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Inland Navigation, Oxford; Thames and Isis, canals. Thames river.
Lake Ewelm, King's Pond.

Eminences and Views. Chiltern hills, Arncotts wood, Beckley, Blackthorn, Britwell, Caversham, Charlton, Crouch, Gravenhill-wood, Headington, between Islip and Beckley, Shiplake, Shotover, Stoken-Church, and Watlington hills. Rollrich stones. High Lodge in Blenheim Park. In Nettlebed parish is said by some to be the highest ground in England. Watlington Hill is the subject of a Poem by Miss Mitford.

Natural Curiosities. Otmoor Common, about 4000 acres. Whichwood forest 6720 acres. Shotover forest, now open land. Petrified marine exuviæ at Beckley. Medicinal waters in Ambrosden Park, at Caversham, Ewelm, and Spring-well.

Public Edifices. At Oxford, THE SCHOOLS, originally built by Thomas Hokenorton, Abbot of Oseney, about 1405: first stone of the present building laid March 30, 1613; Holt of York, architect; front 175 feet long. PUBLIC (or Bodleian) LIBRARY, originally founded by Humphrey, the good Duke of Gloucester in 1480; restored by Sir Thomas Bodley, 1595. First stone of the present building laid, July 26, 1664. It contains an inestimable collection. THEATRE founded by Gilbert Sheldon, Abp. of Canterbury, first stone laid July 26, 1664; cost 12,4701. 118. 11d.; architect, Sir Christopher Wren. ASHMOLEAN MUSEUM, founded by Elias Ashmole, historian of the Garter, in 1677, and the building completed in 1682. Architect, Sir Christopher Wren; front, 60 feet. CLARENDON PRINTING HOUSE erected in 1711, from the profits of the sale of Lord Chancellor Clarendon's "History of the Rebellion," given to the University by his son: architect, Sir John Vanburgh: front 115 feet. RADCLIFFE LIBRARY founded in 1797, from a bequest of 40,000l. by Dr. John Radcliffe; opened April 13, 1749; Architect, Gibbs, basement diameter, 100 feet; statue of the founder by Rysbrach. INFIRMARY built by Dr. Radcliffe's trustees, begun 1759, opened 1770. OBSERVATORY built by Dr. Radcliffe's trustees, cost nearly 30,000l.; Architect, Wyatt. PHYSIC GARDEN, about 5 acres, founded by Henry Danvers, Earl of Danby, in 1622. The gateway designed by Inigo Jones. MAGDALEN BRIDGE, over the Cherwell, built 1779; cost 8000l.; length 526 feet. ALL SAINTS CHURCH built about 1700, from a design by Dean Aldrich. TOWN HALL completed in 1752, by Thomas Rowney, esq. M.P. for the city. Music room, from design of Dr. Camplin, opened in 1748. General Market, 374 feet by 112, opened in 1774. House of Industry. Gaol. Bridewell. Chipping Norton School, founded by Henry Cornish in 1640.-Dorchester Bridge 432 yards long, opened July 1815.-Ensham bridges.-Henley-upon-Thames bridge, 5 arches; finished in 1786; Architect, Heyward; on each pace of the central arch are masks of the Thame and Isis, sculptured by the Hon. Mrs. Damer. Town Hall completed in 1796.-Radcot Bridge, 3 arches.---Thame School. Watlington Market-house, erected by Thomas Stonor, Esq. in 1664.-Witney blanket-hall; Town Hall; School founded by Henry Box in 1660; Marketcross.-Woodstock Town Hall; Market-place; and Alms-houses. Seats. SHIRBURN CASTLE, Earl of Macclesfield, Lord Lieutenant of the County.

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Britwell Prior, Thomas Weld, Esq.
Broadwell Grove House, W. Hervey, Esq.
Broughton Castle, Lord Say and Sele.
Broughton Hall, George Caswell, Esq.
Burford Priory, John Lenthel, Esq.
Cane-wood, W. Vanderstegin, Esq.
Chastleton, John Jones, Esq.
Chiselhampton, Robert Peers, Esq.
Coombe Lodge, Samuel Gardener, Esq.
Cornwell, Francis Penystone, Esq.
Croperdy, Sir Brooke Boothby, Bart.
Crowsley Park, J. A. Wright, Esq.
Cuddesdon Palace, Bp. of Oxford.
Culham, John Philips, Esq.

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DITCHLEY PARK, Viscount Dillon.


Ensham Hall, Colonel T. Parker.
Filkins Hall, Edward Colston, Esq.
Glympton, Lloyd Wheate, Esq.
Gould's Heath, George Davis, Esq.
Great Chesterton, J. Harley, Esq.
Grey's Court, Lady Stapleton.

Grove Cottage, Richard Davies, Esq.
Hardwick, P. L. Powis, Esq.
Harpsden Court, Thomas Hall, Esq.
Haseley House,
Blackall, Esq.
Headington, T. H. Whorwood, Esq.

Over Norton, - Dawkins, Esq.
Rousham, Sir C. C. Dormer, Bart.
Rycot Park, Earl of Abingdon.
Shelswell, - - Harrison, Esq.
Shiplake Hill, Lord Mark Kerr.
Shipton, Sir John Chandos Reade, Bart.
Shotover House, George Schutz, Esq.
South Leigh, Colonel Sibthorp.
Stonor, Thomas Stonor, Esq.
Stratton Audley, Sir E. P. Lloyd, Bart.
Studley, Sir Alexander Croke, Knt.

Hensington House, James Blackstone, Esq. Swift's house, Sir Thomas Mostyn, Bart.

HEYTHORP, Earl of Shrewsbury.

Holton Park, Edmund Biscoe, Esq.

Ipsden, John Read, Esq.

Joyce Grove, Thomas Toovey, Esq.
Kiddington, C. M. Browne, Esq.
Kingston Blount, Richard Clerke, Esq.
Kirklington Park, Sir H. W. Dashwood,


Lillingston Lovell, -- Darell, Esq.
Little Hasely Court, Hon. Andrew Foley.
Mapledurham, Michael Blount, Esq.
Middleton Stoney, Earl of Jersey.
Milton Tetsworth, Rt. Hon. Rich. Ryder.
Mongewell, Bp. of Durham.
Nethercolt, Edward Jodrell, Esq.
Newington, George White, Esq.
North Aston, C. O. Bowles, Esq.
NUNEHAM COURTENAY, Earl of Harcourt.


Swinbrooke, Lord Redesdale.
Tackley, Lady W. S. Gardiner.
Tew Park, G. F. Stratton, Esq.
Thame Park, Miss Wykham.
Tusmore, Sir Henry Peyton, Bart.
Walliscote, Sir John Simcot, Bart.
Water Eaton, John Sawyer, Esq.
Water Perry, Henry Curzon, Esq.
Waterstock, H. W. Ashurst, Esq.
Watlington Park, J. H. Tilson, Esq.
Wheatfield, Lord Charles Spencer.
Woodcote, H. C. Cotton, Esq.
Wood Eaton, John Wayland, Esq.

Woodstock, Pryse Pryse, Esq.
Woodstock Rectory, Dr. Mavor.

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Peerage. Burford Earldom to Beauclerk, Duke of St. Alban's. Dorchester Barony to Carleton. Henley Irish Barony to Eden. Nuneham Courtenay Viscounty to Harcourt, Earl Harcourt, art, who is also Baron Harcourt of Stanton-Harcourt. Oxford (city) Earldom to Harley. Woodstock Viscounty to Bentinck, Duke of Portland. -Of Ewelme, Parker Viscounty to Parker, Earl of Macclesfield. Of Rycote, Norreys Barony to Bertie, Earl of Abingdon.

Members to Parliament for the County 2, the University 2, the City 2, Banbury 1, Woodstock 2, total 9.

Produce. Corn, oxen, butter, cheese, calves, artificial grasses, particularly sainfoin, timber, particularly beech; ochre, lime-stone, free-stone, rag



Manufactures. Witney blankets; Woodstock gloves and steel; Banbury and Bloxham coarse velvet; Thame lace; Henley malt, Banbury cakes; Oxford sausages, Dorchester and Deddington ale.


Hundreds 14. Whole Parishes, 214 and 10 parts of parishes. Market towns 12. Houses 23,201.

Inhabitants. Males 59,132, females 60,059, total, 119,191.

Families employed in agriculture, 18,646; in trade 7,655; in neither 3,705; total 25,006.

Baptisms. Males 1804; females 1753.-Marriages, 865.-Burials. Males

1137; females 1210.

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Total: Places 17; Houses, 7,472; Inhabitants 40,579.

(To be continued.)

Mr. URBAN, Norwich, Sept. 26. THE Cloisters of Norwich Cathedral are, I believe, justly admired as the largest, if not the most finished specimen of that sort of building in the Kingdom. Beautiful, however, and extensive as they are, they are somewhat deformed by the chimneys of the various dwelling. houses which surround them; and to those who are admirers of the architectural remains of our pious forefathers, it has long been a subject of regret that these unsightly appendages have been suffered to remain. But not only have the Dean and Chapter of our Cathedral neglected to remove them, but have now permitted one of their own body to erect upon the Cloisters an ugly red brick building. Surely, Mr. Urban, these public bodies ought to have some lit. tle regard to propriety, to taste, and

to decorum.

The Cathedrals of our Kingdom are splendid monuments of the skill, the industry, and the piety of our ancestors. They ought to be preserved with the utmost care from the hands of such as would despoil them of their beauties; and those into whose keeping they are _committed, should be emulous of preserving them entire and unimpaired, rather than anxious to make such venerable relics subservient to their own convenience.


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since the appeal of Francus. I had not then seen the Bibliotheca Hist. Lit. Selecta of Struvius, from which I have now obtained the information, which the Author derived from Zobelius, in a work on the Indices, (see pp. 1651-2,) that in the year 1723, Ge. Serpilius, a priest at Ratisbon, reprinted the Index in question, in so close imitation of the original, not only in the body of the work, but in the title-page, as to admit, which was the intention, of its being imposed upon the public as the genuine edition of 1607. Having both the editions, I have compared them; and although the latter is nearly a facsimile of the former, there are differences which may soon be discovered. The size of the pages of letter-press is manifestly larger in the latter. Another edition was printed in 1745 by Hesselius, which induced the heirs of Serpilius to bring forward the remaining copies of his edition, with a new title-page, representing the work as the second edition. And yet, with all this multiplication of editions, such has been the zeal either to possess, or destroy them, that a copy of any of them is rarely to be found. Yours, &c.




BU BEER had been proclaimed Khalif, in the portico or pi-azza of the Saëdites, on Monday the twelfth day of the former Rabê, about noon, in the 11th year of the Hejra, -and died Monday the 8th of the latter Jomada. A short time before he expired, he ordered his secretary, Othmân Ebn Affan to draw up his last will and testament, of which the following is a copy.

"In the name of the most merciful God. This is the testament of Abdallah Ebn Abu Kohafa, when he was in the last hour of this world, and the first in the next; an hour in which the infidel shall believe, the wicked person be assured of


the reality of those things that he denied, and the liar speak the truth. I appoint Omar Ebn Al Khattab my succes. sor; therefore hearken to him, and obey him. If he acts right he will answer the opinion I have always entertained of him; if otherwise, he must be accountable for his own conduct. My intention is good, but I cannot foresee future events. However, those who do ill shall hereafter be made fully sensible of the consequences of their behaviour. Fare ye well, and may ye always be attended by the divine mercy and benediction."

After he had dictated this will, he fainted away; but as soon as he came to himself, he asked his secretary whose name he had inserted in the instrument just written? he replied, that of Omar. " Then," said the Khalif, "you have punctually ob served my directions, though had you inserted your own, I should not have had an unworthy successor."

ANIM, the son of Al Raschid, when besieged by his brother, in Bagdat, refused to quit his game at chess, al though his men were driven from the breach, and loudly demanded his presence to reanimate them. " Stop," said he, "let me not lose the glorious opportunity of a check-mate!" "Good sense, and good fortune," said the irritated Messenger, "are inseparable companions," and left Anim to his evil destiny. He was conducted to an immediate death by order of the Conqueror..

It is remembered that Augustus Cæsar established a law, which was called, after his daughter, Lex Julia, concerning adulterers, after what process persons so offending should be punished, being convicted and found guilty. It happened that a young Gentleman of Rome being accused of the same crime with the Emperor's daughter Julia, Augustus grew into such a fury, that not able to contain himself, he fell upon the Gentleman, and gave him many violent buffets, till the supposed offender cried out, O Emperor, where is your justice? you have made a law concerning these matters, why am I not then judged by that? at which words it so repented him of his rashness, that all that day and night he forbore to taste any food.

At a certain sword-playing, or such

like pastime, solemnized in the great Roman Theatre, Livia the mother, and Julia the daughter, had turned the eyes of the multitude upon them both, and that by reason of the difference of their habits and their attendants. Livia, being matron-like attired, was accompanied by aged Senators, and Ladies of approved modesty and gravity; Julia, on the contrary, loosely and wantonly habited, had in her train none but butterfly. pages, wild fashion-mongers, and fantastic gallants; which being observed by Augustus, he the next day admonished her by letters, to observe what difference there was in the appearance of two such high and noble persons: which having read, she returned him only this short answer, "Well, and these people about me shall be old likewise when I am."

Julia, to a noble Senator of stayed gravity, giving her counsel to grace herself after her father's grave and sober behaviour, replied, "Though my father doth not remember that he is an Emperor, yet I cannot forget that I am an Emperor's daughter."

Julia one day coming to visit and do her duty to her father, she perceived his eyes to be much offended with the gaudiness of her attire, as savouring of immodesty; the next day taking occasion to revisit him, she changed her habit into a comely and matronly garb, and thus came to embrace her father. Cæsar, who had the day before suppressed his grief, was not now able to contain his joy, but broke out into these terms, O how much more decent and seemly are these ornaments for the daughter of Augustus! To whom she replied, this day I apparalled myself to please the eyes of a father, but my yesterday's habit was to content the eyes of a husband.

Augustus much grieved at her licentiousness, and seeing it subject to no reformation, banished her the Court, and with her, her daughter Julia, his grand-child, who took something too much after her mother; and after that Agrippa, whom he once adopted his heir, but after, for his intemperance, brutish, and luxurious riots, cast out of his favour. Whenever mention was made of any of these three, he would recite a verse out of Homer :


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