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ORIEL COLLEGE was founded in 1324 by Edward II. at the instigation of Adam de Brom, Rector of Hanworth, in Middlesex, who was buried in St. Mary's Church, Oxford, 1332. Its name is derived from a large messuage, called "La Oroile," given to the College by Edward III. in 1327, to which the Scholars soon removed. Hall 50 feet by 20. Library 83 feet long, 28 broad, and 20 high. Among the plate are two curious cups, one given by Edward II. (engraved in Gent's. Mag. for May, 1784); the other by Bp. Carpenter. Of this College, Prelates, Arundel of Canterbury; BUTLER of Durham; Pecock of Chichester; Carpenter, donor of the cup; and Lloyd (one of the Seven Bishops) of Worcester. Roman Catholic, Cardinal Allen. Lawyers, the Republican Prynne; Chief Justices Scroggs, and HOLT. Embassador, Sir Henry Unton.. Seaman, SIR WALTER RALEIGH. Satirists, Langland, author of "Pierce Plowman;" and Barclay, of "Ship of Fools." Divine, Berriman. Wit and Poet, Braithwaite, author of "Drunken Barnaby." Schoolmaster and Critic, Dr. Joseph Warton.

PEMBROKE COLLEGE was founded in 1624, on the site of Broadgates-hall, by the bequest of Thomas Tesdale, esq. of Glympton, in this county, augmented by Richard Wightwick, Rector of East Ildesley in Berkshire. It was so named in compliment to William Herbert, Earl of Pembroke, at that time Chancellor of the University. Of Broadgates Hall and this College, Prelates, Moore of Canterbury; Newcome of Armagh; Bonner of London; and Cardinal Repingdon of Lincoln. Lawyers, Chief Justice Dyer; and SIR WILLIAM BLACKSTONE. Topographers, CAMDEN, and Morant of Essex. Parliamentarian, PYM. Warrior, Carew Earl of Totness. Physician, Sir Thomas Browne. Classical Scholar, Dureli. Metaphysician and Mystic, Henderson. Calvinistic Methodist, Whitfield. Dramatist, Southern. Poets, Shenstone and Graves. Moralist, DR, SAMUEL JOHNSON.

QUEEN'S COLLEGE was founded in 1340 by Robert Eglesfield, Rector of Burgh sultus Stanmore in Cumberland, and Confessor to Philippa Queen of Edward III. He was buried in the old chapel of this college in 1349. The present buildings form an oblong 300 feet by 220; and consist of two quadrangles; the South, begun 1710, architect Hawksmoor, is 140 feet by 130; the North is 130 by 90. The Hall is 60 feet by 30: the Library 123 feet. long. The old song at bringing in the Boar's head to dinner on Christmasday is given in Gent's. Mag. vol. LII. The modern song is in "The Oxford Sausage." Of this College was HENRY V. who when he appeared before his father Henry IV. on being suspected of an intention to disturb the peace of the realm, was " apparelled in a gowne of blew sattin, full of oilet holes, at every hole the needle hanging by a silk thred with which it was sewed." This dress, which Andrews says has puzzled antiquaries and critics to account for, was emblematical of his peaceful pursuits as an academician of this college, and is a rebus on the name of its founder, Eaglesfield, formed of aiguille needle, and fil thread; and there is still a custom for the bursar to present at New Year's day to every member of the college a needle and thread, with the advice, "Take this and be thrifty."-Of this College, the Reformer, WICLIFFE. Prelates, Cardinal Bainbridge of York; Nicholson of Cashel; CARDINAL BEAUFORT and Langton of Winchester; Compton and GIBSON of London; Potter of Carlisle, Barlow of Lincoln, Carleton of Chichester; and TANNER of St. Asaph. Lawyers, Chief-Justice Sir John Banks; and Chief-Baron Sir Edward Turnour. Philosopher, HALLEY. Orientalist, Hyde. Saxonists, Rawlinson; and Thwaites. Greek Scholars, Mill; and Milton. Biographer, Smith. Arithmetician, Wingate. Lexicographer, Holyoak. Physician, Floyer. Dramatist, Wycherley. Traveller, Shaw. Antiquaries, Burton, commentator on Antoninus, Hugh Todd, and Rowe Mores. Divines, the Northern Apostle, BERNARD GILPIN; his descendant the amiable William Gilpin, author on the Picturesque; Seed; Horneck; and Rotheram. Poets, ADDISON; Tickell; COLLINS; and Dalton. The murdered Sir Thomas Overbury. Buro, author of "Justice of the Peace."

ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE was founded in 1555, and dedicated to "God, the Virgin Mary, and St. John Baptist," by Sir Thomas White, who was Lord Mayor of London in 1553, and was buried in the chapel of this college, 1566. In the Library is a valuable collection of books and MSS. given by Abp.

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Laud, who gave also the two brazen statues of Charles I. and his queen by Fanelli, cost 4001, and built three sides of the principal quadrangle, architect, Inigo Jones. The fine East window of the chapel cost 1500l. Of this College, Prelates, LAUD and Juxon of Canterbury (both Presidents of the College, and both buried in its chapel: Laud, who was beheaded, 1644-5, and whose body was removed here from All Hallows, Barking, London, in 1663; and Juxon in the same year); Dawes of York; and Mew of Winchester. Stalesmen, Sir Bulstrode Whitelocke, the annalist; and Sir William Trumbull, friend of Pope. Lawyer, Chief Justice Sir James Whitelocke. Mathematicians and Astronomers, Blagrave; Briggs, first Savilian Professor; and Edward Bernard (who was buried in this chapel, 1697). Chronologer, Sir John Marsham. Physicians, Levinz; JAMES; and Monro. Botanists, How; Sherrard; and Dillenius. Antiquaries, Dr. Richard Rawlinson (whose heart is in an urn in this chapel, 1755); Dr. Ducarel; and Sir Joseph Ayloffe. Political Economist, Tucker, Dean of Gloucester. Political Party-writer, Amherst. Schoolmasters, Bonwicke; and Bishop the poet. Jesuit, Campian. Dramatists, Shirley; and Higgons. Dramatic Commentator, Whalley.

TRINITY COLLEGE was founded in 1554-5, and dedicated to "the Holy and Undivided Trinity," by Sir Thomas Pope, Privy Counsellor to Henry VIII. and Mary I. He died in 1558-9, and was buried in St. Stephen's, Walbrook, London, whence his body was removed to this chapel in 1567. The altarpiece is beautifully carved by Grinling Gibbons. Among the plate is an exquisitely engraved silver chalice, given by Sir Thomas Pope, which belonged to the Abbey of St. Alban's. Of this College, Prelates, SHELDON of Canterbury; Cobbe of Dublin; WARD of Salisbury; Ironside and Ralph Bathurst (monument in this chapel, 1704) of Bristol. Statesmen, Calvert first Lord Baltimore; Montague Earl of Halifax; PITT EARL OF CHATHAM; and Lord North, afterwards Second Earl of Guildford. Lawyers; SELDEN and Lord Chancellor SOMERS. Divines, CHILLINGWORTH; Derham; and Whitby. Naturalist, Evelyn, author of "Sylva." Republican Generals, Ireton; and Ludlow. Traveller, Sir Henry Blount. Mathematicians, Allen; Gillibrand, and Potter. Poets, Sir John Denham; Settle; Merrick; Thomas Warton (monument in the chapel, 1790); and Headley. Founder of the Poetry Lecture, Birkinhead. Political Writer, Harrison, author of "Oceana." Antiquaries, Aubrey; Wise; and Lethuellier. Heraldic Writer, Sir Edward Bysche. Collector, Coxeter. Hydraulist, Sir John Ford.

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE was founded in 1280 by the University, with the money bequeathed by William of Durham, who died at Rouen 1949. Front 260 feet. The West quadrangle is 100 feet square. The East Court has only three sides, each about 80 feet long. Of this College, Prelates, Abbot and Potter of Canterbury; Matthew of York; RIDLEY of London; Skirlaw, Cardinal Langley; and Sherwood of Durham; Flemming of Lincoln; and Lyttelton of Carlisle. Lawyers, Sir Dudley Digges; Chief Justice Sir George Cooke; and Sir Robert Chambers. General, Oglethorpe, founder of Georgia. Mathematicians, Leonard and Thomas Digges. Saxonist, Elstob. Orientalists, Loftus; and SIR WILLIAM JONES (cenotaph by Flaxman in the chapel, he died 1794). Historians, LORD HERBERT OF CHERBURY; and CARTE. Poets, Stanyhurst; and Jago. Dramatic Biographer, Langbaine. Physician, RADCLIFFE. Divine, Bingham. Roman Catholic, Walker. Nonconformist, Flavel.

WADHAM COLLEGE was founded in 1610, from the bequest of Nicholas Wadham, esq. of Edge, in Somersetshire, and by Dorothy, his widow, the daughter of Sir William Petre. Cost 10,8161. 78. 8d. The Hall is 70 feet by 35. Library 55 by 30. Chapel 70 by 30. Anti-chapel 80 by 35. The East window finely painted by Van Linge. The origin of the Royal Society was in the philosophical meetings held over the gateway in this college under its warden, Dr. John Wilkins (afterwards Bp. of Chester), from 1652 to 1659, when he was made Master of Trinity College, Cambridge. - Of Wadham, Prelates, WILKINS of Chester; Gauden of Worcester; Ward of Salisbury; Sprat of Rochester; and Ironside of Bristol. Lawyer, Chief Justice Pratt. Physicians, Mayow and Austen. Astronomer, Costard. Speaker of the House of Commons, Onslow. Poets, Wilmot Earl of Rochester; Sir Charles Sedley;

Sedley; Dr. Trapp; and Walsh. Translators, Creech, and Sydenham. Hebrician, Kennicott. Persian Lexicographer, Richardson. Classical Scholar, BENTLEY. Philologist, Harris. Divine, Dr. Humphrey Hody (buried in the Chapel, 1706). Admiral, BLAKE. Architect, SIR CHRISTOPHER WREN. Botanist, Warner.

WORCESTER COLLEGE was founded in 1714, from the bequest of Sir Thomas Cookes, Bart. of Bentley Pauncefort in the county of Worcester, whence its name. It was erected on the site of Gloucester Hall, so called from the title of Richard de Clare, 3d Earl of Gloucester, who resided there in 1260, and was converted into a Seminary for Monks in 1283, in which were educated the Historians of Walsingham and Winchcombe, and Whethamstede, Abbot of St. Alban's. The Hall and Chapel are each 60 feet by 30. The Library, which is rich in architectural books and MSS. is 100 feet long. -Of Gloucester Hall, Traveller, Coryate. Mathematician, Allen. Poet, Lovelace. Philosopher, SIR KENELM DIGBY. First Historical Professor, Weare. Of Worcester College, Comedian, Foote. Physician, Wall. Hebrician, Blayney.

(To be continued.)

Mr. URBAN, Under Salisbury Plain. PHANT or Urchfont House is

a short distance from Devizes, in the county of Wilts. It was built by Sir Win. Pynsint, who gave this and his other property to the late Lord Chatham, on account of his political character. Lord Chatham afterwards sold it to the Duke of Queensbury, who leased it out on lives. It is held now under Wm. Salmon of South Broom House, near Devizes.. In a field in this parish, adjoining to Wickham Green, the property of Wm. Tinker, Esq. of Littleton, in this county, are three graves, of John, Jacob, and Humphry Giddons, who are said to have died of the plague. It appears, indeed, from the Parish Register, that this disorder, raged in the parish in the year 1644, and it is natural to conclude that the abovementioned persons were buried at that time, though there is no mention of their names in the Register. There is also a very remarkable circumstance handed down to posterity, of the Minister of the Parish of Urchfont (Mr. Peter Glassbrook), his son, and four grandchildren, having died in the plague, and that they were buried by the hands of a maid servant, the only one who survived, in the Vicarage house. A few years since, the Rev. Mr. Smith, late Vicar of this Parish, wishing to add to the height of his rooms, sunk the floor; in doing which, a number of human bones were found, which in a great measure substantiates this traditionary account. In the same field where the three graves above-mentioned are

to be seen, is a sort of subterraneous cavern, reported to have been a depot

notorious robber by the name of Wapley, alias Quabb, who was afterwards tried and executed. Yours, &c.



(Continued from p. 228.)

HE situation of the town of Pontefract is pleasant; its streets spacious and well built, and its market (on Saturday) is considerable, and well supplied. There are many good shops, and an air of cheerful neatness seems generally to prevail. Besides the Church there are places of divine worship appropriated to Methodists, Quakers, and Independents. There is also a Free Grammar School founded by Queen Elizabeth, a Charity School supported by subscription, and several alms-houses, endowed by Dr. Watkinson. The civil jurisdiction of the Borough is vested in the Mayor and twelve Aldermen, who are all Justices of the Peace; and their Town Hall, which is a large and not inelegant building, besides being used for the meetings of the Corporation, has holden in it the Easter Quarter Sessions for the whole West Riding of Yorkshire.

The Borough has sent two members to Parliament ever since the 23d of Edw. 1., the right of election being in the resident householders, calculated at about 620.

There was formerly a market cross, called St. Oswald's Cross, which was taken down in the year 1735, and on the the place of its site, a handsome dome erected, which is supported by Doric pillars. This appears to be a fashion in Yorkshire, as a similar building is observable at Beverley.

Contiguous to the town is the park, a common pasture, on which every housekeeper has a right to feed a cow or horse by by d day, upon the payment of a small acknowledgment to the Corporation. On this ground there are annual Races, often well attended, and a commodious stand has been built for the use of the company.

The nursery grounds, which prettily border the town of Pontefract on the South-West, are said to be the oldest as well as the most extensive of the kind, in the North of England.

About a mile and half from Pontefract once stood a Castle belonging to the Dukes of Lancaster, and the hill there is still denominated Castle Syke or Site. In a park on the right hand (when passing towards Ackworth) is a mansion, during many years the residence of the Countess Dowager of Mexborough. It commands fine rich views, and a distant prospect of the magnificent seat of 1 the Winns, formerly the great Priory of Nostell.

Descending into Ackworth, the appearance of the Church on a beautiful hill, and the noble edifice which has been converted into a school for the children of Quakers, as well as many other buildings, are remarkably striking..

The name of Ackworth is said to be derived from the abundance of oak trees in the neighbourhood. Oak is still pronounced yack in some parts of Yorkshire.

This village is supposed to be one of the most healthy in the whole island, at least if credit may be given to the tables published by the learned and ingenious Dr. Percival of Manchester, who calculated the average number of deaths at a remarkably low rate. It was probably on that account selected for building an appendant nursery to the Foundling Hospital in London, which Institution, however, having after some years declined, afforded by the sale of the premises at Ackworth, an opportunity which was eagerly embraced by some benevolent Quakers, of converting it to its present highly-useful and beneficial purpose, - that of a School for the education of children

of both sexes belonging to their persuasion.

This establishment having been repeatedly described in print *, there is the less necessity for enlarging upon the particulars of its plan, which, however, may be said with great truth to reflect the highest credit upon those to whom the community is indebted for its original design, and for the laudable and exemplary manner in which it has been uniformly conducted. The edifice itself occupies a rising ground, and consists of a centre and two wings connected to the main building by colonnades: the whole of white stone dug near the spot, and strongly and durably erected, without ornament or decoration.

Of the internal economy of the School, the highest character is given by the inhabitants of the neighbourhood, not only those who are connected with the Quakers, but by all of every denomination and description and from the remarkable circumstance of there never having yet occurred a single instance of gross or highly reprehensible misconduct amongst the persons who are concerned in the Institution, or the youth under their care, it may be fairly inferred that no ordinary degree of merit and of discretion are and have been united to produce so remarkable an instance of the judicious and faithful appropriation of a charitable fund.

The parish church appears, from its style of architecture, to have been erected about the thirteenth century, and in the church are several monuments: amongst them one in memory of a branch of the Lowthers of Lowther in Westmoreland. Against the wall is a tablet, under two Gothic arches, erected in memory of Frances, daughter of John Saville, Earl of Pomfret, and wife of the Rev. Dr. Bradley, Rector of Ackworth, and Chaplain to Charles I., who in that capacity attended the unfortunate Monarch in his last moments. On the death of the King, Dr. Bradley was deprived of his benefice, but restored to it after the return of Charles II. There is also a monument in memory of Edward Watkinson, son of Dr. W. Watkinson, of whom a very curious but correct account was inserted in the St. James's Chronicle in October or November,

* See particularly vol. III. of Dr. Lettsom's "Hints to promote Beneficence," &c. in which work is given an elevation of the House at Ackworth.



The rectory of Ackworth is in the gift of the King as Duke of Lancaster, and the parsonage house adjoining the churchyard is remarkably pleasant, the grounds belonging to it being laid out with taste, and diversified by a lawn, shrubbery, groves, water, and a grotto.

Opposite to the Church is an almshouse, built and endowed by Mary Lowther, about the year 1741, for a school-master and six poor widows, with a stipend to each.

There are many pretty neat residences in and near the towo, and a chalybeate spring of considerable strength, has long been occasionally resorted to by invalids, but without having arisen to any great degree of celebrity.

Before I close my remarks, it may not be impertinent to add, that the late celebrated Dr. Buchan once resided at Ackworth, and here composed some of his medical works: that Dr. Watkinson here wrote a Treatise on Economy; and Dr. Jonathan Binns, the able and indefatigable physician and superintendant endant of the Quakers' School, produced a very useful preliminary work, entitled "An Introduction to English Grammar."

The village of Ackworth is populous, the neighbouring lands fruitful and productive, and the estates consequently valuable. The manor is held in the name of seven persons chosen out of the body of freeholders, but is properly vested in them all collectively; and the seven trustees are denominated the Lords. Ackworth Park is a separate and distinct manor, not, as I understand, in any respect dependent upon the greater, which, if I am correctly informed, is not called a paramount manor.


Yours, &c.


Mr. URBAN, Shrewsbury, July 25. N addition to the account of the late Mr. Simpson of this town, in vol. LXXXV. i. 572, I inclose you the Inscription on a Monument recently erected in the Church of St. Chad. The Monument consists of a table deeply panelled, flanked with a fluted pilaster on each side, and sur

mounted with a richly-carved frieze; round the whole runs a guillochi, charged with roses, and inclosing above the table a circular-headed niche, containing a fine bust of the deceased, by Chantrey. The whole is executed in beautiful statuary marble. The Inscription is in Roman capitals.

"John Simpson, born at Stenhouse in Midlothian, 1755, died in this parish, June 15th, 1815. As a man, he was moral, gentle, social, and friendly; in his professional capacity, diligence, accuracy, and irreproachable integrity, insured him esteem and coufidence wherever he was

employed. And lasting monuments of his skill and ability will be found in the building of this Church, which he superintended; the Bridges of Bewdley, Dunkeld, Craig Ellachie, and Bonar; the Aqueducts of Pontcysylte, and Chirk, and the Locks and Basins of the Caledonian Canal. The strength and maturity of his Christian faith and hope were seen conspicuous in his last illness. To his exemplary conduct as a husband and a father, his afflicted widow and daughters erect this memorial of affection and regret."


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Ancient Anecdotes, &c. from VALERIUS MAXIMUS, by Dr. CAREY, West Square.

(Continued from p. 34.)

N the course of his victorious career, Alexander the Great, having violently heated himself by a forced march on a sultry day, had the imprudence to plunge into the river Cydnus, whose waters were remarkable for their extreme coldness. The consequence of this rash act was such as might naturally have been expected: a universal chill and torpor seized his whole frame; and he was taken out senseless, and, to all appearance, nearly dead. He recovered his senses, however, but still lay dangerously ill; when, in a consultation of his medical attendants, it was determined that a certain potion should be administered to him, which was accordingly prepared by his chief physician, Philip.

Meantime, a letter had arrived from Parmenio, one of his generals, cautioning the king against that same Philip, as bribed by the Persian monarch Darius, to poison his master.Alexander read the letter, but did not communicate it to any person, until Philip entered with the bowl containing,

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