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for the occasion!



it with grains of paradise, Guinea pepper, | ade, and our punch, to refresh or to exhila- | country surgeon and his wife, a village capsicum, and other acrid and aromatic sub-rate, usually cheap tartareous acid modified curate, a sort of Will Wimble, besides Good Heavens! we think we hear it exclaimed, is there no end to these infamous impositions, Mr. Accum furnishes us Against all these, and many other trusty servants, &c. &c. figure on the doings? does nothing pure or unpoisoned with easy and certain tests: his work, canvass. Blanch, the heroine, is rather come to our tables, except butcher's-meat, an original portrait, and all prudence and which has been rendered far less nutritive besides, contains many curious docuthan formerly by new methods of feeding?ments and useful recipes; and it is reperfection at sixteen-a licence allowable Why, we must answer, hardly any thing:plete with intelligence, and often guides proud, unrelenting, but worthy man, rather to a novellist, than to a student of for our author proceeds to shew that Cheese to the right while it exposes the nature Sir Reginald Tourberville is a (Gloucester he mentions) has been contam- We should have been glad if he had unhappy in his offspring, but blest with inated with red lead, a deadly poison mixed sometimes afforded us his own experiwith the colouring anotto, when that article a paragon of a nephew, Mr. Tremayne, was scarce that Pepper is adulterated with ence, rather than the loose statements the hero. factitious pepper-corns But the chief strength of cakes (the residue of lint-seed, from which with its facts, tables, lists, and inqui-lady is a more elaborate, and perfect "made up of oilof newspapers; but, upon the whole, drawing is in the Stavordales. Sir Gethe oil has been pressed), common clay, and ries, we never met a publication more offry is sketchy, but very natural. His a portion of Cayenne pepper, formed in a likely to be deservedly and universally and observant. mass, and granulated by being first pressed popular. picture, exceedingly shrewd, clever, through a sieve, and then rolled in a cask;" The elder daughter, and further, that "ground pepper is very often sophisticated by adding to a portion of genuine pepper, a quantity of pepper dust, or the sweepings from the pepper warehouses, mixed with a little Cayenne pepper. The sweepings are known, and purchased in the market, under the name of P. D. signifying pepper dust. An inferior sort of this vile refuse, or the sweepings of P. D. is distinguished among renders by the abbreviation D. P. D. denoting, dust (dirt) of pepper

dust t."

As we read on, we learn the method
of manufacturing adulterated vinegar,
adulterated cream, adulterated lozenges,
adulterated mustard, adulterated lemon acid,
poisonous Cayenne, poisonous pickles, poi-
sonous confectionary, poisonous catsup,
poisonous custards,
sauce, poisonous olive oil, poisonous soda
poisonous anchovy
water; and, if not done to our hands, of
rendering poisonous all sorts of food by the
use of copper and leaden vessels. Suffice it
to record, that our pickless are made green
by copper; our vinegar rendered sharp by
sulphuric acid; our cream composed of rice
powder, or arrow root in bad milk; our
comfits mixed of stigar, starch, and clay, and
coloured with preparations of copper and
lead; our catsup often formed of the dregs
of distilled vinegar with a decoction of the
outer green husk of the walnut, and seasoned
with all-spice, cayenne, pimento, onions, and
common salt-or if founded on mushrooms,
done with those in a putrefactive state re-
maining unsold at market; our mustard a
compound of mustard, wheaten flour, cay;
enne, bay salt, raddish seed, turmeric, and
pease flour; and our citric acid, our lemon-

The common white pepper is factitious,

being prepared from the black pepper in the
following manner-The pepper is first steeped
in sea water, and urine, and then exposed to the
heat of the sun for several days, till the rind or
outer bark loosens it is then taken out of the


Country Neighbours, or The Secret: Tales
of Fancy. By S. H. Burney, Author
of Clarentine, Traits of Nature, &c.

Vols. II. and III. 12mo.




Anne, the relator of the story, of a certain age, amiable and kind hearted -one might suppose drawn from that intimacy of knowledge which is called self. Isabella, the next sister, verging towards the days of increased hopelessrate coquette of the Trappist order. She ness, but a fine woman, and an invetelays herself out for all comers, is a little high aims is in the end gratified, with envious of younger attractions, and after

the Will Wimble to whom we have allu

ded. Martha, the youngest daughter, is a disagreable animal, but a thorough likeness from the life, we will be bound for it.

We have been disappointed by nothing in this novel, but the name, which led us to anticipate a production of different kind from that before us. Country Neighbours, we thought, would have been country folks; but they are rather fashionables, living near each preceding publications from the same other in the country. Not to speak of hand, the popularity of the first volume of these tales, entitled of works of this class dooms all mewreck," at a period when the excellence vilege of going into the fable, in order "The ShipAs we have denied ourselves the prithat our curious readers might not justly diocrity to oblivion, was a pledge of accuse us of being always Marplots, our merit in the author, and led us to expect, what we have received, very congrounds for amplification are much narsiderable delight from her renewed la- eulogy which we feel entitled to prorowed; and, probably, with the honest bours. Her forte in this instance ap-being seldom dull, and always to the pears to be accurate observation on life nounce on Country Neighbours-that of and manners, and lively delineation of character. There is also much spirit in the dialogues; and nothing can be more strictly moral and instructive to youth than the incidents, conduct, and de- his mother, a sentimental lady of quality, nouement of the story. Mr. Tremayne has been severely hurt, and would say, was generally good; but we The stile, we have an utter dislike to scraps of French and Italian, and still more to italics, in order to procure emphasis on words :cessary adjunct, a writer has but little if the sense does not point out this neto hope for, from the aid of the typefounder.

purpose, with a vast balance of clever and entertaining matter-we may be excused further illustration beyond an example or two.

comes to see him at Sir G. Stavordale's.

sure, after the alarming incidents of the day, we were all assembled in the evening at "With something like returning compobeen as loud as it was impatient, but for tea, when the trample of horses, and the sound of wheels caught our attention; and the precaution which had been taken of the next moment a ring (which would have and even before the summons could be annuffling the bell) was heard at the gate; swered, the steps of a carriage were let down, the hasty advance of some person up the Earlsford rushed into the hall, and thence, with looks of wild perturbation, into the instant the house-door was opened, Lady room where we were sitting!—

It is not our intention to let out "the steep, and, when dry, it is rubbed with the hand Secret," and we shall not therefore go till the rind falls off. The white fruit is then into Miss Burney's details. Two famidried, and the remains of the rind blown away lies, the Stavordales, and the Tourber-gravel-walk could be distinguished,—and, the like chaff. A great deal of the peculiar flavour villes, both headed by ancient baronets, and pungent hot taste of the pepper is taken off by this process. White pepper is always inferior are the principal country neighbours; in flavour and quality to the black pepper. and among the surrounding satellites, a


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My dear Lady Earisford,' began my mother, in a gentle, but expostulating tone. Attempt not to oppose me!' interrupted our strange visitor, with yet increasing vehemence, drive me not mad by further resistance! Oh, I have waited for this moment of freedom with an intenseness of solicitude which no language can describe! My brother-my cruel, inflexible brother, has watched all may movements-kept guard over me throughout the day-condeinned me to endure, hour after hour, the horrors of suspense without the slightest touch of pity! and now, when at length the blessed period of deliverance from restraint so inhuman is arrived, when at last, even his vigilant tyranny is eluded, think you, Lady Stavordale, I will be withheld by your usurped authority? No, no-Shew me to my poor Horace's room, or be assured, that I will explore every corner of your house, till I find him.'

may puff and strut to night; and cry pooh! and pshaw! as much as he pleases; but I defy him to bear malice for eight and forty hours together, against any human being !, "But can we, my dear madam, rely with equal confidence upon the speedy placability of Lady Earlsford ?'

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My son, my son!" she exclaimed, tering to himself :- Crack-brained sentiguide me to him! Shew me where lies mentalist!-Passionate fool! - Disgusting my mangled, agonizing son!' highayer! he now and then stopped a moment, and regarded her with such looks of dislike and impatience, that, had she come to herself whilst undergoing so ungallant an inspection, I verily believe she would have started up to load him with re- Except to herself, that is a matter of proaches. But luckily for us all, before she no moment,' replied my mother. Her ranentirely recovered her consciousness, Mr. cour, it she chuses to harbour any, cannot Crosby, dear, useful Mr. Crosby, came in possibly do Sir Geoffry the smallest injury. The fit told its own nature, though not its So much of the milk of human kindness' origin; and he, of course, ascribed it to ma- is known to abound in his composition, that ternal sensibility, delicate nerves, and all the if she venture to speak harshly of him, she refined and amiable feelings for which Lady will be universally scouted. He has now: Earlsford is so celebrated.-My father smiled lived several years upon this estate; he has disdainfully, and left the room; my two sis-rendered himself accessible to every descripters and Blanch followed him; and our new tion of persons; he has allowed himself to patient, when sufficiently restored to observe be cheated by the low; elbowed by the upwho remained, felt rejoiced, no doubt, at the start; and teased by the litigious; yet has absence of her barbarous host. The tremor never been seen with a frown upon his and debility caused by the violence of so re-brow, nor ever been heard to address a petucent an attack, deprived her, for above an lant sentence to either boor, squire, man or hour, of all power to stir from the sofa on woman. The deuce is in it, my dear Anne, which she had been extended. Mr. Crosby, if, after serving so long an apprenticeship to during this time, remained in patient attend the art of governing his temper, he may not ance upon her, administering alternate doses permit himself, for once, the indulgence of of sympathy and camphor-julep, which, by bouncing a little at a half-crazy Viscountess, degrees, so effectually revived her, that she without danger of incurring universal odium!' was able to apologize to my mother for the trouble which she had occasioned; and once again to renew her importunity for leave to see her son.

"We all stared at her with amazement. Her looks were as unsettled as her language was extravagant; and my dear father mistaking what he heard, either for temporary derangement, or authoritative insolence, marched up to her, and, as is generally the ease with a plaoid man, when provoked, giving way to more anger than was needful, he cried :

"Mr. Crosby being present, we gladly left "Are you in your right senses, Madam? to him the task of refusing, or the responsiDo you know what you are saying? Where bility of complying, with a request, which you are? and to whom you are speaking? we had hoped would not have been re-urged. I beg we may have no more of these tragedy He negatived the application with a firmness rants!-Your son, whilst he is under my roof, which we had scarcely ventured to expect; shall not be disturbed without the permission but managed the matter so skilfully, that, of his medical adviser. You are in no state of far from incurring her displeasure, he ramind, Heaven knows, to see him with im-ther soothed her wounded feelings by the arpunity to himself! He has taken a composing guments to which he had recourse. medicine; and I tell you again, Lady Earls. ford, positively and absolutely, you shall not break in upon him!'

"There there's your placid man for you!' whispered my mother-stop him who can, when once set off!'

"When they were gone, my mother sat down, and laughed so immoderately at the recollection of the whole scene, that I could not entirely forbear participating in her unexpected risibility. Yet, I anticipated consequences from what had passed, which she either did not, or would not, foresee.

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"Whilst my father had been speaking, the features of Lady Earlsford assumed succes- I hinted at these apprehensions, expectsively an expression of boundless surprise-ing that their justice would, in some degree, of indignant haughtiness-and finally of hys- be allowed; but the only effect which they terical agitation. She sunk upon a seat, her produced upon my mother, was that of rechest heaving, her hands clenched together, doubling her mirth : her eyes rolling in vacancy, and every vein in her throat swelled almost to bursting! I was extremely terrified; and flew to her, to loosen the collar of her dress, and to open the window near which she was seated; whilst nny mother tried to make her swallow some hartshorn and water; and Philippa came foroward with a smelling-bottle. But all these O attempts to assist her were without avail. A e fit, the strongest with which I ever saw any n-ɔne assailed, came on, and whilst it lasted, n,her struggles, her cries, her convulsive disheortions were dreadful. We were forced to he all in the assistance of two of the maids dy o hold her; for my father's heart, compasc, ionate as it usually is, seemed just then he uite hardened; and, as he walked up and

"I saw no use in pursuing the subject further, and readily assented to my mother's proposal of joining the rest of the family in the library.


My father, when we entered the room, either was, or affected to be, exceedingly busy, looking over and arranging a number of papers, which lay upon the table before him. Blanch was quietly reading; Philippa copying some music, and Martha,-for want of better amuseinent, was gone to bed. The supper-tray stood at a little. distance; and my mother, going up to it, and helping herself to a biscuit and a glass of wine, asked my father whether she might have the pleasure of pouring out one for him.

"It will cheer your spirits, my dear,' added she, which have seemed unusually depressed to night.'


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My father took off his spectacles; and looking up with the most perfect good humour: my dear,' said he, pray use no ceremony. I fully expect a little castigation for my recent misdemeanor, and as. I cannot but allow, that I sufficiently deThat a quarrel,' she cried a toute ou serve it, I am entirely resigned to the necestrance, such as you prognosticate, should sity of listening to the lecture which you, arise between my dear, peaceable Sir Geof-no doubt, are prepared to give me.' fry, and the only decidedly romantic, soft, he- Not I, in good truth, Sir Geoffry ;roine-like fine lady within fifty miles circum- I have, on the contrary, been parrying most ference, is so comical a violation of all pro-ably the dismal forebodings of your daughbability, that I shall never be able to compose ter Anne, who, from the wholesome little my countenance when I think of it! Why, it will be something akin to there being an inveterate feud between the lamb and the dove! I have not the least idea how your father will accommodate himself to the novel dignity of having an irascible character to support. The danger is, that he will forget his cue in three days' time, and should they chance to meet, will amble up to the lady, with an offer of his arm to lead her down to dinner, as if they were the best friends in the world! He

wn the room, shaking his head, and mut

66 6

breeze of this evening, anticipates the total
blight and destruction of all the pretty little
promising blossoms of friendship just be-
ginning to expand between the three houses
of Earlsford, Tourberville, and Staror-
dale: Now I have far different expecta-
tions; and flatter myself that, on hearing
you have exerted sufficient spirit to reduc
a fine lady-determined to have her will or
have her fits-to the latter alternative, the
farmers, and cottagers, and sportsmen, and

other impertinents in this neighbourhood, who have so long taken advantage of the easiness of your temper, will learn to perceive that you are not so wholly divested of gall as they had imagined; and will begin, dating from this memorable evening, —to hold you in higher respect than they ever have done before."

slight perversion; but in matters of vital principle, no departure from the strictest rule is slight, and Miss Burney committed a great mistake in allowing the most trifling example of the worst, to creep into an otherwise admirable enforcement of the best, of doctrines. Lest, however, we should be thought to be more severe than is requisite In a few days the Lady is permitted to sa- on a writer whose moral feelings we greatly tisfy "the sentiment" and, the relation con-adinire (if we did not, we should not have cludes:

touched on this passage), we shall offer an-
other short extract from her Country Neigh-
bours, which should reconcile the most fastidi-
ous to its inculcations.

·Conversations of Mr. Pope, and other eminent Persons of his Time. By the Rev. Joseph Spence. Now first published from the original Papers, with Notes, and a Life of the Author. By Samuel Weller Singer. London, 1820. 8vo. pp. 501.

This is a publication similar to that, under nearly the same title, noticed in our last. Both, we understand, spring from the same source, and we owe their separate appearance to some misunderstanding among the editors and publishers. After the death of Mr. Spence, his memoranda were gratefully sent in a compliment to the Duke of Newcastle,

"She now sees him daily; and, I am told, behaves with tolerable composure. Clavering, however, says, that she still would be better any were else: for that nothing can be Blanch has left the Stavordales on a visit. more awkward than her occasional attempts Yet (says Anne), my mother and I, in the to play the part of nurse. She mistakes course of the day, often looked round with feel one medicine for another, bringing him ings of regret amounting almost to dejection, drops when he ought to take powders: if and missed our bright-eyed, heart-cheering he asks for drink she gives it to him seald-young inmate even more than we had ourselves from the repositories of whose succesanticipated. Though she is not prone to utter sor the volume which we have reviewfond professions, still, those whom she real-ed was derived. But it now seems, that ly loves, see it in her looks,-know it by her the above compliment consisted of only alacrity to oblige-feel it in her sympathy a copy of the original papers, or with their pains or pleasures. Her laugh ex-rather of a part of them; and it is hilarates-her seriousness soothes-her con

ing hot; always forgets which arm was injured; takes every thing to the wrong side of the bed; harts him, when she means to assist him in sitting up; and, as Clavering expresses it, fidgets about him so much more than is necessary, that were she any body but his mother, ma'am, I do think, Iversation interests all who approach her. from the latter that the work before us should be apt to turn her out of the room and

lock the door.""

She is, as my mother expresses it, "original without being queer ;"-independent without This is as perfect an example as we could being self-sufficient; and her sacred love of offer of the author's skill and talent for ju- truth is so inseparably blended with every dicious observation. It belongs to the high-other quality of her nature, that it at once est order of novel writing; and we are sorry to inspires confidence, animates attention, and mention immediately after it, one of her secures attachment. Ah, well may she so grossest oversights. Blanch is painted as a enthusiastically reverence the incomparable beautiful character; the daughter of an Italian mother to when she owes the early developmother, and the ideal belle of feminine loveli-ment of such invaluable rectitude! I have ness in face and person, but by nothing so dis-heard her say, that in her childhood she had, tinguished as by her firm integrity and adora- from possessing high spirits, and an active tion of simple truth. Anne Stavordale partakes imagination, a strong propensity to indulge of these qualities; and Miss Burney is anxi- in romancing, to invent fartastical dreams, ous to exemplify the measureless value of and to embellish every trivial incident with perfect sincerity. Yet in the very page where the glaring colours of fiction. Her mother this good lesson is taught, she is guilty of the took alarin at these infantine flights of fancy, sin she is endeavouring to shame. Tremayne and never relaxed in her endeavours to root wants to seem worse to his mother than he out a habit which she justly deemed so dangerreally is, in order to remain longer near Her labours, accompanied by no perBlanch, and he asks Lady Stavordale, Anne, sonal severity, but unremittingly directed to and Blanch to countenance his deception. A- the great object of awakening the child to gainst this (when he has left them) the young the voice of conscience, were blessed with lady resolutely, virtuously, and uprightly such compleat success, that Blanch adds: "I protests, and both the elder ladies become have my dear mother's own authority for converts to the principle, which they had not saying, that, since I was eight years old, she so strictly maintained before, that candour never knew me deviate in a single instance and truth instead of equivocation and dupli- from the strictest veracity; and whatever I city, should be observed towards Lady Earls- told her, how improbable soever it might ford. Anne especially holds out for the open seem at first, she would, after looking earcourse, and yet in pursuing it, she is guilty of nestly in my face a moment, smilingly dea mean subterfuge for when Lady E. ex-clare that she implicitly believed, because her presses her surprize that Tremayne should have walked out while pretending to be so very ill, and knowing that he did this and had prevailed on her (Anne) tacitly, to do it, to blind his mother, she answers the following question in the following manner.

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'But how odd,' observed the viscountess, that he should never have mentioned this

walk to me!'

"He thought, probably, that we had informed you of it; and we left to him the pleasure of surprising your ladyship with the


little Bianca had said it!" Happy child to be
in such wisely plastic hands! and happy mo-
ther, to have so ductile a subject to mould!"
Upon the whole this is a work which,
whether for amusement or advantage, we can
most fearlessly reccommend. It is equally
honourable to the heart and head of the au-
thor, and few superior works of the class to
which it belongs, could be put into the hands
either of young or old.


We are aware that this may be called a

Anecdotes, Observations, and Characters of Books and Mon. Collected from the

is drawn.

It contains, as will be seen from the number of pages, more matter than Malone's edition; and is upon the whole better arranged. Still there is a great deal that might have been advantageously omitted, not merely anecdotes, on account of their being well known, but also hints and observations on subjects and countries, which are familiar to our era, though the best scholars a hundred or seventy years ago were uninformed respecting them. There were even some points which their native want of value should have excluded.

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The editor, Mr. Singer, is the author of the "Researches into the History of Playing Cards," &e. which issued from the press a few years since; and his present labour is calculated to revive a favourable recollection of that curious and entertaining work. Parts of his Biographical Sketch is rather inelegantly written; as for instance, where he says Spence's benevolence was most liberal and unconfined; distress of every sort, and in every rank of life, never preferred its claim to his attention in vain," but his narrative is candid and judicious. Of Spence and his Polymetis, which Gray slighted, we at present know little. Lempriere has consigned the former to oblivion, and Time done nearly as much for the latter. Dr. Johnson described him as

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a man whose learning was not very great, and whose mind was not very powerful;" but he acknowledges that his criticism was commonly just, that

for Laura was only Platonic." Ramsay was
obliged to recant the heresy; and write a fa-
ble against Platonic Love.-R.

what he thought, he thought rightly, [There is scarce a genteel family at Avig-superiority of the best antient artists over and that his remarks were recommend-non, but has the pictures of Petrarch and the modern; for, of all the modern sculped by coolness and candour. He lived Laura in their houses. A lady of that coun- tors Michael Angelo is universally allowed in intimacy, however, with distinguish-try, who piques herself much on being to be the best.-F. at the Belvedere in the ed persons, and his common-place R. that he should say, descended from Laura, took it very ill of Mr. | Vatican. 66 Petrarch's love book was enriched with many entries of uncommon interest. These have by degrees slipped into public; and now that we have the original in a whole form, it boasts less of novelty than it at first possessed. Spence seems also to have been an amiable and pleasant man. perhaps more to be esteemed than some of the magnates who undervalued him. As Regius Professor of Modern History at Oxford, and travelling Tutor to two noblemen of the highest rank (Lords Middlesex and Lincoln), as the intimate friend of Pope, Lowth, Young, Warton, &c. he must have been a man both of talent and worth. He died in 1768, in the 70th year of his age, and was buried at Byfleet.

There are three sorts of Egyptian statues. First, Those that are good without any mixture of their bad taste; and this manner is very antient, before they were conquered by [Dr. Swift lies a-bed till eleven o'clock, the Greeks, Secondly, After they were and thinks of wit for the day.-Dr. Lockier. conquered, and their spirits debased, they In the coffee-house yesterday I received a made the figures of their deities frightful, on consisted of but one syllable, and that sylla-was the cause of their bad taste, some parts letter, in which there was one word which purpose to keep the people in awe; and this ble of but one letter, and yet the fellow had out of nature and some in. Thirdly, As contrived to have three false spellings in it.] every thing is apt to degenerate and grow Dr. L. worse and worse when once fallen, they at last, in many of their figures, deserted nature entirely; and made every part monstrous and out of all proportion.-F

Where we translate it, "the Lord set a mark upon Cain," the original significs a token; and in the Hebrew, to set a token upon any thing, and to preserve it, are equivalent expressions.—Dr. L.

The same word in Hebrew signifies blessing and cursing, as they say in Italian: "tu benedetto;" you are a cursed rascal.-Where we make Job's wife advise him to curse We copy, without regard to order, God and die; it should be, Bless God and from the volume before us, what ap-die, bless him for the good you have hitherto pears to be the most striking, and least received; and die, to avoid the evils that are now come upon you.-Dr. L. (if at all), known passages. Like the work itself, they, may form an amusing


Each of the four columns that support the dome of St. Peter's at Rome, takes up as much ground as a little chapel and convent, in which one of the architects employed in that work lived: and yet they do not appear big to the eye, because every thing is great about them. They were designed by Michael Angelo, and he insisted earnestly that nothing should be added or altered in his design. Bernini afterwards undertook to make a staircase within each of these columns; just as they had hollowed and prepared the inside of one of them, the whole building gave a crash; (and the Italian tradition says it was as loud as thunder). They put up the stairs in that, but would not attempt any more of them.-Ramsay.

To call by their names was an expression among the Hebrews, equivalent to the being master or having dominion over any thing. Thus God is said to call the stars by their names; and Adam to have given names to all animals.-Dr. L.

In all my travels I never met with any one Scotchman but what was a man of sense: I believe every body of that country that has any, leaves it as fast as they can.-Dr. L.

No one will ever shine in conversation, who thinks of saying fine things: to please, one must say many things indifferent, and many very bad.-Dr. L.

This large statue of Pompey, was probably the very same, at the feet of which Cæsar fell; for it was found on the very spot where the senate was held, on the fatal Ides of March. They discovered it in clearing away the ground to make some cellars, for a house Mareschal Turenne was not only one of that now stands there. The greatest part of the greatest generals, but one of the best- the statue lay under that house, but the head natured men too, that ever was in the world. of it reached under the ground belonging to -Among several other little domestic ex- their next neighbours. This occasioned a amples he gave the following. The general dispute between the two proprietors, which used to have a new pair of stockings every was at last decided by Cardinal Spada. He week; his gentleman, whose fee the old ordered the head to be broken off, and given ones were, had taken them away in the even- to the latter; and the body to the former ing, and had forgot to put any new ones in you may now see the mark were they were their place. The next morning the Marshal joined again. This decision was not made was to ride out to reconnoitre the enemy, out of a whim, but very prudentially. From and rose carlier than usual. The servaut the first, that cardinal had a great desire to whose business it was to dress him, was in a get the statue into his own possession, and great deal of confusion at not finding any by this means, he got it much cheaper than stockings. "It's very odd," says the Mar- he could otherwise have done: for after this shall, that I should be allowed no stock-division of it, the whole cost him but five ings; but 'tis very lucky that I am obliged to ride out! Here, give me my boots, they'll do as well, nobody will see whether I have any on or not.”—Ř.

It was Sixtus the Fifth that began the palace on Monte Cavallo, and placed the two large equestrian statues there, from whence it has its name. They were found in Constantine's baths, and were brought originally to Rome from Alexandria. The names of Phidias and Praxiteles on the bases are certainly fictitious, and some of the antiquarians say, that they were put there by the people of Alexandria.-F.

There are ten thousand six hundred pieces of antient sculpture of one sort or other now in Rome (relievos, statues, and busts). And six thousand three hundred antient columns of marble. What multitudes of the latter sort have been sawed up for tables, or wainscoating chapels, or mixed up with walls, and otherwise destroyed! And what multitudes may there yet lie undiscovered under ground! When we think of this altogether, it may give us some faint idea of the vast magnificence of Rome in all its glory.—F.

The first four hundred years of the Roman History are supposed to have been fabulous by Senator Buonarotti, and he gives several good reasons for his opinion. He suspects that Rome, in particular, was built by the Greeks; as Tarentum, Naples, and several other cities in Italy were.-Dr. Cocchi.


There is a book of immense erudition, which is almost unknown it is called La Crusca Provenzale e Catalana: in two volumes, in folio. It was written by a Spanish Abbé at Rome; and he proves in it, that the Tuscan is absolutely derived from the old Catalan language. He left Rome soon after publishing it; and carried almost all the copies with him into Catalonia.Stosch.

* There was originally a well for a staircase, and Bernini only put up the stairs in it.-Mr. L. from one of the workmen at St. Peters in 1751.

hundred crowns.-Ficoroni at the Palazzo
Spada in Rome.

That arm, behind the Laocoon, was begun
by Michael Angelo, and he left it unfinished,
because, (as he said), he found he could do
nothing worthy of being joined to so admirable
a piece." It lies there as a testimony of the

I wonder how they came not to find out printing sooner? (We had been just speaking of the manner in which the emperors of Rome impressed their names with seals or stamps on their grants and letters.) This method was so common that their very shepherds impressed theirs on their sheep and cattle. It was in fact a sort of printing, and it would have been as easy to impress a whole line as two words, and a page as a whole line. Had they gone but these two easy steps farther, it would have been just what the Chinese printing is now.—§.

At the Count of Toulouse's gallery, the | to Dr. Burnet.-"The Duke caught a man choly and dismal an air as ever I saw. Mr officer said, "My lord is the best of mas-a-bed with her, (said the Doctor,) and then Percival, his tenant, who still lives there, ters; but alas! he grows very old, and, I had power to make her do any thing."-The says he was a man of very few words; that fear, can't last long; I would with all my Prince, who sat by the fire, said, "Pray, he would sometimes be silent and thoughtheart, give ten years out of my own life to madam, ask the Doctor a few more ques-ful for above a quarter of an hour together, prolong his if it could be done."-Upon tions."—Dean of Winton. and look all the while almost as if he was seeing us affected by what he had said; he Monsieur de Montesquieu, the author of saying his prayers: but that when he did added: "that this was no great merit in the Persian Letters, is now with Lord Wal-speak, it was always very much to the purhim; that most of his fellow servants, he degrave, and is come to England with him: pose.-May 14, 1755.-Spence. believed, would be willing to do the same: He says there are no men of true sense born that the goodness of their master to them, any where but in England.—Mr. Brandreth. and the greatness of their affection for him, Monsieur de Voltaire says, that "the Enwas so remarkable and so well known, that glish plays are like the English puddings: a friend of the Count's once said to him; I nobody has any taste for them but themdon't know what it is you do to charm all the selves."-Fanshaw. people about you; but though you have two Lundred servants, I believe there is scarce any one of them that would not die to save your life."-That may be, (replied the Count), but I would not have any one of them die, to save it.'

There was a God called Pennus, much worshipped, on the great St. Bernard, some remains of his temple, and I think of his statue, are still to be seen there.—Count | Richa. [Pen signified high or chief. Hence the Alpes Pennine, and the Apennines in Italy. And with us the Pen ap pen, near High Wycomb in Buckinghamshire: the old Pennocrusium or Penkridge in Staffordshire: Pendennis in Cornwall: Penmaenmawr, and many others in North Wales.-Spence.

The side Oratories at St. Faul's were added to Sir Christopher Wren's original design, by order of the Duke of York: who was willing to have them ready for the popish service; when there should be occasion. It narrowed the building, and broke in very much upon the beauty of the design. Sir Christopher insisted so strongly on the prejudice they would be of, that he actually shed some tears in speaking of it; but it was all in vain. The duke absolutely insisted upon their being inserted, and he was obliged to comply.-Mr. Harding.

There was a Lord Russell who, by living too luxuriously, had quite spoiled his constitution. He did not love sport, but used to go out with his dogs every day, only to hunt for an appetite. If he felt any thing of that, he would cry out, "Oh, I have found it!" turn short round, and ride home again, though they were in the midst of a fine chace. -It was this Lord, who, when he met a beggar, and was entreated by him to give him something, because he was almost famished with hunger, called him "a happy dog!" and envied him too much to relieve.-Pope.

From what are designated Supplemental Anecdotes from Mr. Spence's Papers," and of later date, we select the following.

Sir Isaac Newton, though he scarce ever spoke ill of any man, could hardly avoid showing his contempt for virtuoso collectors and antiquarians. Speaking of Lord Pembroke once, he said, "let him have but a stone doll and he is satisfied. I can't imagine the utility of such studies: all their pursuits are below nature."-Fr. Chute.

"How could the Duke of York make my mother a papist?" said the Princess Mary

Mr. Pope said one day to Mr. Saville: "If was to begin the world again, and knew just what I do now, I would never write a verse."

The Duchess of Portsmouth, when she was in England in 1699, told Lord Chancelfor Cowper, that Charles the Second was poisoned at her house, by one of her footmen, in a dish of chocolate.-Dean Cowper.

Mr. Pope was with Sir Godfrey Kneller one day, when his nephew, a Guinea trader came in. "Nephew, (said Sir Godfrey), yous have the honour of seeing the two greatest men in the world."-" I don't know how great you may be, (said the Guinea-man), but I don't like your looks: I have often bought a man, much better than both of you together, all muscles and bones, for ten guineas."-Dr. Warburton.


Reynolds of Exeter, when at Eton, dreamed that his father was dead, and that he was walking in the meadows very melancholy; when a strange woman came up to him, who told him that she was his mother, who died soon after he was born.-She said to him, What a singular book is "The business of "Yes, your father is dead, and your mother- the Saints in Heaven," by Father Lewis Henin-law has had too much influence over him:riquez: printed at Salamanca in 1631. He he has left all his property to the younger attempts to prove, in the twenty-second chapsons: but there is an estate which he had no ter, That every saint shall have his parright to leave away from you: the writings ticular house in heaven; and Christ a most are in Mr.......'s hands, go to him, and you magnificent palace! That there shall be may recover it."-Reynolds having no news large streets, and great piazzas, &c."-He from home of this kind, soon forgot his says in the twenty-fourth chapter, that dream. About a year after, he goes down there shall be a sovereign pleasure in to his friends, and finds his father very well: kissing and embracing the bodies of the but he had been, at the very time of Rey-blest; that there shall be pleasant baths, and nolds's dream, extremely ill, and recovered that they shall bathe themselves in each beyond expectation.-The friends, to whom others sight. That they shall swim like he related his dream, when he described to fishes; and sing as melodiously as nightinthem the person of the woman who appeared gales, &c."-He affirms, in the forty-seventh to him, said they who had been well acquaint- chapter, "That the men and women shall with her, could not have described his mo- delight themselves in masquerades, feasts, ther's person more exactly. About a year and ballads; "--and in the fifty-eighth, "That after, his father fell ill again, died, and left all the angels shall put on women's habits, and to his younger children.-Upon this Rey-appear to the saints in the dress of ladies, nolds's dream came again into his mind: He with curls and locks, waistcoats and fardingoes to the gentleman named to him by his gales, &c." See the " Moral practice of the mother in that vision, and finds that it is ex-Jesuits," by the doctors of Sorbonne : it actly as he had been told, recovers the estate has been translated into English, and pubmentioned, and enjoys it at this day.-The lished in 1671.-Spence. Dean of Christchurch, 1726.

Tonson and Lintot were both candidates for printing some work of Dr. Young's.He answered both their letters in the same morning, and in his hurry misdirected them. When Lintot opened that which came to him, he found it begin, "That Bernard Lintot is so great a scoundrel, that, &c."-It must have been very amusing to have seen him in his rage, he was a great sputtering fellow.-Dr Young.

"Why do you refuse the wine to the laity?" -Why, in process of time it was found that there were several inconveniences in allowing it to them, (spilling the wine giving some offence, &c.) which our Saviour did not foresee, at the time of its institution: and so the church was forced to remedy it afterwards. The Curé ***, at his Bastide near Nice.

Sir Isaac Newton's house at Coldsworth is a handsome structure.-His study boarded round, and all jutting out. We were in the room where he was born. Both of as melan

Ambrose Philips was a neat dresser, and very vain.-In a conversation between him, Congreve, Swift, and others, the discourse ran a good while on Julius Cæsar. After many things had been said to the purpose, Ambrose asked what sort of person they supposed Julius Caesar was? He was answered, that from medals, &c., it appeared, that he was a small man, and thin-faced."Now, for my part," said Ambrose, “I should take him to have been of a lean make, pale complexion, extremely neat in his dress; and five feet seven inches high: "an exact description of Philips himself. Swift, who understood good breeding perfectly well, and would not interrupt any body while speaking, let him go on, and when he had quite done, said; And I, Mr. Phillips, should take him to have been a plump man, just five feet five inches high: not very neatly dressed, in a black gown with puddingsleeves."-Dr. Young.

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There is an interesting Appendix of

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