Death Chant for the Sultan, By B. Sim- mons, 319,
Delta's poem of the Power of Peace, 116. Dietetics, legal, 30.
Dinners real and reputed, 815.
Egypt, Affairs of the East, Turkey, 100. Europe, its history from the commence- ment of the French Revolution in 1789, to the restoration of the Bourbons in 1815, by Archibald Alison, F.R.S. E., -volume seventh reviewed, 272.
Excursion over the mountains to Aberyst- with, narrated, 66.
Fables, literary, from the Spanish of Yriarte, 202.
Family Continental tour and its results, in six glimpses. Glimpse the first- Home, 56. Glimpse the second-Ge- neva, 57. Glimpse the third-Rome, 58. Glimpse the fourth Naples, 60. Glimpse the fifth-Baden-Baden, 62. Glimpse the sixth-- Home, 64.
Fine arts, murder considered as one of them, 661.
French literature of the 18th century. By Villemain, reviewed, Part I. 1-Part II. 321.
Goethe's life and works, No. I. from my life, poetry, and truth, Part I. 476 Book I. 477-Part II. Book II. 597. Grattan, Henry, memoirs of his life and times, by his Son, reviewed, Part I. 392-Part II, 520.
Hamlet, on his feigned madness, 449. Hasty hints upon horses, 170. Have you read Ossian? 693.
Hemans, Mrs, B. Simmons's inscription in
the new edition of her work, 320. Hermotimus, a tale in verse, by William E. Aytoun, 592.
Holywell lodge, the tenants of it, a tale, 677.
Hope, the subject of our pocket compa- nions, 145.
Hume's argument against miracles, 91- Section II. ib - Section III. 92-Sec- tion IV. 94-Section V. 97- Section VI. 98-General recapitulation of the argument, 99.
Pietro D'Abano, a tale of enchantment, from the German of Tieck, Chap. I., The fu- neral, 228-Chap. II., The monk, 229- Chap. III., The robber's den, 231- Chap. IV., The incantation, 236- Chap. V., The search, 238-Chap. VI., Berecynth, 239-Chap. VII., The purple chamber, 240-Chap. VIII., The disenchantment, 244-Chap. IX., The hermit's cell, 245-Chap. X., The meeting in Rome, 247-Chap. XI., A new friend. 248-Chap. XII., A chapter on beauty and other matters, 250-Chap. XIII., The end of Pietro, 253-Chap. XIV., The conclusion, 254. Picture exhibitions-National Gallery- British Institution, 467.
Picture Gallery, the, No. VIII., 46.- pedestrian in spite of himself, or the mis- haps of a night, a tale, 47.
Poetry, a prosing upon that subject, 195.
Khouli Khan, the manner of his death Protestants of Scotland, letter to them, related in verse, 317.
Lay quibbling, Lector on it, in a letter to Christopher North, Esq. 744.
Literary fables, from the Spanish of Yri- Roman Western empire, on the true rela- arte, 202.
Rot your Italianos, by a man behind his age, 410.
Royal Academy and its exhibitions, 304.
Sayings and essayings, by Archæus, 669. Scotland, letters addressed to the Protes- tants of, 177-on the present position of the Church of, 573-799. Simmons, B.'s Death chaut for the Sul- tan, 319-his inscription in the new edition of Mrs Hemans' works, 320. Song-writing, Burns, 256-Moore, 368. State Trials, specimen of a new edition. By Nicholas Thirning Neville, Esq. of the Inner Temple, special pleader, re- viewed, 548.
Stick, the queer, a rustic legend, in verse, 614.
Telegraph on Montmartre, Napoleon's, 689.
Ten thousand a-year, a tale, Part I. 505- Part II. 620 - Part 111. 832. Tenants of Holywell Lodge, a tale, Chap. I. 677-Chap. II. 680-Chap. III. 683-Chap. IV. 688.
Tieck's tale of Pietro D'Abano, 228. Torquato Tasso, or the prison and the crown, a drama, by the Baron von Zedlitz, 431.
Tory and Whig finance, 494. Tour, a family continental one, and its results, 56. Traveller, notes of a, No. II. 19. Turkey, Egypt, and the Affairs of the East, 100-there is an enchantment in all that relates to the East, ib. the Christian, when he thinks of the East, remembers the "Man of Sorrows," ib. -the philo- sopher thinks of the East as a storehouse of materials for the mind, 101-a short historical sketch of Egypt, as a depend- ent of Turkey, 102- the treaty of Kutahia has constituted Egypt an in-
dependent state, 103-the boasting of France that this treaty is favourable to her views, considered, ib. her en- couragement of rebellion in Egypt as- serted, 106-from the pretensions and policy of France turn to those of Rus- sia in regard to the Porte, 108-114. Universal suffrage and the chartists, 289.
Villemain, his history of the French lite- rature of the 18th century, reviewed, Part I. 1-Part II. 321.
Whig and Tory finance, 494-state of the public debt in 1816, 495-two most important circumstances crippled the Tory administrations from being able to reduce the public debt rapidly; the first the general distress after the war, from 1816 to 1830, 496-the second the resumption of cash payments in 1819, 497-in both respects, the Whig government have been widely different, ib. the financial measures of the Whig government during nine years of prospe- rity, contrasted with those of the Tory, 499, 501-the fatal delusion of self-go- vernment in the matter, is the true cause of the present disastrous state of our finances, 502-Tory administrations in- jured the sinking fund, and repealed too many indirect taxes, 503-these arose from attending to Whig clamour, ib. and so was the increase of debt oc- casioned by the emancipation of the negroes, ib-the reckless spirit of Whig financial legislation evinced in their, step regarding the post-office revenue,
Edinburgh: Printed by Ballantyne and Hughes, Paul's Work.
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