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Mr. Jacob's View of the Ariculture, Statistics, &c. of Germany, &c.

(Concluded from our last.)

We stated that the anthor had visited the farm of the celebrated agriculturist Von Thaer, and promised to extract his most valuable and curious remarks on the system there pursued: they follow, and even our most able farmers will, we think, gather some useful information from this Prussian exemplar.



And full-grown lambs loud bleat from hilly a larger size; that, beyond a certain size, neglected, so that his, like all other German bourn; which, by giving the roots sufficient room, mutton, is very indifferent. In England, Hedge-crickets sing; and now with treble soft they will naturally attain, the increase is where the flesh is of much more value than The red-breast whistles from a garden croft; And gathering swallows twitter in the skies.only water, and can scarcely be termed nu- the fleece, the Merino breeding has not been attended with beneficial results. "This decisive judgment, founded on fleeces of the Moegelin flock (the name of chemical analysis, extends itself to the com- Von Thaer's farm) average about three parison between turnips and potatoes." ** pounds and a half each: they have been "The average produce of his potatoes, in sold to English traders, who came to the a series of years, has been three hundred spot at one period to purchase them, as bushels to the acre; this he compared with high as eight shillings and six-pence per what I stated to be the average weight of an pound, whilst the whole flesh could not be acre of turnips on good land, as well culti-sold for more than ten or twelve shillings. rated as his is, in England; and which I This statement will readily account for the stated below the truth, at twenty tons, be-fact, that though Merino sheep are very because I wished not to be suspected of exag-neficial in Prussia and Saxony, they have geration to support an hypothesis. He con- been found unprofitable with us. tended, that his average growth of three "A plant for the food of sheep for one hundred bushels, or five tons of potatoes, part of the year was quite new to me; and contained more nutriment than twenty tons is so, I believe, to most of our English agri-of turnips, because the proportion of starch culturists. It is grown to a great extent on in potatoes to that in turnips, was much the stubble fields. I know not the English more than four to one. I did not urge the name, but it is the Sporgula arvensis of Lin- quantity of mucilage in the turnip, because næus. The seed is sown in the stubblesI wished to learn his views rather than to iminediately after harvest, and in six weeks suggest my own." it furnishes food for sheep which they prefer A brewery and distillery are the necesto every other, and which is found extreinely sary accompaniments of every large farming nutritious. It is an oily plant, the seed establishment in Germany. The result of small, about six or seven pounds is sowed [are many experiments in the latter, proved that the sown] on an acre. What is raised for seed is same quantity of alcohol is produced from one sown in May, and is fit to be gathered in hundred bushels of potatoes as from twentyAngust. I afterwards saw the same plant four bushels of wheat, or thirty-three of growing on most of the lands, both in Prus-barley. As the products of grain, or of posia and in Saxony, where large flocks of tatoes, are relatively greater, the distillery is sheep are kept. It is said to be very pro-regulated by that proportion. The different ductive on all sandy soils; I think it worth trying the experiment, and have provided some of the seed-for that purpose.

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The favourite article of cultivation with Von Thaer is potatoes, on which he sets a peculiarly high value. His mode is simple and easy. They are planted in rows after the plough, at the rate of sixteen bushels to When the plants are up, they are earthed with a double-breasted plough, first, parallel to the rows in which they are planted, and then with the same plough the furrows are crossed, thus leaving the potatoes in small square. patches. When at maturity, the soil is turned up with a three-pronged fork,, and all the roots carefully collected by women and children. The stalks are far more abundant than those of our potatoes, and yield, should think, from what I saw, as four to one. This haulm is carefully turned, dried, and collected into stacks, and is used as litter for the horses and cows instead of straw, which is here converted into food by cutting it small.

inventions for economy in the use of fuel,
cheap as it is, both in the brewery and the
distillery, though highly useful to the pupils
of the establishment, presented to me nothing
of novelty in either their principle or their

"Von Thaer, with the assistance of the professors of the institution over which he presides, has arranged the various kinds of wool on cards, and discriminated with geometrical exactness, the fineness of that produced from different races of sheep. The finest are some specimens from Saxony, his own are the next. The fine Spanish wool from Leon is inferior to his, in the proportion of eleven to sixteen. The wool from Botany Bay, of which he had specimens, is inferior to the Spanish. He had arranged, by a similar mode, the relative fineness of the wools produced on the different parts of the body of the sheep, so as to bring under the eye, at one view, the comparative value of the different parts of the fleeces; and he had, also, ascertained the proportionate weight of those different parts. The application of optics and geometry, by which the scales that accompany the specimens are constructed, is such, as to leave no doubts on any mind, of the accuracy of the results. The scales, indeed, show only the fineness, and not the length of the fibre; which is, I believe, of considerable importance in the process of spinning. The celebrity of the Moegelin sheep is so widely diffused, that the ewes and rams are sold at enormous prices to the agriculturists in East Prussia, Poland, and as far as Russia."

the acre.

Of Berlin, Mr. Jacob tells us nothing new. Leaving that city for Königsberg, he says

"During the existence of the foolish continental system, the scarcity of sugar gave rise to many experiments here, which, though beneficial at the time, have ceased to be longer useful. Von Thaer found, after many trials, that the most profitable vegetable from which sugar could be made, was the common garden turnip, (of which species I did not ascertain,) and that whilst "The land on this side the city is equally sugar was sold at a rix-dollar the pound, it sandy and poor, as on that by which I had was very profitable to extract it from that entered; but, after seven or eight miles, root. The samples of sugar made during it improved, and, as I passed through the that period from different roots, the pro- small town of Blomberg, which contains cesses, and their results, are carefully pre- about four hundred and fifty inhabitants, served in the museum, but would now be both the land and the cultivation of it were tedious to describe. They are certainly visibly better. I here first remarked that in equal in strength of sweetness, and those re- the garden of each house, there was a large fined, in colour and hardness, to any pro-field-oven of a circular form, constructed of Like all his countrymen, Von Thaer duced from the sugar-cane of the tropics. mud and sand. The dimensions of these prefers German small potatoes to our large "An important object of this establish- are suited for baking the large loaves of ryeones; they are less mealy, and have a differ- ment has been the improvement of the breed bread, which form equally the food of the ent flavour. His preference, if his facts are of sheep, which, as far as regards the fine-horses and their riders. As I proceeded correct, of which I have no doubt, is cer-ness of the wool, has admirably succeeded. towards the Oder, I found these field-ovens tainly supported by better reasons than I By various crosses from select Merinos, by universal; but have not remarked them have heard from any other person in this sedulously excluding froin the flock every either before or since in any other part of country. He contended, that the nutritive ewe that had coarse wool, and, still more, the country through which I travelled." quality of the potatoc depends on the quan- by keeping them in a warm house during tity of starch that it contains; that, upon the winter, Von Thaer has brought the analysis, the smaller kind of potatoes that wool of his sheep to great fineness, far are here cultivated, contains a far greater greater than any that is clipped in Spain; proportion of starch than any that grow to but the improvement of the carcase has been

The statistical observations on Prussia are very judicious; in a summary we learn that this kingdom has increased in population within 130 years, from 14 millions to 10,536,571 souls! At present, there are 26 cities of


The truth and sound sense of these

more than 1000 inhabitants ;-136, of be- | incorporated with France, to any part of "If I were to judge of the whole kingdom, tween 3500 and 10,000; 194, ot between Germany that I had lately passed through. by what I observed between Germany and the 2000 and 3500;-407, of between 1000 and The land is certainly as good, perhaps ge- capital of France, within that city, and on my 2000;-258, below 1000;-and 7,640,739 in nerally better, but the cultivation of it was rapid journey from thence to Calais, I should villages and farms, to be added to 2,895,832 | by no means superior. The towns and conclude that Paris was every thing, and in the above enumeration. The religious cities in Frarce are, perhaps, on a par with France nothing, in the estimation of the division gives 6,054,379Lutherans, 4,023,513 those of Germany, or nearly so; but, in government that now rules, or in that of any Roman Catholicks, 300,101 Reformed, Germany, none of them had been without that have ruled the country for the last 127,345 Jews, 15,333 Mennonites; and recent inprovements, and all showed some thirty years; I should be disposed to think 6000 Moravians, Hussites, Socinians, and new buildings, and many old ones repaired that France rears soldiers, provides food, other limited sects. The whole surface of and modernized. In France, every thing and pays taxes, and that Paris directs those Prussia is estimated at 74,108,800 British looked old; no houses seem to have been resources to such objects as the prevailing statute acres, or nearly 7 acres for every built since the commencement of the Re-factions in the capital deem most suitable to human being. volution, and those dilapidated and needing their purposes." repairs, do not seem to have received them. It was not so much, however, in the towns, as in the villages, that the inferiority of France struck ine most forcibly. In every village in Germany, a neat church, ornamented commonly with an elegant tower, is to be seen; a decent house for the pastor, and one better for the bailiff, is universal in the villages where no nobleman resides; and where there is one, the houses of the peasantry appear to have copied some portion of neatness from those of their superiors. The houses of the peasants there, are superior to the cottages of our English labourers, and very far better than those of the French farmers.. The churches in those French

Saxony, on the other hand, has greatly declined. Its five circles now contain but 1,232,077 inhabitants, upon an extent of 4,624,680 English acres. The population is manufacturing in a very large proportion, The public income is about one million sterling, and the public debt amounts to 4 inillions, but it is in the course of regular reduction.

Hesse Cassel consists of ten provinces and 598,320 population, whereof 340,000 are of the reformed sect, 150,000 Lutherans, 90,000 Roman Catholicks, 8,500 Jews, and the rest Mennonites and other sectarians.

Hesse Darmstadt, also by the latest census, contains 620,630 souls, on an extent

of 3,617 miles on both sides of the Rhine.
Of these, 356,000 are Lutherans, 140,000
Roman Catholicks, 98,000 Reformed, 15,000
Jews, and about 1,000 Mennonites.

Mr. Jacob notices the useful purposes to which lithography, or stone printing, is applied in various parts of Germany, and at Weimar we have the following


I was shewed an ingenious,if not a useful, plan of making globes. The wooden globe is covered with plaster of Paris, and then varnished. The maps are engraved in the inner side of two half copper globes which exactly fit that covered with the plaster of Paris. The ink is applied to the inner part of these copper half globes, and, when fitted to them, communicates the impression to the plaster of Paris. By this process there are no joinings in the map, as occur in our common globes. The globes, when finished, have certainly a beautiful appearance; but I much doubt if there be any advantage so considerable as to cause the general adoption of this plan of making them.

villages which I passed through, are miser-
able hovels, and the dwellings of the inha-
bitants are all alike dilapidated and filthy.


remarks are on a par with the rest of

the author's observations-which merit

throughout, the general character we have given them, of discrimination, intelligence, utility, and honest candour.



Recollections, &c. suggested by the present interesting Exhibition of Portraits. It would be difficult to say at what period England was without humourists and wits; for by looking into the obsolete records of the olden times, enough may be discovered They have no superiors to improve them to infer that this country was never lacking by their examples, and the tax-gatherers in such merry wights, whose buoyant spirit that collect for the government, reside in of jibe and jest, no domestic tyranny nor the neighbouring towns. The want of a took his humour to the tent-the friar played public calamity could sink. The soldier gentry is evident in France, and of course in the villages, much more than in the towns with it in his confessional-the physician and cities. I remarked too the little inter-wrapped it up with his simples, and the lawcourse which the roads in France exhibited. yer charged for it in his brief. Every active In three hundred miles, I met but three faculty of the human mind, when curbed by gentlemen's carriages, and either two or discretion, tends to the public good; and three diligences. Water-conveyance may England owes no small debt to the sarcastic diminish the number of waggons, but I met spirit which prevailed in every age; for a greater number of waggons loaded with doubtless, this begot the love of liberty. goods, between Naumburg and Weimar, a distance of twenty-four miles, than I saw between Saarbrücke and Meaux, a distance of three hundred. The dress of the rural inhabitants is very miserable, and very much inferior to what I observed in any part of Germany. In every part of Germany, I remarked on the poor soils many plantations, very extensive, and recently formed. Jn some instances, these extended over thousands of acres, but after entering France, I saw nothing recently planted. The woods appeared to be as ancient as the period when Julius Cæsar described · them. At each town in France I inquired for the journals, but at Metz only could I procure the sight of one; except indeed at Meaux, where by accident I got one three or four days old, which I was assured was the latest in the city, though it is only thirty-five miles from Paris. The ignorance of the country people, and the little interest felt by the inhabitants of the provincial cities in public affairs, is very different from the state of Germany, where, as all can read, and as journals are very plentiful and cheap, no one is so completely ignorant, as most appeared to be in France.

"From this institution, there issues a very valuable periodical geographical work, called the Ephemeriden, which contains notices of all new facts in geography, and criticisms on such new books or maps as are produced. Translations from the English and French popular works are executed on the premises, and pass through the press, as well as many books originally compiled or composed in this city."

We must now close our report of this practically valuable book, which we do with a quotation respecting the condition of


"I was much impressed (says Mr. Jacob) during the whole journey from Mentz to Paris, a distance of nearly four hundred miles, with the great inferiority of the appearance of France, and of what had been

The tyrant baron, who stood not in awe of heaven nor the sword, dreaded the scourge of satire. The haughty priest, the persecutor and the hypocrite, the coward and the fup, all trembled at the tribunal of wit. But theh, no hireling satirist assailed the virtuous and the wise, nor did the wit descend to fill the scorner's chair, and write in “ink pot malice," against religion, honor, decency, and obedience to the laws.

The age at length arrived when, alas! a too prolific crop of wit grew up, and choaked the wholesome flower, discretion. Then com

ienced the era of civil war-the memorable

epoch of England's inconsistency,-when Bellona walked arm in arm with Momus to the camp, to scare good humour from the

field! Then the murderous cannon's mouth was seen inscribed with holy texts of Scripture, and the fatal ink that signed the death warrant of the sovereign lingered in the pen to mark a joket. Then hymning

• Cromwell had his cannon inscribed, “Lord open thou our lips, and our mouths shall shew forth thy praise"!

+ When Cromwell had signed the death-warrant of his sovereign, on giving the pen to the

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and women would have perished by the fury of the raging multitude.

The disgraceful record, which Pope alludes to, on the "monument," was obliterated (fairly enough) by the Roman Catholics under the base reign of James II. "Where London's column, towering to the skies,

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scarcely know if its tone can be called a blemish so entirely as at first sight it appears. But it is over the varied details of form, the most correct anatomical markings of the figure, and all the agitated emotions of hope and fear, that Mr. Jerricault has impressed the magic of an effect that was to give value to the whole. The light brought into the picee Like a tall bully lifts its head and lies." and thrown upon the upturned faces of a The last scene of the strange eventful" centre groupe, powerfully assists in arresting drama of Charles's reign is finely told by the the attention. This seems to break on them pen of Evelyn, who justly observesfrom the reflection of a highly illuminated "Never had king more glorious oppor- cloud above their heads, and is contrasted tunities to have made himselfe, his people, by much surrounding gloom, and this again and all Europe happy, and prevented innu- by the bright rays of the morning. Perhaps merable mischiefs, had not his too easy na- it is not natural; that is, could not happen ture resigned him to be managed by crafty to be so distributed in the full light of day; men, and some abandoned and profane but there are great authorities for such dewretches who corrupted his otherwise suffi-parture from truth, in this respect. cient parts."

"I can never forget," says this good man, in a subsequent reflection, "the inexpressible luxury and prophanenesse, gaming and all dissoluteness, and as it were, total forgetfulnesse of God (it being Sunday evening) which this day se'nnight I was witnessse of; the king sitting and toying with his concubines, Portsmouth, Cleaveland, and Mazarine, &c. a French boy singing love-songs, in that glorious gallery, whilst about twenty of the greatest courtiers and other dissolute persons were at Basset, round a large table, a bank of at least 2000 in gold before them, upon which two gentlemen who were with me, made reflexions with astonishment. Six days after was all in the dust !”


The powerful element of the mighty waters is very happily depicted by the hand of the artist; and, taken altogether, his work is, as we before observed, one of the finest specimens of the French school, ever brought into this country. It cannot therefore fail to stimulate the exertions of British talents, to a further display of those powers, which have already so happily and so honourably distinguished our artists and arts. To Mr. Bullock, we think, great praise is due for procuring us such opportunities for examination and comparison of the two national schools: if he continues to bring over chefs d'ouvre of French painters, he will do as good a thing as could be done to advance British art. Emulation is a noble teacher.

MINIATURES.-We may notice (not hav. [Mr. Jerricault's Picture, at the Egyptian Hall.]vertisement which announces it), that Mr. ing room in this Number for the long adWe stated, on our first view of it, the in- Webb's unique collection of Miniatures, pression made on us by this very clever per-which have been for sometime at the Egypformance; and have now the satisfaction of tian Hall, come to the hammer immediately. knowing that our most favourable opinions We mentioned formerly that there were have been amply confirmed by the judge- some of the finest specimens of this branch ments both of artists and amateurs. Our of art among these performances. further remarks, therefore, will add little to the fame or advantage of Mr. Jerricault. But, as more frequent views of the awful scene have increased our admiration of the power of art and the ability of the artist, we shall endeavour to point out some of the striking qualities by which the mind is thus strongly excited.

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Which ne'er was scathed by woodman's stroke;
Lay his corpse beneath the oak,
Lay him down with his spear in its rest,
His faulchion, hauberk, mail, and crest.
Wrap his martial cloak for a shroud,
While the moon-beam sleeps behind a cloud;
Place on his mortal remains the sod
Peace to his ashes!-Rest him God!-
Hie brothers, hence-'tis matin time,
The cottar is up-hark he chaunts to the chime,
Of the lofty-tinkling-matin bell-
Which floats in the breeze over mountain and


Rest thee-rest thee-Warrior brave!

There's one above-who has power to save.
When the vesper bell of the abbey shall toll,
The monks of St. Francis shall pray for thy soul.


Cecilia, of the feathery tribe,
Bird of the cool and shady solitude;
When in a pleasing melancholy mood
You woo the beauties of Endymion's bride;
Sending such thrilling musick thro' the air,
On ev'ry brilliant cadence dwelling;
Now softly dying, and now loudly swelling
On the rapt car, who wou'd not listen there?
To-night, from out thy verdant leafy bower

! sing once more, thy sweetest magic lay
To one condemn'd in foreign climes to stray,
Who seeks thee in his latest evening's hour.
Pour out thy song, until my glist'ning eye
Dissolves in tears, with thy rich melody.

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The details in picture, however excellent their character, are lost if not exhibited under the judicious arrangement of compesition, aided by the effect of light and colour; and that which the ardent imagination of the artist or the poet takes in at a glance, must by the painter, become the subject of great consideration, and be subjected to certain rules and principles, yet so concealed as to appear the spontaneous effort of some powerful impulse.

In this tremendous picture of human suf: ferings, the bold hand of the artist has laid bare the details of the horrid facts, with the severity of M. Angelo and the gloom of Caravaggio: the flesh indeed might be more strongly reflected; but the whole of the colouring is so well suited to the subject, and is in most instances so just, that we



the hot weather.

On scoing so many doors and windows open during
Of the old times so good let others babble,
When yet was England e'er so hospitable
I value not their silly talk a 1-se;
As now, when every one keeps open house? :

[By Correspondents.]

Suggested by the song "Merrily swim we," in

the Monastery.

Dolefully mourn ye!-the night raven screams,
And the moon will soon sink, as the morning
Dolefully mourn ye!--for this is the hour,
When the Kelpy is dancing in dingled bower:
And while he skips to the screech of the owl,
He's no friend to the rosary, credo, or cowl:
Come brothers, come, to the work of death,
And pray for the spirit that slumbers beneath
Dolefully mourn ye!-the night raven screams,
And the mountain shadows grow faint in the


[See Wordsworth's," My heart leaps up." &c.]
My heart leaps up when I behold
A bailiff in the street:
"Twas so since from one first I ran ;
'Twas so ev'n in the Isle of Man :
'T'will be so even in Newgate hold,
Or in the Fleet!

A trap is hateful to a man!
And my whole course of life shall be
Bent against them in just antipathy!


Chiama gli abitator dell'ombre eterne
Il rauco suon della tartarea tromba;
Treman le spaziose atre caverne,

E l'aer cicco a quel rombomba;
Nè si stridendo mai dalle superne

Regioni del cielo il folgor piomba,
Nè si scossa giammai trema la terra,
Quando i vapori iu sen gravida serra.


The dread Tartarean trumpet hoarse resounding,

The dwellers of eternal night assembles ;
Rebellious to that roar the air surrounding,
Hell through its black and spacious caverns

The bolt that comes from heav'n's high regions

But faintly that infernal peal resembles;
And weaker is the earthquake's voice of thunder
When the pent vapours rise and rend the
earth in sunder.



village surgeon's daughter had eyed me with on her Marriage with Mr. Wil some degree of interest.


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And happy days with thee come not again.

Now through the air the western breezes play,
And peeping buds put forth their callow heads;
The earth seems happy, and the new-born day
Exulting smiles o'er all the hills and meads.
That modest flower, attendant on the spring,
In many a hidden vale and silent wood,
In lovely bands greets him that's wandering,
And pleasantly relieves his thoughtful mood;
1 lone and pensive, bent by fortune low,
In this sweet season only live to weep.


And happy am I, if my stubborn wo
Yield a short respite in the arms of sleep-
But, then, I wake, and to my aching sight
The morning comes, to me a gloomier night.



I had just completed my eighteenth year, when I received orders to join my regiment for the first time. The sash and gorget, the maiden sword, scarlet cloth and gold lace, had all their weight and attractions for me. I contemplated the empire which I should have over hearts, and the preference, which I had so often felt mortified at wanting, at a ball, or in a country circle; I expected to live with the best fellows in the world, to see a great variety of scenes, to be ever amu. sed, ever changing quarters,-to dance as it were through life, to the tune of the merry fife and drum, and to leave care and gloomy reflection always a day's march behind me, but above all, I longed to see the world, to be free, to be an uncontrolled agent,-in a word, to be my own master.

gave it her heartily, looking, however,
jealously around: nobody saw me but the
family, else should I have blushed.
Captain to kiss an ugly old woman! fie for

I had now been looking for myself in the gazette for six weeks; and not a little proud was I to see myself in print, for the first time. My next impatience was to be or- We were now at the end of the village. dered to head-quarters; and, when the or- I dreaded the sight of my mother at the winder came, I was in the highest possible spi- dow; so I never looked back until out of rits. The night before I set out on my jour-view of the house. I was now to take a last ney, I scarcely slept a wink. Young Phae- look at this rustic assemblage of houses. ton, when importuning his father for the They danced tremulously in a tear, in my eye; reins of that chariot which was fatal to his but I cleared up with such a hoarse and monexistence, was not more anxious than I was, strous hem that the echo of the church-yard, on this occasion; nor, when he asked that which returned it to me, terrified me with sire to grant his boon, as a pledge of the the sound.-All this time my father and I love which he bore to his mother-"Pigno- had not exchanged a word; he looked ra da Genitor, etc." could he seek it in thoughtful, and as if he had had a sleepless a more eager tone than I inquired "if to- night. morrow was the day on which I was to set out?"

And yet I tenderly loved my parents. I was an only child, their prop and stay: I could not love them more than they deserved. The whole village too shared my affections: I felt the relative ties of humanity and good will; of brotherhood and connexion with all my neighbours,-domestics and all. I had even a tenderish feeling for the fire-side animals of the paternal roof,-the poor old pointer, the dowager spaniel, Duchess, the invalid cat, and my mother's pet-bullfinch. Yes, I had rather not have had to feel I recommended to Robert's care; and my setthe "good bye to ye." The shooting poney, ter,-poor Trusty! accompanied me through many a varied and uneven path. Night came, and her mantle sat uneasily on me. I felt almost a woman's weakness as I sunk upon that mother's breast, where I drew my first love, mingled with the stream of life; but I tried to be the soldier; and, after one dewy kiss, I resolved not to see her in the morning. My father was to accompany me a part of the road; and the thought of this was a relief to me.

The morning was beautiful, and I never saw my native scene in such glowing colours before. There seemed to be a peculiar grace in the antique belfry of the church; and the stiff sepulchral yews were gilded with the sun-beam. Obituary sculpture might have caused me some serious reflection. But my mind dwelt not on the past; nor were any doubts and fears as to the future, unfolded to my view.-How many a departed bliss now leaves but its monumental mementò in my heart! how many próspects have vanished like the days of my ancestors! how many a brave comrade in arms earthy pillow!-but let us return to my now lies in his narrow bed, and upon his father.

"We had better dismount and walk a little," said he to me, in a kind affectionate tone. "The weather is beautifully fine; we have a long day before us; and I can return in the cool of the evening. I should like to have as much of your company as I can; and you will not always have your old father for your companion." We alighted accordingly, and gave our horses to the servant who had charge of my luggage. I was to proceed in the mail from the first stage.

As I drew on my regimental boots, the only article of military uniform which I wore We now turned off the high road, and on my journey, I felt an elevation of mind, skirted a beautiful wood, crossed some adand seemed as if I were already fit to com-jacent fields, and pursued the course of the mand a company. But my satisfaction was not without alloy: I had the Dulce Domum to quit; I had the village to look on, perhaps for the last time; I had to shake hands with the poor servants, some of whom had borne my helpless infant form in their arins. This was trying. I whistled a march; but it was more like a dirge; I tried a country dance: it was out of tune.

I sent the cook to knock at my father's door, an hour earlier than agreed on; for time now seemed loaded with a weight of care; and I was resolved, albeit I was proud of my appearance, not to be seen by my kind neighbours. I therefore gave keepsakes I had gone through the classics with some to all the servants, and wrote a letter for the degree of attention, was a pretty good dan-surgeon's daughter. cer, could play a little on the flute, rode My dear father appeared: it was a great boldly, had read history, was a fair shot, ease to my state of mind. I shook him heartand considered myself, upon the whole, aily by the hand, tried to look gay, and decent sort of fellow, particularly as the brushed over the threshold of the door. The maid servants called me handsome, and the old nurse insisted upon kissing me: she was aged and ugly, but a good woman, and somehow she had a right to this embrace. I

• The primrose.

river, by the foot-path for some miles.-My father folded his arm in mine with a peculiar degree of friendship, familiarity, and tenderness; and I never hung on the discourse of any one with so much attention, either before or since. He evidently tried to amuse my mind, and to cheat the way and beguile the time by his conversation; and he sucOceeded to a charm. We saw the vertical sun ere we thought morning midway gone; and his declining ray surprized us ere we thought it two hours later.

"Let us dine together, my dear boy," said he, with so much of the good fellow in his air and accent, that I regretted that he was not more my own age, and going to join the army with me. I assented with delight. "There is scarcely any night," said he, now ; and I must ride home the harder for it."

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Thrice had he essayed to part with me, before this proposal: I saw the motion pass in his mind; but his heart failed him; his steps hung on mine, and his affections lin

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