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may rob, steal, plunder, and cheat, and rule the whole of the people by robbing them. This country is in that predicament, half ignorant, and the ignorant are nearly all black Republicans (mind, we are talking on politics), and they have a few intelligent voters-say that they have one fifth of those-and one fourth of those who are infernal scamps and tartarean scoundrels have robbed the people of forty billions of dollars in twenty-four years. Four fifths of the Democrats know they have, and only one fifth of the infernals know it. And the worst feature in the matter is, that those four million black, ignorant, Republican scoundrels will not learn that they are tools to rob, steal, and plunder their fellow citizens. So we can plainly see that we are in a woeful predicament; the thieves stealing our property, from two to three billion dollars a year, and we have but a slight chance to stop them. We can form some opinion what thieves who get two or three billions of dollars a year can do, among a people who have but little moral principle. Their money cost them nothing, and they can afford to spend a billion a year, and then be one to two billion dollars ahead with their stealings. There is no use to appeal to the four millions strong, we think they are sworn to go with the thieves, and not vote the Democratic ticket.

We can all see when any thieving plot is on the carpet, the black buccaneers all are at the election, and the more the people are robbed the stronger black Republicans they are. We cannot help but think that the people will take up arms and fight for their rights. We counsel peace, and we shall teach the way to gain. our liberties; and the only manner to make good and happy and prosperous people in this land is to use reason and sense in all times and places, in good times. and in hard times, in weal or woe, in prosperity and adversity, is to adhere to peacable measures. Any advantage we gain by spilling blood by war and sanguinary strife is of no account. If we should wipe out the infernal aristocracy in one night, and their engines of British slavery, it would do us no good; all the steps

would have to be gone over again by reason and sense. What passion does, reason always has to do over. Passion is a fool, that kills itself and its best friend, and it kills the goose that lays the golden egg. Let nothing be done in a passion. The time, if ever that time comes, that it is best to arm and to combat, rush for your dear liberty of yourselves, and wives, and children, and friends, is at present, not in the near future.



Nearly one-half the people are barbarians in these United States, and they nearly all are Black Republican aristocratic thieves; we speak always politically, and that is the main thing. The thieves have stolen from the people many times more than what they saved. If they had attended to politics thoroughly, they would have made much money; but a majority of the people being political thieves, they stole for the infernal aristocracy; and they made in their business from 30 to 60 per cent.-no doubt average over 40 per cent.and the people made less than three per cent. But, says a smart Alexander, on his last legs, I intend to let politics alone, and attend to my business; another said the same. They have stolen from every family from two to three hundred dollars. Every person can figure for himself. Divide three billions, that is the maximum, by ten millions of families, and our quotient is three hundred. Now, you can see for yourself they have stolen from the people more money than the profits left for the people. What does the fool Black Republican thief for aristocracy? Think of this, one in twelve of the nation steals from the twelve more than they had left in profits; they could not have stolen it, but they had four millions of egregious fools to help them steal; and they, the four millions, stole from themselves, as well as from their enemies, the Democrats.

Mind, a good black Republican hates a good Democrat. We tell you again that is so. The black Republican leading thief gets his living by stealing; and the business of the Democrat is, to stop and prevent stealing, that is the good Democrat; and you may risk your reputation, that the black infernal thief hates the Democrat, and he tells the serfs who do as they are bid by their leaders, that they must do all they can against the Democrats, as they are a vile, vicious, degraded set of destructives and ignorant villains. And all can see that the infernals have a ring, that the ring is made stronger every year by stealing, and thereby weakening the people; and also by bribery, which corrupts the people. No wonder they say we are agoing back into barbarism. They were never out of barbarism; that every intelligent person can see without giving a demonstration.

Democracy has been tried several times, but aristocracy put it down. But what of that? Everything of importance was perfected only after many trials. The steam engine, the steam-boat and ship; the cotton factory and the printing press. And what stupendous and wonderful improvements have been made lately in the printing press. It is astonishing. The combined header and thresher. And not only in machines, but in tools; and all came by degrees. The old fogy conservative cannot see that. None so blind as those who will not see. So with the black Republican aristocrat; it pains him to see the workingman improving. It lessens his chances for stealing. The more ignorant the people, the more the black Republicans can steal; and that is their living. They live by prey, like the wolves and hyenas, and they live in luxury and idleness, and study how to get the property without labor, and they steal from the workingman, and he does not know how it is done. They have stolen forty billions of dollars, and done that much. damage in the same time; and put the country back in morals more than 100 years, we think 200 years. And that is, and all this has been done, in 24 years.

But the people feel poor, after having so much stolen from them. All say hard times. If the beasts of the forest should destroy your crops, you would know it. If the birds should carry off your grain, you would see them, and take measures to prevent them. But the two-legged infernal beasts are cheating you, and stealing your substance, and swindling you in your goods, wares, and merchandise, and provision, and the four millions of sworn thieves assist them, and rob themselves also, and the four millions also do not know how it is done. If they should come with pistols and Winchester rifles, and say, Hands up, and search you and take all, it would not be as bad as the mode they take now. Then the infernals would show some courage, and run some risk; now they run no risk; and then the people would have some chance to stop it, and they would know what was the cause of the hard times. If the thieves-now we are compelled to say that this mode of stealing is ten times worse than it would be, if they came in force, as highwaymen, robbers, and bucaneers, freebooters, land pirates, and predacians take our all openly and above board, then we think we would protect ourselves. But, no: they secretly, and slyly, and furtively come, as a thief in the night. All must believe that this secret way is 100 times worse than open highway robbery And if it was done openly, we all would know the cause of the hard times.

Now, if the people knew that the thieves took so much from them, would they stop it? Some would try to, but the sworn millions, and the army under the half-breed, would pay no attention to it, and they would vote all the stronger for thieves, thinking they would be well paid, and they would vote that way if the Dickens took them to Tartarus, or Davy Jones. So you see that we are in a bad predicament. greatest trouble in the matter is: The people are too cold and indifferent, and continue to toil and drudge, and the thieves take all. And the people say hard times, and do not know why. We wish to direct your


attention to the secret mode of robbing the people. It is worse than highway robbery, and we say again the black infernals are the greatest fools that ever were in any country. If they only robbed themselves then we could tolerate it; but to have your neighbors robbing you of nearly all you make, and leave a scant subsistence, is nefarious and criminal. And if the people do not put a stop to it, this country will be as bad as Europe. Wages are higher here, but they are going down every year, and soon they will be as low as they are in Europe. We say to the workingman, What do you think of it? Are we safe? Will we be free long? Will our posterity work for a sheep's head and pluck a day, and lie under a cart at night? Will our children's children cry for bread? Will our wives drop tears for a morsel to eat? Will the future infants starve at their mother's breast? What is your answer? We are not saying anything but the truth. You should have a mind, a thought, on the matter by But read, and you will see plainly. We will prove what we say, so no one can gainsay it, only the four millions thieves, who are sworn in on the Federal side. As the juryman in Massachusetts, when he was told by the officers that he would be sworn; he said he would be sworn on the Federal side. So with the four millions; they were sworn on the Federal side-and it is a sad thing for the people. The Athenians, for a time, had a democracy, but it was not a simon pure. Democracy is of slow growth, and none but honest people can maintain it for a long time, but the time will come when it will flourish. It is honesty and equality in politics. Do you think Bismarck would give a helping hand? Will the Chinese try it? Those who will establish a Democratic government are a superior class of men; the infernals hate it; they would not have a penny, if they could not steal, and lie, and swindle. Would you get a thief to take care of your money?


A pure democrat is perfection in politics; he is formed in the mold of honor and justice, and it takes hon

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