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old hydra, the United States Bank, with a capital of thirty-five millions. But the black Republican war brought a venal and mercenary and infamous and infernal pack of thieves to the surface, and they lied themselves into office, and they made the South crazy, so they struck for war. They irritated and provoked the South, so they did a foolish thing-declared war. Just what the infernals had been working for them to do, and just what the brutes liked. They wanted an opportunity to rob the people, and now they had their wish they had yearned for many years. Now they were in their glory. Their exultation cannot be described. They called themselves Union men. They lied. If they had been Union men, the war would not have happened. The war Governor of New York, Horatio Seymour, said it could easily have been averted.

If the black Republicans had any sense of honor or any feeling in their composition, or any justice in their organization, or if they had souls-even if they were insignificant and scrubby souls-the war would have been averted. But they wanted blood and booty, plunder, pillage, filthy lucre, and they cared not how they acquired it. And they wanted revenge on the South for being in favor of a tariff for revenue. They wanted to lash them with the tails of scorpions. They wished to give them goss-to reduce them to bondage. Free negroes and white slaves suit them. We heard a good black aristocrat say South Carolina should have its white population exterminated, and the State given to the negroes, and he was a good specimen of the black Republican. They hate the South. Aristocracy hates any one who is liberal in politics. They hate a man who is honest in politics, and we tell you they hate a good Democrat. They have no conception of a man being honest in politics. One of their leaders said, "All is fair in politics "; another said "Let the Union slide"; another said the constitution. was not worth as much as a blank sheet of paper, as a better one could be written on it; another said it was a union with Satan; and the one of no soul, who de

stroyed $100,000,000 worth of property in one campaign, and said: "The Democrats have no rights that the Republicans are morally or legally bound to respect." The Washington monument should swing him.

The banking system gives advantages to a few over the many; those who have the banks give extra favors to their friends, and thereby control an undue influence to the banker. The banker having some extra advantages will be inclined to ask for more. You give an aristocrat a trifle, and he will think he is entitled to a mickle; in fact, no extra privileges should be allowed to any person by government; all should be served alike; as much as can be done. The present system of banking is a partial system, was organized to create a power expressly by aristocracy. The government gets little or nothing by it. It is confined to a few, and they make extra profits by it. It was organized for the purpose of making the rich man richer, and every voter must know that money is only made by labor; and if any person or persons make money by scheming and class legislation, without labor, it must eventually come out of the community who labor at some occupation, and the weakest will have to bear most of it, or more than he can carry. So, then, it will make the poor poorer. So the men heavily in debt will be of the first to go down the flume. And if you take pains to notice, you will see some heavy-loaded give out by the way, and you will see also the gull-catcher watching to nip those unfortunate subjects, and the sharper watches the lame ducks as a hawk does a chicken. Many a man has been induced to borrow by outsiders, and when he is in a corner no one will help him; the rich knaves work into each other's hands, and they agree that such a gull-catcher shall take such a gull, and instead of helping him, they will push him in the current, and he goes down the flume. Now, these scamps have no more feeling for a human being in a tight place than a coyote has for a stray lamb. They have no souls; and the banking system assists them

in their tartarean business. So they of no souls are for the present banking system. We have given the best system that can be discovered. The greenbackers want the government to loan money; this will not do, and every sensible man knows it. The government can easily furnish the currency; then the people will have the benefit of the interest indirectly. We think if you examine closely, it will appear that the greenbackers are on the wrong track. We will show that third parties are the work of the evil spirit most always, and any body can look back and see what good the voters did in voting for infamous third parties. It was a trap to catch Democratic voters. Do not be fooled by those infernal and infamous scamps.

The bankers of a country have the power to make good and easy times, or hard times. The banking system which we propose will be a remedy for that, as the bankers will need no coin or bullion. They can pay out their last cent, and the government keeping $150,000,000 coin and bullion, will be able to meet any emergency. This will be the best system that can be devised, and no other paper money should be allowed. The same as now, no coin but government coin is allowed. Mind, the bill must be taken for revenue. Greenbackers, now is your time. Go for it. Workingmen, all as one, go for it. The cursed, infernal, infamous, venal, vicious, villainous, and viperous aristocracy will oppose it; they think that they must have all. We say again, Do not listen to them. What sense is there in talking or listening to a liar, and a thief, and a robber? Give him the cold shoulder, and go for the new and perfect system. When the black Republicans became well seated in power, they passed a bank bill. What kind of a bank bill do you suppose it was? Just such a bill as "Old Hickory" Jackson vetoed; just such a bill as John Tyler vetoed; just such a bill as the old Federal infernals passed. All the difference, they have hundreds got up instead of one, as the old bank way. That showed the cloven foot; that proved the aristocratic tendency. Yes, more than

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that, it showed their identity with Federalism; and they give the land away, just the same as British aristocracy has done. Who can have the effrontery and cheek to say that the black Republicans are not aristocrats? Two animals are in a stable. They have heads, ears, necks, shoulders, bodies, legs; eat the same food, have the same gait and speed; are alike in every particular. One is brought out and exhibited. All the people say: He is a horse." No one says, "No." Then the other one is brought out, and many say "Why, that also is a horse." "No," say the black Republican liars, and thieves, and robbers, four millions strong; “it is not a horse, we will swear it is not a horse." So it is with the black Republican aristocrat. He does exactly like the old Federal aristocrat. The honest men of sense and truth say that he is a Federal aristocrat. No," say the four million infernal and diabolical demons, "he is not a Federal aristocrat, we will swear he is not a Federal aristocrat." So it is with Federal aristocracy. They deny their forefathers, their progenitors. We all know that they are the progeny of Federalism. All the difference is that the black Republicans deny their principles, but they have them branded in their organizations; but as they have no souls, they deny the plain fact.

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We know something about the lying, thieving aristocracy, and we know that they have improved in the art of lying. Practice makes perfect. A lying black Republican said that the laborer in the factories got 80 per cent. of the products of the factories of the United States for his labor, and the credulous simpletons believed it. The black Republicans are a different set of men from the Democrats; they believe all their masters say; they are barbarians; they have not yet

evolved to the plane the Democrats have, and the present lackeys and understrappers, who do as their officers tell them to, will never come up to the perfection of the democrats. The democracy is a superior political organization; many cannot see it, but it is plain. Democracy is honesty in politics, and if a man is a knave, he will not embrace pure democracy; he cannot; it is not in his organization. These infernal blacks will have to die out and become extinct. Death only will be the remedy for their political villainy. This is a new idea to the ignorant politician. The aristocrat cannot see it; he does not believe that an intelligent man can be a pure Democrat; all he believes in is lying, and robbing, and stealing from the people. The infernal old Federal scamps did not believe that Jefferson was a pure Democrat. They were too degraded and debased and debauched to believe he was holier than they; but we are satisfied that Jefferson was an honest and sincere Democrat. The infernals have grown rich by stealing the honest earnings of the people. "See the lilies of the field; they toil not, neither do they spin; yet Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these." So we see that we fools let the knave who does no labor take the fruits of our toil. What say you, workingman? shall we retrace our steps, and do what is for our honest welfare and happiness? We say that we have been tools of fools too long; now let us mend our ways, and not fool the fruits of our labor away. But, says the four millions strong, who do the bidding of the knaves right or wrong, We cannot see where the stealing comes in. Did we not show that in ancient times the infernal aristocracy took nearly all the land, and rented it to the poor man. Where did he get the right to hold the land? he stole it; he had no right to it; and yet he made the poor man pay for the use of it. And did he not enslave prisoners, white men taken in war? And did he not steal negroes and enslave them? But he has a better thing now.

The infernal, odious, and infamous black Republi

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