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her work, and replaced it with better things. Any person can see it that has sense, but the four million Black Republican Barbarians cannot see anything, only what is for the benefit of their masters. It has always been so, and will be until they become extinct. Nature works just as we have done with our machinery. We need not name to a man of sense, if you read this book carefully several times you will see the harmony in nature; but many fools can see nothing but discord, and you will see that we, being part of the great universe, cannot do different from the laws of nature, and progress is a law of nature, it is plainly to be seen, and progress is a law of our nature. Aristocracy loathes to give up their tartarean grip, but she must, and perish. as hundreds of millions of beasts that became unfit for the world. So do not be skeptical; we see that nature says and all will see, that she will make the vile aristocrat go where millions have went before them, to annihilation. Fools say the aristocracy will always rule, and aristocracy will try to rule, but I tell you aristocracy must go. Can a few rule the many always? Preposterous and absurd. Can one rule eleven forever? Folly in the extreme. O fool, do you think that the eleven will never learn how to hamstring the one lying, cheating, theiving, robbing villain, who has always robbed them, and do you think that they will never find it out? The Democrats know it,and all we want more is to have the Republicans see.





There is a book we all have studied, many superficially, but it is very necessary that we should make it our principal examination. It is the book of all books, the book that contains all knowledge, sacred or profane, good or evil. It is the book we must consult in adversity or prosperity; our welfare entirely depends on the knowledge we have of that book; we have to consult it on every occasion. In this plain talk we shall begin with the lowest order of creation, and trace the animals from the lowest up to the climax man, from the lowest animated being to the highThe object is to prove that nature is a gradation, that all nature was formed by degrees, and it is working so at the present time, and always will. Scientists nearly all agree that the earth at first was all gas, and round as at present, and revolved on its axis at an early date, long before it became solid. The attraction. of gravitation caused it to contract, which made it grow hot, and in many years it became many times. hotter than red hot iron, yes, hotter than melted iron. After a long time the centrifugal force, caused by the revolution on its axis, balanced the attraction of gravitation, and it then began to cool, and after hundred thousands of years or more, a crust began to form on its surface, but that crust no doubt was many thousand times broken before it became so strong as to remain. for some time. But when the atmosphere cooled, the steam condensed to water, and that water settling on the crust made it crack again and break up, and the water again converted into steam and again cooling, was converted into water, and so it settled on the sur

face until the crust was cool enough to hold the water, when it remained on the crust, which by breaking so often had become uneven, and the water settled in the lowest places as we now find it. But there was no rest for terra firma. The water found its way into the cracks, which caused volcanoes, that threw up rocks mountains high, and such takes place occasionally at this age of the earth. When the earth became cool rain descended, and soon rivers descended down the mountains, and the atmosphere being heavily charged with gasses, the water wore channels in the rocks for the rivers to flow, and the matter worn away. And as the water was highly charged with mineral matter, so the vapor of the atmosphere was heavy. The rain. was of the same nature, and the water like it, so the water wore the rock away rapidly. The worn matter descended to the low places, and so the soil was formed. The soil being produced and cooled to the proper temperature, plants began to grow, first on the edge of the water, and next on the land. The water was still warm, but the rocks were hot. The water cooled off first. They were feeble and all were soft, so they were not fossilized. The worn rock that was washed into the low places solidified, and in many thousands of years formed rocks. Those are the rocks that contained the first fossils; but most of those rocks, per haps nearly all, were hove up again and melted. They were called metamorphic rocks. Granite was also forming continually below, as the earth cooled, and much of that granite was again thrown up by volca noes, and melted again and again. And the early fossils have again and often been destroyed. Most of

the rocks that we now see are formed from the worn material from former rocks that has solidified into rocks. These rocks contain the fossils, as we said before; but it took many ages to solidify these rocks. Granite was the first rock that was formed.

PERIODS AND AGES OF ROCKS, FROM BELOW, UP. 1. Granite, Metamorphic, Laurentian, Cambrian, age of minerals.

2. Silurian, age of Mollusca, Devonian, age of fishes. 3. Carboniferous and Permian, age of plants. 4. Secondary, age of reptiles; Tertiary, age of mammals.

5. Quartenary, age of man.

During the granite and metamorphic formations, there was no life; the earth was too hot, and there was no water. It was all vapor. It was all vapor. The metamorphic in some places is fifteen miles thick, as shown on the flanks of the Andes. These rocks are the sediment of boiling granite and other rocks, that has taken ages to cool. What an enormous heat to melt granite, and what an infinite time to cool! And all this infinite time to cool, and all this time and also a longer time, when there was no rock on this earth, there was not a germ of life on earth. The sublunary sphere was a dreary waste. But, says the fanatic, "It was all made and peopled with men, herbs and animals in six days."

What are fossils? Animals or plants buried in earth and water by natural causes, and preserved and petrified. As the earth was very changeable at first, the crust was often broken up. Many animals were thrown up by volcanoes, and burnt up and became lost. The fossils are generally heavier than the natural animal, as the earth finds its way into the carcass of the animal, and becomes solid and heavy as rock, and, in fact, is rock; but the shells generally remain so near the original as to be plainly identified. Not only animals, but parts or whole of trees, are petrified and are called fossils. And also the tracks of animals and birds are preserved in the rocks and are called fossils or footprints. These fossils are of great value in reading the past history of the earth, and they also show the graduation of animals, as also the appearance and extinction of them on the earth. Millions of animals have become extinct. They once roamed on the earth, but passed to extinction never to appear again. This is an important event and should be noticed. Who can tell why they were created, and then in after times become extinct and never appear again? And

notice that when an animal becomes extinct, it can never appear again. Evolution can solve the question. When the animal was created, the conditions and circumstances were in such a posture that nature by her efforts formed the animal; and the animal became extinct because the conditions afterwards were such that the life of the animal could not exist, and death had to follow. But the same conditions and circumstances had to exist again as they were at the creation of the animal, which they never can. The same conditions that exist at any certain time can never, and never do, exist again. So two animals were never created at two different places that were precisely alike, because the existing conditions and circumstances. never were alike in two different places, nor in any one place the second time. That is the reason that no two animals, trees, plants, seeds nor men were created alike. All know that no two men are exactly alike. Nature works with the materials at her reach, and she cannot work different at one time from another. She does not vary. This is all there is about what fanatics have made such an ado about. Remember that all these fossils were once living animals; no sporting in the works of nature, no experiments, all law, without any variation in her work; if the conditions are alike then the products will be alike, otherwise not. The laws are the same today, yesterday, and forever. Some fanatics have said that fossils are sports of nature. Foolish fanatics! they know but lit. tle of nature, and never will know. Scientists place. animals as follows, beginning below in the Cambrian and Laurentian formations, the metaphorphic and granite having no fossils; and they also state that the first fossils were small, and the first animals they call radiates. No doubt the first animals were too soft to be fossilized, and did not leave an impression in the rock; so it is very probable that we will not have a perfect geological record. The first fossils found are extremely simple in their structure; they have no mouths, no stomach, no heart, no lungs; one organ

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