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merous sovereigns of Germany. At Cassel | grosschen, or about one shilling, and heit. The bed-places were sorts of recesses, I was informed of a physician at Heidel- had eight tickets, each of which he sold for which are closed during the day by sliding berg, who, in the madness of scientific, or a grosschen. When they were all sold the doors, rather witchcraft experiments, prescribed purchasers threw dice amongst themselves There was a man here who said he was human brains to be taken inwardly as a cure who should have the piece of china. The travelling about the country seeking emfor violent fevers, and he had worked pedlar risked nothing himself, but, by pro-ployment, but who seemed to live more by something like a wonder on his patients, moting the gambling of the peasantry, he his wits than by work. He paid for his potaprobably by affecting their imagination, sold his pipes and his cups, and some of toes and straw like the ancient bards, by reAnother celebrated man had lately adopted them acquired things of which they had no citing songs, poems, and stories The princithe entrails of cats as a specifie for all dis- need. Married women, middle-aged men, pal subjects of his themes were the triumphs, orders. And a public newspaper, while it and some young people, were the principal real and imaginary, of the Prussion armies, announced the death of the child of a celebrat- | gamesters. As they were gambling, the lads the fatherly care of old Blucher, and the ed physician, also announced his intention and the lasses were roughly playing with crimes of Buonaparte. He seemed to have of preserving it in his anatomical museum, each other, and the more elderly people collected all that had been written on these along with some more of the issue of his were sitting quietly down to their pipes, their subjects, and quite charmed the landlady and loins who had before died. drams, and a little conversation. the two maids with his recitals. They were they knew, and when they could join with doubly pleased when he sang any thing which him. They also had learnt to sing of the heroic deeds of the Prussians, and nothing else seemed to give them any pleasure. He had bought two books, one was called the Triumphs of German Freedom, and the other was extracts from the bulletins of the war. He had read them so often he knew them both by heart, and could repeat any portions of them. They had been his great teachers, and he delighted the people of the house with many true accounts of Prussian

Surely these anecdotes refute, to a considerable extent, the opinion in our preceding quotation, and show that the sciences in Germany are so often oddly pursued as to stamp upon them a national characteristic, if not a character, of absurdity. But we proceed to some other illustrations of manners and customs.


The next day, the narrative states, I stopped for the night at a village called Perghen, where no other bed than one of straw could be procured. Genthin would have been too short a stage, and Burg was too far. At the entrance of the village there was a toll-bar and house, with a coat of arms, not royal, painted on that sort of shield, fixed to a post, which generally, The traveller is on his way in this country, tells the traveller where from Berlin, 3d Jan. 1818, and tells us, he has money to pay. The date of this The difficulty I had had during the day to painting was 1602, and the name of the find the road, presented me reaching Bran-owner, with the word noble, adeliche, pre-achievements. He was completely in rags, denburg, and made me think it prudent to fixed, was also painted on the shield. It and appeared to have nothing but what was stop at the commencement of night, when I was one of those tolls levied by noblemen given him, yet, for that very reason, because was by no means tired, and where there was on all carriages and horses passing through he knew that the supply of his wants depenno sort of decent accommodation to be had. their estates, so many of which formerly ded on his giving pleasure to others, he had I had then walked near forty miles, and had existed, and some of which still exist in va-acquired the talent of giving it, and kept his never passed, since I left Spandau, any rions parts of Germany. The people of this hearers not merely amused, but delighted, thing like a decent public-house or village, nobleman, as the inhabitants of the village all the evening. He made them happy, and and I had been unable to procure any thing styled themselves,-for all belonged to him, in spite of his nakedness, and the cold wea -were exempted from any toll when they ther, he was happy himself. While a reciwhere I stopped for the night promised employed their own waggons, but were procation of services is the source of one of nothing comfortable, but as the woman said obliged to pay if waggons belonging to other the highest enjoyments of men, nobody I could sleep there, I resolved to make my people brought any thing to them, The go- seems to be so much injured as those classes self contented. She gave me, on entering, vernment wished to destroy this toll, but the of society, who, having all their wants prosome very bad coffee, and when, at a later landlord said, with a grin of satisfaction, vided for, never feel any necessity to exert hour, I requested something more substan-"Our nobleman was too strong for it." the talents to give and receive pleasure, with tial for supper, I was informed there was Mr. Adeliche Beerhern, for such was his title which nature has endowed them. When the nothing but brown bread, bad batter, and and name, seemed a sturdy sort of fellow, females were gone to bed, this miserablenew brandy. I was still more disappointed, who lived on his own property, without go-looking being entertained the man-servant when, on asking to go to bed, I was inform- ing much to court, and, while he maintains with the history of his amours and his galed I could have no other bed than some this sort of independence, the monarch of lantry, and no dashing guards' officer, glitstraw strewed in the room where I was Prussia can hardly be called an absolute mo- tering in scarlet and gold, ever boasted of then sitting, which was filled with a great narch. The new road to Magdeburg, if it more success. This was strange society, if many people who evinced no disposition to were made straight, would pass through the that can be called society, of which an indidepart. There was, at that time of night, estate of this nobleman, but he seemed to vidual is but the silent spectator; but a nothing better to be got, and I patiently sub-like no such novelties as good roads, and lonely pedestrian has often no choice; it is a matter of chance with whom he sits down.

for dinner but bread and beer. The house


A travelling merchant, who sold earthen ware, had taken up his abode in the house, and had carefully informed all the inhabitants of the village that he meant, on that evening, to make a lottery of his merchandise, and he had invited them to come and spend their money with him. Towards eight o'clock they had accordingly, young and old, men, women and children, assembled, and completely filled the room. He arranged his wares in the most tempting manner, on a large table They consisted of cups and saucers, glasses, plates, and pipes, which were neither coarse nor inelegant. Every one of these articles was put up at the same price, and at its full value, or at rather more than its full value. The price was eight

had compelled the engineer to make a con-
siderable circuit to avoid his grounds.

Of two public-houses, one of which was
filled by noisy drinking peasants, and
the other was quiet,-but at neither of
which a bed could be got,-I chose the quiet
one, and found the people willing to get me
any thing the house or the village attorded
for my supper, which consisted, however,
of potatoes and a small piece of veal. The
room was a large barn sort of place, ex-
cessively black from smoke. Two long ta-
bles were placed on two sides of the room,
near the walls, against which oaken benches,
as seats, were fixed. A large oven and the
entrance occupied one of the other sides,
and at the fourth side was the door to go into
the kitchen, with a bed-place at each side of

My day's walk was about thirty miles, and the soil, I observed, was very generally light and sandy. Some forests were passed, but no inclosures. Where the country was cultivated, there was no separation between the fields but water courses, and the farrow extended farther than the eye could follow it. Notwithstanding it was Sunday, many persons were working, and the girls of the public-house continued spinning all the evening, as they listened to the stories or joined in the songs of the ragged man.

What I experienced for these two nights, and on my road, where I could not procure a bed, and scarcely any thing to eat, may serve as a specimen of the wealth, or rather poverty, in which his majesty of Prussia's

subjects live. The reader will remember, that I was not more than seventy miles from Berlin, that I was on a high road, and that houses of public entertainment had neither beds nor any thing to eat. Such is the state of the dominions of the Great Frederick.

The rights of noble Prussians are also exemplified at Exleben, near Magdeburgh, where

Two noblemen resided, which was a great source of vexation to the inhabitants, who, when the noblemen do not reside among them, are generally free from all services except a certain rent, either in money or corn; but when they reside the peasantry must supply them with horses, carry their harvest in, plough their ground, and must give them the third goose and the tenth lamb. The people seemed to feel these services as a hardship.

The annexed inscription, on a cottage near Heldesheim, is another trait worth preserving :

On one of the cottages near the road side was an inscription admirably appropriate to the building," I built not from pride, nor from hope, nor fro:n lust, nor from a desire of ornament, but necessity compelled me


From this part, walking on towards Hannover, the author says,

At various places on the road, as I approached Hannover, I saw new buildings, and something like decent farm-houses, which are marks of prosperity very rarely seen in any part of the Continent. The road from Hildeshein was good, and some hedgerows, and nice gardens, and, above all, the G. R.s which glittered on the toll-houses, and on the road-menders' caps, reminded me strongly of England. This was much augmented on entering the town. The soldiers were dressed like our own, and I heard the military music playing for the officers' dinner The Roast Beef of Old England."


Luneberg. At ten o'clock, when the people should all have gone to bed, I was rather surprised to see a dozen young men and women, and amongst them the servants of the house, collected at the door and playand this amusement lasted, with much laughing main chaude. It was a beautiful night, night. The last time I had played at this ter, and some very hearty slaps, till midgame was with the family of the publichouse, at the village of Simplon. I should have joined in it here with great pleasure, but I was not sure that my patience was equal to the pain inflicted by the hard hands of the peasantry. People who, after a day's labour can thus amuse themselves, and be happy, assuredly find a compensation in their own minds for the sterility of the land, and the disadvantages of their situation.

German dominions may, in point of build- every family was buried under its own door
ings, be compared to some old fashioned sill.
third rate provincial town of Great Britain.
The only building which has the least
claim to the character of elegance, is the
palace of the Duke of Cambridge. It was
built by a nobleman in the year 1752, and
Even this, however, is nothing but a plain
afterwards purchased by the government.
The royal palace, which has once been large,
and elegant, though rather a large house.
is partly in ruins. The chapel, the theatre,
and some other of the old parts remain, and
some new corners are built and building; the
other parts have been burnt or pulled down,
and present only a mixture of confusion and
ruin. The house in which the ministerial
business is conducted, die Regierung; the
Parliament House, das landshaftliche Hause,
at present repairing, the library, the Fürsten
hof, which is the residence of the Duke of
Clarence, may be mentioned as decent-look-
ing places. The manner in which the other
houses are built, even when they are large,
with a frame of oak, filled in with bricks, the
timber being still seen, gives them a mean
and old fashioned appearance.

The town-house is one of those old Gothic,
or, according to Goethe, German buildings,
which have so many different corners and
shapes, that no one particular shape belongs
to it. In lightness and ornament it is far
inferior to many of the old houses, similar
to those of Helmstädt, which abound in
Hannover, as well as in all the towns of this
part of Germany. The fronts of many of
them are entirely composed of little towers,
extending all the way to the top, and being
sometimes -martly painted and ornamented
with a variety of figures and weathercocks,
they look like gay summer-houses, or small
antique castles. A similar mode of building
may be traced in all the old farm-houses,
whose gable ends, and ornaments of wood,
which, in that situation, look natural enough,
often reminded me of small Gothic chapels.
The town of Hannover is situated in a flat what is called Gothic architecture, together
The general prevalence in this country of
plain, at the very farthest extremity of the with its prevalence and excellence in Britain;
hills and fertile country I had just passed to which country it was carried by the early
through, and at the very commencement of invaders from this part of Germany, make it
those sandy districts which extend, without probable that it had its origin here, and
interruption, from it to the Elbe, the Weser, leave no room to doubt that this fantastical
and the sea. On the north-west side lies a style, with its multiplicity of ornaments, was
hill called the Lindenberg, and in its neigh-once the common style of building the farm-
bourhood the soil is fertile, and the country houses of this part of Germany.
pleasant; on the other side the soil is ge-
nerally sandy, and the country flat. A little
river, called the Leine, divided into two
streams, runs through it, but is in general
so completely built over, that it is not seen
till the bridge over it is reached. In the
vicinity of the Marstall, or royal stable, and
by the palace, it is exposed to view, and there
gives a little beauty to the whole. The
town contains 20,000 inhabitants, and is in-
creasing and improving. The Leine divides
the old from the new town; and the former
which is the best built and most agrecable
has as an appendage the Egidian new town,
part of the whole. There is not one good
street, and but few good-looking houses, and,
on the whole, the capital of his Majesty's

Pictures of Manners will be traced in the subjoined extracts.

Uelzen, where I dined and slept, is a nice little town. Most of the inhabitants were enjoying themselves in their summer-houses, of which there was one in every garden, and the town is surrounded with gardens. At the entrance to most of the houses were two stone benches, on some of which people were seated smoking, who exchanged the afternoon salutation with every passing of these benches were shaped in an ornaneighbour. The upright stones at the end mented manner, like common tombstones, which they otherwise greatly resembled and they disposed me at first to think that

Stade is of some importance to the sovereign, from being in the neighbourhood of that part of the Elbe where he makes people purchase a permission to sail on its waters. A vessel, which was formerly an English gun-brig, and which is the whole naval force of his majesty's German dominions, is stationed here to levy the toll, or see the certificate that it has been paid in Hamburgh. Ships belonging to Altona and Hamburgh, the inhabitants on the left bank of the Elbe, and some of those on the right bank, with their own productions, pass toll free, every body else must pay. This is, undoubtedly. the most important toll on water belonging to Hannover, and it is said to produce, when the expences of collecting it are paid, about 50007. per year. But this is a sealed part of the management of government, and all which is known concerning it is mere conjecture.

(To be continued.)


Poems never before printed, written by
John Gay, author of the Beggar's
Opera, Fables, &c. with a Sketch of his
Life, from the M.S. of the Rev. Jo-
seph Baller, his nephew. Edited by
Henry Lee, author of Poetic Impres-
sions, &c. Two which are added,
Two New Tales, by the Editor.
London. 1820, 12mo. pp. 147.
The history of Gay's Chair is given
in a preface, and circumstantial proof

Perhaps the reader may not be acquainted with this game, and it may therefore be proper to describe it. A female sits down, one of the company kneels down, and lays his head in her lap, so that he can for the moment see nothing. He lays one of his hands behind him, flat on his back, and all those who choose to play give him smart strokes on this hand, till he guesses who bit him, when the person who is discovered must take his turn on his knees. In this instance, however, they neither sat nor kneeled down, right, there is a good description of this game, but one person stooped down and hid his face in the apron of one of the maidens. If 1 recollect with many of its agreeable et ceteras, as it is played in decent circles in France, in the Hermit de la Chausse d'Antin,


We, the maids of Exon city,

Girls are innocent doves till they're fourteen
years old,

Then sprightly as sparrows till forty are told;
Like parrots they chatter until they're four-score,
Then they're birds of ill-omen, and women no

The maids! good lack, the more's the pity!
Do humbly offer this petition,
To represent our sad condition;
Which once made known, our hope and trust is
Your honoured House will do us justice ;
There are only eight or ten other lit-
and goes on to complain of the widows tle pieces ascribed to Gay in this pub-
being more successful than the petiti-lication, from which we copy two as
oners in securing husbands.

adduced that the article of furniture in
question was undoubtedly the poet's fa-
vourite easy seat: we should have in-
agined that the strongest evidence was
the discovery in a secret drawer of the
Poems now published. But as the story
is curious, we extract its substance.
About twelve years since, it was sold
amongst some of the effects of the late Mrs.
Williams, niece of the Rev. Joseph Baller,
and who by a previous marriage, had been
the wife of the Rev. Hugh Fortescue, of Fil-
leigh, near Barnstaple. Both families (the
Fortescues and the Ballers) were by marriage
nearly related to Gay, whose property was,
at his decease (as will afterwards be shown),
equally divided betwixt his sisters, Kathe-A weakly and imperfect creature,
So liable to err or stray,
rine Baller and Joanna Fortescue.

articles of this publication are taken.

First you shall hear-But cann't you guess
The reason of our sad distress ?—
(Plague on the widows that compel us
Thus to petition 'bout young fellows!)
But we were saying-you must know,
Tho' blushing we declare our woc,
A maiden was designed by nature

Her wants require a guide, a stay;
And then so timorous of sprites,
She dreads to be alone at nights!
Say what she will, do what she can,
Her heart still gravitates to man;
From whence 'tis evident as light
That marriage is a woman's right;
And therefore 'tis prodigious hard
To be of such a right debarred:
Yet we, poor souls, cann't have the freedom
To get good husbands, tho' we need 'em!
Them Machiavels in petticoats!
The widows, Sirs!-Their art denotes

Since the period of Mrs. Williams's death, the chair came into the hands of the late Mr. Clarke, of High-street, Barnstaple, and it was sold, with the rest of his household furniture, by public auction. The editor happening to be then in Devonshire, heard of the above circumstance, and anxious to ascertain the particulars, applied to the auctioneer, who informed him that the chair had been sold to a person of the name of Symonds, to whom the editor immediately went, saw the chair, and afterwards purchased it: orders were given that it should be The relief prayed for is a troop of sent to the house of Mr. Crook, a cabinet-beaus, or the personal devotion of the maker in the same street, to be repaired; Members for the good of their country. who, on removing the drawers, discovered Of the shorter poems, some may be the manuscripts from which the principal original and unknown to the public (at The following extract from Mr. Crook's least we have no recollection of them), letter to a gentleman who made enquiries on but there are others which are familiar the subject, will, it is presumed, be satisfac- to us, and probably to many of our tory. The chair was bought at an auction readers. Dame Doleful's Dobbin eatby Mr. Symonds of this town, from whose ing the grinding-stone, is in this predihouse it came to mine. I was desired to re-cament; and the following verses, enpair it, and on taking out the drawer in front, titled "Comparisons," we have heard which was somewhat broken, I found at the back part of the chair, a concealed drawer, sung, nearly verbatim, as a song. ingeniously fastened with a small wooden bolt. Those who have lately had possession of the chair never knew of this concealed drawer it was full of manuscript papers, some of which appeared to have slipped over, as I found them stuck in the bottom or seat of the chair. A respectable tradesman of this town was present when I made the discovery. The owner of the chair was immediately sent for, and the whole of the papers safely delivered into his hands.-I am, &c.' There is also a fac simile of Gay's hand-writing; and the editor assures us that the longest poem, "The Ladies' Petition," is printed nearly verbatim from a MS. in this character, which is decidedly that of the bard. He says he is not aware of its having been before published; but we are inclined to doubt whether any of the pieces in this volume have not been either entirely or partially communicated to the world.

The Petition is addressed to the House of Commons, and commences

A lamb and a lion-a fox and an ass,
Resemble mankind, as it were in a glass;
Males are harmless as lambs 'till they're four-
teen years old,
And 'till they are forty, as lions are bold;
As foxes they're cunning 'till three-score and ten,
Then, silly as asses, no longer are men.

A dove and a sparrow-a parrot and crow,
The life of a woman most aptly will show;
Girls innocent doves are 'till fourteen years old,
And chirrup like sparrows, till forty are told;
Like parrots they'll prate 'till they're three-score

and ten,

And as crows often croak, so do most old wʊ


We add the version we have men


Dear Madam,

I your mercy crave,
For my poor namesake John, your slave,
Behold him abject at your feet;
Now is your triumph most complete :
A helpless victim see he lies,
Half slain by your all-conquering eyes!
Those eyes which like the mid-day sun,
None can with safety look upon.

To you (oh take it in good part)
He gave the maid-hood of his heart,
Untouch'd by any former love;

Sure some compassion this might move;
His heart, which ne'er before was sway'd,
You like a cullender have made,
And 'less your power and mercy's equal,
Indeed, dear ma'am, I dread the sequel;
For love, beyond all other ills,
Despises juleps, drops, and pills.

If wedlock may be deemed a pleasure,
You cann't too soon possess the treasure!
Consider then the loss of time,
And snatch the roses in their prime;
As a young cat torments a mouse:
Teaze not the man who'll grace your house,
Seeming regardless of the prize,
Puss slily turns aside her eyes;
But should he run—'tis all'in vain,
For, snap! she brings him back again!
Again the panting wretch she mumbles,
Again she tosses him, and tumbles!

But have you, madam, never seen,
When in the wall a hole hath been,
The pris'ner seize a lucky minute,
And in a trice hath slipp'd within it,

Leaving behind the tyrant puss,
To purr and claw and make a fuss?
Pardon, I pray, the facts I state,
Nor think I mean t'in sinuate
Your captive mouse will run away,
And you the part of puss must play!
O, no such thing! what I fear most,
Is, that the mouse, thus plagued and tost,
Should by such usage be quite wasted,
Before one morsel has been tasted;
For what are all such tricks at last,
But schemes to heighten the repast?
Or what avails it thus to treat,
And take him when there's nought to cat?
Rather than hazard such mishap,
Entice him kindly to the trap:
You won't, I trust, the thought disparage,
I mean, dear ma'am, the trap of marriage!
A trap, I'm sure, he cann't withstand,

tioned, as a proof that if this jeu d'esprit If you but lay the bait-your hand!
be really Gay's, it is not a novelty.

An ape and a lion-a fox and an ass,
May show how the lives of mankind do pass;
They are all of them apes till the age of fourteen,
Then bold as lions till forty they're seen ;

Then cunning as foxes till three-score and ten,
And then they are asses and no more men.

A dove and a sparrow-a parrot and crow,
The life of a woman most aptly may show;

As I've his welfare much at heart,
Don't blame me that I take his part;
He my companion was, and chearful,
And not of any female fearful,
He joked at love, or seem'd to doubt it,
And laughed at those who talk'd about it :
But hear him as a child now mutter,
Like one that's lost its bread and butter!
Since thoughts of you first filled his head,
His heart as heavy is as lead,

[blocks in formation]

Thon faithful vassal to my wayward will!
Thou patient midwife to my labouring skill!
My pen and ink's choice cell! my paper's pillow
Thou steady friend, e'en were thy master mellow!
My seat! visit not the proud St. Stephen;
St. Stephen knows not me-so we are even.
A seat, obtained not by a threat or bribe;
But free, uninfluenced by an influenced tribe:
Thou'rt my inheritance--I boast no other;
My throne unique! for thou hast not a brother.
Surrounded by my friends, secure from foes,
By thee upheld, I calmly seek repose.
Soothed by thy comfort, my ideas spread-
Aerial forms assemble round my head!
Titles and honours court me-in the air!
A proof that I've been building castles there!
Days, months, and years I've musing sat in

tition of Gen. Gorgaud's narrative of
the campaign of MDCCCXV, written at
St. Helena, and published in London
in 1818. (See Literary Gazette for
1818, p. 740.)

[ocr errors]

spirit of the campaign, and even to the most simple rules of war, as to remain in a position with the defiles of the forest of Soignes in his rear, rendering retreat (if he was beat) impossible," This then is the nature of a book he returned from wandering about like pretended to be directly derived from a troubled spirit, and entered his tent, the ex-emperor, and intended to serve full of satisfaction at the great error for a very memorable part of the his- which the opposite leader had committory of France. Knowing, as we hap-ted, and very much chagrined that the pen to know, that Madame Montholon bad weather hindered him from prodid, about nine months ago, send over fiting by it." The morning, however, for O'Meara, a MS. of some kind, we began to clear up, and the elated Naimagined it not improbable that this poleon perceived some should be the same in print; but after from that sun which before its setting reading it, it seems impossible to en- was to witness the destruction of the tertain for an instant the idea that Na- English army; the British oligarchy poleon had any hand in so ludicrous would then be overthrown; France and contemptible an imposition, or would rise from this day more glorious, that it is any thing but an impudent more powerful, and more grand than compilation, founded on, or rather re-ever." Of course, it was necessary to composing, Gorgaud's volume, and got up for paltry purposes, by some of the literary understrappers of the exile, or of his friends in Europe.

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faint rays

And when grown pettish, thou ne'er answered'st


A quality this is, so rarely seen,
"Twould be a jewel might adorn a queen.

My study thou-my favourite resting place,
My tabernacle where I pray for grace!
My spouse for in thy arms I oft recline,
And hope, tho' pleas'd with progeny of thine,
That no base offspring ever may be mine.

Of the two tales added by the editor, in order to make out a book of tolerable proportions, we shall merely say, that the morals are good and the style agreeable.

Mémoires pour servir à l'Histoire de
France en 1815. Avec le Plan de la
A Pa-

This being our opinion of the work,
we shall content ourselves with refer
ring to our review of Gorgaud, every
word in which applies to his copyist;
and very shortly treating our readers
with a few of the strong points in the
new Editor.

beat the English first, and this, according to these accounts, was most effectually done, notwithstanding Bulow arrived with 30,000 men in the forenoon. The Prussian corps was opposed by 10,000 men under Lobau, and the rest of the French, some 59,000 strong, were quite enow to thrash90,000 British. Well, the British were completely defeated, and fled in crowds (en foule), and what is more astonishing, "all the fugitives, Chapter VI. sets out by informing us English, Belgian, German, who had that during the night of the 17th, the been subred by the cavalry, ran towards Empereur issued every necessary order Brussells !" At four o'clock, the victory for the morrow's battle, though every would have been speedily decided, but thing indicated that it would not take for Bulow's powerful diversion, which it place. Had it not been for the left took till 5 o'clock to repulse. The wing's being retarded three hours, the victory was now complete; the English campaign would have been crowned by had abandoned the entire field of battle the annihilation of the Anglo Dutch between La Haye-Sainte and Montariny the day before. But as this had Saint-Jean; and the French cavalry Bataille de Mont-Saint-Jean. not happened, that Wellington and charged amid shouts of triumph, and cut ris. 1820. 8vo. pp. 336. Blucher should have taken advan- down all opposition. Buonaparte obWriting this notice at an early period tage of the night to traverse the forest served that their movement was neverof the week, we presume that before it of Soignes, and united their forces in theless an hour too early, but that appears on the day of our publication, front of Brussels, which they might which was done must be supported. an English version of these Memoires have accomplished by 9 o' clock in the They kill officers who were slain before, will have come forth, as a work of that morning, and thus rendered the situation and do such wonders as never were kind has been advertised for the 3d of the French army very delicate. Buo-heard of in former battles-yet it is uninstant. The usual puffs have preced-naparte, it seems, was at 1 o'clock lucky that the reserve should have thus ed, and among others a paragraph stat- strongly engaged on these grand engaged, even to finish the contest; for ing that the Duke of Wellington has thoughts (fort preoccupé de ces grandes at 70'clock..." the victory was gained, declared that no one but Buonaparte pensées), and so determined to believe 69,050 Frenchmen had conquered could have given this account of the nothing but what he had anticipated 120,000 men. Joy was in every gesBattle of Waterloo ;...upon which we ought to be done, that it was long ture, hope in everyheart!" [La victoire have simply to remark, that if the Duke before scouts, prisoners, and deserters étoit gagnée; soixante-neuf mille of Wellington said so, he contradicted could force him to alter his opinion, Français avoient battu cent vingt mille in the most direct manner every sylla- and believe that the English were ac-hommes. La joie étoit sur toutes les ble of his own official dispatches de-tuellement, not running away. When figures, et l'espoir dans tous les cœurs]. tailing the battle!! We may also ob- he could no longer doubt the fact, that Follows a tirade against Grouchy for serve, that other persons might have Wellington had committed a blunder so remaining at Gembloux and Wavres, made out a similar story, since in fact monstrous, "contrary to the interests instead of hastening to Waterloo, where, it is neither more nor less than a repe-of his party and country, to the general if what we have quoted had been true,



87 he was not much wanted; and then an in Count Fleury's Memoirs (see our in Spain, and his refusal of the crown of that account of the arrival of Blucher with last Number) pour servir à l'Histoire de kingdom, on the renunciation of Charles IV.

Copies of the Letters of Charles and Ferdinand, 31,000 men, and opening a communi- la Vie privée, &c. Count Fleury, from relating to the conspiracy of the latter against cation between Bulow, who was in full the official returns, states the French his father. The hitherto secret motives of the retreat, and the left of the English, army which entered the Netherlands at marriage of the author with the daughter of the whose commander was reduced to de- | 117,850 men ; yet he too allows only Empress Josephine, and their subsequent mu

tual agreement to a separation. The events spair, at 6 o'clock. Some of the sixty-seren thousand to be present at which occurred on the separation of the Emperor French regiments began to retire, but this battle, and only 50,000 engaged. Napoleon and the Empress Josephine. Buonaparte put himself at the head of Nobody knows where, except the corps Early genealogy of the Buonapartes.-An imthe guar:l, and at the same time told of Grouchy, the other 50,000 were. portant letter from the Duc de Cadore, explainthem a lie to sustain them, namely that the allies had, according to Fleury, Holland; the various united propositions of

ing the intentions of the Emperor with regard to Grouchy had arrived. The English 1-10,000 men in action, which is only France and Russia, to accommodate with Engare again defeated, and are to be entire- | 11,000 short by Mr. O'Meara's account. land; and a variety of anecdotes of the Author, ly broken by the next charge, when Count Fleury, though he gives every ad- of Napoleon, and of his family, &c. &c. Blucher reaches La Haye and over- vantage to his countrymen, and allows acknowledged candour and probity, must render

The relative situation of the Author, and his throws the French who defend it. From them to throw their opponents into dis- this a very interesting book; and we readily bethis village, though Blucher had not order, does not completely defeat the lieve the assurance of the parties, that its anlight to have taken it, the horrid cry English during the whole day ; Mr. nouncement has already excited a strong sensaof “ Saure qui peut" is heard, and uni- O'Meara has them routed and annihi- tion, both at home and abroad.] versal consternation and rout ensue, It lated four times ! Count Fleury only was dark, or the troops would have falls into the common French mistake, been able to see the Emperor, and that that when an army is passive, when not would have rallied them: nothing charging with huzzas and cries, when under this title, have appeared, and

Two neat little half-crown volumes, could be done, and pole-mêle is the displaying bottom rather than gallantry, monthly numbers in succession are anorder or rather, disorder, of the night. it has the worst of the field-he is un- nounced. The anecdotes are judiciousNever was a l'rench army worse acquainted with the sturdy British qua.. ly selected, and the compilation is beaten.

lity, and cannot appreciate a species of handsomely got up. Each number is Such is the sum total of this farcical bravery unknown to his countrymen :- devoted to illustrate a particular quality history of the battle of Waterloo. Hlours but O'Meara has no such excuse for his

or virtue : thus, for example, Eloquence sta:id for nothing in time, and figures false colouring and fabrications; an and Humanity are the subjects of the for nothing in calculation. 69,000 to officer once in our service, and one first two, and Heroism, Generosity, 120,000 is said to be as 1 to 2 ; Blucher of a valiant people, he ought to have

Enterprize, &c. of those which are prois asserted to be reduced from 90,000 known, that to endure is as much the

mised. As a specimen of the work we to 40,000 men by the battle of Ligny, characteristic of our warriors as tu in

select a few extracts. where 30,000 were destroyed and flict; and to bear (in the pugilistic 20,000 dispersed on the Meuse, yet he phrase) punishment, as sure a sign of

George 1.-During the siege of fort St.

Philip, comes up with above 60,000 men, be- courage, and as certain a presage of unfortunate as to lose both his legs by a

a young lieutenant of marines was so sides leaving a strong corps to divert victory, 'as the most spirited offensive chain shot. In this miserable and helpless Grouchy : finally, the French were as hostility. Far be it from us to deny conclition he was conveyed to Singland, and 2 men to 5, and carried all before them the valour and conduct of the enemy. a memorial of his case presented to un lotill past 8 o'clock, when, contrary to Never did French soldiers display more pourable board; but nothing more than all the rules of war and evidence, they devotion and heroism than at Waterloo half-pay could be obtained. Major Manson took to their heels and continued flying - but they were fairly vanquished, and

had the poor lieutenant conducted to court, from the enemy they had beaten till the day has yet to come in the annals of posted in the anti-room, and supported by

on a public day, in his uniform ; where, they were nearly all cut to pieces ! war, when there will be any ground for two of his brother officers, he cried out as the

And so ends this “sad eventful histo- the silly boast, that, man to man, they king was passing to the drawing room," Bery” of disaster in spite of victory on are superior to Britons; and still less, hold, great sire, a man who refuses to bend the one side, and triumph in spite of that as to two they have any his kvee to you; he has lost both in your blundering on the other; of the hap- chance of victory.

service.” The king, struck no less by the piest results of ignorance, and the most

singularity of his address, than by the megrievous disappointment of superior in

lancholy object before hiin, stopped, and

[This seems the era for reviving the name of telligence; of every thing succeeding Buonaparte in books, if not in battles :-A MS hastily demanded what had been done for

him. with those who did every thing wrong ; this country, and is already in the hands of a

* Half-pay,” replied the lieutenant, said to be of undoubted authenticity, has reached

• and please your majesty.” ' Fye, fve, and nothing succeeding with those who translator, so as to be very shortly published, on't,” said the king; shaking his head ; " but did every thing right. So blind is fate! both in English and in the original French. It let me see you again next levee day.” The

Were any further proof wanted to is entitled “ Documents Historiques et Reflexions lieutenant did not fail to appear, when he reshow that this rhodomontade was a

sur le Gouvernement de lu Hollande, par Louis Bu- ceived from the immediate hands of royalty,

onaparte, Er-Roi de Hollande." weak invention of the O'Meara school,

a present of five hundred pounds, and an

This work, we are inforined by the publishers, annuity of two hundred pounds a year for and one of a set of misrepresentations (a house of the highest respectability) contains life. to confound the facts of Waterloo; or if every event relating to the politicalor financial situation of Holland, from the commencement of the

Friendless Candidates.- The Prince de possible for any portion of it to be de- reign of Louis until the close of his government. Montbarey presented a list of the young genrived from Buonaparte, that his Worship Sketches of the invasion of Italy, and Expedition tlemen who were candidates for the vacant ought to have been a native of Gascony in Erypt-in both of which the author was pre- places in the military school of Louis XTI. rather than of Corsica ; it is to be found sent. Relations of most of the important events of France In this list were a great number

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