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For thy breath

lessons in drawing which are given gratis in But soon the mist which seemed to enveBears a charm against death; the Academy of Arts.

lope his mental faculties, was dispelled. And the pinions of day

The young artist now began to design with The Roman ladies began to notice and to enEnchain'd by thy sweetness,

the other pupils, and attracted the notice of courage the characteristically handsome At thy bidding will stay,

his masters, though never remarkable for northern visionary: Towards the end of his And give up their fleetness,

diligence. But his fondness for modeling second year's stay in Rome, he began to moFor thee, love!

soon distinguished him more particularly; del, to cast and to destroy again. His celeOh! what bliss !

and in a short period he was rewarded by the brated and learned countryman, George 20Thus to hang on thy kiss,

Academy with several small premiums. ega, who perceived his great genius, paid And to mingle my sighs

Albert grew up without any systematic much attention to him; and though he was With those breathings of thine,

education. In his seventeenth year he made his most intimate friend, he was at the same And to bask in those eyes

his first attempt to gain one of the smaller time his most rigorous judge. The young As they gaze upon mine, So fondly!

prize medals, given for the modeling of a northern Phidias found in him an impartial Jan. 26, 1820.

I. L.S. bas relief. The practice is to lock the pupils critic, who never gave way when he had rea

up in a particular room, where they are left son to blame. Sometimes he would say to

entirely to their own genius. Thorvaldsen him, “the ancients would not have done THE SHADE OF ANACREON.

went to obtain this his first triumph with the this ;” and once he said, “ No woman of Thou spirit of the Teian Bard,

terrors of a criminal sentenced to death; and character in ancient times, much less a Leave for awhile thy drear domain ;

even now, at the zenith of his fame, he can- goddess, ever dressed in this manner," Such gentle strains as erst were heard

not reflect without a kind of comie terror on seeing a Pallas by our artist, where a fold On Graia's shores, oh! sound again.

what he then felt, and how he was obliged in the drapery appeared less decorous : and

to screw his courage to the sticking-place by the artist struggling to reach the ideal, he O laste, and bring thine airy lyre, Which oft hath sung bright beauty's smile;

a good draught from the northern hippo- knocked off the heads of his statues, and deHaste, and with sweetest notes aspire

crene, which for the poor lad consisted only stroyed works which would even theu have To sing the fair of Albion's isle.

of brandy. In the course of four hours he conferred celebrity.

happily completed his work. The subject Still the eyes of the connoisseurs had not Britannia's dearest treasure sing ;

proposed was :-Heliodorus, or the Robbery yet been attracted to him ; and even when Come then, obey the sweet command; Why thus bewildered sounds thy string?

of the Temple. He succeeded so compleatly he had finished that master-piece of art the Why faulters thus thy feeble hand?

in this task, that he astonished his judges, Leader of the Argonauts, Jason, it happen

and obtained, not only the prize for which he ed that Thorvaldsen being in the company Thus calling on Anacreon's shade,

had laboured, but also the great gold medal, of about thirty or forty artists, with whom Invoking thus his lyric art;

to which is attached an allowance for tra- he usually dined, was asked “whether he Methought this sweet cxcnse it madeWith joy I gravid it on my heart.

velling to Italy to study for a certain number knew the young Danish artist who had made

of years. The enjoyment of the latter was this noble statue?” In this manner did our • The beauties of Achaia's shore,

withheld from him for a time, as the pro- artist labour in modest retirement; so that “ I deem'd were Venus' choicest care;

fessors did not deem it advisable to send so it was not even known who was the author of “ But never was I call'd before

inexperienced a youth into the world, aban- this work. To sing of virgins half so fair.

doned to his own discretion. He therefore Mr. Hope of Amsterdam, so well known “ This, this alone, enchains my hand, received for the present the prizes, and his as a liberal patron of the arts, was at that “ This renders faint my harp's full string;

masters beheld with delight how he improved time in Rome. He visited Thorvaldsen, “ The lovely fair of Albion's land

more and more every day. The celebrated saw his Jason (which was then only cast in " I must not-dare not-cannot sing."

Danish historical painter, Abillgaard, con- plaster) and bespoke it in marble. ImmeJan. 31, 1820.


ceived a marked affection for him; and diately after this work Thorvaldsen modeled among the nobility, his excellency the Privy a great bass relief, the subject of which was

Counsellor Christian Reverentlow especially chosen from the First Book of the Iliad, SCOTCH SONG.

noticed him, and encouraged his rising where Agamemnon causes the heralds TalYou ken fu' weel, I am your ain, talent.

thybias and Eurybates to lead Briseis out of That I loe ye mair than ony,

After Thorvaldsen had completed several the tent of Achilles. This work likewise An' yet he speer at me again,

successful works of art in his native country, attracted the attention of the most competent If I loe ye still my Johnny.

be at last departed about the twenty-fourth judges. With rapid steps he now advanced Yude faith, lad, ye should doubt yoursel year of his age (1797), for Italy, in a royal towards perfection in his art, while his reGin ye doubted ony,..

frigate, which was bound for Naples. On putation daily extended. But speer again, for I loe to tell the voyage he was in great danger, but at But his spirited progress was checked in How much I loe my Johnny.

last happily reached Naples. The young the years 1804 and 5, when he was attacked Évan.

artist, however, quite unacquainted with the by a very serious and tedious illness. The phyworld, and ignorant of every other but his sicians despaired of his recovery; his friends

native tongue, felt hinself quite forlorn in feared that he would be snatched from them, BIOGRAPHY.

this paradise of nature and of art. The and without doubt he would have been lost

longing after home, which seizes almost every to the arts, had not the noblest friendship MEMOIR OF THORVALDSEN, THE SCULPTor young Danish traveller, rendered him in- rescued him. Thorvaldsen hurried to Tus

sensible to crery charm which this country cany and found in the house of the Danish Albert Thorvaldsen was born at Copen- presented; and he was so near to despair, Ambassador, Chamberlain Von Schubart, hagen in 1771, or 1772. His parents were that had not shame restrained him, he would that care and rest of which he stood so much in very narrow circumstances. His father, a have returned with the same frigate to his in need. native of Iceland, was a stone-mason; and beloved country, without having seen In the year 1808 he produced two works, supported himself and his family very scan- Rome, the Apollo Belvidere, the Laocoon, which established his fame on a permatily by this occupation. Albert, from his and the Tragic Muse. He was therefore nent basis. His Colossal Mars and his earliest childhood, delighted in assisting his obliged to depart for Rome. Here he wan- Adonis will form an epoch in the history of father at work ; and, with much ingenuity, dered for a year and a half

, as if in a dream, modern art. The connoisseurs, on seeing his imitated the ornaments which he made of among the statues of gods and heroes ; and Adonis, were transported with delight, and wood. The father, who soon saw that his in the contemplation of so many masterpieces said: questo da vero è un uomo divino.son would become something more than a of art, was unable to produce any thing of Among these was also the celebrated Anto mere stouc-mason, made him attend the importance.

nio Canova, who declared this work to be

the most beautiful and successful of Thorvaldsen's: "Finalmente questa statua (said he) e lavorata in uno stile nobile e pure graziozo, e pieno di sentimento."

In the winter of 1809, Thorvaldsen again received orders from home, for he had before sent many of his works to Copenhagen. His Majesty the King of Denmark wished to have the entrance of the newlybuilt palace of Christiansburg ornamented with four bas reliefs of his work, and these he completed to universal satisfaction.

of art is severe, as becomes an artist who
has the highest perfection in view.
Thorvaldsen hopes to return to Rome in
the spring; engravings of his principal works
are publishing at Frankfort. We have seen
some of the plates representing his Entry of
Alexander into Babylon, and some sepul-
chral monuments, which give a high idea of
the originals, and do great credit to the en-


on his return home; a physician was sent for, who administered some potions, which however produced no effect. In a short time all signs of life ceased, the unfortunate man was supposed to be dead, and his funeral took place on the following afternoon. The funeral service was ended in the church, and the body was about to be conveyed to the burial ground, when a noise was heard within the coffin, accompanied by groans. The terrified mourners immedi ately stopped; the coflin lid was opened, and with horror they beheld the supposed

The Theatres have been closed since our corpse rise up. Medical aid was minedi

Among the numerous works of this great artist, whom many esteem equal to Canova, may be mentioned his Three Graces, which last. exceed in delicacy every thing of the kind before seen or conceived. His Allegory on Day and Night, and his Mercury, are the delight of the lovers of art. The Duke Augustenburgh has bought his Graces and Mercury. His Entrance of Alexander the Great into Babylon, which was ordered by Napoleon, to be executed in bas relief, for a public edifice in Milan, has been purchased on the recommendation of the Hereditary Prince Christian, as it is said, for Four Thousand Guineas, by the King of Denmark, for the palace of Christiansburg.

Foreign nations, the Poles, the Swiss, have chosen Thorvaldsen to decide on the erection of their national monuments. A medal has been struck at Rome, in his honour, on which his head is extremely like. Fifteen men are employed in his Atelier, but he is engaged to execute works which will fully employ all his life. He is afflicted with a pain in the chest, and his life is now chiefly dedicated to his king and his country, to adorn the palace of the Danish kings with works of art. Among these are the Candelabras, which stood in the Temple of Jupiter at Athens, and which he has executed after the description of Pausanias.


Absence of Mind. - The Memoirs of Count Tessin, lately published at Stockholm. contain among many curious anecdotes, the following:-"Of all the absent people I ever knew in Sweden, the most remarkable was the late Chancellor, Baron Nolkin. Two instances deserve to be related:Once when he had to read to his Royal Highness Prince Adolphus Frederick (now King) a report of the privy council, he very gravely took out of his pocket the lease of his house, which he read nearly to the end, till the remarks of the Prince at last made him sensible of his mistake. Another time he came into his Royal Highness's antichamber, where I was with several others, and asked for Count Tessin. I answered him myself; but he went out in a very great hurry, and came back and said, the officer in waiting affirms that he is in the room. I answered, your lordship will believe me, I hope, for I havə myself seen the count go out of the room. Nolkin went out a second time, and caine back again with a new assurance of the offcer in waiting; on which a general laugh ensued and waked him out of his dream.

A new steam-boat has been launched at

It is

He left Rome a few months ago, to pay a visit to his own country, after an absence of so many years. On his journey through Potsdam, larger than any yet built in Europe. Switzerland and Germany he was every where It is 200 feet long and 44 feet wide. received with the greatest esteem. Apart-impelled by two engines of twenty horse ments were prepared for him in the Academy power each: it was named “The Blucher," of Arts at Copenhagen. He has brought with grand ceremony. with him from the Duchess of Devonshire, The Police at Leipsick has prohibited the as a present to her son Mr. Foster, the circulation of a work entitled the Anti-StourdEnglish Ambassador in Copenhagen, one of a German; and in Russia, a work called the finest specimens of Typography, which Biblical proof that Jesus Christ lived on the Duchess has published in Italy at her ex-earth twenty-seven years after his resurpense. It is a splendid edition of the Jour-rection, has been seized. ney of Horace, in which views of all the Lght and Shade.-A citizen whose very places through which Horace travelled, are industrious habits had advanced him to a engraved by the best artists of Italy. country-house, walking one hot day in his Thorvaldsen is not married. His head re-garden, caught the gardener asleep under a sembles that of a statue; but his features tree. He scolded him soundly for his lazibeam with intelligence, and his frank and ness, and ended by telling him, that such a open manners gain the affection of all who sluggard was not worthy to enjoy the light know him. He possesses a real genius for of the sun : "It was for that reason, exmusic, and plays the guitar with peculiar actly," said the gardener, "that I crept into expression and skill. His society is ex- the shade." tremely agreeable, for his feelings and sense

of propriety are so very refined, that we might fancy he had constantly frequented the most polished circles, instead of having been confined for almost three and twenty years to his Atelier at Rome; his wit is striking and keen; his judgment upon works

A melancholy instance of the danger of precipitate interment lately took place in the city of Pau. A man who had been deaf and dumb from his birth, and who followed the trade of a farrier, went out to sup with a party of friends. Having drunk a great quantity of brandy, he became alarmingly ill

ately procured, but it was too late: the cold and privation of air which the unfortunate man had endured while shut up in the coffin, together with the horrible sensations he experienced on his recovery,-all combined to deprive him finally of the life to which he had thus been restored. He survived only a few hours.

The house of a poor shoe-maker of Venice having lately been burnt down, Lord Byron, who is at present residing in that city, had the house rebuilt at his own expence, and presented the shoe-maker with a sun of money equivalent to the loss of his tools and furniture, &c.

For some weeks past, the cold has been excessive in the mountains of Auvergne. At Clermont the thermometer fell to seventeen degrees below zero.

On the road to Mont d'or, a troop of hungry wolves attacked three carriage drivers, one of whom was torn to pieces :-the other two escaped. The wolves devoured the horses belonging to the carriages.

JANUARY, 1820.

Thursday, 27-Thermometer from 43 to 52.

Barometer from 29, 78 to 29, 60.
Wind S.W. 3.-Clouds generally passing ; at
times clear; rain in the evening,
Rain fallen,1 of an inch.
Friday, 28 - Thermometer from 35 to 45.
Barometer from 29, 72 to 30, 10.
Wind N. 3 and 1.--Generally cloudy.
Rain fallen ,05 of an inch.
Saturday, 29-Thermometer from 34 to 44.
Barometer, from 30, 32 to 30, 35.
Wind S. W., and N.W.4-Morning and
noon generally clear, and very fine; the rest of
the day clouds passing.

Sunday, 30-Thermometer from 36 to 47.
Barometer stationary at 30, 23.
Wind S. W. 2 and 4-Generally cloudy.
Monday, 31-Thermometer from 37 to 49.
Barometer from 30, 21 to 30, 17.
Wind S. 3 and 1.- Generally fair; clouds
passing at times.


Tuesday, 1 —Thermometer from 31 to 45.
Barometer from 30, 19 to 30.06.
Wind S. b. E. and 2.-Clear; a white frost
in the morning.

Wednesday, 2-Thermometer from 24 to 38.

Barometer from 30,02 to 30, 06. Wind S. b. E. - Morning clear and rimy: the rest of the day generally cloudy. Venus is a beautiful object in the S.W. every evening. . JOHN ADAMS.

Edmonton, Middlesex.


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stand it?” enquired another of these grave And, perhaps, they'd carry the head gentlemen.

of the corpse first,” continued tlie fourth. “ Stand it! Why, to be sure they will. This sally was too exquisite to be endured The Mystery, or Forty Years Ago. A black job like this, that takes us away with composure, and a hearty laugh, at the This novel; in three volumes, of from our wives and families, wouldn't be extremely ludicrous effect which the appear: which we took some notice in No. 158, well on these journies ; and if we don't convulsed the quartetto, each declaring that

worth having else. We must always live ance of a coffin so carried must produce, issues from the press on Monday ; and, take care of ourselves, who the devil will he should not wonder if such a blunder were favoured with an early Presentation copy, take care of us, hey? Can you get over actually to be committed. we lose no time in setting a new, and that?" “No; only ducks is dear.”

The undertaker was a brisk, short man, clever essayist in this species of com- “What signifies! We don't come here about forty-six years of age. His nose, position (a first attempt, we under-to starve: Who do you think will make any and that part of his countenance in its im

bones about it: stand) before the public. He has pro- enough to admit of his being buried decent- ness of the wine-in colour at least, which

Old Snatchall died rich mediate vicinity, bore evidence to the goodduced a work which will not fail, we

ly, and his relations get too inuch money, in for some years he had been in tlie habit of think, to excite a considerable sensation, consequence of his kicking the bucket, to drinking at the funerals he had performed. even at a period when-novel writing is think inuch of this last expence.”

THe addresses Harley.] on the pinnacle of its fame. Compas- Why, it's no more than's perfectly pro- Servant, Sir,—hope no offence. My sing an agreeable admixture of genteel per, that's certain,” said a third,“ that nten name's Shorelem : been in the undertaking and low life ; now delineating such like us, who have borne so much, should line some years. Happy to see you in Fleetevents as the riots in 1780 with histo- live well.” “O certainly!" said the second, Market, or at my country house in Goswellrical force and fidelity; now traversing

“ and if you think they'll stand it" Street Road-Yes, Sir, as my friend Bunny African deserts, with all the particular had opened the debate,

Stand it!” interrupted the person who was saying, I gave his house the preference

“ what do you keep over one that would hare done better ; but, knowledge and interest of a genuine bothering about standing for? What's this people in business ought to give one another traveller ; and now painting fictitious to stand ! You should have been with me a turn. He gave me one when his wife scenes, with a shrewd observance of and Sam Solder, when we went down to died. A very pretty funeral that, hey! Mr." character and the lively touches of rea- bury Alderman Longtwist at Exeter. Then Bung.” “ No fault to find, Mr. Shorelem.” lity, the author proves himself fully you miglit have talked about standing. Why, " No; that's my way of doing business.

we'd game and venison every day. When So, Sir, as I was going to say, as my men competent to the task of affording a full share of entertainment to his readers, lord he inust find us a lion. He was down goodness to step up stairs. We remain here

we wanted a hare, we used to tell the land- have almost filled your apartment, hare the and raising the alternate feelings of cu- to it, and took care to get the right thing." to-night, and shall be very glad of your riosity and mirth, anxiety and sorrow. Aye,” said one who had not before company.” “ I thank you, Sir ; but I can' At present we can do no more than spoken, “ but that, you know, was a very retire to my chamber." copy one of the humorous descriptions busy time. We were then, all hands at “ Pray don't do that. You will be very -it is a Smollett-like picture of the work, hard and fast, boring 'ein up, night welcome up stairs. We are all friends totavern ceremonies of a party of mourners Then we could do just as we pleased; but you."

and day, and could not rid 'em fást enough. gether, and a very pleasant party, I assure from a funeral. ...Ilarley

we mustn't come it so strong now, while “The presence of a stranger, on so meReturning to his inn one afternoon, after business is so dead."

lancholy an occasion, must be improper.” a short ramble, noticed a hearse at the door, “(! don't tell me. The geason's coming 0, not at all. I'll inroduce you as a but did not şuffer it to occupy much of his on. We are getting fast towards Noreinber, friend of mine—that is, as my friend's attention before he passed into his sitting- and then the fogs, and winds, and rain, you friend ; and as we are all friendly together, room. Here he experienced no small sur- knows, will make business brisk again. It I'm sure you will be very welcome.” But. prise at finding it occupied by four persons won't lo fur 'em to kick up no breezes, be- the distress of the relations of the deceasel, attired in black, who evidently had some con- cause we enjoys ourselves a bit. Suppose would make it unpleasant to me." nection with the vehicle that he had just seen. we were to leave, just as the work comes “Why, Sir, my neighbour Mr. Snatchall These persons were employed in putting by in, where the deuce would they get men to has left a good deal of money behind him, the feathers, which had lately waved in pom- fill our places. They might get men to be and so it is not like a case where there is pous solemnity over the hearse; and besides sure, who know nothing about the business, nothing to console the survivors. To be that they were busy, and deeply engaged in and a pretty higgledy piggledy concern they'd sure, Mrs. Snatchall is very much affected ; conversation on their own concerns; they make of a decent black jou like this. I but, between ourselves, I don't know that all seemed to feel themselves personages of should like to see a set of these new ones she has so nruch reason, as she used to too much importance, to bestow one word lifting a coffin, like Snatchall's, out of the quarrel with him every hour in the day, till en so humble an individual, as the person hearse."

within a week of the finish, and sometimes whose apartment they had invaded.

“ How even and steadly they'i lug it into he treated her with a good thrashing, thoug!r “You knows we sleeps here,” said one, the church !” said another, with an air of he generally got as good as he sent. “Was " so I've taken care of supper before the lordly contempt for the supposed awkward- Mr. Snatchall carried off suddenly?” mourners comes. I've ordered two pair of ness of the sable recruits that might be en- “He was, rather. He was always a ducks to be roasted. You knows if I had lisied in the regiment of Death, if the present litigious, close-fisted old ras—- gentleman. not done this when they come, ten to one if company were to retire from the service To be sture, I have no right to speak against we should get a bit of hollow for love or “They would hardly stand still enough him, for he always paid for what he had, money.” "Well, but do you think they'll to let Shovelem throw the pall over it," and I buried his tivo sons, the last of whom VOL, IV

added a third.

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