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In Africa as well as in Arabia, the country people, wherever the black Fakys pass, are eager to procure amulets of their writing, which are supposed to possess greater virtue than those of any other class of pilgrims. There lives at present, in Cairo, near the Kara-Meydan, a Tekroury, who has been for many years famous for his amulets, and who makes large sums of money by writing them.

(To be continued.)

limits of Darfour. All these pilgrims can pursue their journey by three different the inhabitants of the countries through read and write a little; and they all belong routes: viz. 1, through the interior of Abys- which the pilgrims pass, are so uncharitable to the class styled Faky (plur. Fakiha). I synia, by Gondar and Axum, to Massouah; and cruel to them; they think that every never found any of them quite illiterate. 2, along the Nile from Sennaar to Shendy; Tekroury is a king of Soudan in disguise, After making some progress in the schools and, 3, from Sennaar to Taka, by the way with abundance of gold about him.. of their country, (schools being met with in of Ras el Fil, and from thence to Hallenga, all the Mohammedan countries of Africa,) by which they escape the journey through they proceed to Mekka for the Hadj, or in the desert. Those who travel by the first order to study the Koran and the commen- route complain of being ill-treated by the taries upon it, in that place and Medinah; Christians of Abyssinia, of never being alor to Cairo, for the same purpose; but the lowed to enter any house, or even courtgreater part go for the Hadj; at present yard, and of being fed like dogs (as they exthere are not more than twelve in the mosque press it) before the threshold. They, howEl Azhar at Cairo, and I did not find above ever, always obtain a copious evening meal. double that number in the great mosque at At Massouah they remain a few weeks, till Mekka; where they are occupied chiefly in they earn by their labour sufficient to pay learning the Koran by heart, in the belief, their passage-money by sea either to the that they can never forget a chapter which nearest coast of Yemen, which is one dollar, they have once learnt in the Beit ullah or to Djidda, which is two dollars. Their (house of God). The greater part of the usual rendezvous is Hodeyda, the sea-port Tekayrne who visit Mekka, come from the of Yemen, from whence they proceed to schools of Darfour, the principal of which Mekka, by land, passing through the hosare at Kondjara, in the neighbourhood of pitable tribes of Bedouins in the mountains Kobbe. Those from the most western coun- of the Hedjaz. I estimate the number of tries, who pass this road, are from Bahr el Negroe pilgrims who pass by this route anGhazal and Bagerine. All the Black Had-nually to Mekka at about one hundred and jis from the countries to the west of Bagerme, fifty, or two hundred. Many Tekayrne are from Bournou as far as Timbuctou, either settled in the sea-ports of Yemen, as well as travel with the Fezzan, or great Moggrebyn at Djidda and Mekka. The third route is pilgrim caravan, or proceed by sea from the preferred by all pilgrims who are able to coast of Barbary. make a common purse in order to buy a camel for the transport of water and provisions; and they are sure of finding at Taka, after a short stay, some merchants from Souakin, in whose company they can proceed to that place.

Some of the Tekayrne of Darfour and Kordofan are possessed of considerable property, and trade during their journey. At Djidda, I met with a man from Darfour, with three or four female attendants, and half a dozen female slaves, which formed his household, besides the slaves he carried with him for sale; but the greater part of them are quite destitute, and find their way to Mekka, and back to their own country, by begging, and by what they can earn by their manual labour on the road. The equipments of all these pilgrims are exactly alike, and consist of a few rags tied round the waist, a white woollen bonnet, a leathern provision sack, carried on a long stick over the shoulder, a leathern pouch, containing a book of prayers, or a copy of a few chapters of the Koran; a wooden tablet, one foot in length, by six inches in breadth, upon which they write charms, or prayers, for themselves or others to learn by heart; an inkstand, formed of a small gourd; a bowl to drink out of, or to collect victuals in from the charitable; a small earthen pot for ablution; and a long string of beads hanging in many turns round the neck. The Tekayrne seldom travel alone, at least they never set out alone upon their journey; they generally form parties o' about half a dozen, and as opportunity offers, join some caravan on the road, or proceed by themselves. Their usual route to Mekka is by Siout, by Sennaar, or by Shendy. Those from the most western countries meet at Darfour; after which, such only as can afford to travel with the Darfour caravan, (which requires capital sufficient to buy camels and provisions for the journey through the desert), repair to Siout, from whence they proceed to Djidda, by the way, of Kosseir. The pilgrims who go by Sennaar come from Kordofan, and



Art. V. Histoire de la République de Venise, par P. Daru, de l'Academie Françoise, 7 vol. 8vo.

The review of this work being now concluded, we proceed, according to our promise, to give an account of it.

While reading this important work (says the reviewer,) in which the author gives us a complete history of an illustrious republic from its origin to the revolution, which in our days has overthrown its ancient institutions and its government, I had constantly in my mind the fine verses of Sannazarius. Viderat Hadriacis......

Si nelago Tybrim præfers urbem aspice utramque;

Illam homines dices, hanc posuisse Deos. The Venetians, it is said, called their city Opus Excelsi," the work of the Most High.

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It will readily be conceived that the danger and fatigue incident to the journey prove fatal to great numbers of the pilgrims; perhaps one-sixth fall victims to their zeal; the greater part of the diseases by which they are attacked on the road, arise from their being almost destitute of clothing; many perish in the deserts through want and fa- The city still exists, but the institutions, tigue, and others are murdered; but as all the government, the political rights which who die on the road are looked upon as mar-rendered the Venetians an independent peotyrs, these contingencies have little effect ple, the origin of which was coeval with the in diminishing the annual numbers, or in di- most ancient monarchy of Europe, have verting others from their purpose. Although ceased, perhaps for ever. I employ the exthe greater number of the pilgrims are stout pressions of the historian of the Republic. young men, yet it is not rare to see women "It has perished in that great revolution, following their husbands to the Hadj; and, which has overthrown so many states. A almost incredible as it may seem, one of the caprice of fortune has raised again the thrones men who joined our caravan at Taka was which had been subverted. Venice, almost blind. alone, has irrevocably disappeared; its people are erased from the list of nations."

Some of the Tekayrne are men of power and wealth in their own country, but travel as paupers, in order to escape the dangers attendant on riches, in the journey. During our encampment in the plain near Souakin, I saw a young Tekroury sleeping in a lonely spot, while another, kneeling by him, kept off the flies from his face. On enquiry, I learnt from the other negroes, that he was the son of a great chief in Dar Saley, who had been educated with the Fakys, and had set out upon this journey, with a camel, and one servant only. At Shendy he had exchanged the camel for an ass; the servant had become his friend and companion, and both mixed in the crowds of the poorest pilgrims. It is principally owing to a few examples such as these, that the generality of

The author has been in a situation in which it was more easy for him to describe with entire impartiality the annals of this republic, revealing, without inconvenience and without injustice, the springs of a mysterious government, which has been by turns blamed and admired, but which, at least, long existed with glory. From research into the Archives of Venice, which were formerly secret; by indefatigable zeal and patience, in examining all the great libraries, this work of Count Daru's affords results, and contains disclosures, which would distinguish it, even in this respect, from all those very numerous productions, hitherto published, whether by Venetians, or by authors not belonging to the Republic.

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The Veneti, a people of ancient Italy, , league, at the head of which were the Ge- was indebted for the public tranquillity, descended, according to some, from the Ve- noese, animated by an implacable spirit of which it consolidated without ceasing at the neti of Armorica, and according to others, rivalry, which aimed at nothing less than the expence of individnal security, was that oc from the Heneti of Paphlagonia, inhabited destruction of Venice. The author has, in the state inquisitors whose origin Mr. Daru the country on the shores of the Adriatic, this part, emulated the glory and nobleness fixes in the year 1454. Historians had hibetween the Julian Alps and the river Po. of his subject. We regret that we cannot therto been ignorant of the attributes, the On the irruption of the Barbarians into quote some pages, which would enable our means, and the forms of this formidable triItaly, and principally at the time of the ar- readers to appreciate the merit of the style, bunal, or had not dared to disclose them. rival of Attila in 452, the Veneti took refuge the art with which the author has employed The part of Count Daru's book which treats on several little islands, formed by the mouth dramatic forms, and the warmth with which of them, is a real historical conquest, which of that river. They chose at first a popular he has painted the exalted sentiments, the therefore merits peculiar attention. We see government; each of these islands elected generous devotedness of the Venetians during by the regulations which he has published, annually a tribune, who was charged with the reverses of their country, and in the pre- that this tribunal had in its pay, spies among the government and the administration of sence of the imminent dangers over which all classes of the inhabitants, to keep a conjustice, and these magistrates were responsi- they finally triumphed.

stant watch over the magistrates, the citible to the general assembly. In 697 it was The taking of Constantinople by Mahomet zens, the ambassadors. All the machinajudged necessary to appoint a supreme ma- II., the invasions of Italy by the French, the tions, all the perfidies of the civil inquisition, gistrate by the name of Doge. The Doges discovery of the New World, and of the are laid open in this code. If, for instance, soon became ambitious to transmit their of passage to India by the Cape of Good Hope, among the patricians chosen to offices, any fice to their sons, or their relations ; factions had a very great influence on the foreign one dues not possess the entire confidence arose, feuds became hereditary. To secure policy, and the commerce of the Venetians. of the inquisitors, he is to be surrounded the office in their fainily, the Doges generally Being obliged, according to circumstances, with spies, who are to tempt him by making associated a son or a brother in the power, to change her friends and enemies, during the him mysterious proposals against the goduring their owu life.

expeditions of Charles 8th, Louis 12th, and verninent; and if he does not immediately The island of Rialto, surrounded by inany Francis Ist, Venice at length enjoyed an un- come and give an account of these proposals, little islands, was the most considerable; interrupted peace from 1540 to 1570, and it he shall be inscribed on the list of susthe Doge Angelo Participatio, united them is remarkable that this peace was concluded pected persons. The ambassadors of Venice by bridges, and surrounded them with a by the authority of the council of ten, which at foreign courts, held a correspondence rampart in 809, and then it was that the city had given instructions and powers more with the inquisitors, in which they commutook the name of VENICE.

ample than those of the government itself. nicated certain discoveries of which they This republic had already had to defend in the 17th and 18th centuries the Venetians were not to speak in their dispatches to the itself against foreign attacks. Pepin and took a less active part in the affairs of Eu. Senate. We quote some of the articles, Charlemagne had turned their arms against rope. They remained neuter in the war of Art. XVI. When the tribunal shall have it: its commerce had prospered ; and either the Spanish succession ; but their neutrality judged the death of any one necessary, the through ambition or necessity, it had engaged was more injurious than advantageous to execution shall never be public; the person in various wars with its neighbours. As Ve- them. In 1719, the peace of Passarowitz condemned shall be privately drowned by nice had increased her power, the causes of seemed to have fixed the destinies of Venice ; night in the canal Orfano. civil dissension had increased in the saine for after that peace the republic suffered no Art. XXII. Every two months the tribuproportion. Towards the end of the 10th loux, made no acquisition, or exchange, and nal shall have the mail of the courier to century the Doge Peter Urseolo I. afflicted avoided taking part in the wars for the suc- Rome brought to it, and the letters shall be by these discords, secretly left the palace, cession of Parma and Tuscany, and that of opened, in order to discover the corresponand retired into a monastery near Perpignan, the Emperor Charles VI.

dence which the papalists may keep up with where he med the monastic habit, and The Venetians then taking less part in that court. died in 997. the affairs of other powers, were more en

Art. XXV. The tribunal shall authorise Dominic Urseolo having formed a faction gaged with their own government. A great the generals commanding in Cyprus or in to obtain the office of Doge, to which he competition arose between the various Candia, in case there should be in the thought he had a title, as a relation of the powers, which successively attacked each country some patrician, or other person of preceding Doge, a fundamental law was other. It was under these circumstances consequence, whose conduct makes it depussed, prohibiting the nomination of a suc- that the French revolution surprized the sirable that he should not remain alive, to cessor to a Doge, during his life time. The Venecians, who were rendered supine hy a have him put to death secretly, if in their observance of this law was one of the prin- peace which had continued above seventy conscience they judge this measure indispencipal causes of the stability of the govern- years.

sable, and can answer for it before God." ment of Venice. Count Daru employs the Count Daru describes the various and nu- This mode of proceeding, barbarous as it whole 39th book in describing it. This part merous incidents which preceded and brought was, had at least the pretext of the safety of of his work is of great merit, and highly on the catastrophe, which terminated the po- the state, and the public interest. But what interesting besides, from its containing seve- litical existence of Venice. This part of his shall we say to ral details, now published for the first time. work is. entirely new; it contains very cu- Art. XXVI. If a workman carries to a fo.'

The Crusades, which ruined other states, rious details, and very interesting circum- reign country any art, to the detriment of contributed to increase the commerce and stances, which we do not dwell upon, be- the republic, his relations shall be thrown the power of the Venetians. After the cause every body is acquainted with the into prison; if he does not return, measures taking of Constantinople, they received principal events, and the fatal result. shall be taken to put him to death, wherever their share of the spoils of the c.ipire Another very interesting part of this work is he may be ; and after his death his relations of the East, and the Doge added to hi. the account of the differences between Venice shall be set at liberty. titles, that of “ Lord of a Quarter and a and the Court of Rome, in which the Vene- Art. XXXV. relates to the nobles, who Half of the Roman Empire.”

tians gave numerous proofs of a spirited and express their opinions in the senate.“ If One of the most honourable epochs in the enlightened opposition to the precensions of he proceeds to discuss the authority of the history of Venice, is undoubtedly, that from the papal see.

council of ten, and wishes to infringe upon it, 1378 to 1381. Count Daru calls it the War If we examine the political institutions of he shall be suffered to speak without interof Chiozza. This part of the work fills up Venice, and the spirit of its government, we ruption, then he shall be immediately arrested the whole 10th book. The republic, reduced admire but shudder at the terrible means and brought to trial, to be punished according to the last extremity, struggled with equal which served to found and to maintain this to the crime ; and if this means does not sucsuccess and courage, against the jealous ancient aristocracy,

ceed he shall be secretly put to death. powers and nations, united against it in a One of the institutions to which Venice Art. XXXIX. A discontentèd noble, who

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Tuesday, 15th; March, Thursday, 2d;
Thursday, 16th; Monday, 27th.

shall speak ill of the government, shall be nothing remains but illustrious and terrible | bruary, Thursday, 8th; Saturday, 12th; cited, and twice warned to be more circum-recollections. spect; the third time he shall be forbidden Lastly, several maps and plans give an adto shew himself for two years in the councils ditional value to this great and excellent and public places; if he does not obey, if he work, which on many accounts deserves to does not keep strictly in retirement, or if, be ranked among the number of good hisafter the expiration of those two years, he istories, which do honor to our literature. guilty of new indiscretions, he shall be drowned, as incorrigible.

These quotations will give a sufficient idea of the other numerous articles drawn up in the same spirit; and which are the corollaries of the principles laid down by the tribunal.

Art. VI. Count Orloff's Memoirs of the
Kingdom of Naples, 2 vols. 8vo.-As we
have in our 150th Number given an ex-
tract from this work, and in Number 151
a letter from Mr. Blaquiere, announcing
his intention of preparing an English trans-
lation of it, we shall refrain from further
notice of it, till Mr. B. shall have fulfilled
his promise.



(From a foreign Journal.)

Of the 40 books which compose the his tory of Venice, there are some, in which the nature of the subject has permitted the author to shew a very superior talent; such are the 4th and 5th, in which he relates the taking of Constantinople by the Crusaders, and the consequences of that great event; the 6th, which contains an excellent essay on the governments of Italy in the 14th century; the We learn from a correspondent in London, 10th, on the war of Chiozza; the 19th, on that since the years 1812, 1813, and 1814, the commerce and marine of the Venetians: Lord Valentia has been commissioned by the the 21st, on the differences of the republic English government, to examine the coasts with Paul V.; the 31st. on the conspiracy of of Melinda and Abyssinia, and have surveys 1618, in which the author, after a most lumi- made by engineers, (while a draughtsman, nous and convincing discussion, comes to the Mr. Sein, is travelling through the interior conclusion, that there was no conspiracy of that country and of Nubia) in order to against Venice; that the Marquis of Bede- found new commercial establishments on the mar had never formed or favoured any remains of the Portuguese industry. All the hostile project against the republic; and that anchoring places and entrances are already it was the Duke of Ossuna, viceroy of Na- fortified. By these means the access to the ples, who with the design of seizing on the Red Sea is closed as much as that to the kingdom of Naples, with the secret assent Gulph of Venice: and it is probable that no and aid of Venice, had kept up a private ne-nation except the English will henceforward gociation with the Venetian government, the venture to visit the seas near the Island Sosubaltern actors in which were first the cotora, of which they have already taken dupes, and then the victims, when the plan possession. of the Duke having failed, it was found necessary to treat as conspirators, agents who were to have been the auxiliaries of the Duke of Ossuna,

To these we add the 35th book, which gives the picture of the republic towards the end of the last century; the 36th, 37th, and 38th, which include the fatal epoch from the commencement of the French revolution till the overthrow of the Venetian republic; the 39th, which describes its government; and the 40th, which gives the picture of the state of literature, of the sciences, and the arts, among the Venetians.

Five volumes contain the history, properly so called; and it will not appear diffuse if we recollect, that the history of the republic by the Abbé Laugier is in 12 vols. without notes, without justificatory documents, and that it ends in 1750; that is previous to the events which excite the most interest, and require the most developement, in the work of Count


Two volumes contain the justificatory pieces, and the indication of the numerous MSS. which the author has consulted. Readers not accustomed to literary reearches, will not easily form an idea of those which have been necessary for the composiion of this great work, which will henceforth the only one, in which we can completely ady the history of a republic, of which

Yesterday, the first day of Lent Term, the following degrees were conferred :— MASTER OF ARTS.-Rev. Charles Henry Watling, fellow of Jesus College.

BACHELORS OF ARTS.-Thomas Jeffery Bumpstead, Esq. Queen's College, grand compounder; William Day, Esq, Brasennose College, grand compounder; Edward Wanstall, Queen's College; Charles Buck, St. Edmund Hall; John Baron, Henry William Buckley, Peter Hordern, and Francis Stonehewer Newhold, Brasennose College.


[By Correspondents.]

Though thou art lovely, and arrayed
In all the graces of thy kind,
Those charms, alas! are but displayed
To raise a tumult in my mind.
Thou canst not love, nor canst thou tell,
How I adore, nay dote on thee;

Where'er I go, where'er I dwell,

Thy form lives in my memory.
Then fare thee well! I would not leave
The thought of one so fair as thou,
Until thy death should bid me weave
And e'en in that much dreaded hour,
A cypress wreathe to deck my brow.
If fate should will I live so long,
Thy gentle shade shall haunt my bower,
Thy lovely name shall grace my song.
Leeds. Jan. 8th, 1820.


H.W, T.

From the lone watch-tower by the howling deep, Where winds and waves their midnight revels keep,

The Gulph of Persia is in the same situation as the Red Sea: it is commanded by The feeble taper gleams along the tide, the English batteries; establishments having And haply proves the wand'ring seaman's guide. north coast of that Gulph. been formed upon the islands lying on the So o'er the turbid flood of changeful life, Even whose deepest calms are deadly strife, ship Favourite, Captain Ashley Maude, sur-To guide poor mortals on their dang'rous way. The English Religion's light reflects a cheering ray, veyed the coasts of these islands in July, When reason fails, and hope is well nigh o'er, 1816; they are eight in number, and this And close at hand impends th' eternal shore; captain took possession of them in the name She's the last refuge-she alone appears of his sovereign, on the pretext that they To calm their woes, and dissipate their fears; had never been marked in any chart en- She's the sheet anchor, which at length they cast, graved at London, though they were formerly And in the haven safe they ride at last. visited by the Portuguese. The islands have the following names:-Aff, Yarnin, Arzenie, Almy, Syr-bon-yass, Déluze and Cheraraon. They are situated on an immense bank of pearl oysters, which extends nearly two hundred English miles from North to South.

They were taken possession of to facilitate the pursuit of the Wechabite pirates; but they would be of importance if Persia should be obliged to give up the island of Bahrein to



OXFORD, Jan. 15th.

The days appointed for congregations for the purpose of granting Graces and conferring Degrees, in the present Term:-viz. January, Friday, 14th; Thursday, 27th; Fe-

Leeds. Jan. 8th.

H. W. T.

A silly youth was Malvyn, yet he knew,
A Fragment.

His silliness as well as those who chid,
Nor for that knowledge were his faults less few,
But on he went, and neither check'd nor hid,
Nor deign'd to think of what was false or true,

Or right, or wrong; as impulse sway'd, he did,
He was unto himself, God, king and friend,
Such was his whim, nor reck'd he where 'twould

He was a villain, so he would confess,

Tho' no one ask'd; and strange delight he took

T' expat ate with the utmost carelessness

Upon himself; and read, as from a book, Vices too black, and should one strive to trace Aught that might have belied such in his look,

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His nature, as he scorn'd t'enrol
Himself with man, but to be other strove,
And car'd not, if below him, or above.
There was some truth in this, at least as far
As his unwillingness to herd with man;
For he was to them, as a self-lit star,

That shines on all, tho' never shone upon;
And if he ever mingled in their jar,
"Twas but to laugh at all, and laugh with none,
Such was his appetite, and copious was his horn.

Or to collect fresh food for silent scorn

He was the child of humour, and she gave

A softer tone at times, and on him then Counsel fell, as the hail-drop on the wave,

That splashes first, then gently melteth in, Giving one hope, that something yet might saveBut he would shake the dew-drops from his


And with a bitter playfulness conceal
The callousness he loath'd, but yet was proud

to feel.


Seldom and sudden were those qualms of feeling,
And slight the cause that wrought upon him
Yet worlds of grief beyond all words revealing,
When the soul weeps, but tears do never flow,
And sudden with a mental wrench concealing
'Neath abrupt jest and mirth his inward woe,
As the chill, icy lake, congeals the while,
It clothes itself in Heav'n's own azure smile.
No sympathy had he, yet selfishness

In him assum'd a bearing boldly great;
He scorned all, nor yet was loved the less-
For grandeur hovers round the desolate
Of men and things-" Alone" doth more express
Of the sublime, than poets can create.-
This, Malvyn oft has said, and in a tone
So deep and heart-sent, doubly was it lone.

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THE BEASTS.-The dramatic circles are big with expectation, as two new performers are announced at Drury Lane, such as, 'tis said, have not appeared since the age of Roman spectacle. His Grace of Devonshire's tame Elephant, and his Honour Mr. Kean's tame Lion, intend taking each a part in the pantomime; and no doubt is entertained, that they will by their exertions revive the languishing attractions of Jack the Giant-killer in the month of February, and enable that classic and sensible piece to run further into the season, to the great improvement of the young, and the information of the old.

DRURY LANE. GALLANTRY.-This theatre on Saturday, furnished an example of the meeting of extremes; a new comedy was performed, and, differing in every thing else, the author and manager on one side agreed entirely with the audience on the other, that there was nothing

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comic in the evening's entertainment. The not the man-to succeed upon the stage.
play seemed to be a compilation made with His efforts, indeed, reminded us of the old story
no other view than to get every man and of a candidate for histrionica honours, who be-
woman belonging to the Drury Lane com- cause he drawled like one eminent actor, stut-
pany of comedians, and capable of acting, tered like a second, limped like a third, and
upon the stage; no matter whether with or squinted like a fourth, &c., maintained that
without a purpose.
They had their exits he who concentrated so many qualities
and their entrances ;" and in this lay the which were seen in popular favourites, ought
strength of the piece. From the second title, of course to receive in his own person the
Adventures in Madrid, we had a right to aggregate of the applause which rewarded
expect some plot or incident; but, perhaps them severally. Thus Mr. Nathan, whose
from not understanding Spanish, we could person is of indifferent proportions, whose
detect nothing of either kind. The majority gesticulation is awkward, whose countenance
of the visitors being in the same state of is theatrically inexpressive, and whose voice
blessed ignorance, it soon became evident is effete, seemed to calculate on imperfections
that all the gallantry of the drama could not and deficiencies; and, like his prototype
save it. Indeed, it met with a decided and above described from Mr. Joseph Miller, was
deserved condemnation; and the manager a utterly rejected. His condemnation was ac-
little forgot his cue when in an address sig- celerated by the very injudicious encore of
nifying acquiescence in the sentence, he ven- his first song by a multitude of rash friends;
tured to hint that the difficulty of judging and in this respect another instance added of
between a good comedy and a bad one was the impolicy of a practice which we have so
rather above the comprehension of the au- frequently censured. The noble air "Scots
dience on a single representation. This is a wha hae wi' Wallace bled," was so hope-
sort of insinuation, which had better be re-lessly given, that all chance of escape va-
tained in the breasts of our theatrical pur-nished, and the sentence of banishment from
veyors-for we are sure that mercy and "these boards" was loudly and unanimous-
candour, rather than severity and critically pronounced. But even without being
justice, are the characteristics of the public brought into comparison with the mighty
fact is, that the failure of this play contra- to have entirely mistaken his talent, when
on these occasions. The plain and obvious powers of Braham, Mr. N. proved himself
dicted green-room opinion; because the pub- he sought fame as an opera performer.
lic considers the whole, whereas in the green-
room, every actor considers but his own
part. If Messrs. A, B, C, and Mistresses
D, E, F, think the characters drawn for
them will afford an opportunity for display-
ing what they deem their forte, presto!
the play is pronounced admirable and got
up accordingly; while infinitely better pro-
ductions, which do not hit the egotistical
fancies of actors and actresses, are dismissed
with contempt. Of the latter the public has no
means of judging; but of the former, we will
venture to assert, its judgement is ninety-nine
times in a hundred correct-and this piece
preferred no ground for exception It is
the system to which we have alluded-the
preparation of plays for particular persons
rather than on the legitimate principles of
dramatic composition, that is the founda-
tion of much of the inferiority of the modern
stage, and we pray Mr. Elliston to reflect on
this point, rather than arraign the taste and
ability of his patrons.


PARISIAN DRAMATIC REVIEW OF 1819.One hundred and thirty-four new pieces have been brought out during the last year: 1818 produced one hundred and forty-nine; and though 1819 has been less fertile in births than the year which preceded it, yet the deaths have been no less numerous. The Academie Royale de Musique confined its labours to the revival of Tarare, and the new opera of Olympia. The Theatre Français, on the contrary, has evinced great activity, and nine new pieces have been produced, among which are three tragedies and a comedy. Thus the first theatre of the French metropolis has this year spared no exertion; and certainly the managers of the second have not shewn themselves remiss. The most brilliant success attended their first production. All Paris thronged to see the Vepres Siciliennes. The company of the Odeon have been less fortunate; we merely recollect the titles of M. Daigrieux, Crispin Diogène, and a few other unsuccessful pieces produced at the Theatre Savans. Notwithstanding several decided failures, the Opera-Comique has not forfeited public favour. Several judicious revivals, and the charming little piece of Edmond und Caroline, have compensated for the submersion of the Ile de Bubilary, and COVENT GARDEN. Mr. NATHAN.-A the loss of the Battle of Pultora. During person of this name, known to the musical its nine years existence, the Italian Opera world as a composer and teacher, attempted has produced nine pieces. The rival of the the part of Guy Mannering in the opera so two Barbers, (Paesiello's and Rossini's) did entitled, on Saturday last. He was very un- not produce the expected success; one was fortunate; and it soon appeared that what too antiquated for the deletanti, and the other his namesake, perhaps an ancestor, said to too modern for the less impassioned specthe king of Israel, might be reversed in ap- tators. However, the divine Agnese has plication to his acting and singing, for nothing proved universally attractive, and fashion has could be more evident than that Nathan was in this instance been in unison with taste.

This gentleman has generously assigned the profits of one night's representations to the charity for relieving the wretched in the city. We trust that his house has largely afforded the means of consolation to the houseless, and that his charity on this occasion will not be forgotten when the doors are opened on his own account.

The Vaudeville, which was wont to produce | rious example of orthography :-" Triumph a new piece every week, brought out but & Palace." q. Triumphant Palace-for such twenty-three during last year. Among those is the exhibition. that have been crowned with success are Un Dimanche à Passy, Caroline, and the charming Somnambue, whose laurels prevent all the Vaudevillistes from sleeping.

The Theatre des Varietés has endeavoured to compensate for the loss of Potier, by the production of twenty-seven novelties. Douvres et Calais, Angeline, and les Bolivars, are among the best. The Gaieté has certainly drawn fewer tears than usual from its visitors; and the brilliant success of la Fille de l'Exile, and Bouton de Rose, may be attributed in a great measure to the taste of

the decorator.

The Ambigu-Comique enjoys the happy privilege of attracting all susceptible minds, to weep for the misfortunes of Talas. The extraordinary success of this piece banishes all recollection of the light failures that have taken place during the year. There have been but few misfortunes among the melo-drames of the Port Saint-Martin. Procida, and le Tailleur de Jean Jacques, furnished characters for Potier; and the Petites Danaides bids fair to parody the success of the originals. The Cirque-Olympique has produced only six pieces this year. The Death of Kleber, and Poniatowsky, have been particular favourites.

Upon the whole, 1819 cannot be styled a barren year for dramatic literature, since it has produced three such tragedies as Jeanne d'Arc, Louis IX, and the Vepres Siciliennes.


A brilliant collection of the productions of Sèvres, Beauvais, the Goblins, and the Savonnerie, were lately exhibited at the Musée in Paris. The King, who went to view the collection, purchased a number of articles for Christmas presents to the various members of the royal family.

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A Newspaper is now published at Rio Ja neiro: it is called "Gazeta de Janeiro." RUSSIAN LITERATURE.-In Russia, Mr. A gentleman, rather sharp in his charac- Guedilsch, under-librarian at Peterburgh, is ter, who had lost one of a pair of beautiful engaged in a translation of Homer into Ruscarriage horses, experienced much difficulty sian hexameters. Since 1814, six volumes in replacing him. One day that his coachman of Plutarch's Lives, of fourteen, of which the returned from a long hunt, he cried, "Well, work is to consist, have appeared. The John, have you succeeded?" "Aye," quoth Noctes Attica Aulus Gellius, and CorneJohn, joyfully, "but it was a d-d hard lius Nepos, have also been translated into Russian. Mr. Alexander de Stourdza last thing to meet with your match.” A worm of a very curious nature has been year published a manual of the Greek lanfound by the cook of the King's Arms, Ply-guage for the use of his young compatriots. mouth, on opening a cod-fish, destined for Mr. de Becker, Extraordinary Professor of an entertainment. It is about four inches History at Abo, has begun with the new long, and shaped like a soal; with a mouth year a national newspaper in the Finnish apparently intended to act as a sucker. But language, under the title of "Turun Wükko what renders it more remarkable is, a Sanomat." cloathing of the most dazzling green feathers, equal in brilliancy to those of the peacock, on the back, which gives it a very sharp quills, resembling those on the porcusingular aspect. Between the feathers are pine, but comparatively smaller. The animal would seem too large to feed on the cod, but might rather be considered as a parasite, which is a frequent attendant on the fish species. Those who have seen it, many of whom are nautical persons, cannot call to their recollection any creature of a similar kind.-Pachet.

Report says that a copy of the pretended St. Helena MS. has been found among the papers of Madame de Stael; but the fact seems improbable.

An officer, with a glass eye, on undressing at an inn, gave it to the servant, who was assisting him, to put upon the table-the lad continued to wait-" What the devil are you stopping for?" cried the officer: "for the other eye," said the simpleton.

M. Bosio, the French Sculptor, has received a commission from the Minister of the Interior, to execute a statue of Henry IV. as a child, with the marble of the Pyrenees, now introduced with considerable expectations, into the Parisian arts.

LITERARY SUICIDE.-Mr. Fridrick, known by many works which he has published, and particularly by his Satires, has disappeared from Hamburgh, leaving behind him a letter in which he declares his purpose to terminate his existence. It is thought that he has thrown himself into the Elbe, and that his corps is covered by the ice.


JANUARY, 1820.

Thursday, 13-Thermometer from 9 to 29.

Barometer from 30, 29 to 30, 35. Wind N.E.4-Cloudy till the evening, when it became clear; a little snow about noon. Friday, 14-Thermometer from 17 to 29.

Barometer from 30, 39 to 30, 29. Wind N. E. Cloudy; a little snow about noon ; a steady northern light in the N. W. about 11 in the evening.

Saturday, 15-Thermometer from 1 to 26.

Barometer, from 30, 04 to 29, 87;
Wind S. W. 4.-Morning and noon clear, the
rest of the day cloudy.
Sunday, 16-Thermometer from 17 to 32.

Barometer from 29, 87 to 29, 94.
Wind N. Generally clear till the evening,
when it became hazy.
Monday, 17-Thermometer from 17 to 37.

Barometer from 29, 86, to 29, 74.
Wind S. W.-Cloudy.
Tuesday, 18-Thermometer from 26 to 35.

Barometer 29,61 to 29,36.
Wind N.E..Morning snowy, afternoon and
evening raining, particularly hard in the evening.
Wednesday, 19-Thermometer from 26 to 48.

Barometer from 29,03 to 29, 17. thaw of yesterday, accompanied with rain, caused Wind 9. W. 4 and -Cloudy; the sudden the waters to be much out.

Madame Murat has sold to the Austrian government, her fine collection of Medals, among which are many scarce Greek, for, it is said, 100,000 florins.

Baron Paykull has given his collection of Natural History to the King of Sweden. It contains 1,300 species of birds; and now forms part of the Museum of the Academy of Sciences, at Stockholm.

Prince Leopold has presented the family of the late Mr. Bird, R. A. with a purse of one hundred guineas, and also given the artist's picture of the Surrender of Calais,' in his Royal Highness's possession, to be disposed of for the benefit of the family. This picture was presented to the lamented Princess Charlotte of Wales, when Mr. Bird had the honour of being appointed Historical Painter to her Royal Highness.

(Daily Papers.) A show-caravan is at present traversing the London streets, with the following cu

MALESHERBES' MONUMENT.-The Emperor Alexander has subscribed 2000 franks towards the monument of Malesherbes at Paris.

The cold at Hamburgh in the night preceding the 11th of January, was at 21° Reaumur, 4710 of Fahrenheit, below the freezing point. 15 below 0.


Some portion of Buonaparte's Memoirs,
whether genuine or not we cannot tell, have
appeared in Germany. The writer affects
the style of Cæsar.

Rain fallen ,925 of an inch.
Lat. 51. 37. 32, N.
Lon. 0. 3.51. W.


Edmonton, Middlesex. Error.-In Number 154, line 1 of the Meteorological Journal, for "45 to 52" read "52 to 36.


R. B. L's Song needs correction.We thank J. H. for his favour, but are sorry to observe that it also requires revision, which, not having the original by us, we cannot give it.

A Friend and Subscriber," will oblige us by retaining the latter character alone; for we really cannot preserve the former at the price of inserting his productions,

From the favours of XQ we desire to be XQZ:

and as for the answer he requires, there are three letters for his two.

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