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of Appeals, of the circuit courts, common pleas courts, chancery courts, criminal courts, and county courts, and the clerks of said courts, the Attorney General, each Commonwealth's Attorney, and county attorneys, sheriffs, and police judges, and each member of the General Assembly, and the Clerks and Assistant Clerks, Sergeants-at-Arms, and Door-keepers, one copy each of said laws; and mail the same, post-paid, to the above named officers and persons, the postage to be paid by the Treasurer, upon the warrant of the Auditor, to be drawn upon the certificate of the Public Printer as to the amount.

2. That this resolution shall be in force from its passage.


Approved March 28, 1872.

No. 36.

RESOLUTION in relation to a uniform tax on tobacco by the Federal Government.

WHEREAS, The Committee on Ways and Means in House of Representatives, in the Congress of the United States, are now engaged in considering the propriety of a uniform tax on manufactured tobacco; and whereas, such a tax, if fixed at over sixteen cents per pound, would be ruinous to the producers of leaf tobacco in Kentucky, as it would almost destroy the sale in this country of all the low and medium grades now used for manufacturing smoking tobacco, and throw these grades into the hands of foreign buyers at a very low price, competing and bringing down the price of the grades now being exported; therefore, be it

Resolved, That our Senators and Representatives in Congress be requested to vote and use their influence against any uniform tax on manufactured tobacco, unless the tax is fixed as low as sixteen cents per pound, and to vote and use their influence to prevent any increase on the present tax on smoking tobacco, now fixed at sixteen cents per pound.

Approved March 28, 1872.

No. 37.

RESOLUTION in relation to the Louisville and Portland Canal.

WHEREAS, All the stock in the Louisville and Portland Canal belongs to the United States Government, except five shares, owned by the Directors of the Louisville and Portland Canal Company; and said directors, under the


authority of the legislation of Kentucky and the United States, executed a mortgage to secure bonds named in said mortgage, some of which are out and unpaid; and said Canal Company may owe other debts; and whereas, it is right and proper that the Government of the United States should assume the control and management of said canal; therefore, be it

Resolved by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky:

That the President and Directors of the Louisville and Portland Canal Company are hereby authorized and directed to surrender the said canal, and all the property connected therewith, to the Government of the United States, upon the following terms and conditions:

1. That the Government of the United States shall not levy tolls upon said canal, except so much as may be necessary to keep the same in repair, pay all necessary superintendence, custody, and expense, and make all necessary improvements.

2. That the city of Louisville shall have the right to throw bridges over the canal at such points as said city may deem proper: Provided always. That said bridges shall be so located as not to interfere with the use of the canal, and so constructed as not to interfere with its navigation.

3. That the title and possession of the United States of said canal shall not interfere with the right of the State to serve criminal and civil processes, and with the State's general police powers over the territory covered by the said canal and appendages.

4 And further, that the city of Louisville shall at all times have the right of drainage into said canal: Provided, That the connections between the drains and canal shall be made upon the most approved plan to keep out mud and garbage.

5. That the use of the water power of said canal shall be guaranteed forever to the actual owners of property contiguous to said canal its branches and dams, subject to such restrictions and regulations as may be made by the Secretary of that department of the United States Government which may have charge of the sai canal.

6. That the Government of the United States shall, before such surrender, discharge said mortgage, and pay all debts due by the said Canal Company, and purchase the stock of said directors.

Approved March 28, 1872.

No. 38.

RESOLUTION for benefit of W. H. Stanley.

Resolved by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky:

1. That the Auditor of Public Accounts be, and he is hereby, directed to draw his warrant on the Treasury in favor of W. H. Stanley, for the sum of ninety-eight dollars, which the Treasurer is hereby directed to pay to said Stanley, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated.

2. This resolution shall take effect from and after its passage.

Approved March 27, 1872.

No. 39.

RESOLUTION directing Public Printer to print synopsis of public acts, &c.
Res lved by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of

That the Public Printer print five thousand copies of a synopsis of the acts of the present General Assembly; and that he forward the same by mail to the members of the Senate and House of Representatives.

Approved March 28, 1872.

No. 40.

A RESOLUTION amendatory of a resolution on the death of Charles S.
Morehead, approved February 18, 1869.

WHEREAS, A resolution was adopted by this General Assembly, approved February 18th, 1869, directing the Governor to cause an appropriate monument to be erected over the remains of Charles S. Morehead, formerly Governor of Kentucky, in the cemetery near Frankfort; and whereas, by some oversight or mistake, the yeas and nays were not called on the passage of said resolution, as required by the Constitution, and in consequence of which the Governor did not have said monument erected; therefore, be it

Resolved by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky:

That the Governor of Kentucky be authorized and directed to cause a suitable and appropriate monument to be erected over the remains of Charles S. Morehead, formerly Governor of Kentucky, in the cemetery near Frankfort; and that it shall be the duty of the Auditor of Public



Accounts to draw his warrant on the Treasurer for the amount of the cost of said monument when it shall be completed; and the Governor shall certify to him the cost of the same: Provided, The cost of said monument shall not exceed twelve hundred dollars ($1,200).

Approved March 28, 1872.

No. 41.

RESOLUTION providing for the purchase of a library for the Kentucky

Resolved by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of

That the sum of two hundred and fifty ($250) dollars be, and is hereby, appropriated for the purpose of purchasing suitable educational, moral, historical, religious books for the use of the convicts confined in the Kentucky penitentiary, for which sum the Auditor of Public Accounts will issue his order on the Treasurer, payable to the Chaplain of the prison (J. K. P. South), S. C. Bull, S. J. Dodd, and H. B. Lyon, who a e hereby charged with the duty of selecting and purchasing such suitable books as aforesaid, a list of which, with the cost thereof, they will report to the Auditor. The books so purchased shall be used by the prisoners, under the supervision and direction of the Chaplain.

Approved March 28, 1872.




Act of March 4, 1865, permitting party to file affidavit, and require the oppo-
site party to verify in person, repealed



So much of act of March 23, 1871, as directs the Governor to appoint agent
to negotiate for and purchase, by his consent, the bonded indebtedness of
the State, repealed ----


[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

$1,850 appropriated for the benefit of the Feeble-minded Institute.__.


Additional pay for conveying lunatics to..





38, 39

$50 of wages of laborer, who is a bona fide housekeeper, exempt from at-


Act requiring party to be twenty-one years of age before he can procure
license, repealed___

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Act authorizing Auditor to remit damages on delinquent property---------- 88
Appointed one of the commissioners in the act for the benefit of the Peniten-


Authorized to settle accounts of sheriff's for conveying convicts to the Peni-



Attorneys, judges, sheriffs, &c., not to be taken on bail bonds_-_-_- ---. 17

[blocks in formation]
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