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John XX.


John xx.


had really seen their Master alive again, yet he professed, except he should see in his Hands the Print of the Nails, and thrust his Hand into his Side, he would not believe. A strange Piece of Infidelity, after he had seen our Saviour's Miracles, and had so long conversed with him, who had frequently asserted, in plain Terms, that he must rise again the third Day. Q. How did our Saviour cure this his Infidelity? A. Compassionating the Weakness of St. Thomas, and willing to satisfy the Doubts and Scruples of a sincere though ignorant Man; he appeared to his Disciples again, when St. Thomas was with them, and gave him the Satisfaction he desired; who being quickly convinced of his Error, acknowledged him to be his very Lord and Master, a God omnipotent, thus able to rescue himself from the Powers of Death. Q. What Reply did our Saviour make to this Profession of St. Thomas's Faith?

A. That he did well to believe upon this Testimony of his Senses; but that it was a more noble Ver. 29. and commendable Act of Faith, to acquiesce in a rational Evidence, and to entertain the Doctrines and Relations of the Gospel upon such Assurances of the Truth of Things, as are fit to satisfy a wise and sober Man, though he did not see them with his own Eyes. Q. Of what Aavantage is this Act of St. Thomas's Infidelity to us Christians?

Euseb. lib. 3. c. 1.

A. It confirmeth our Faith in our Saviour's Resurrection, and convinces us beyond all Doubt or Scruple, by the most sensible Evidence, that the very same Body of our Lord was raised, in which he suffered.

Q. Where did St. Thomas preach the Gospel?

A. The Province allotted to him for the Exercise of his Apostolical Office was Parthia; he published the glad Tidings of Salvation to the Medes, Persians, Carmanians, Hyrcani, and Bactrians. Some of the Ancients relate how he met with the Magi; to whose Country they belonged, who brought Presents to our new-born Saviour; that he baptized several of them,

and made use of them as his Assistants in propagating the Gospel; that he passed through the Asian Ethiopia, and at last came to the Indies, as is proved by ancient Tradition, and several Marks still preserved among those People to this Day.

Q. How are the Christians in that Part of India called?

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A. The Christians which inhabit the more south-Brereerly Part of the great Promontory, whose Base lies wood's between the Outlets of the Rivers Indus and Gan-20. ges, are called the Christians of St. Thomas, because supposed to be converted by his Preaching. Before the Portuguese frequented those Parts, they were esteemed to be about fifteen or sixteen thousand Families. They had then no Dependence upon the Bishop of Rome, but denied his Primacy. The Sacrament was administered among them in both Kinds; they celebrated it with Bread seasoned with Salt; and instead of Wine, which their Country afforded not, they made Use of the Juice of Raisins, softened one Night in Water, and then pressed forth. They baptized not their Infants until they were forty Days old, except in Danger of Death. They used not extreme Unction. They had no Images in their Churches, but only the Cross. And their Priests are excluded from second Marriages. Q. How is it thought St. Thomas suffered Martyrdom?

4. Having converted many to the Faith in India, and, among the rest, the Prince of the Country, the Brachmans, perceiving this would spoil their Trade, resolved to put a Stop to his successful Progress, and conspired his Death. And one Day, when our Apostle was retired without the City of Malopur for his private Devotions, they assaulted him with armed Men, first loading him with Darts and Stones, and then one run him through with a Lance.

Q. What became of his Body?

A. It was by his Disciples buried in a Church which he had lately caused to be built in the fore

John xx.


mentioned City. And though some say it was afterwards translated to Edessa, yet the Christians in the East constantly affirm it to have remained in the Place of his Martyrdom?

Q. What may we learn from the Observation of this Festival?

A. That provided our Minds sincerely intend God's Service, and that our Affections are fixed upon him as our chiefest Good, he will compassionate the Weakness of our Understandings, and either pardon our Errors, or deliver us from them. That the best Method to procure divine Light is to practise what we know to be God's Will. That no Dangers should discourage us from adhering to our blessed Master, and that even Death itself should not be able to separate us from him. That Faith ought to be the prevailing Principle of a Christian, under all Events, and in every Condition of Human Life: and that though it is a Degree of Assent inferior to Sense, yet the Acts of it are much more praiseworthy and commendable; Blessed are they which have not seen, and yet believe.

Q. How is Faith made the prevailing Principle of a Christian Life?

A. By governing all our Thoughts, Words, and Actions, with a Regard to another World, and by a firm Persuasion of absent and invisible Things; as the Belief of a God, and his Providence that orders all Things, and of his invisible Grace, ready at Hand to assist us in all that is good, and to keep us from all Evil: Especially when in all our Ways we have a Regard to the Promises of everlasting Life, and the Threatenings of eternal Misery: Which was the great Principle of the Piety and Virtue of all good Men from the Beginning of the Heb. xi. World; as the Apostle to the Hebrews declareth at large.

Q. Wherein consisteth the Power of this Principle? A. In that the Objects of Faith are fitted to work upon our Minds upon the Account of both the

Certainty and the Concernment of them. We have all the Assurance of the Truth of them that we are capable of in this Life, from the Dictates of Reason, and the general Consent of Mankind; besides that, to assure us these Reasonings are true, we have a most credible Revelation of these Things in the Gospel of our Saviour; who gave a sensible Proof of his divine Mission in his Resurrection from the Dead. And, as to the Importance of them, every one must own, that the highest Hopes, and the greatest Fears, are sufficient Springs of human Actions for what can concern us more than eternal Happiness and eternal Misery?

Q. What is meant by Faith in Christ?

A. In general, it is the believing all those Things that are declared to us by Christ; and more particularly some Things that are declared of him. The beliecing what is said by him is called Faith in Christ, as his Authority and Credit is the Ground and Reason of our Belief. And the believing Things said of him is called Faith in Christ, as he himself is the Object of it. And when this Belief suitably affecteth us, and we resolve and practise so as may reasonably be expected from Persons under such Persuasions, then it is imputed to us for Righteous


Q. What are those Properties that fit Faith to produce such suitable Effects?

A. It must be real and unfeigned, against the Pretences of those that use it only as a Disguise to be trusted; or as a mere outside Profession, without looking for any farther Reason than to be in the Fashion. It must be hearty and affectionate; not a mere speculative Opinion, as of Things wherein we are not much interested; but a moving and influencing Persuasion, wherewith all the Powers of the Soul are affected. It must be assured and confident; For a wavering and uncertain Opinion will not accomplish its Work. Men will not run Ventures and bear Losses on uncertain Hopes, but only on firm


and certain Expectations. It must be honest, and accompanied with a good Conscience, implying a Man's Integrity in discharging the Profession he makes, and Honesty in performing his Undertaking. It must be resolute, and fully fixed, after all Things are well considered, so that when any Hardships arise, we may not be soon staggered in our Minds.



For a firm ALMIGHTY and everlasting God, who, for the more Confirmation of the Faith, didst suffer thy holy Apostle Thomas to be doubtful in thy Son's Resurrection; grant me so perfectly, and without all Doubt, to believe in thy Son Jesus Christ, that my Faith in thy Sight may never be reproved. Hear me, O Lord, through the same Jesus Christ, to whom with thee, and the Holy Ghost, be all Honour and Glory now and for evermore. Amen.

and Obedience.


For Faith ALMIGHTY and everlasting God, give unto me the Increase of Faith, Hope, and Charity; and that I may obtain that which thou dost promise, make me heartily to believe what thou hast revealed, and to love that which thou dost command, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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LORD of all Power and Might, who art the Author and Giver of all good Things; assist me by stacles of thy Grace, that I may mortify all the inordinate and corrupt Inclinations of my Heart, which oppose the Belief of thy holy and heavenly Truths. Enable me to conquer my evil Habits, and govern my unruly Passions, that they may not indispose my Mind in embracing that Evidence, which so plentifully accompanieth thy divine Revelations to the

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