re-publication of "Erdeswicke" has been of inestimable value to Staffordshire. Nor must we forget the Translation of the Saxon Chronicle, by Miss Gurney, although its circulation is but private; and in local Topography, the Histories of Gloucester, Lichfield, Worcester, Boston, Horncastle, St. Neot's, and Woburn; the four latter of which, as proceeding from Counties hitherto neglected, have our warmest commendations and wishes for their extension. Several separate Parishes in Middlesex have also been described, by Mr. Robinson and Mr. Faulkner, who are both (it is hoped) in further progress. It has fallen to our lot to record the lives of several illustrious characters who have paid the debt of Nature within this year: His late Majesty, amabile nomen! the Duke of Kent, the Duchess of York; and to descend into private life (among other honourable names), a Mansel, a Bennet, a Banks, a Dollond, a Tooke, a Hayley, a Wolferstan, and the venerable Sir Hugh Inglis. Yet is the Literary force of this country not impaired; and it must surely redound to the scientific fame of England, if, when many of her brightest ornaments have passed away, her splendour is not diminished. Inviolably attached, both by duty and inclination, to the soundest principles of Loyalty to the King, and veneration for the Laws and Constitution of our Country in Church and State; and abhorring even the endency to Anarchy and Sedition; we glory in that temperate Liberty of the Press, which it shall still be, as it always has been, our zealous endeavour to preserve. In the unhappy conflicts which have recently convulsed the public mind, we have kept ourselves free from the disputation; and in a Work destined to instruct and amuse, it would be worse than useless for us to attempt to inflame; nor do our limits admit of it. We may be allowed, however, to express the satisfaction we experience at perceiving that a material re-action in public opinion has happily taken place; and a spirit of Loyalty to our beloved Sovereign has arisen in all parts of the United Kingdom; with a determination to uphold our venerable and admirable Constitution, as fixed by Magna Charta, and established at the glorious Revolution. This cannot but be highly gratifying to the feelings of SYLVANUS URBAN, who, during the eventful period of the last thirty years, has constantly laboured in his vocation, to support that glorious Constitution, which for so many centuries has been the pride of our own Country, and the admiration of the whole civilized world. Esto perpetua ! Dec. 30, 1820. [2] MINOR CORRESPONDENCE. J. L. in answer to X. V. (part i. 414), says, "According to Dean Prideaux, 'the derivation of the Persian name Esther and its meaning are unknown.' In Taylor's Translation of Calmet's Dictionary of the Bible, the following is given as the meaning of the word, according to the Hebrew etymology: - Esther אסתר -Secret; from סתר-Sather, or that demolishes; from the same, according to the Chaldee; otherwise proof of Physic. This word is thought to be Persian or Medish.' Certainly the Hebrew signification bears no allusion to Esther's beauty." J. LINDEN, in reply to CECILL MORT, (part i. p. 230), says that "G. Wilcockson was born October 8, 1638. His father was William, second son of Mr. Thomas Wilcockson; and his mother's name was Maria Tyndall. He was educated at Emanuel College, Cambridge. In 1660 he published three Sermons, dedicated to Joseph Watson, who patronized him at College. He died in 1666." A CORRESPONDENT states, in reference to the article respecting Thomas Baron Chandos (part i. p. 412), that "Frances White, who was one of the daughters of Sir Charles Wyndham, died about 50 years ago, in the village of Hampreston, Dorset, leaving a considerable property to her next of kin, and for charitable purposes. Who the next of kin was, has never been ascertained, and the property is locked up still. The Parish went to law for their legacy, which they never have been able to get settled. Mrs. Frances White left an old servant who died in the village of Hampreston about a twelvemonth since. She had in her possession two fulllength portraits of Sir Charles Wyndham, and one of a Lady Exeter (who was said to be aunt to Mrs. Frances White) -Mrs. Frances White was the widow of a Major White of Fern Hill, in the county of Hants; and a Monument or Inscription to his memory was set up in the parish Church of Milton, about five miles from Christ Church in Hampshire, where it is now to be seen." He then adds, "Perhaps all this may be of no service in producing information respecting the Brydges' family; but, perhaps, the Parish papers may afford it; as there was a law-suit to recover the property left for charitable purposes to that parish." J. R. says, that "the Epitaph (part i. p. 407) is taken from An Epitaph on an Infant, by Coleridge; and that the lines on Long and Short Life,' signed TITANIA, (p.448) have been quoted as from Waller." VERITAS recommends the admirable Letter of AMATOR PATRIE (p. 519), to the consideration of all those whose stations in society enable them to forward the interests of Literature by their patronage of learned men. It is too true that the modest Scholar does not in this country always meet with his deserts; for, from the disinclination of the body of the people to classical studies, he is not appreciated as he ought to be. PETERSHAM remarks, "The North-east window of Christ Church, Surrey, exhibits a glaring instance of entrusting the position of stained glass, &c. to the ignorance of workmen; the Arms of a late Bishop of Winchester are actually turned inside out! viz. the face or front towards the church-yard." D. S. inquires for particulars respecting the under-mentioned Authors: Sacheverell Stevens, Gent. author of "Miscellaneous Remarks made on the Spot in a Seven Years Tour through France, Germany, Holland, and Italy, 8vo, 1756, dedicated to the Princess Dowager of Wales, mother of his late Majesty." - Stephen Robson, author of "The British Flora," 8vo, York, 1778.-Paul Young, B. D. formerly Lecturer of All Saints, Hertford, and author of some topographical Works. - Also a list of the Friday Evening Lecturers of St. Antholin's, Watling-street; and Sunday Evening Lecturers of St. Mildred's, Poultry, with particulars relative to that Lecture." An ADMIRER OF HUDIBRAS observes, "Perhaps some one amongst your numerous Antiquarian Readers may be able to inform me in whose possession the manuscripts of Samuel Butler, the author of Hudibras, are now deposited? They were formerly in the possession of Dr. Farmer, and were purchased at his sale by the late Mr. Thane, but to whom the latter gentleman disposed of them I have been unable to ascertain." A GLOUCESTRIAN inquires, "If the county, city, or any part of Gloucester, was at any time considered a part of Wales, and what were the boundaries?" He also inquires, "If an illegitimate child can bear ANY ARMS?" T. B. wishes to learn where the body of Edward the Martyr now reposes? as Abingdon, Wareham, and Shaftesbury are said to have been the places where he was buried. A CONSTANT READER asks, "Did Edward Gorges, created Baron Dundalk in 1620, ever marry, and with whom? Did he leave any issue, or who became his heirs? He resided at Longford Castle, co. Wilts, and died about the year 1644." SCRIPTOR will see the Work he alludes to advertised on the Cover of our Magazines for April and the present Month. He will also see it noticed in our Review, [3] THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, For JULY, 1820. MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE. THE CORONATION. THE ceremony of " Coronation" is a more solemn obligation on the part of a Prince than is generally conceived to be. The people of this Realm did not give themselves and their rights to their Princes in such manner that, notwithstanding any thing they may do, they shall not be liable to forfeiture. But the title of our Kings is founded on a proper mutual contract between themselves and their people, obliging them to govern as according to the Laws, and the people to a correspondence of obedience. This is evident from the Coronation Oath taken by all our Kings; for, where there are mutual promises and engagements made by any persons relative to each others' advan. tage, there is certainly a compact: "omnes actus aliis utiles extra mare beneficos contractuum nomine appellantur," says Grotius. It is objected, that our Kings succeeding by inheritance, are Kings, aud legally exercise the Royal authority before their taking the Coronation Oath. But to this it may be answered, that from the beginning it was so for of old, though a Prince was made choice of, or agreed to succeed the deceased King; yet he was not looked upon as King, nor had right to the subject's allegiance till he was crowned; and that not only before, but also since, the coming in of the Normans, the first seven Kings after William the Conqueror never being owned or styled Kings till their Coronation; and though upon the death of Henry the Third, Edward the First being then in the Holy Land, the estates of the realm assembled of their own accord, and caused an oath of fealty to be taken to him near two years before his arrival, and being crowned; yet what was done upon that extraor is dinary occasion was not practised for a long time after, even till the time of Henry V. when some noblemen, out of a compliment, did him homage before his possession of the Crown, which before that time had not been, as Grafton says, quod benevolentiæ officium nulli priusquam Rex renunciatus esset præstitum constat; and if, after this, the like compliment was made to his successors till it gave birth to the maxim objected, yet this could make no real alteration in the Constitution; for where any Prince succeeds, he must necessarily succeed only in the rights and upon the terms of his predecessors, and his taking upon him the Royal authority, ipso facto a virtual obliging himself to perform all the duties and promises which were the grounds of it being conferred on his predecessors, just as subjects, by claiming and enjoying protection, are obliged to pay allegiance to their Princes, even before they have engaged themselves by oath so to do; whence it is said, protectio trahit subjectionem.-Coke's Reports, 7, p. 5. And as in the case of an estate which has certain conditions and services annexed to it, the very entrance on the estate is an engagement to the services, before any express promise made of them; and if this were not the case of the successor, no King could be obliged by his predecessors' laws, acts, or promises, till be had ratified them himself, and till such ratification, every successive King would be an absolute and unlimited Monarch. But though the very assuming of the Royal authority be a virtual ratification of the original contract, yet the people are so jealous lest Princes should forget themselves, and esteem their power absolute, that it hath always been thought fit that there should be a formal renewal of the contract by the mutual stipulation of Prince and People at every Coronation; the Prince engaging to perform his part, and the people being asked to admit him as their King; at which time he swears to maintain the people's rights and privileges before the Crown is set on his head, or any of the subjects do him homage; which is as solemn a representation as can be expected; that he has no right to the Crown, or the homage of the people, but upon pre-supposal of these matters which he then swears to perform. . The Coronation Oath, which is, by the Stat. of William and Mary*, to be administered to every King and Queen who shall succeed to the Imperial Crown of these realms, by one of the Archbishops or Bishops, in the presence of all the people, is to the following effect: "Will you solemnly promise and swear to govern the people of this kingdom of England, and the dominions thereto belonging, according to the Statutes in Parliament agreed on, and the laws and customs of the same?" The King or Queen shall answer, " I will." "Will you, to the utmost of your power, maintain the laws of God, the true profession of the Gospel, and the Protestant Reformed Religion, established by Law? And will you preserve unto the Bishops and Clergy of this realm, and to the Churches committed to their charge, all such rights and privileges as by law do or shall appertain to them, or any of them?" King or Queen-"All this I promise to do." After this, the King or Queen, laying his or her hand upon the holy Gospels, shall say, "The things which I have here before promised, I will perform and keep-So help me God!" and then shall kiss the Book. When the Sovereign is thus acknowledged and admitted to his of fice, as it becomes the interest no less of the people than of the King that his person and character be adorned with the highest honour that worldly pomp and the solemnities of Religion can afford, the Church receives him in its sanctuary, and its Ministers confirm and strengthen his authority with prayers and benedictions, accompanied by the most holy and awful rites: while, by the formal delivery of the Crown, the Sceptre, and the * 1 W. and M. cap. 6. Sword, he is publicly invested with the powers and prerogatives of Royalty. Since the first employment of the rites of Religion in the inauguration of Kings, the principal function in the performance of this ceremony hath devolved upon the dignified Ministers of the Church, it being generally attached, as of right, to the possessors of a particular episcopal see. The right of consecrating the Sovereigns of England is attached to the Metropolitan or Patriarchal Chair of Canterbury, the Archbishops of which see have exercised it from the earliest ages of the Monarchy. In the reign of William I. this office is ascribed to them by a contemporary Historian as an acknowledged privilege of antient date; and we are told, that in the reign of Henry II. Pope Alexander III. interdicted the Archbishop of York and the Bishops who assisted him, because they had crowned Prince Henry at the persuasion of the King his father in the absence of Thomas à Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, and without his licence. In later times this privilege of the Metropolitan See, though broken through at the accession of Elizabeth, has on all occasions been fully admitted. The place of Coronation, after the union of the seven Crowns was at first the capital of the prevailing State-Winchester in the kingdom of Wessex. It was not, however, confined to that city; Kingston-onThames, Westminster, London, and some other towns occasionally partook of this honour; but in the reign of Edward the Confessor (who was himself crowned at Winchester) it was formally transferred to the new Monastery of Westminster, built by that pious Prince; and here the ceremony has from that time been always performed, except upon some few extraordinary occasions. In Germany, according to the golden Bull, the Coronation of the Emperor should be performed at Aixla-Chapelle, the city in which Charlemagne resided. The Archbishop of Cologne, as Archchaplain of the Chapel, erected by that Emperor, maintained for a long time the exclusive right of performing the act of consecration; but the Elector of Mentz, as Primate of Germany, contesting it |