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The Misses Ford, Dora and Lucy, married a Mr. March of the Ordnance Office, and Colonel Hawker; and soon after, the troubles of their mother reached a climax. But we must quote her own words upon the first rumour of a domestic rupture.

Letter I.

ferent fate, but drawn on from circumstances | family to support. My mother was a duty. put into a travelling chariot in her stage dress, over which she could have no control, to en- But on brothers and sisters I have lavished to keep her appointment with the royal duke, counter alienation and unsuspected difficulty; more money than can be supposed; and more, in a state of anguish easily to be conceived. the failure of her maternal hopes, and the I am sorry to say, than I can well justify to What passed at the meeting I would not wish embarrassment of her finances. A noble for-those who have a stronger and prior claim on to detail." (If he could, it would have been worth tune, acquired by unexampled toil, mouldering my exertions. With regard to myself (as much all his book to the curious; and, if he could away unaccountably from her disposal, and depends on our ideas of riches), I have cer- not, he had no business to undertake it.) her independence, at last, consisting in an an-tainly enough; but this is too selfish a consi-" After allowing her due time to recover her nuity, which sprung solely from the bounty of deration to weigh one moment against what I spirits, and endeavour to do herself justice by him whose happiness she had promoted for consider to be a duty. I am quite tired of the making her statement to the regent-submitnearly twenty years of even exemplary attach-profession. I have lost those great excite- ting herself entirely to his judgment, and finally ment and confidence." ments, vanity and emulation. The first has to the generous nature of the duke himself been amply gratified; and the last I see no she thus writes upon the subject of the separaoccasion for; but still, without these, it is a tion, to her confidential friend. She may now mere money-getting drudgery. The enthu- be pardoned for omitting to date the communisiasm of the good people here is really ridi- cation. But her mind is still amiable in its culous; but it brings grist to the mill,' and I disappointments; and she turns herself unafshall, notwithstanding the great drawback of fectedly to apologise for the rashuess by which "With regard to the report of my quarrel unsettled weather, clear, between this place she has suffered. with the duke, every day of our past and pre- and Bristol, from 800l. to 9001. Though I sent lives must give the lie to it. He is an very seldom go out, when from home, I was example for half the husbands and fathers in tempted by my dear girl, to go to a fashionable the world-the best of masters--and the most library to read the papers; and, not being firm and generous of friends. I will, in a day known, was entertained by some ladies with a or two, avail myself of your kind offer to con- most pathetic description of the parting be tradict those odious and truly wicked reports. tween me and the duke! My very dress was I am so ill that I can do nothing myself but described, and the whole conversation accumust wait for the assistance of a good and cle-rately repeated! Unfortunately for the party, ver friend, who is at present out of the way, a lady came in, who immediately addressed me and who (if truth is not quite scared out of the by name, which threw them into the most world) will endeavour to do away the ill im- ridiculous and (I conceive) the most unpleasant pressions those reports were meant to make." embarrassment imaginable. In pity to them, Mr. B. insinuates that he was the adviser I left the place immediately, and flatter myself alluded to; but, like the rest, it is impossible I did not shew any disgust or ill-nature on the to attach a clear or certain meaning to his occasion. The last favour I asked of you was words. In April, 1809, the separation took not to gratify my own vanity, but my best place; and the author says: friends, who, in spite of the world, are, I can with truth assure you, as much interested about me as they were seventeen years ago. Believe me ever, your truly obliged,



"Bushy, Saturday. My dear sir,-I received yours and its enclosure safe this morning. My mind is beginning to feel somewhat reconciled to the shock and surprise it has lately received; for could you or the world believe that we never had, for twenty years, the semblance of a quarrel? But this is so well known in our domestic circle, that the astonishment is the greater. Money, money, my good friend, or the want of it, has, I am convinced, made him, at this moment, the most wretched of men; but having done wrong, he does not like to retract. But with all his excellent qualities, his domes. tic virtues, his love for his lovely children, what must he not at this moment suffer! His distresses should have been relieved before-but "Her letters are always careless, unstudied this is entre nous. All his letters are full of effusions, written as fast as the pen will cover the most unqualified praise of my conduct; and the paper. The following, however, is singuit is the most heartfelt blessing to know that, larly valuable, as it unfolds much of her perto the best of my power, I have endeavoured sonal history; and proves how affectionately Mrs. Jordan returned to the stage, and per- to deserve it. I have received the greatest she had answered the numerous calls of family formed both in this country and in Ireland; kindness and attention from the R****, and upon her professional emoluments. She her. but (passing by a strange episode about Mary every branch of the royal family, who, in the self, it will be remarked, considered her success Ann Clarke*) we proceed with the narrative." most unreserved terms, deplore this melancholy through life as most extraordinary; and, not- "While she was acting at Cheltenham, a business. The whole correspondence is before withstanding her almost boundless liberality to storm burst upon her totally unexpected, which the R****t; and I am proud to add, that my her relations, in her modest estimate of her is thus recorded by an actor, who was at the past and present conduct has secured me a claims, she thought that she had certainly time in the theatre. She received a letter from friend, who declares he never will forsake me. obtained enough; however, her duty, as she his royal highness, desiring her to meet him at My forbearance,' he says, is beyond what conceived to others, still urged her to go on. Maidenhead, where they were to bid each he could have imagined!" But what will not Her sincerity, a great feature in her character, other farewell. Mrs. Jordan had concluded a woman do, who is firmly and sincerely atopenly confesses, that, as to the talents around her engagement, but remained one night over tached? Had he left me to starve, I never her, she is not excited by emulation, and that to perform Nell, for the manager, Mr. Watson's would have uttered a word to his disadvantage. her vanity has long been gratified to the height. benefit. It was in the afternoon of this very I enclose you two other letters; and in a day But she never acted better in her life, than at day she received the fatal letter. With that or two you shall see more, the rest being in the library, the Bath School for Scandal.' Dr. steady kindness that always distinguished her, the hands of the R****t. And now, my dear Johnson would have said, had he received she arrived at the theatre dreadfully weakened friend, do not hear the D. of C. unfairy such a letter from her, Say no more, dearest; by a succession of fainting fits. She, however, abused: he has done wrong, and he is sufferrest your epistolary, aye, and social fame too, struggled on with Nell, until Jobson arrived ing for it; but, as far as he has left it in his upon your description of the conduct which at the passage where he has to accuse the con- own power, he is doing every thing kind and followed that impertinence.' 'In pity to them, juror of making her laughing drunk. When noble, even to the distressing himself. I thank I left the place immediately; and flatter myself the actress here attempted to laugh, the afflicted you sincerely for the friendly caution at the I did not shew any disgust, or ill nature, on woman burst into tears. Here Jobson with end of your letter, though I trust there will be the occasion. It reads to my ear and heart, great presence of mind altered the text, and no occasion for it; but it was kind and friendly, like one of those hopes of his own moderation, exclaimed to her- Why, Nell, the conjuror and as such I shall ever esteem it. I remain. that the sage was wont to murmur into the has not only made thee drunk; he has made dear sir, yours sincerely, DORA JORDAN. ear of the diligent and reverential Boswell. thee crying drunk ;' thus covering her personal "These letters are for your eye alone." distress, and carrying her through the scene in character. After the performance, she was


"Bath, Sunday, April 22, 1809. "Dear Sir, I should be more insensible than my heart tells me I am, if I did not experience much gratification from your very kind and friendly letters: friendly they must

be; for, though I am ever asking favours of you, I feel it impossible that I can ever return them. My professional success through life has, indeed, been most extraordinary; and. consequently, attended with great emoluments. But from my first starting in life, at the early age of fourteen, I have always had a large

There is an anecdote of her we do not remember to

have heard before:

Letter II.

"Bushy, Monday. "My dear Sir,-I should be sorry the let ters I have enclosed to you were the only "On the 3d of July, 1809, a cause was tried in the vouchers I could produce to the world, if neces Court of King's Bench, in which an upholsterer named Wright was plaintiff, and Wardle, the member, defend- sary. But, good God! what will not the world ant." Mrs. Clarke, in support of the plaintiff, gave evi- say? I received two letters this day, tellez dence with her accustomed precision and force. During me that I was accused of intriguing with the the cross-examination, one of the counsel pertly accosted her thus: Pray, madam, under whose protection are Duke of Cumberland! I am heart-sick, sed you now? She replied instantly, looking archly at the almost worn out with this cruel business: bet and the equivoque of the truism convulsed the court with bench-Lord Ellenborough's.'-His lordship smiled- I am, very gratefully, yours, laughter."



Letter III.

Letter IV.

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Cadogan Place, Thursday.

never, for a moment, could she have felt the cumstances attending the demand, it was re"Bushy, Thursday. griping hand of poverty. I can positively fused; and on the same day, this lady returned "Dear Sir,-Allow me to thank you for assert, that never during her lifetime was one to France and there is little doubt but then, your kind attention to my request. We really shilling paid towards liquidating the securities for the first time, Mrs. Jordan did become live so much in the country, and 30 entirely in question; nor was it urgent that it should apprehensive.' During her stay in England, within ourselves, that we might be dead and be done; because the creditors, for the most the lady alluded to informed two of Mrs. Jorburied without our friends knowing even that part personal friends, well knew the upright dan's daughters, that Mrs. Jordan's future we had been ill. I have the heartfelt happi- principles they had to depend upon; nor were place of residence in France was to be kept a ness of informing you, that the duke is con. they ignorant, that the transcendent talents of profound secret from them, and that all letters siderably better, though far from being as this gifted being were always sure to receive a from them to their mother must be sent through we could wish: however, his physicians have munificent reward from the hands of the pub- a third person, and directed to Mrs. James, given his royal highness permission to go to lic whenever she should again seek their assist-instead of Mrs. Jordan; thus, from that time, town to-morrow. I have been confined ever ance; and in the fruits of this they were sure all such communications first passed through since my return, owing to the fatigue and anxof participating. Her protracted stay abroad the hands of a person, who might withdraw iety I have gone through. I fear it will be was occasioned by untoward circumstances, over Mrs. Jordan's confidence and affection from some time before I recover the very great shock which the principals had no control. Up to those most interested in getting her back to I received. I hear there are to be two Drury the hour of Mrs. Jordan's leaving England, England. It is necessary to revert to the ver Lanes-I believe just as likely as one. Yours she had been living under the same roof with bal refusal given to take the oath demanded, DORA JORDAN." the relative with whom she was concerned in because it has been made a point of much imthe securities alluded to. Reciprocal acts of portance as connected with Mrs. Jordan's state kindness, mutual confidence in all domestic of feeling, in consequence of the publication "My dear Sir, I fear I must have appeared tended to create in Mrs. Jordan's mind a reli- 1824, of a letter of Mrs. Jordan's bearing date matters, and many points of private affairs, made in the Morning Chronicle of 26 January, unmindful of your many kindnesses, in having ance upon this person. Never, for a moment, 16th January, 1816. Mrs. Jordan's letter been such a length of time without writing to during the six years that her daughter had must have been written immediately after the you; but really, till very lately, my spirits been married, had Mrs. Jordan reason to doubt return of the above-mentioned lady to France; have been so depressed, that I am sure you will his sincere affection, or his veracity; nor did and there is great reason to think, that then understand my feelings when I say, it cost me she doubt them when she left England. Im- only, for the first time, did a feeling of appremore pain to write to those interested about mediately upon the derangement of Mrs. Jor-hension of further demands awake in Mrs. Jorme, than to a common acquaintance; but the dan's affairs, and before she left England, a dan's mind, and the fatal step of cutting off statement of all the claims to which she was the source of communication, prevented altofrom the duke, in every respect but personal liable was made out, together with a list of the gether, or perhaps only delayed, the receipt of interviews (and which depends as much on my persons holding her bonds and bills of accept- letter, written by the person refusing to take feelings as his), has, in a great measure, restored me to my former health and spirits. dan that her liabilities did not much exceed was truly willing to do whatever Mrs. Jorance; the result of which convinced Mrs. Jor- the oath, on the very same day, to say that he Among many noble traits of goodness, he has lately added one more that of exonerating me 2,0007.; and that the claimants were, one and dan should herself require, and that the oath from my promise of not returning to my pro- August 1815 Mrs. Jordan left England for it was her wish. There can be no question all, the personal friends of the parties. In should be taken whenever she wrote to say fession. This he has done under the idea of France, with the intention of remaining away that the mind of this great woman had been its benefiting my health, and adding to my some ten days, the time computed necessary long and grievously oppressed-nor will this be pleasures and comforts; and, though it is very to place matters in that state as to render her any matter of wonder when a retrospect is uncertain whether I shall ever avail myself of person legally secure from arrest. this kindness, yet you, if you choose, are at Her affairs taken of her eventful life. Who can deny liberty to make it known, whether publicly or formed in every particular thereof, as of all had many bitter memorials that good and ill were placed in the hands of persons well in- that, in the greatest flow of her prosperity, she privately. Yours ever, &c. &c. other matters connected with her life. Mrs. will mingle in every human condition? The "P.S. I wish I could see you; but it is such Jordan was well aware that the creditors were greatest pleasure that acquiring wealth could only anxious to have their claims placed in a bestow upon Mrs. Jordan was its affording her a long way for you to come.' secure state, and that they were willing to give the power of shedding greater happiness around every accommodation required. She was also her. Can there be a severer censure on her aware that her fellow-sufferer had given up a memory, than to think that pecuniary difficul"My dear Sir, I lose not a moment in let-considerable portion of his annual income; and ties, even weighty, (which hers never were) ting you know, that the Duke of Clarence has could for any length of time have depressed a concluded and settled on me and his children mind such as hers in its perfect state? I have the most liberal and generous provision; and I thrown this statement together in the hope that trust every thing will sink into oblivion. Yours you will deem it satisfactory."

constant kindness and attention I meet with


Letter V.

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"St. James's, Tuesday, 7th December.


she felt that her representative in England could, in one hour's time, settle any doubtful point that might arise during the arrangement. In short, she knew that no impediment existed. DORA JORDAN." Consequently, when she found that month Professing once more that we cannot compre If our readers can solve the enigma, we shall after month elapsed without any thing being hend the elucidations, and are, with regard to not repine: we have laid all the materials finally settled, her mind became troubled. facts, just about as wise as when we sat down before them, the entire pith and marrow of When Mrs. Jordan left England, she took to these volumes, we shall not follow Mrs. JorMr. Boaden's revelations-contained in these with her, as a companion, a lady who had for dan into her seclusion in France, where she letters, and what he calls "Authentic State- some years previous been employed in superin-resided for a while in very melancholy spirits, ment. In the autumn of 1815 Mrs. Jordan tending the education of Mrs. Jordan's younger and finally died almost broken-hearted, on the was called upon, very unexpectedly, to redeem children, and who had for the last twelve 9th of July, 1816.

some securities given by her, for money raised months been Mrs. Jordan's constant attendant. A sweet portrait, after Romney, and a holoto assist a near relative. The cause of this aid This person came to England in January 1816, graph letter (fac-simile) adorn the Memoirs, of was the pressure of matters purely of a domes- to receive and take to Mrs. Jordan her quar-which we may sum up the character by repeattic nature. The call upon her was sudden, ter's income, then in Messrs. Coutts' house. ing, that they are miserably deficient in inforand certainly unexpected; and, not finding From the moment of her arrival in England, mation, confused in arrangement, and made up herself in a situation to advance the 2,000/. until she quitted it, she pursued a line of con- with all sorts of matters and a catching title to claimed, she withdrew herself to France, de- duct towards the daughters of Mrs. Jordan attract notice. With regard to the principle puting a friend in England to make every (then residing in Mrs. Jordan's house) that involved in their publication at all, we have necessary arrangement for paying all the cre- was offensive beyond measure: she perempto- freely expressed our opinion — we hold it to be ditors as soon as possible. At the time of rily, and in a most insulting manner, called utterly indefensible; and the only poor palliaMrs. Jordan's quitting England, she was in upon the person concerned with Mrs. Jordan tion that can be afforded lies in the Apothethe receipt of an annual income of upwards of in the affair of the bills and bonds, to make cary's line£2,000, paid, with the greatest punctuality, oath that Mrs. Jordan was not liable to any quarterly, without demur, drawback, or impe- claims beyond those of which she already knew; diment; and so continued to the hour of her the demand was accompanied with base insinudeath. Up to April 1816, Mrs. Jordan's drafts ations. Justly doubting this to be really the on Messrs. Coutts and Co. were duly paid-wish of Mrs. Jordan, and irritated at the cir.

"My poverty, but not my will, consents."

Regimen Sanitatis Salernitanum; a Poem on
the Preservation of Health, in Rhyming Latin
Verse. Addressed by the School of Salerno
to Robert of Normandy, Son of William the
Conqueror with an ancient Translation, and
an Introduction and Notes. By Sir Alex-
ander Croke, D.C.L. and F.A.S. 8vo. pp.
199. Oxford, 1830. D. A. Talboys.
To the medical professor this volume will not
fail to be highly interesting from its matter;
and, from the quaintness of its style, to be
infinitely amusing. He will sometimes indeed
have to restrain the smile of superiority, at the
grave simplicity and dogmatic absurdity with
which, in the eleventh century, the College of
Physicians were wont to afflict their patients;
while he will more frequently have to trace
the modern discovery and the specific nostrum
to some antique common-place. Nor will he
seldom find reason to exult, how soon the
twilight of his science began to dispel the
profound darkness of the middle ages, and feel
proud of the stout infancy of his profession,
which while in the cradle strangled the Typhon,
and commenced its vigorous labours of antici-
pating or alleviating human suffering,-in
aiding to rid the world of the ravages and
havoc of disease. To the antiquary, if there
be one whose researches this little book may
have eluded, a rich fund of delight will be
opened. Even if he should have met with the
original, his veneration for antiquity will not
be violated by meeting an old friend with a
new face: we have the authority of Sir Alex-
ander Croke's introduction for our declaration,
that the poem is "in the precise state in which
it was sent to the King of England;" that is,
Duke Robert of Normandy, who was to have
been king, provided he had lived long enough,
had not flung his crown at the Saracens, and his
brother William Rufus, the pawnbroker, had
thought proper to let him. We quote Duke
Robert's history; since to him the poem was

Qui requiem monachis in acutis febribus offert,
Et requiem facit æternam.

visited the monastery of Mount Casino, to The subject-matter of the third book of
recommend themselves to the prayers of the another imitator, Ægidius, is far too valuable
monks, and the protection of Saint Benedict. for us to pass over unnoticed. Its contents
From hence they sailed over to Durazzo, ar- supply us with " advice that young and inex-
rived at Constantinople, and joined the armies perienced physicians are to be avoided;" also
of the crusaders at the siege of Nice. It is the description of a good physician:" this,
unnecessary to relate here the prodigies of we confess, we should very much like to see-
valour performed by Duke Robert in Palestine. but presume it can only be meant as ideal.
After the conquest of the holy city, the victory The same book moreover asserts, that "the
at Ascalon, the election of Godfrey, and the circumstances of cases should be inquired into:"
establishment of the kingdom of Jerusalem, in the propriety of this, Mr. Abernethy will of
the greater part of the crusaders returned course consistently acquiesce. It may not be
home, crowned with glory, and exhausted by amiss to give the acknowledgments of the same
their labours. The Duke of Normandy and writer, for the extra services of him who does
the Count of Flanders, by the way of Constan- rather more for your money than would be
tinople, returned into Apulia in September, generally required at his hands:
1099. Robert was received by his countrymen
and relations, Ruggiero Count of Sicily, and
his nephew Ruggiero Duke of Apulia, with These lines may be considered as peculiarly
the cordiality and honours due to the successful applicable to one Sanctus Johannes Longinus,
champions of the cross, and in a round of fes- whose memory lives in the minds of every one
tivities they forgot the sufferings of their but his patients. Our fair readers will sup-
Christian warfare. Robert was vanquished by pose the censure to be passed upon the en-
the charms of Sybilla, the daughter of Geoffrey piric, who, in fulfilling his promise of repose,
Count of Conversano, the nephew of Robert relieves his patients by what may be translated
Guiscard. She was a lady of great beauty, the long sleep.
elegant manners, and superior understanding. We trust our readers will not think we
At a subsequent period, after their return to mean to insult them by proceeding to quote
Normandy, she was said to have conducted the the old English version, in preference to the
affairs of the duchy, during his temporary ab- original Latin. The exposition of the line,
sences, with more judgment than her impru-
dent husband. He had a son by her named
William, who became Count of Flanders. Yet
she appears to have fallen early a sacrifice to
the envy and factiousness of some Norman
ladies of nobility. Upon this marriage, from
his father-in-law and other friends, Robert
received a large treasure to enable him to
redeem his dominions. Besides visiting his
Norman friends, a principal object in Robert's
return to Italy was to consult the physicians of
Salerno, for a wound which he had received in
his right arm from an arrow supposed to have
been poisoned, and which had degenerated
into a deep ulcer, called a fistula. The story
that the poison was sucked out by his affec-
tionate wife during his sleep, is probably one of
the romantic tales of that romantic period,
and has been told of other heroes. That his
cure was owing to the skill of the doctors of
Salerno is more probable. Amidst the hospi-
tality of his countrymen, the luxuries of Italy,
and the endearments of his bride, Robert was-
ted near a year, and by this delay he lost the
crown of England, and ended a brave but
imprudent life in a captivity of eight and

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"Such was the situation of the country, and the state of medical science at Salerno, when Robert Duke of Normandy, the eldest son of William the Conqueror, having mortgaged his dukedom for ten thousand marks to his brother William Rufus, set out upon his expedition to Palestine. This army of the crusaders, which consisted of Britons, Normans, and French, was conducted principally by Hugh the great Count of Vermandois, the Duke of Normandy, Robert Count of Flanders, Stephen Count of Chartres and Blois, Eustace Count of Bologne, twenty years.' and Odo Bishop of Bayeux. Whilst Godfrey Before entering upon the merits of the Saof Bouillon with his companions marched lernian poem, we should state, that the extraorthrough Hungary, this division left France, in dinary popularity with which it was welcomed, September 1096, and crossed the Alps into called forth many imitations. Among other Italy. At Lucca they received the benediction emulatory productions, was one by Otho of of the pope, visited the tombs of the apostles at Cremona. We shall take the freedom of makRome, and repaired to Salerno, the metropolis ing the annexed extract from Mr. Otho's of the Norman duchy of Apulia. Robert of poem, for the sole and especial gratification of Normandy was nearly related to the reigning family. Ruggiero, the duke, had married Adela, Robert's first cousin, the daughter of Robert le Frison, who was brother to Matilda, the wife of William the Conqueror. The season was too far advanced to proceed safely by sea to the coast of Epirus. The impetuosity, however, of the Counts of Vermandois and Flanders impelled them to brave the dangers of the sea, and to pass over with their troops. The Duke of Normandy, and the Counts of Chartres and Bologne, passed the winter at Salerno. In the April following they proceeded on their expedition from the ports of Apulia. In their way to Bari they

our medical friends. Sir Alexander remarks:
"The following prudential advice enters too
deeply into the mysteries of the profession to
have been designed for the use of the profane:
De prudentia Medici sumentis pro labore.
Non didici gratis, nec sagax Musa Hippocratis
Agris in stratis serviet absque datis.

Sumpta solet carè multum medicina juvare,
quæ datur gratis nil habet utilitatis.


Res dare pro rebus, pro verbis verba solemus.
Pro vanis verbis montanis utimur herbis,
Pro caris rebus, pigmentis et speciebus.
Est medicinalis medis data regula talis:
Ut dicatur, da, da, dum profert languidus, ha, ha.
Da medicis primo medium, medio, nihil imo.
Dum dolet infirmus medicus sit pignore firmus.
Instanter quære nummos, ut pignus, habere.
Foedus et antiquum conservat pignus amicum,
Nam si post quæris quærens semper eris."

Unica nux prodest, nocet altera, tertia mors est. is neat, quaint, and pretty :

"This speeche perhapes is somewhat darke,
As riddles use to be-

The stile thereof with common sense
Doth not so well agree.

But for to tell by passinge nutt
Our author what he meanse,
The nutmegge first he profereth,
And that to good intense.
In second place, what hurtfull is
He seemeth for to tuche,
Wherein he meaneth the wallnutte
Doth hurte us over muche.
But in the last what perils moughte
Be hidde therein I muse,

Because to eate or cracke that nutte
No man did ever use.

As well inoughe he knew that wratte
This plesante pretye verse,
So doeth he bringe in pretilye

What nutte doth use to perse.
And in his talke of nuttes in deede
In sadness first he spake;
But at the last the name of nutte
As loughte for to forsake.

He sayeth that full manye a man

The crosse-bowe hath yslane,
The nutte whereof he blames therefore-
His meaning now is playne:
And I do tell you, not in vaine,

'Tis good from such nuttes to refrain."
The Salernian poem opens thus :-
"The Salerne Schoole doth by these lines impart
All health to England's king, and doth aduise
From care his head to keepe, from wrath his harte.
Drink not much wine, sup light, and soone arise;
When meat is gone, long sitting breedeth smart;
And after noone still waking keepe your eies;
When mou'd you find your selfe to nature's need,
Forbeare them not, for that much danger breeds;
Vse three physitians-first, doctor Quiet,
Next doctor Mery-man, and doctor Dyet."

The physicians of former days, like those of
the present, were very much of St. Paul's way
of thinking in regard to wine. It must have
been a "bee's-wing" gentleman who gave the
following hints:-

"Chuse wine you meane shall serve you all the year,
Well-savour'd, tasting well, and color'd cleere;
Fiue qualities there are, wine's praise aduancing,
Strong, beawtyfull, and fragrant, coole, and dauncing.
White Muskadell and Candy wine, and Greeke,
Do make men's wits and bodies grosse and fat:
Red wyne doth make the voyce oft time to seek,
And hath a binding quality to that;
Canary and Madera, both are like

To make one leane indeed (but wot you what);
Who say they make one leane, wold make one laffe-
They meane, they make one leane vpon a staffe.
Wine, women, baths, by art or nature warme,
Vs'd or abus'd, do men much good or harme."

With the exception of Ude, cooks are not in | equivocal etchings. These, however, bear pany sat upon chairs with concave backs, and general sufficiently aware of their importance witness, since they are fac-similes from old were arranged, much as at the present day, in the political atmosphere; we trust, like editions, that there were Cruikshanks in those with the view that to each of the ladies should Ude, they will henceforth become more conse- days, as well as the present. Heartily joining be assigned a neighbour of the other sex. quential, as their influence in society justly in the good wishes of the poem, both to our entitles them;-in a word, upon them the readers and ourselves, we close our notice of safety of the state depends. this entertaining modern antique in its con"Good dyet is a perfect way of curing, cluding words :

And worthy much regard and health assuring;
A king that cannot rule him in his dyet,
Will hardly rule his realme in peace and quyet."

Convinced as we are of the truth contained in the above quatrain, we earnestly and humbly deprecate our good king's eating too freely of the great plum-cake that was lately sent him.

We cannot refrain from divulging for whom the following prophetic extracts were intended; at the same time we must in justice acknowledge, that the outlines of the predictions are pretty accurately portrayed. The first stanza is evidently intended for John Bull, when, like ourselves, he does not run his head against politics, and is consequently in the humour to revive the days of merry England. "Complexions cannot vertue breed, or vice; Yet may they vnto both giue inclination; The Sanguin gamesome is, and nothing niceLoues wine, and women, and all recreation; Likes pleasant tales and newes, plaies cards and dice, Fit for all company and euery fashion: Though bold, not apt to take offence, nor irefull, But bountifull and kind, and looking chearefull: Inclining to be fat, and prone to lafter; Loues myrth and musicke, cares not what comes after." We cannot for a moment hesitate where to apply the second; nor do we doubt but that the honourable Member for Clare will conscientiously admit who is the representative designated therein.

"And heere I cease to write, but will not cease
To wish you live in health and die in peace;
And ye our Physicke rules that friendly read,
God graunt that Physicke you may neuer neede.”

The Sea-Kings in England; an Historical
Romance of the time of Alfred. By Edwin
Atherstone, author of "the Fall of Nineveh."
3 vols. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1830, Cadell;
London, Whittaker and Co.

The dishes consisted of fowls and fish, of the flesh of oxen, sheep, deer, and swine, both wild and domestic, not excepting certain portions of the sea-swine, or porpoise-a food not at present much in repute, but at that period no unfrequent article of diet. There were two sanda, or dishes, of sodden syflian, or soup bouilli, and one of seathen, or boiled, goose. The bread was of the finest wheaten flour, and lay in two silver baskets upon the table. Almost the only vegetable in use among the Saxons was kale wort; and the only condiments were salt and pepper. These various articles were boiled, baked, or broiled; and were handWE have a great respect for our Saxon ances-ed by the attendants upon small spits to the buted their full share to that superiority which were not used in England till James the First's Instead of forks, which tors: they were a bold, free race, and contri- company. we believe is now considered to be the birthright time, when Tom Coriate introduced them from of every true Briton. Mr. Atherstone has given Italy, our ancestors made use of their fingers; an epic character to his romance, which is laid but, for the sake of cleanliness, each person at a most stirring period-the time when Alfred was provided with a small silver ewer containurged his fiercest warfare with the Danes. ing water, and two flowered napkins of the The interest of the story is centered in a boy, finest linen. Their dessert consisted of grapes, rescued, by the sea-king Sidroc, from the gene- figs, nuts, apples, pears, and almonds." ral destruction attendant on the slaughter and burning of the monastery where he was being educated. The chances of the eventful life of his young hero are well blended with the known history of the times. Alfred is contrasted with the celebrated Regnar Lodbrod, is also introthe ferocious Hubbo; Aslauga, the widow of duced; and a single combat is described with great spirit. In the comic parts Mr. Atherstone is not so successful: Elf, the pantaloon of the drama, is absurd--not entertaining. But let our readers see how they like a specimen or


Scene in a Danish tent." The first object that he beheld was the celebrated raven banner of the Northmen, which, elevated upon its gilded pole, appeared to move its wings as if in the act of flying. Upon this were turned the standing up and clashing their sword-hilts upon looks of some forty or fifty mail-clad men, who, their breast-plates, shouted in exultation at the mystic sign that promised victory. Edmund "Sharpe Choller is an humour most pernitious, All violent and fierce, and full of firegazed for a moment at the magical banner, of Of quicke conceit, and therewithal ambitious; which the history was well known to him, and Their thoughts to greater fortune still aspyre; then glanced round at the warriors. Their Proud, bountifull enough, yet oft maliciousA right bolde speaker, and as bold a lyer ; faces were flushed with wine, and their eyes On little cause to anger great inclin'd; Description of the Queen Aslauga:-"Upon shot fire. They were unhelmeted, and their Much eating still, yet euer looking pin'd; In younger yeares they vse to grow apace, a sort of couch, or throne, of width sufficient hair, mostly red, flowed in curls upon their In elder, hairy on their breast and face." to accommodate three persons, and ornamented shoulders. All appeared to be men of great We have been induced to hint at the above at the extremities by two carved and gilded strength and unbounded fierceness. One gi application, solely from understanding that the figures, probably designed to represent lions, gantic form as yet stood at the farther end of honourable member won't fight. This anti- there sat a lady, richly attired, of a command- the tent, with his back toward Edmund, lookHibernian quiescence has, we are credibly in- ing presence, and exceeding beauty. The co- ing up to the banner; his left hand was on his formed, already debilitated, if not totally abo- vering of the couch was a rich cloth of purple; sword-hilt, and his right extended as if in exlished, the popularity of the member with the but, where it had been thrown back at the ultation at the favouring sign. But the wings majority of his constituents, and undeniably sides or arms, it shewed underneath a soft of the raven were again folded; and the warrenders him a very improper representative of cushion, formed from the hide of a bear, one rior turned round to his companions. The the proverbial feelings of his countrymen. Since claw of which hung down in front, and ap- huge fierce countenance came upon Edmund, it may be done with impunity, we are deter-peared to have been gilded. A table, adorned like the burst of a red fire. It was Hubbo that mined, like other honourable gentlemen, to with plates of silver, and studded with gems of stood before him. The ferocious features had have a fling at him whenever we please. But various colours, stood near her; and upon it never been erased from his memory; but he why continue to bother with the lie, a man lay a small silver bell, and a piece of embroi- did not expect that the actual appearance would who, at least, is alike ready to give and take? dered silk, upon which she had just been The third stanza we have already conveyed, in the last despatches, to the Hague. "The Flegmatique are most of no great growth, Inclining rather to be fat and square; Giuen much vnto their ease, to rest and sloth, Content in knowledge to take little share, To put themselues to any paine most loth, So dead their spirits, so dull their sences are: Still either sitting, like to folke that dreame; Or else still spitting, to avoid the flegme, One quality doth yet these harmes repayre, That for most part the Flegmatique are fayre."

The fourth sufficiently recommends itself to those who would see through the inward workings of our Puritans.

The Melancholy from the rest do vary,
Both sport, and case, and company refusing;
Exceeding studious, euer solitary;

Inclining pensiue still to be, and musing;

A secret hate to others apt to carry;

Most constant in his choice, tho long a choosing;
Extreame in loue sometime, yet seldom lustfull;
Suspitious in his nature, and mistrustfull.

A wary wit, a hand much given to sparing,

A heauy looke, a spirit little daring."

equal the hideous picture of his fancy. Such, busied. A footstool of crimson cloth, inter- however, as his boyish fears had depicted, such woven with flowers of yellow silk, supported was the dreadful Northman that now stood her right foot. Her shoes were of tawny lea- before his bodily vision. Years had nought ther, broad at the toe, and laced close to the impaired his strength, or softened his fiercefoot. She was clad in a loose upper robe of ness, while they had made his features yet purple silk, having a broad band of gold em- more gross, and stamped upon them yet more broidery at the hem, and a little below the strongly the characters of cruelty and savage knee, where, having partially fallen aside, it daring. Tis fixed then for the morrow,' he discovered an under garment of light blue, cried; at sunrise shall the sacrifice be offered wrought of silk and fine woollen intermingled. up, and afterwards let the Saxon look for his She had no covering upon the head but that doom. Fill up the cups to the god of battle! which nature had given her-a profusion of The blood shall flow for him like a mountain the most beautiful golden hair, hanging in stream! the choosers of the slain shall be wea locks, delicately twisted on either side, and of ried among the heaps of dead! Trondath, fill such a length behind that, had they not been up the skull to the brim: we drink to the terturned up, and loosely bound with slender rible god. Are ye all prepared?' ' All, all,' bands of golden chainwork, they might proba-exclaimed every voice. Hubbo lifted the skull bly have reached to the knee."

A Saxon dinner." The dining table was oblong, and rounded at the ends. The cloth was a rich crimson, with a broad gilt margin;

The volume is illustrated by some rather and hung low beneath the table. The com

filled with mead; his guests stood up, each holding in his extended right hand the full. charged vessel, and every eye bent upon their leader: To Odin,' he cried, with a voice that shook the tent; to the terrible and severe

god! the father of slaughter! the god that carrieth desolation and fire!'"

tion of the sufferings they had endured, and of fulfilled" he that lives by the sword shall the precariousness of their present situation, die by the sword." We will quote their deaths. We must give due praise to the industry would tend to deter other adventurers from "The deportment of Carvajal, during his that has collected every possible light thrown joining their fortunes. Almagro, therefore, confinement and trial, was extraordinary. by the scattered notices of historians on the refused to be attended by any of his followers There was a degree not only of indifference, manners and customs of the times. Mr. Ather-upon his return to Panama, under pretence but even of levity and buffoonery, displayed in stone is a man of unquestionable powers; but that his companions ought to be left in pos- his conduct, wholly unbecoming a man of such we do not think they are judiciously applied. session of every resource, in order to be pre- advanced age, and on the point of being thus It is folly for an author to talk of posterity, and pared for any contingency. He also objected ignominiously sent into eternity. He was of despising those among whom his lot is cast. to bearing any letters from his companions, visited in the prison by several individuals; The taste of the present time has little relish thinking, by this means, to thwart the inten- some led by curiosity, others bringing strange for scenes of single combat between armed tions of the discontented. But, despite of the requisitions. A tradesman, among others, chiefs-battles, with their repetitions of blood- vigilance of the two chiefs, the desponding came to demand the restitution of a great sum shed, flight, and triumph. We have no sym-portion of their followers succeeded in convey of money, and pathetically remonstrated with pathy where we have nothing in common. The ing to their friends a lamentable account of Carvajal on the danger his soul would incur in epic glory of kings and warriors has had its their misfortunes. The manner in which this a future state, if he neglected to settle his debts day. An author, in choosing such subjects, was contrived appears not destitute of inge- before he departed from this world. This first incurs a most disadvantageous comparison nuity. One Saravia sent a representation of strange application, made to a man who had with his predecessors, and then has to contend their troubles, and of their anxiety to be freed not a coin to call his own, was answered by with utter indifference on the part of his read- from their present state of thraldom, hidden in Carvajal in his usual style of jocularity. ers. An interesting story, and skilfully de-a ball of cotton thread, which he sent to a Friend,' he said, smiling, what are you say. picted characters, would now outweigh a whole friend, under pretext of having a pair of stock-ing about a great debt? the only one with army of heroes, with a single combat in every ings made. This document concluded with chapter. The worst we say of Mr. Atherstone four doggrel lines expressive of their sentiments is, that he deserves to have been born some with regard to their leaders. They were as hundred years ago, when he might have been follows:bard to some heroic king, tuned his harp with a key of silver, and drank mead out of a cup of gold.

Constable's Miscellany, Vol. LXII.History
of Peru. By Don Telesforo de Trueba y
Cosio, author of the Life of "Hernan Cor-
12mo. pp. 341. Edinburgh, 1830,
Constable and Co.; London, Hurst, Chance,
and Co.


Oh governor, incline your ear,
And ponder well our state;
While the butcher lingers here,
The gatherer is gone to bait:'*
characterised by those two epithets."
alluding to Almagro and Pizarro, who were

In one of his difficulties, Pizarro had recourse
to an action which reminds one somewhat of
the classical expedients of antiquity.

which my conscience reproaches me, is that of arial, which I owe to an old public-house keeper at Seville: so go your ways, and don't trouble me with such stories.' Carvajal was dragged to the place of execution with ignominy, and underwent his fate with extraordinary coolness, and even indifference. He was hanged the day after his capture, in the eightyfourth year of his age. His long career of life had been devoted entirely to the profession of arms; so that he possessed consummate know. ledge in the art of war. He had served in "In this emergency, the baffled commander Italy under Gonzalo de Cordova, and had parresolved to adopt one of those magnanimous ticularly distinguished himself in the battle of THIS volume completes the history of Spanish measures, which, by striking the imagination Ravenna, where he fought as an ensign. He conquest in America, and, sooth to say, it is of men, often end in persuading their hearts. may justly be considered as the most experi most ruthless one. The doctrine of some dark Open revolt-perhaps his own death-would enced and skilful officer that ever appeared on and terrible fatality, or rather judgment, seems be the consequence of the attempt. Pizarro the scene of American conquest; and his supealone able to account for the extraordinary assembled his soldiers, and, drawing his sword, riority in military tactics was universally ac success of the Spanish conquerors, and the described with it a line on the ground. He knowledged. But he continually stained the blindness of the unfortunate Peruvians. The then, with a firm demeanour and resolute voice, lustre which would have attended his valour advantages and disadvantages attendant on exclaimed, Spaniards! this line is the em- and abilities, by the ferocity of his conduct. the conquest of America, are a common blem of hardships, dangers, and constant toil-He was of so sanguinary a character, that he subject with debating societies. The benefits of innumerable sufferings which are to be sus- inflicted death for the most trifling offencesEurope has derived were purchased at the tained in the prosecution of a most glorious even for no offence at all, when he considered expense of life to an entire race. There is a enterprise. Let those who consider themselves that the sacrifice of human blood was favourgood contrast drawn in the preface between endowed with sufficient strength and magna. able to his schemes. His rigour with regard to the fierce and cruel habits of the Mexicans, nimity-those to whom the renown of a glori- military discipline was carried to such an exand the mild and greatly civilised ones of the ous conqueror is dear, boldly pass the line; treme, as to create a sensation of dread and Peruvians. We recommend this preface to our and as for those who feel themselves unequal horror among the independent and lawless adreaders' attention. The information it con- to the sacrifice of present ease, for the attain- venturers, who had hitherto been accustomed tains is given in a most animated manner, and ment of future fame and fortune, let them re- to conduct themselves as best suited their pur its remarks are as just as its views are clear. turn to Panama with all suitable speed; I pose, and without much reference to martial The history of Pizarro would be a romance, myself will remain here, and, with the help of regulations. His name became, therefore, a but for its truth;-fact always goes farther the bravest of my followers, however few they by-word of terror; and though his severity than fiction. Our author observes:-" There may be, I will prosecute our enterprise; trust- was attended with beneficial results to the is something almost incredible, not to say ab-ing that, with the assistance of God, and by army, by the establishment of military discip surd, in the circumstance of three private per-our undaunted perseverance, our efforts will be line, it is not less true that it induced many to sons settled in an infant colony, quietly delibe- ultimately crowned with success. No sooner desert. Neither his capture nor death created rating, and coolly resolving, to embark into were these words pronounced, than the soldiers any sensation of pity or regret; for, though schemes which had for their object the over- hastened to profit by the invitation they af. his merits could not but be generally appreciturning and subjugation of vast and powerful forded. With unbecoming alacrity, they bentated, he was universally an object of dread or regions." Pizarro, his friend Almagro, and their steps towards the shore, to embark with abhorrence."

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an ecclesiastic, Hernando Luque, were the tri- the utmost expedition, lest the determination Gonzalo Pizarro died in a better spirit :umvirate, whose extraordinary perseverance in of their commander should undergo a change. "He ascended the platform where he was to almost hopeless efforts, discovered and con-Only thirteen men had the courage and the noble suffer death, with the greatest firmness and quered Peru. A hundred and eighty soldiers resolution to pass the line, and declare them- composure, but shewed not the least token of not only invaded but subdued a vast and popu-selves resolved to adhere faithfully to their that bravado and indifference which is so often lous empire. The difficulties that the enter-chief until death. To this heroic band is owing assumed to display a contempt of death, but prise had to contend with at first, were, expo- the discovery and conquest of Peru." which, instead of impressing the beholders with sure to the climate, want of food, and extreme Retribution seems to have visited all the con- sentiments of admiration, naturally creates fatigue: most of the early adventurers perished. querors of Peru. Pizarro himself was mur feelings of horror and disgust. Pizarro adThe following extract will shew Pizarro's dif-dered; his brother Gonzalo executed; and vanced to the border of the platform, and cast never was the Scripture threat more completely a look upon the surrounding multitude, whom he appeared desirous of addressing. Indeed, in this motley crowd were many of his brave veterans, companions in his perilous expedi tions, and partakers of his glory and disasters.


Both he and Almagro perceived the necessity of preventing their followers from keeping up any correspondence with their friends at Panama. They were aware that a representa

"Pue senor gobernador

Mirelo bien por entero,
Que alla' va el recogedor,
Y aqui queda il carnicero."

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