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we will have them soon, and the base aristocracy will be sent up Salt River, never to return, and there be fossilized and become extinct. And the workingman will command his rights, he will take the helm, and then robbing and plundering, lying and stealing will be at an end. The poet said, all would be happy if they but knew how; it is not a hard matter to know how. But how must the people act to make a heaven on earth? We can say how. Do not lie, cheat, swindle, rob, nor steal, nor abuse any person. Be honest and upright, and we will soon have a heaven on earth. But instead of that, we have a powerful party of about half of the people, that have stolen tens of billions of the people's money, who lie, steal, and do all the crimes. in the land, mostly in secret. By war, standing army, tariff, banking, railroading, monopoly, telegraphing. By cheating and swindling in these measures, they rob the people of billions of dollars a year. Old slavery has become extinct, only because aristocracy has found a better kind of slavery; white slavery nor black slavery, which they laid on the shelf because they found a better kind of slavery. They must have slavery; the black Republicans must have slavery. They would starve, if they could not get the people's money without labor. So they have always lived on the fat of the land, and not labored, and it is time that labor ruled the country, and then we will have good times. We can not have good times as long as a few live in luxury and extravagance, wear a million dollars of dress and jewelry at a party; give parties costing tens of thousands dollars. O fools, to talk of good times,

and help such infernal work.

Fools think that slavery is abolished; we tell them no, it is now in its greatest height, and we hope it has culminated. Thousands of the serfs that help the tartarean scamps shackle themselves; yes, the million see the four millions strong, they vote black, right or wrong. Yes, the tartareans have the British slavery on this soil, where our forefathers planted the tree of liberty, and the infernals have been trying to dig it out ever

since. We hope they will not succeed. This British slavery takes the fruit of your toil and does not enslave the body; money they take and you do not know how it is done; that is, the infernal fool does not know, and he will not learn, all the care he has is to enslave his race, then the demon is contented for a short time. But then he might see the tartarean nature of the diabolical work he had done. Can the men who work for the Monopolists, the Banks, the Railroads, the Manufacturers, vote as they want to? We tell you no, they are watched as they go to the polls by mercenary hirelings. But they all will be brought to the snubbing post. The working men will settle with the diabolicals; the account has run too long already. They took up the old slavery question so they could ride in office on that hobby; and then they established a slavery ten times worse than the old one. They hate the South; a large proportion of them would sink the South in the Atlantic Ocean if they could; so you can see how they like the union. The South always opposed their vicious and infernal schemes, to rob and plunder the people. They provoked the South to battle, that is what they worked for a long time. The South done a foolish thing when they took up arms; it is just what the blood thirsty demons wanted; the South played the cards they wanted them to do; they wanted the heart's blood of the South. And yet they cry blood, blood, still they wave the bloody shirt. What did their infamous standard-bearer say, did he wave the bloody shirt? did he say that if the democrats were elected the negroes would have to go back into slavery? did he say that the Confederate bonds would have to be paid by government? did he say that we would have free trade? did he say that labor would be reduced to the pauper wages of Europe? Many demoniacal lies they said; and remember that nothing is too mean, and low, and infamous, and nefarious for them to say, if it butters their unhallowed and stolen Bread.

In India, from time immemorial, the working classes have been ground down into a condition of helpless

and hopeless slavery, and degradation. For ages the farmer was fortunate if he could save seed after his support. Capital was not capable of being used for production. All was wrung from the people that they possessed, and the princes were a little better than a band of robber chiefs quartered on the country, and the products used in useless luxury. The elephants blazed with gold and precious stones, and sparkled with rubies and gems, and the harems lined in satin. The plow of the farmer was only a sharpened stick. It is aristocracy that produced. the poverty and misery in the world; they have stolen the property of the people. It looks to us that all writers know this is the fact, but they have not the courage to expose the truth. But we will give you the truth, though aristocracy should go to Davy Jones. Let it go. Amen. This aristocracy is more destructive than an Asiatic tiger. Yes, the tigers and cobras of India are not half so injurious as the infernal aristocracy. Macauley says enormous fortunes were rapidly accumulated at Calcutta, while millions of human beings were seduced to the extremity of wretchedness; they had been accustomed to live under tyranny, but this transcended all. Burke says, that once populous tracts were turned into deserts; the people had to give up the last of their little hoards. The British have extended their new system to India; they have it in full. and entire success; $100,000,000 they took a year from the people of India, and it goes to England never to return, and this is kept so by a standing army of 62,500 men in round numbers; it is a little over that. This is tyranny. No doubt, the black Republican will say that is right; he believes in that way of ruling a people; his motto of ruling a people: First rob them of all their property, and bring them to the point of starvation, and then you can easily rule them. is as Queen Elizabeth said: An ungovernable beast must be stinted in its provender. The black Republican aristocracy have planted the British system of slavery in this country, and $100,000,000 a year in In


dia is but a priming what the thieves steal in this country from the people; it is not less than $2,000,000,000 a year, will give an approximate bill; it is more than that yearly. Aristocracy is an expensive beast to keep, the quicker we get rid of him the better. We are worse off than the man who won the elephant; he did not know what to do with him. What a great blessing it would be if we should get rid of this lying, and robbing, and thieving black Republican, stealing, codfish aristocracy. This, then, would be a happy country. We say, Workingman come to the front, and rule the country. The aristocracy have ruled the country, and they have brought the people to poverty, wretchedness, and misery. Now, is your time, laboringman, to take the reins in your own hands. Now, do not delay; call meetings monthly, and every workingman attend. War, deceit, and oppression are the work of aristocracy. We must get rid of them; they must go as the saurians went. They once ruled the ocean; now they are extinct; so it must go with the codfish aristocracy. See what tartarean work they are making everywhere they rule. All matter, dead or living, organic or inorganic, is governed by law, and all is progressing and growing better. And as aristocracy is a reptile beyond improvement, he must become extinct. The whole environments about the infernal reptile that he is soon to inhabit will be so unnatural to him that he must die out and become extinct. You all know that he is the greatest of all liars, and such stealings as they have done the world never has equaled; the fact is, it never was and never will be equaled. We will show that they have stolen. more than two billions of dollars a year from the people. Workingman, you pay for all. Can you put up with such work any longer? Can you listen to their lies any more? And besides their stealing two billions in cash every year, we will fully prove that they have been more than that damage to the country. All labor takes blood to keep up the system. When a muscle contracts, the muscle wastes, and fresh blood

rushes in and repairs it. So you can see, workingman, that it takes your life's blood to labor, and the money you get is precious, and you should use it properly, and lay up a part for sickness, or a rainy day. An empty bag cannot stand up. Franklin said, Poverty can do but little in business where capital is required. We say, workingman, you are destined to rule; it is your right. And will you demand your rights? We know every man should demand his rights; and be certain to save part of your money for contingencies, want, and distress.



Government requires money to run it, but in most cases the officers use too much money. Millions of dollars could be saved every year by reducing the salaries of the officers of the government. One half of what is used now would be sufficient. This practice. of paying large salaries to officers, and low wages to working men, is a system that the infernals have for ages practiced, and it must be stopped; the workingmen will regulate that. And again we say there are too many officers, and too many pensioners. Thousands of them never smelt powder in battle. The infernal imps desire an extravagant government, so they can have an excuse for a high protective tariff, which is an abomination of abominations; which makes the rich richer, and the poor poorer. Land is the great foundation of wealth; from that all of our comforts are drawn. The black tartarean scamps have given away nearly 300,000,000 of acres for nothing. It is enough for all the people of the United States to get a living off. The people got nothing in return for it. Why did they give it to the tartareans? Can you see the sense and conception? Do you use your mind? If you do, you can see that it was done to make slaves of

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