Gentleman's Magazine: AND Historical Chronicle. From JULY to DECEMBER, 1820. VOLUME XC. (BEING THE THIRTEENTH OF A NEW SERIES.) PART THE SECOND. PRODESSE ET DELECTARE. E PLURIBUS UNUM. By SYLVANUS URBAN, Gent. LONDON: Printed by JOHN NICHOLS and SON, 25, Parliament-street, Westminster; where LETTERS are particularly requested to be sent, POST-PAID; AND SOLD BY JOHN HARRIS and SON (Successors to Mrs. NEWBERY), TO SYLVANUS URBAN, GENT. ON COMPLETING HIS NINETIETH VOLUME. LOUD roar'd the storm with fierce and Across the sea-green wave on Gallia's land The miscreant Louvel rear'd his murd'rous hand. In Berri's side deep plung'd the deadly knife; Deep fleecy snows o'erspread the frozen ground, And Desolation held her reign around. Sylvanus strives fresh pleasures to sup- The blood fast spouting ends the Prince's life. What shouts of indignation widely spread, While Justice, stern, lopp'd off th' assassin's head. But miscreants too pollute Britannia's isle, And Cato-street beheld their meetings vile. High on record, what fam'd events ap- There Fiends assembled in a close divan, pear! Foul treasons hatch, and horrid murders plan: Arrested by the potent arm of State, The halter closes their untimely fate. Within the circle of the fleeting year. To taste the breath of Devon's tepid air, On Sidmouth's banks; see Kent and suite repair. Mysterious tate a winged arrow sped, Which mingled Edward with th' illustrious dead. And while his breathless corse lamented O! grief on grief! his Sire, our Monarch, sway, T HE completion of another Volume calls upon us to acknowledge with thanks the support which we have received from our Correspondents; and a few words concerning our own exertions will not perhaps be deemed superfluous. The prominent character of our labours has hitherto been that of pleasantly announcing and stating matters in business, literature, taste, and on all other subjects; in short, catching "the manners living as they rise :" and by this plan, we preserve and celebrate many things, which any other form of publication would fail to do. This we mention, because we sincerely believe that, were it not for the plan upon which we conduct our Publication, matters importantly connected with Science, abstracted from the grand concerns of Life, would meet with no notice whatever; for instance, Philology, Heraldry, Topography, Biography, various Arts, and articles of Criticism and polite Literature, are thus preserved, without requiring that painful attention which Journals (however meritorious they may be) conducted upon the principle of copying foreign periodical Works, and thus giving "Transactions of learned Societies," by no means include. Though much has been already done towards illustrating the Local as well as the Biographical History of England, much remains to be performed: our circle in this department is by no means diffused, but we have endeavoured to convey the most remarkable information in a small compass, without attempting to embody local traditions, or substitute anecdotes, unsupported by authority, for facts. The lighter branches of Topography have been treated upon in our Miscellaneous Correspondence; and as it is our wish to render our MAGAZINE a Miscellany which may be valued in future years, we have generally brought forward such Communications as may be hereafter found of utility. We have long kept an expectant eye to the period when England may boast of a complete system of Topography, and lament that several Counties still remain without an Historian: it is to be hoped, however, that they will not long lie under that imputation; the difficulty yearly decreases, materials are amassed with much greater facility than heretofore; and the most minute investigation may now detect "falsehood rendered venerable by prejudice." While, however, we state what we wish to be accomplished, let us not forget what has been done. The Historians of Leicestershire, Surrey, and Cheshire, have happily lived to see their Volumes most favourably received by the Publick. The Histories of the Counties of Hertford, Northampton, Durham, and York, are in a progressive state; Wiltshire will soon be in the Press; and will be followed, it is confidently hoped, by those of Oxford, and Cambridge. The Visitations of Durham (an example which we wish to see followed elsewhere) have been given to the Publick; and the re-pub 1 |