, and some killed by
Uncas's son, ii, 101.

Quakers of Rhode Island refuse to enter
tain wounded soldiers. iii, 31, n.-Hu-
mane to the Indians, 23.

Quebeck, meaning of the name, v, 30, n.
Quimby, Mrs. assaulted by Indians, iii, 105.



Raisin, battle of the River, v, 108.
Ralegh, Sir Walter, settles Virginia, i, 17.
-Anecdote of, ii, 55.-Half-brother to
Sir H. Gilbert, ib.-Great promoter of
discoveries and settlements.-Establishes
a colony in Virginia.-A curious fact
respecting his History of the World, 56.—
Beheaded, 56.-Supposed to have vis-
ited Carolina, iv, 25.

Ralle, or Rasle, missionary to the Abena-
kies. Accused of instigating the Indians
against the English, who offer a reward
for his head, iii, 118.-Narrowly escapes
Westbrook's soldiers.-His village cap-
tured and himself slain, 119.-Falls near
the cross he had raised. Seven Indians
fall around him.-Had preached 37 years
among the Indians, 120, n.

Randolph, Richard, a descendant of Poca-
hontas, iv, 20.

Rawson, Edward, iii, 93.

Raynal, the Abbe, erroneous assertions of,
i, 10.-v, 71.

Rechahecrians, war with, iv, 24.
Red-sticks, rendezvous of the Seminole
warriors, iv, 59.

Reed, Joseph, a revolutionary worthy, ii, 75.
Rehoboth, bought by the English, ii, 26.-
Relieved in Philip's war, by Christian
Indians, iii, 89.-Burnt, 76.

[blocks in formation]

Savage, Major, his expedition against
Philip, iii, 86.

Scalps, a reward offered for, i, 22.—iii. 120.
-iv, 28.

Scarborough, taken by Mugg, iii, 105.
Schuyler, Maj. marches against the French,
v, 5, 6. Goes with five sachems to
England, 8.

Schrivener, Master, drowned, iv, 17.
Sealy, Lieutenant, ii, 93.

Seminole war, iv, 58, 59.-Removal of by
the U. States, 60.-Origin of. Of their
name, 64.

Senecas, fourth nation of the Iroquois, v, 2.
-Summary of their history, 77.
Seneca, supposed to have had reference to
America, i, 4.

Sewan, bags of wampum, ii, 79.
Senseman, Mr. a Moravian missionary, v,

[merged small][ocr errors]

Shawanese, facts in the history of, v, 2.
Shaw, Jona. a juror in the case of Sassa-
mon's murder, iii, 12.
Shed, Mr. tutor to M'Gillivray, iv, 39.
Shrimpton, Samuel, ii, 71.

Ringe, Andrew, juror in the case of Sassa-Sitz, Peter, made prisoner by Brant, v, 65.

mon's murder, in. 12.
Roanoke, settlement of, iv, 3.
Robertson, Dr. William, his manner of
peopling America, i, 4.—All men have the
same origin, 9.

his life saved by Logan,
v, 26. His family destroyed, 28.
Robinson, Rev. John, his advice to the
Pilgrims, respecting their conduct to the
Indians, ii, 38.

Rogers, Maj. Robert, in the battle of
Bloody Bridge, v, 35.-Destroys the
village of St. Francis, iii, 125.
Rolfe, John, marries Pocahontas, iv, 19.
Rowlandson, Mary, her interview with king
Philip, iii, 39-Captured at Lancaster,
80.-Released, 87.


Sabine. William, a juror in the case of
Sassamon's death, iii, 12.
Saco, people killed there, iii, 99.
Sacs, early visited by the French Jesuits.—
Incorporated with the Fox tribe, v, 123.
-Prepare for war against the frontiers.-
Make peace.-Kill many Menominies,
125.-Kikapoos turn against them, 130.
-Relinquish their country to the whites,

Sagadahock, colony of, ii, 4.

Six Nations. See Iroquois.
Slaine, John, merchant, ii, 11.
Slaves, Indian, sent to Barbadoes, ii, 82.
Smalley, William, protected by Buokonga-
helas, v, 44.

Small Pox, destroys many Indians, iii, 52.
Smith, James, buy's Negusset of Robinhood,
iii, 97.

Smith, Capt. John, surveys the coast of New
England, and so names it from Nova Al-
bion, ii, 17.-Unlike Americus, ib.-
Brought to our notice by Ralegh, ii, 55.
-His account of the Indian names of
places in New England, iii, 90.-Settles
in Virginia. Severe with the Indians, iv,
7.-Is taken prisoner by Opekankanoo's
warriors. Their proceedings with him.
-Take him to Powhatan, iv, 8.-Practise
conjurations upon him. Show him about
the country, 9.-Condemned to die.-
Pocahontas saves his life-Powhatan
appoints him to act as his armorer, 10.-
Liberated, ib.-Anecdote, ib.-Elected
Gov. of Virginia.-Newport operates
against him.-Powhatan contrives to kill
him.-Goes into his country to trade for
corn.-Powhatan plots to massacre him,
but it is discovered by Pocahontas, 14.
Badly burned by an explosion of powder.
-His death, 15.

Smith, Samuel, historian of New Jersey,
mistakes Voltaire, i, 10.


Smith, Samuel S. view of his notions upon | St. Leger, Gen. invests Fort Stanwix, v,
the varieties of complexion, i, 9, 10.
Smith, Richard, ii, 26, 48, 75, 76, 82, 83.-
iii, 31, 41.

Smith, William, ii, 84.

Smith, Zachary, murdered, iii, 77.
Smyth, Francis, ii, 92.

Suelling, Col. anecdote of, and Red-jacket,
v, 80.-Takes prisoner a chief at Tippe-
canoe battle, 102.

Stone, Capt. ii, 60, 83, 105.
Stoughton, Capt. ii, 105, 106

Street, Gen. speech to the captors of Black-
hi wk, v, 131.

Sturgeon Creek, attack upon, iii, 106.
Sturgis, Edward, a juror in the case of Sas-
samon's murder, iii, 12.
Stuyvessant, Gov. ii, 80.
Sullivan, Gen. sent against the Five Nations,
v, 70.

Swamp fight, at Pocasset, iii, 25.-Narra-
ganset, 29.-Near Taunton River, 34.-
Near Warwick, 61, 62.
Swift, quarter-master, iii, 26, n.
Swinton, Dr. John, upon the peopling of
America, i, 16.

Syll, Capt. ni, 86.
Symmes's Theory, i, 13.


Soto, Ferdinand de, arrives in Florida, iv,
64.-Destroys many Indians, 65.
Southack, Capt. relieves Caseo, iii, 105.
Southworth, Constant, iii, 14, 15, 21, 54.
Southworth, Nathaniel, iii, 69.
Spaniards murder a French colony in
Florida, iv, 65.
Speeches, of Massasoit, ii, 22-Of Canon-
icus, 50.-Philip, iii, 24, 39.-Passacon-
away, iii, 91.-Of Wannalancet, 95.-Of
Mugg, Tarumkin, Assiminasqua, 101.-
Capt. Simmo, 116.-Powhatan, iv, 12,
13, 14.-Of Grangula, v, 3.-Of Adario,
5. Of the five sachems to Queen Anne,
7.-Of Canassateog, 11.Of Glikhigan, Talcot, Maj. cuts off Quaiapen, iii, 61.
Half-king, 14-Netawatwees, Tadeus- Talladega, battle of, iv, 51.
kund, 16.-Skijagust to the king of Eng-Talmon, Peter, iii, 16.
land, iv, 67 and 68.-Of Red-jacket to a
missionary, v, 78-80.-In defence of the
Seneca witchcraft custom.To Lafay-
ette, v, 84.-To Gov. of Pennsylvania,
85-6. Of Farmers-brother, 88.-Of
Corn Plant to Gen. Washington, 91, 92.
-Of Tecumseh, 101, &c.-Black-thun-
der, 113, &c.-Of Ongpatonga, 114, 115.
-Of Petalesharo, 117.-Of Metea, 118,1
119. Of Keewagoushkum, 120-1.
Of Koange, v, 121.-Of John Neptune,
iii, 128.

Spilman, Henry, his life saved by Poca-
hontas, iv, 18.

Spring, Dr. S. chaplain in Arnold's Quebeck
expedition, iii, 127.

Standish, Alexander, iii, 68, n.
Standish, Capt. has difficulties with the In-
dians, ii, 13, 21.-Aids Massasoit against
Canonicus, 25.-26.-Sent against Caun-
bitant, 27.-Discovers an intended mas-
sacre among the Massachusetts, 31.-
Sent against them, 34.-Murders Peksuot,
36.-Rev. Mr. Robinson's remark upon
these acts, 38.

[ocr errors]

Stafford, Capt. commits a horrid massacre
in Virginia, iv, 3.
Stanton, Thomas, ii, 70, 75, 84, 91, 100.-
John, iii, 43.-Robert, 44.

St. Clair, Gen. his account of the disaster of
bis army, v,54.-Biographical notice of.ib.
n. A commissioner at Fort Harmer, 91.
Steele, Sir Richard, v, 7.
Steuart, Capt. a prisoner liberated by Atta-
kullakulla, iv, 31, 32.

Stewart, Arabella, ii, 55.

Tarratines, greatly feared by the Indians
of Massachusetts, ii, 14, 40, 43.
Taylor, Rebecca, a captive among the
Tarratines, iii. 111. Attack Masconono-
mo, 47.-Their country described, iii, 90.
-Facts in their history, 128.-Specimen
of their language, 129.
Telfair, Gov. his correspondence with Gen.
M'Gillivray, iv, 39.

Temperance, a great advocate of, among
the Indians, iv, 67.

Tensau, settlement destroyed, iv, 48.
Thacher, Anthony.

Tift, Joshua, executed, iii, 30, n.
Tilden, Joseph, ii, 46.

Theopompus, supposed to have referred to
America, i, 1.

Thorowgood, Thomas, derives the Indians
from the Jews, i, 6.
Tilton, Lieut. his fight, iii, 117.
Tippecanoe, battle of, v, 103.
Tippin, Lieut, kills Mugg at Black Point,
iii, 105.

Tobacco, act against the disorderly drink-
ing of, ii, 20.-First carried to England,
55.-Anecdote of, ib.-iv, 4.-Called
UPPOWOC in Virginia, 5.
Tohopeka, battle of, iv, 55.
Tompkins, Gov. D. D. v, 144.
Tompson, John, iii, 54.
Torry, James, ii, 46.
Tour, Lord De La, iii, 114.
Townsend, Mr. treats with the Tarratines,
iii, 112.

Traditions, not to be relied upon, ii, 66, 94.
Treat, Maj. Robert, iii, 27.

St. Francis, tribe of, destroyed by Eng. un-Treaty, with Massasoit, ii, 20, 22.-Caun-

der Rogers, iii, 125.

St. Gregory, opinion of, respecting a coun-

try west of Europe, i, 4.

Stillman, Maj. defeated by Black-hawk, v,
126, 138.

bitant, 29-The Massachusetts, 41.
Wassamequin and others, 42.-Narra-
gansets, Mohegans and English, 69-
Narragansets and English, 97.-Philip,
iii, 17.-Tarratines in canoes, 102.-103

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