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could not shake off. But as great qualities often announce themselves in youth by something extravagant and awkward, so also was it here. The eldest was the Imperial Court Counsellor Von Senkenberg, afterwards so celebrated. The second was admitted into the magistracy, and showed distinguished talents, which however he subsequently abused in pettifogging, nay rascality, if not to the injury of his native city, yet certainly to that of his colleagues. The third brother, a physician, and man of great integrity, but who practised little, and only in the highest houses, had even until his extreme old age a somewhat whimsical appearance. He was always very neatly dressed, and was never seen in the street otherwise than in shoes and stockings, and with a curled wig, and his hat under his arm. He walked on quickly, but with an odd wavering, so that he was now at one side of the street now at the other, and his course formed a zig-zag. Mockers said, that by this irregular movement he endea voured to avoid the departed souls which might perhaps follow him in a straight line, and that he imitated those who are afraid of a crocodile.

But all this jesting, and many jocose stories of him, gave way at last to respect, when he devoted his handsome residence, with court, garden, and all its appurtenances, on the Eschenheirner Street, to a medical foundation, where, beside an hospital de signed only for citizens of Frankfort, a botanic garden, an anatomical theatre, a chemical laboratory, a considerable library, and a house for the director were established, in a way which no University need have been ashamed of.


Another eminent man, who had an important influence on me, not so much by his presence as by his effect upon the neighbourhood, and his writings, was Charles Frederick Von MoHe was always talked of in our country for his activity in business. He, too, had an essentially moral character, which, as the vices of human nature often gave him much trouble, inclined him to the so-called pious. Thus, as Von Loen tried to do with the life of courts, so he would have introduced into that of business a more conscientious principle. The great number of small German courts produced a multitude of princes and

dependants, of whom the former desired unconditional obedience, and the latter for the most part would act and serve only according to their own views. Thus there arose a perpetual conflict, and rapid changes and explosions; because unrestricted procedure becomes on a small scale much more quickly noticeable and mischievous than on a large one. Many great families fell into debt-imperial debtcommissions were appointed. Others found themselves travelling slower or quicker on the same road, while the agents either dishonestly made their own profit, or honestly rendered themselves disagreeable and odious. Moser wished to be employed in politics and business; and in these his hereditary talent, cultivated to the point of professional skill, gave him a decided advantage. But he also wished to act as a man and a citizen, and to relinquish as little as possible of his moral dignity. His Prince and Servant, his Daniel in the Lions' Den, his Reliques, represent throughout the condition in which he always felt himself-not indeed tortured, yet confined. They indicate also his impatience in a state to which he could not reconcile himself, yet could not get free from it. From this mode of thinking and of feeling, he was often, in truth, obliged to seek other services, which his great ability made it easy for him to find. I remember him as an agreeable man, active, and at the same time gentle.

Though it was from a distance, the name of Klopstock had already a great effect upon us. At first people wondered how so eminent a man could have so strange a name. But habit soon got over this, and the meaning of these syllables was forgotten. In my father's library I had found as yet only the earlier poets, particularly those who, in his time, had gradually risen into celebrity. All these had used rhymes, and my father held rhyme indispensable for poetical works. Canitz, Hagedorn, Drollinger, Gellert, Brenz, Haller, stood in a row, in handsome calf volumes. To these were joined Newkirch's Telemachus, Koppen's Jerusalem Delivered, and other translations. I had from my childhood diligently read, and in part committed to memory, all these volumes, whence I was often called upon to amuse the company. A vexatious period, on the contrary, began

for my father, when, through means of Klopstock's Messiah, verses which seemed no verses to him, became an object of public admiration. He had himself taken good care not to buy this work; but the friend of the family, Councillor Schneider, smuggled it in, and slipped it into the hands of my mother and her children.

The Messiah, immediately on its appearance, had made a powerful impression on this active man of business, who read but little. Those feelings of piety, so naturally expressed and yet so beautifully ennobled that delightful language, considered even as nothing more than harmonious prose, had so won the dry man of business, that he considered the ten first books, of which indeed alone we are here speaking, as the best of devotional works. Every year during Lent, in which he contrived to free himself from all business, he read them through in retirement, and so refreshed himself with them for the whole year. At first he attempted to express his emotions to his old friend. But he was much amazed at finding an incurable dislike to a work of such precious substance, on account of what appeared to him 'an immaterial outward form. It may well be supposed that the conversation on this subject did not fail to be repeated; but both parties separated further and further from each other. There were violent scenes, and the complaisant man at last prevailed on himself to be silent about his darling work, that he might not lose at once a friend of his youth and a good Sunday dinner.

the parts between us in the wild despairing dialogue between Satan and Adramelech, who had been cast into the Red Sea. The former character, as the strongest, had fallen to my share. The other, a little more mournful, was taken by my sister. The alternate, frightful indeed, but well-sounding curses, flowed only in this way from our mouths, and we seized every opportunity of saluting each other with those infernal modes of speech.

It was a Saturday evening in winter-my father always had himself shaved over night, that on Sunday morning he might have leisure to dress himself comfortably for church -we sat on a cushion behind the stove, and while the barber put on the lather, murmured in a low tone our usual imprecations. And now Adramelech had to seize Satan with iron hands; my sister caught me violently, and recited softly enough, but with increasing passion

Help me! thee I implore, I worship, if this thou demandest;

Thee, O measureless fiend! thee, darkest worker of evil,

Help me! I suffer the woe of avenging infinite death-pangs.

Once in the days gone by, with fiercest of hate could I hate thee,

This can I now no longer! and this too is

fearfulest horror.

Hitherto all had gone on tolerably; but loud, with dreadful voice, did she utter the following words :

Oh! what torment is mine!

The good surgeon was alarmed, and spilled the basin of lather on my father's breast. Then there was a great disturbance; and a severe enquiry was made, particularly on account of the mischief that might have happened if the process of shaving had been actually begun. In order to avert from ourselves all suspicion of quarreling, we confessed our diabolic parts; and the misfortune occasioned by the hexameters was so evident, that they were of course anew condemned and banished.

To make proselytes is the most natural wish of every man; and how well did our friend feel himself rewarded in secret, when he discovered, in the rest of the family, hearts so open to his Saint. The copy, which he used for only a week in the year, was devoted to us at all other times. My mother kept it concealed, and we, her two children, took possession of it when we could, that in leisure hours, hidden in some corner, we might learn by heart the most striking passages, and Thus do children and the people particularly might impress the ten- turn the grand, the clevated, into a derest on our memories as quickly as sport, even a jest; and how else would possible. We rivalled each other in they be able to confront and endure reciting Porcia's Dream, but divided it!



It was very far off, and a long time ago,
(So perhaps all the story's not true.)

That there once lived a rustic called Billy the Beau,
Who would, " whether his mammy would let him or no,
Go a-wooing" a maiden called Sue.

And Sue was a damsel right pleasant to see,
When her rosy face beam'd with a smile,
As she join'd in the dance, or tripp'd light o'er the lea,
Or sat down to whatever folks then took for tea,
With odd gossip the time to beguile.

Yet they said that, besides her true lover Beau Bill,
She'd already a will of her own;

That's to say, she'd a spirit that sometimes lay still,
But, when roused, the small cottage with uproar would fill,
And that then she was best let alone.

Be all that as it might, she'd of lovers no lack,
Which much annoy'd Billy the Beau;

For some were coarse fellows, who had a sad knack
At rough practical jokes, such as thumping his back,
Or of treading, perchance, on his toe.

And the tall ones would boast of their strength, and look down,

For Bill was no giant in height,

And then offer to wrestle or jump for a crown;

So though oft, in Sue's presence, he ventured a frown,

He more often went home in a fright.

Still he felt that his heart was as big as the best,
Though his body was not made to match;
So he fretted and lost many hours of his rest,
And went forth one fine morning, with languor opprest,
Yawning wide as he lifted the latch.

Dull and heavily on then he saunter'd, as though

He'd no duty on earth to fulfil,

Till suddenly some one exclaim'd, "Hip! hallo!
What! is that moping figure young Billy the Beau?"
Then he started, look'd round, and stood still.

But no one could he see, and of course thought it queer
That a voice without body should speak;

So he called out, "Who's that?" and the voice said, "I'm here,
Just behind the grey stone; so, come on, never fear,

I suppose I'm the person you seek."

Then Billy, who'd wander'd unconsciously there,
Recollected that stone mark'd the spot
Where queer goblins and elfins were said to repair,
And old witches convene to fly up in the air,

With their broomsticks, black broth, and what not.

But, like other true lovers in trouble, he thought
That his case was as bad as could be;

So he said, "Though this greeting I dare not have sought,
Since it happens I here am by accident brought,

I should like this queer speaker to see."

Then he went round the corner, and found an old man,
With lean legs and an odd pinched-up face,
Who, without any preface, thus oddly began-
"Folks are never contented, do all that one can;

And, Beau Billy, I well know thy case.

"Thou would'st thrash all thy rivals, and others perhaps :
Well-no matter, I'll give thee this stick;
But observe, what to thee will appear gentle raps,
Will prove knock-me-down to those great boasting chaps,
So don't strike them too hard nor too quick."

Billy doubtingly smiled, and the odd old man frown'd,
And cried, "Eh! then thou'rt hard to convince?
Well take that!" and away Billy flew with a bound,
And head over heels tumbled down on the ground,
While the pain from the blow made him wince.

Then the lean-legg'd old man danced and laugh'd in high glee,
And said, "Now then my word thou'lt not doubt;
So remember, no man, howsoe'er strong he be,
Can resist this prime twig which I now throw to thee.
There!-be off and mind what thou'rt about."

Though the stick was thrown gently, Bill fancied his head

Had been hit by a ponderous stone;

For his eyes flash'd with sparks, his brain reel'd, his nose bled,
And down tumbling again, he lay long like one dead,
Then awoke and rose up all alone.

He then scratch'd his dull pate, in bewilderment lost,
And exclaim'd, "I've been dreaming, I fear!

No; I ha'n't! Here's the queer stick that queer old chap tost,
And he certainly thrash'd me, I feel to my cost,

And has made me a conjurer-that's clear.

"Well, if all that he told me should prove to be true,"
Here he giggled with clownish delight,
"Thumping Robin, strong Tim, and tall Harry shall rue
The next challenge they offer to me before Sue,
And I hope I may meet then to-night."

Thus resolving, he ventured to take up the stick,
Which was wondrously handy to wield;
As he flourished it gaily, it flew round so quick,
He felt perfectly sure he could easily lick
All competitors out of the field.

So that day he dress'd gaily, his hat cock'd aside,
And conceitedly strutted about

Till the evening, and then to Sue's cottage he hied,
And had nearly approached it, when Harry he spied
A rival, tall, bony, and stout.

They met close to the gate of the garden, and then
His rough rival exclaim'd with a leer,

"What! Beau Billy! Be'st thou come here courting agen ? Well, there's nought so conceited as you little men;

But thee'dst better be off, or look here!"

And while speaking, he shook a stout stick in the face
Of our beau, who a moment drew back,
Then advanced, and just gave his tall taunter a brace
Of queer magical blows, that quite alter'd the case,
For he fell to the ground with a whack.

And felt shockingly sheepish, of course, as he'd caught
Just a glimpse of Sue's face peeping through
The half-closed cottage window, and therefore had thought
He would show off his prowess, though fearless of aught
His diminutive rival could do.

There he lay; but his pride was more mortified still
When he saw thumping Robin and Tim,
The two other big suitors to Sue, mount the hill
Just in time to behold him crow'd over by Bill,
In his dirty deplorable trim.

But as they were his friends, he call'd out for their aid,

And declared Bill had cowardly crept

Close behind him, and struck him two blows with a spadeFor that nothing less pond'rous such marks could have made; And the fallen bully blubber'd and wept.

Tim and Robin believed him, because they knew well

It was nonsense for Billy to try,

In a fair stand-up fight, such a fellow to fell :
So they ask'd him the cause of his conduct to tell;
And he answer'd, "He's told you a lie!"

Then he boldly continued, "You both of you know
How oft here he has boasted his strength,
And I let it all pass; but I can't stand a blow,
And he shook his stick at me, and threaten'd, and so
I have just made him measure his length.

"I had nought but this stick you see now in my hand:
You may stare, but 'tis perfectly true;
And affronts I'll endure from no man in the land,
So ye great gaping louts, if ye don't understand,
Here I'm ready for either of you,

"Or for both, if ye like; so come on! do your worst,
And I pledge you my word I'll not run."
Thumping Bob swell'd with anger as ready to burst,
While strong Tim laugh'd aloud, and cried, "I'll take him first-
We shall now have some capital fun."

The queer stick did its duty. Tim's guard down it beat,
And eke broke his thick head at one blow;
At the next he could hardly remain on his feet,
But went tottering backward in awkward retreat,
Till the third on the ground laid him low.

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