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Of tent-builders the following are curious particulars :

his tent.

Again :

to dislodge or to kill them. When the effluvium | gular circumstance in the operations of our in the ground by dry weather, where they of turpentine, however, reaches the caterpillar, little architect, which seems to have escaped chirp as merrily as in the snuggest chimney Bonnet says it falls into convulsions, becomes the minute and accurate attention of Réaumur. corner. Whether they ever dig retreats in covered with livid blotches, and dies. The When it commenced its structure, it was indis- such circumstances, we have not ascertained; mother insect takes care to deposit her eggs on pensable to lay a foundation for the walls about though it is not improbable they may do so for or near such substances as she instinctively to be reared; but as the tent was to be mov- the purpose of making nests. M. Bory St. foreknows will be best adapted for the food of able like the shell of a snail, and not stationary, Vincent tells us, that the Spaniards are so fond the young, taking care to distribute them so it would not have answered its end to cement of crickets that they keep them in cages like that there may be a plentiful supply and enough the foundation to the wall. We had foreseen singing birds. of room for each. We have found, for example, this difficulty, and felt not a little interested in "The field cricket, another of this family, some of those caterpillars feeding upon the discovering how it would be got over. Accord- burrows in the ground, in which it lodges all shreds of cloth used in training wall-fruit trees; ingly, upon watching its movements with some day, and comes out chiefly about sunset to but we never saw more than two caterpillars attention, we were soon gratified to perceive pipe its evening song. It is so very shy and on one shred. This scattering of the eggs in that it used its own body as the primary sup- cautious, however, that it is by no means easy many places, renders the effects of the cater- port of the building. It fixed a thread of silk to discover either the insect or its burrow. pillars more injurious, from their attacking upon one of its right feet, warped it over to the The children in France amuse themselves many parts of a garment or a piece of stuff at corresponding left foot, and upon the thread with hunting after the field-cricket; they put the same time. When one of the caterpillars thus stretched between the two feet, it glued into its hole an ant fastened by a long hair, of this family issues from the egg, its first care grains of stone and chips of lichen, till the wall and as they draw it out, the cricket does not is to provide itself with a domicile, which, indeed, was of the required thickness. Upon this, as a fail to pursue it, and issue from its retreat. seems no less indispensable to it than food; for, foundation, it continued to work till it had Pliny informs us it might be captured in a like all caterpillars that feed under cover, it formed a small portion in form of a parallelo- much more expeditious and easy manner. If, will not eat while it remains unprotected. Its gram; and, proceeding in a similar way, it for instance, a small and slender piece of stick mode of building is very similar to that which was not long in making a ring a very little were to be thrust into the burrow, the insect, is employed by other caterpillars that make wider than sufficient to admit its body. It ex- he says, would immediately get upon it for the use of extraneous materials. The foundation tended this ring in breadth, by working on the purpose of demanding the occasion of the inor frame-work is made of silk secreted by itself, inside only, narrowing the diameter by degrees, trusion: whence arose the proverb stultior grillo and into this it interweaves portions of the till it began to take the form of a cone. The (more foolish than a cricket), applied to one material upon which it feeds." apex of this cone was not closed up, but left as who, upon light grounds, provokes his enemy, an aperture through which to eject its excre- and falls into the snares which might have been ments. It is worthy of remark, that one of laid to entrap him.'" "We have just discovered (Nov. 4th, 1829), the caterpillars which we deprived of its tent, upon the nettle, a tent of a very singular ap- attempted to save itself the trouble of building "A more laborious task is performed by an pearance, in consequence of the materials of a new one, by endeavouring to unhouse one of insect by no means uncommon in Britain, the which it is made. The caterpillar seems, in- its neighbours. For this purpose, it got upon burying beetle (Necrophorus vespillo), which deed, to have proceeded exactly in the same the outside of the inhabited tent, and sliding may be easily recognised by its longish body, manner as those which we have described, its head down to the entrance, tried to make of a black colour, with two broad and irremining first between the two membranes of the its way into the interior. But the rightful gularly indented bands of yellowish brown. A leaf, and then uniting these and cutting out owner did not choose to give up his premises so foreign naturalist, M. Gleditsch, gives a very But the tent itself looks singular easily; and fixed his tent down so firmly upon interesting account of its industry. He had from being all over studded with the stinging the table where we had placed it, that the in- often remarked that dead moles, when laid bristles of the nettle, and forming a no less truder was forced to abandon his attempt. The upon the ground, especially if upon loose earth, formidable coat of mail to the little inhabitant instant, however, that the other unmoored his were almost sure to disappear in the course of than the spiny hide of the hedgehog. In feed- tent and began to move about, the invader re- two or three days, often of twelve hours. To ing, it does not seem to have mined into the newed his efforts to eject him, persevering in ascertain the cause, he placed a mole upon one af, but to have eaten the whole of the lower the struggle for several hours, but without a of the beds in his garden. It had vanished by membrane, along with the entire pulp, leaving chance of success. At one time, we imagined the third morning; and on digging where it nothing but the upper membrane untouched." that he would have accomplished his felonious had been laid, he found it buried to the depth "In June, 1829, we found a numerous en-intentions; for he bound down the apex of the of three inches, and under it four beetles, ampment of the tent-building caterpillars de- tent to the table with cables of silk. But he which seemed to have been the agents in this scribed by MM. de la Voye and Réaumur, on attempted his entrance at the wrong end. He singular inhumation. Not perceiving any thing the brick wall of a garden at Blackheath, Kent. ought to have tried the aperture in the apex, by particular in the mole, he buried it again; and They were so very small, however, and so like enlarging which a little he would undoubtedly on examining it at the end of six days, he the lichen on the wall, that, had not our atten- have made good his entrance; and as the inha- found it swarming with maggots, apparently the tion been previously directed to their habits, bitant could not have turned upon him for issue of the beetles, which M. Gleditsch now ve should have considered them as portions of want of room, the castle must have been sur- naturally concluded had buried the carcass for the wall; for not one of them was in motion, rendered. This experiment, however, was not the food of their future young. To determine and it was only by the neat, turbinated, co- tried, and there was no hope for him at the these points more clearly, he put four of these tical form in which they had constructed their main entrance." insects into a glass vessel, half filled with earth habitations, that we detected them. We tried and properly secured, and, upon the surface of the experiment above mentioned, of ejecting the earth, two frogs. In less than twelve e of the caterpillars from its tent, in order hours one of the frogs was interred by two of watch its proceedings when constructing "The house-cricket (Acheta domestica) is the beetles, the other two ran about the whole another; but probably its haste to procure well known for its habit of picking out the day, as if busied in measuring the dimensions shelter, or the artificial circumstances into mortar of ovens and kitchen fire-places, where of the remaining corpse, which on the third which it was thrown, influenced its operations, it not only enjoys warmth, but can procure day was also found buried. He then introfor it did not form so good a tent as the first, abundance of food. It is usually supposed that duced a dead linnet. A pair of the beetles the texture of the walls being much slighter, it feeds on bread. M. Latreille says it only were soon engaged upon the bird. They bewhile it was more rounded at the apex, and of eats insects, and it certainly thrives well in gan their operations by pushing out the earth course not so elegant. Réaumur found, in all houses infested by the cock-roach; but we from under the body, so as to form a cavity for his similar experiments, that the new structure have also known it eat and destroy lamb's-wool its reception; and it was curious to see the equalled the old; but most of the trials of this stockings, and other woollen stuffs, hung near efforts which the beetles made, by dragging at kind which we have made correspond with the a fire to dry. It is evidently not fond of hard the feathers of the bird from below, to pull it inferiority which we have here recorded. The labour, but prefers those places where the into its grave. The male, having driven the process indeed is the same, but it seems to be mortar is already loosened, or at least is new, female away, continued the work alone for five done with more hurry and less care. It may hours. He lifted up the bird, changed its be, indeed, in some cases, that the supply of place, turned it and arranged it in the grave, ik necessary to unite the bits of stone, earth, and from time to time came out of the hole, lichen employed, is too scanty for perfecting mounted upon it, and trod it under foot, and a second structure. We remarked a very sin then retired below, and pulled it down. At

The account of our cheerful and familiar friend the cricket affords another brief but interesting quotation :

soft, and easily scooped out; and in this way it
will dig covert ways from room to room. In
summer, crickets often make excursions from
the house to the neighbouring fields, and dwell
in the crevices of rubbish, or the cracks made

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As the objects referred to in this brief sketch of modern astronomy present themselves in a favourable position for observation, their places and phenomena will be duly pointed out.

length, apparently wearied with this unin- the youthful reader. Parents and teachers are | servable among them, suggests, that a link, terrupted labour, it came forth, and leaned its therefore largely indebted to the lady who has more exquisite still than gravity, unites some head upon the earth beside the bird without produced this work; weeded of all pruriencies, of these remote regions of space, and is conthe smallest motion, as if to rest itself, for a and admirably calculated to engage the atten- nected with other ideas, which tend greatly to full hour, when it again crept under the earth. tion, while it unfolds the beauties of early enlarge the boundaries of, and form a new era The next day, in the morning, the bird was an literature, and original imaginings. The Let- in, the science of astronomy. inch and a half under ground, and the trench tres à Emilie, if we remember rightly, are the remained open the whole day, the corpse only precedent of a production of the kind; seeming as if laid out upon a bier, surrounded and if they deserved their celebrity and success, with a rampart of mould. In the evening it these volumes are still more worthy of exhad sunk half an inch lower, and in another tended favour. Lists of the principal pictures day the work was completed, and the bird in Italy, which illustrate many of the subjects, covered. M. Gleditsch continued to add other are a useful and agreeable addition to the tales. small dead animals, which were all sooner or later buried; and the result of his experiment was, that in fifty days four beetles had interred, in the very small space of earth allotted to them, twelve carcasses: viz. four frogs, three small birds, two fishes, one mole, and two grasshoppers, beside the entrails of a fish, and two morsels of the lungs of an ox. In another experiment, a single beetle buried a mole forty times it own bulk and weight in two days.'

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The Legendary Cabinet. By the Rev. J. D.
Parry, M.A., of St. Peter's College, Cam-
bridge. pp. 436. London, 1829. Joy.
A SELECTION of ballads from the publications
of Percy, Jameison, Scott, &c. upon what the
editor calls " a moral plan.”

The Life and Times of Francis the First, &c.
&c. By James Bacon.

Second edition.

2 vols. 8vo. London, 1830. Edward Bull. When we state that all the foregoing ex- WE are glad to see a second edition of this tracts are taken from the first thirty pages of pleasing work confirm the praises we bestowed this excellent little volume, we are sure we upon it when it came unknown into the world. need not eulogise it more. The architecture From the character of our Journal, it usually of ants, it may readily be supposed, forms a very happens that the first literary criticism upon interesting portion of the work in the able publications issues from our tribunal: we have hands by which it has been executed; nor is no lights to direct us, no opinions to guide us, that devoted to spinning caterpillars less no absurd fancies to startle us into opposition, amusing and instructive. Spiders, too, supply and must depend entirely upon our own abundant materials for a curious investigation. judgment; and so placed, however confident in the impartiality of our decisions, it is always most gratifying to us to find them (as in this case) confirmed by the public voice.

Conversations on the Art of Miniature Painting.
By Emma E. Kendrick.

If it were but as assisting to convince young
persons, and especially the spoiled and lazy
children of affluence, that much study and per-
severing application are the only means by
which any acquirement worth possessing can be IN commencing the celestial notices for the
obtained, we should think that Miss Kendrick new year, it may be observed that the zeal
had done an essential service to society by this with which astronomy has been recently cul-
little volume. It contains, however, a great tivated in this country, but more particularly
deal of practical information, the result of the on the continent, has been rewarded with se-
fair author's professional experience, with re-veral important discoveries relative to the
spect to one of the most amusing and elegant structure and economy of the universe:-ob-
jects have been observed, curves measured,
and regions explored, of which a few years
since astronomers had no conception;-many
particulars relative to the heavenly frame,
which had been received without hesitation,
and considered as satisfactorily explained, are
now doubted ;-the members of the solar

branches of the fine arts.

Tales of a Briefless Barrister. 3 vols. 12mo.


London, 1829. Colburn and Bentley. THERE is a good deal of common sense and observation in this production; but it does not seem to us to possess those higher qualities of acuteness or imagination which should dis- tem, instead of being confined to a few planetary and cometary bodies, are now justly betinguish a literary performance, or a picture of lieved to exceed in number those already dissociety. There is nothing to offend, but little covered;-philosophers seem on the very verge to interest; and we should fancy the author as of demonstrating the nature, direction, and likely to succeed by perseverance in his (hith-rate of motion of our sun through the celestial erto) briefless profession, as in the career of novel-writing. spaces-some of the fixed stars (instead of being so nearly stationary as to warrant the appellation they have so long received) are

19d 23h 41m the Sun enters Aquarius. Lunar Phases and Conjunctions.

M. D. H. ...... 1 14 34


> First Quarter in Pisces
O Full Moon in Gemini
Last Quarter in Virgo.
New Moon in Capricornus.

8 15 32


16 16 .... 24 4 54 > First Quarter in Aries.. 30 22 47 The Moon will be in conjunction with

Saturn in Leo
Mars in Scorpio
Jupiter in Sagittarius
Mercury in Aquarius.....
Venus in Aquarius..

D. H. M.

10 20 15

19 20 30

22 1 15

25 13 45 27 7 15

5d Occultation of Aldebaran. Immersion 15h 37m 26; emersion 16h 27m 59s: the path of the star will be to the north of the moon's centre: shortly after the re-appearance of Aldebaran, the moon will set.

13d Occultation of Leonis. Immersion

10h 3m; emersion 10h 57m: in this instance also, the path of the star will be to the north of the moon's centre.

from the sun (18° 24'), and visible as an even274 Mercury at his greatest elongation ing star.

Venus having passed her greatest elongation, and approaching her inferior conjunction, is assuming a crescent form: at the latter end of the month she will shine with her greatest brilliancy, which occurs when she is 40° distant from the sun, and when one-fourth of her illuminated disc is turned towards the earth; the planet will at the time referred to be moving through Aquarius-a constellation Venus will reign in that part of the heavens not remarkable for any bright stars; so that without a rival to dispute with her the throne of beauty and splendour.

Mars, about the middle of the month, will pass from Libra into Scorpio, and may be seen early in the morning.

The Asteroids. 2d day-Vesta is in the right arm of Sagittarius. Juno is between the head of Sagittarius and Scutum Sobieski-both of these are too near the sun to be visible. Ceres and Pallas are very close together, in the right leg of the Virgin; their distance from each other less than two degrees: Pallas distant from Virginis 34'; these two asteroids pass the meridian within four minutes of each other-Ceres at 19h 23m, and Pallas at 19h 27m; these small planets are advancing to a favourable position for observation.

Saturn is in a very favourable position for observation: the form of the ring relative to the orb presents a very beautiful appearance. When Galileo first discovered this singular zone he veiled his discovery in the following enigma :

Tales of the Classics: a new Delineation of proved to have a progressive motion, which Jupiter is too near the sun to be visible: the most popular Fables, Legends, and Al- becomes evident after a lapse of a very short this planet has attained its greatest southern legories, commemorated in the Works of space of time; and this recently discovered declination, and will, each succeeding year till Poets, Painters, and Sculptors. Selected and phenomenon not occurring with the bright 1836, describe a greater arc above the horizon. written by a Lady, for the amusement and stars of the firmament, but among those whose instruction of her own Daughters. 3 vols. feeble light would not, but for their motion, 1829. Colburn and Bentley. have arrested the attention of the observer; so THIS Somewhat lengthy title is nevertheless that there is reason to believe that some of the threshold of a structure which meets with the most unobtrusive of the starry train, and our most cordial approbation. With all our whose feeble light appeared to indicate their love for ancient mythological and classical greater distance, are much nearer story, we never could help feeling that there system than those glittering gems whose cowas much too gross in many of the repre- pious streams of radiance would seem to imply sentations to be fit for general perusal; and their closer proximity :-the recent researches that they were particularly unsuited to the amidst double stars and nebulæ, and a conpurity of the female, and happy ignorance of sideration of many mysterious phenomena ob

to our

"Smaismrmilme poeta leumi bvne nugttaviras:" which, arranged in its true form, is,

"Altissimum planetam tergeminum observavi ;" and may be thus translated: "I have observed that the most distant planet is triple," he having at first conceived that the anse were.



mentioned by Davy, do not exist; and that the errors into which the latter fell upon the subject were caused by his having operated upon small quantities. M. Serulas then stated that he had been enabled to obtain, with great facility, iodic acid, which was very rare; and concluded by commenting upon several errors which he alleged had been committed by Davy.


globes attached to each side of the orb of Sa- depth of this dye, in which qualities it did not on the sitting of the 7th inst., by M. Serulas, appear to him to be inferior to indigo, he entitled, "Action of different acids upon the 1346-Uranus in conjunction with Mer- resolved to communicate his discovery to the iodate of potass ;" and it was agreed to insert cury-264 7h with the sun. society; to which he presented specimens of his name among the list of learned foreigners. The appearance of the heavens, at midnight, the cakes, and of the stuffs which he had dyed. M. Serulas then communicated the results of a will through the month be unspeakably grand; The society, in consequence, requested some of very important experiment that he had just the brightest constellations will be then visible its corresponding members in the provinces made upon iodic acid, which he has obtained in —Aries, Taurus, Orion, Sirius, Gemini, and above mentioned to repeat Père Mata's ex- a state of crystallisation, and the crystals of Leo, occupying the southern part of the hea- periments. They all agreed in their accuracy; which he exhibited. This chymist, in his mevens; Capella and Ursa Major dividing the and sent to Manilla a large quantity of leaves moir, endeavours to shew, that the iodo-sulzenith; Cygnus, Lyra, Corona Borealis, and and cakes, and, eventually, the living plant phuric, iodo-nitric, and iodo-phosphoric acids, Arcturus, skirting the northern horizon, to itself. A committee of merchants was apre-ascend and faint away in the feeble glimmer pointed to determine, after a chymical analysis of the wintry dawn. of this colouring matter, if its identity with Celestial Phenomena from 1830 to 1836.- indigo was sufficiently established to justify its Te stimulate recent subscribers to the Literary introduction into commerce under that name; Gazette to commence with the year the study and if it ought to be offered at the same price of astronomy, a brief sketch is subjoined of the as indigo. The merchants and chymists demost remarkable phenomena that will occur cided those questions in the affirmative, and from 1830 to 1836, inclusive. Some of these declared that it possessed all the qualities of are connected with questions and predictions to that celebrated colouring substance. the solution and fulfilment of which philosophers are looking forward with considerable interest; more particularly to the return of the AT a late sitting of the Paris Royal Academy THE Archæological Society of Dieppe, under three comets, whose periods are supposed to be of Sciences some discussion arose relative to the the patronage of the Duchess de Berri, have known with some degree of certainty; namely, inquiries made by M. Lachaussée, a clerk in been making some recent excavations in the the comets of Encke, Biela, and Halley. the excise, who lays claim to the discovery of neighbourhood of the town, near what is com1830-Four visible occultations of Aldeba- perpetual motion, for which he solicits a pen-monly called Cæsar's Camp, the actual site of ran, one of which will be attended with singu- sion from the king. The Academy, it seems, the ancient city of Limes, which may be conlar circumstances connected with terrestrial po- some time since decided that it would no longer sidered the Pompeii of France. The results sition to one part of the British Isles it will entertain this question, nor that of the quadra- of the first researches, made by order of the prove only an appulse of the star, and to an- ture of the circle, nor the trisection of the duchess, at Candecote, close to the gates of the other part an occultation. A total eclipse of angle-problems which it considers impossible town, were the discovery of some fragments of the moon, the duration of which will be almost of solution; and thinking also that it is a loss a vase of great beauty. Those undertaken in the longest possible, as the centre of the moon of time to endeavour to solve them a mere the course of the present year, and carried on will pass very near the centre of the earth's waste of the time of men of genius. M. de in her royal highness's presence, have revealed shadow: about the middle of the eclipse the Boisbertrand submitted to the Academy a plan the existence of a Gallo-Roman borough, the Boon will be in conjunction with a star in invented by M. Dupera, an engraver at Con- ruins of which are situate between the villages Aquarius, which conjunction will, in some flans, with a view to prevent the forgery of of Bracquemont and De Graincourt. Among places, be an occultation. An occultation of bank notes. The plan consists in the simulta- other remains have been found the representaVenus by the moon. neous application of two dry stamp-impressions tion of a female figure, in terra cotta, seated 1831. An eclipse of the moon. Mars will on the two sides of the note. M. Felix Darut on a chair, and suckling two infants-appapass over a star in Taurus. An occultation of presented a memoir relative to the employment rently the votive offering of some lady in the Jupiter by the moon. Mercury eclipsed by the of alkaline chlorurets to disinfect objects im- straw. Hooks, nails, and other implements, An occultation of Saturn by the moon. pregnated with pestilential miasmas;-and with Roman tiles, &c. have also been disco1832-This year will be remarkably replete Messrs. Thénard and Majendie were directed vered in great abundance, together with a with interesting phenomena. The comet of to make a report upon the subject. A letter beautiful glass urn, containing a medal of Encke will return in the spring, and the comet was then read from M. Pelletier, in which he Antoninus Pius. A large house, consisting of a Biela in the autumn of the year. A transit states that he has extracted from the carbonate spacious atrium, or hall, with a numerous suite of Mercury across the sun's disc. An eclipse of magnesia in the proportion of 50 per cent of apartments branching off, has been since laid of the sun. An occultation of Saturn by the from the magnesian calcareous productions of open. Among the articles in best preservation 200. Three of the satellites of Jupiter si- the Vorges; and expresses a hope that we shall are several Roman medals in bronze, a gold pin multaneously eclipsed. soon be enabled to do without foreign importa- turned with great delicacy, a stylum for writtions of these products. He also prepared, from ing, and a perfume box (the last two made the same productions, sulphate of magnesia, of very fine silver), an agate set in a handsome which has been advantageously sold under the gold ring, and having a small bird engraved name of English Epsom salts. A drawing of upon it, with a motto, of which the words Ave the skeleton of a large oviparous fossil quad-mea are alone distinguishable. This trinket ruped, found among a quantity of different has been presented to the Duchess, under sorts of bones in the quarries in the environs whose particular surveillance it was disof Throuville, was next submitted to the Aca-covered, and now forms part of her collecdemy. M. Dumeril presented an account of a tion of antiquities at Rosny. The Fauxvery remarkable work of M. Straoss, entitled bourg de la Barre and the neighbourhood of "Researches relative to the organisation of Polet have also added to these spoils of the THE Registro Mercantil of Manilla contains a articulated animals;" in which the author Roman world those of ancient Gaul. The rich description, published by the Economic Society, gives a very detailed description of the large gardens, however, which occupy the soil in of a new species of indigo discovered in that American spider, which sucks the blood of the these places, interpose serious obstacles in the land. From time immemorial it has been humming-bird. After alluding to the work of way of the antiquary; notwithstanding which, known under the names of payanguit and Réaumur, who discovered and described the several articles have been accidentally found ranguit by the natives, who have used it to glands which in these animals serve for the by their proprietors, and have been forwarded produce a beautiful blue colour; particularly secretion of the web, the author defines, in a to the museum of the Society. One of the ex in the provinces of Camarines and Albay. But very remarkable manner, the mode of respiration cavations at Candecote has produced a number it had escaped the observation of scientific men and circulation of these animals, and endea of small gold plates, engraved in lozenges, triuntil the year 1827, when it attracted the at-vours to point out in what respect the same angles, and squares, several of which are very tention of Pere Mata, a corresponding member functions differ in other classes of insects. It beautifully executed, and exhibit symbols chaof the Economic Society of the province of was agreed that the work should be sent to the racteristic of ancient Gaul. A bronze helmet, Samar. He subjected it to various experiments, commission charged to award the physiological with a variety of metal rings, keys, &c., obsiand formed it, like indigo, into cakes, with prize founded by M. de Monthyn. M. Chev-dional coins of the age of Pompey, and a nuwhich he coloured pieces of cotton, silk, linen, real, in his own name and that of M. Thénard, merous collection of medals from the first Cæsar and worsted. Struck with the beauty and made a report relative to a memoir presented down to Valens, now form not the least inter

1833-An eclipse of the sun. 1834 and 1835. The comet of Halley will be expected; it last passed its perihelion on the 13th of March, 1759: it is calculated to reach the same point again 16th of March, 1835. A ansit of Mercury across the sun's disc. 1836-A considerable solar eclipse. Deptford.

J. T. B.


esting part of the contents of the museum. from an early Lawrence, painted for Liverpool, | This was no act of which to be vain, for he M. Brongniart, of the Institute, with MM. engraved by Holl; the late Mr. Perceval from neither offered resistance, nor seemed for a Blainville and Feret, are indefatigable in their Beechey, engraved by Picart; and Lord Keith time to regard what was passing about him. exertions towards elucidating these curious re- from Hoppner, also engraved by Holl. Of the His breast was stripped open, and a second pistol lics of past ages; and much useful information, memoirs we may observe, that considerable in- (loaded), and other things, were taken from his both statistic and topographical, may be ex- terest attaches to that of Mr. Perceval, owing person, by Mr. Dowling and others. Of pected from their labours. The excavations to the circumstance of the writer's having in- these, the manuscript copy of his petition are suspended till a more favourable season of troduced the following account of the catas- of grievances in Russia, and the want of redress

the year.



trophe that terminated his existence, of which for which led to his insane revenge, is in my he, as it appears, was a very near spectator. possession, identified by the initials of Joseph "I had ascended the stair which leads to the Hume, to be produced, if requisite, at a future folding door of the lobby, and was about to period. I also possess a common-looking, but Lodge's Illustrious Portraits and Memoirs. push it open for myself, when, turning partly powerful opera-glass, found upon him, with Folio edition, Part 33; Octavo and Quarto, round, I saw the premier (with whom I had which he had, on several preceding nights, two-monthly edition, Part 39; and third the honour of a very slight personal acquaint- made himself acquainted with Mr. Perceval's and fourth monthly editions, Nos. 13 and 9. ance) mounting the steps immediately behind personal appearance, from the gallery of the London, 1829. Harding and Lepard. I bowed to him, and was saluted in re- House of Commons-a circumstance which, in Or the multifarious editions of this universally turn with that benevolent smile which I was my opinion, contradicts the supposition that popular periodical which thus at once present so instantly destined to see effaced for ever; he equally meditated the assassination of Lord themselves upon our table, in various stages of for, as I held back the door on the right to Leveson Gower; though, unquestionably, he progress, we shall limit our particular notice to allow the precedence of entering, the mortal bore a strong resentment to that nobleman, for the contents of the folio edition alone. The bullet was sped by the villain, who had (as what he considered to have been his neglect of present part contains portraits of Nelson and was afterwards proved) long stationed himself him in his northern mercantile transactions. St. Vincent, from pictures in his Majesty's on the spot to watch for his victim, and com- But to return to my painful narrative. Belcollection; the great and virtuous Lady Russell, mit this unholy murder. It is an extraordinary lingham, with his breast exposed, and now exfrom the Duke of Bedford's; the Marquess of fact (and I leave it to be explained on any tremely perturbed, was in a state of great Rockingham, from that of his descendant the system of moral or physical sensation), that excitation when General Gascoyne appeared, and Earl of Fitzwilliam; the Duke of Argyll and though so near Mr. Perceval at this moment recognised him as a man whom he knew, from Greenwich, from Mr. Agar Ellis's; and Sir that I could have touched him, and if the ball having seen him at Liverpool. No words, inRobert Walpole, from Mr. Walpole's. His had passed through him it must have struck deed, can picture his frightful agitation; large Majesty has been graciously pleased to pa- me, yet I did not hear the report of the pistol, drops of agonising sweat ran down his pallid tronise this picture gallery of the worthies of but only saw a wreath of smoke mount from face (I am not exaggerating in this description his kingdom, who have elevated their country the place. In the first confusion, indeed, no of extreme human emotion, when I declare, to the distinguished rank which she maintains one of the many individuals present precisely that the former resembled rain-drops on a winin the scale of nations, by granting permission knew what had really happened, and it was the dow in a heavy storm, and that the latter was to enrich it with some of the most valuable fall of the martyr of assassination only that de- of the cadaverous hue of the tomb); and, from portraits in the royal collection; and those veloped the nature of the atrocious deed. On the bottom of his chest to his gorge, rose and here presented are strikingly characteristic of receiving the wound, the unfortunate gentle- fell a spasmodic action, as if a body as large as the eminent individuals whom they represent. man fell almost back towards his left, against the hand were choking him with every breath. The portrait of the gallant Nelson was painted the angle formed by the door and the wall, Never on earth, I believe, was seen a more tershortly after his victory of the Nile, which is exclaiming very faintly, O God!' or, O my rible example of overwrought suffering ; yet, in represented in the back ground, and is strik- God!' the last words he ever uttered; for im- language he was perfectly cool and collected. ingly contrasted by the calm and steady de- mediately, as if moved by an innate impulse to Some one came from the Speaker's room, and portment of his friend and admiral, St. Vincent, seek for safety in the house, he made an effort said, 'Mr. Perceval is dead! Villain, how who, unmoved by the din of war, with which to rush forward, but merely staggered a few could you destroy so good a man, and make a he is surrounded, is portrayed on his quarter- paces, and dropped down on the spot. I observed family of ten or twelve children orphans ? To deck, calmly meditating the brilliant manoeuvre Mr. William Smith, the member for Norwich, which he feelingly replied, I am sorry for it.' which at once gained him a splendid victory Lord Francis Osborne (I think), a Mr. Phil. He afterwards justified the sacrifice on the and that title which will commemorate and lips, and several other persons, hasten to raise same grounds which he took at his committal convey it to the latest posterity. All the en- him up: there was an effusion of a little blood and on his final trial. It is not my province gravings are executed with their accustomed on the mouth, and the pale features bore the to describe the scene of anxiety and tumult excellence, and the memoirs are as characteristic stamp of death. The body was carried into which followed the perpetration of this monas the portraits which they illustrate. the Speaker's room by the opening on the strous crime. Doors were guarded, messengers

The contents of the smaller editions are left. This was the dreadful work of not were running to and fro, all was disorder. But equally entitled to the patronage which has more than fifteen seconds; and, during the in a few minutes, when the nature of the calabeen so extensively bestowed upon them as to same period (having first run forward to render mity was ascertained, the Speaker of the House keep four editions of the work simultaneously any assistance to Mr. Perceval, in which I was of Commons recalled men to their senses, by in a course of publication; and we cordially anticipated by the instant interposition of the assuming the chair of that assembly, and recommend such of our readers as may not parties I have just mentioned) my attention ordering the guilty to be brought before him. already be subscribers to enrol their names at was directed to the assassin by a gentleman Mr. Taylor, the ancient door-keeper, for once the publishers', who have again commenced re- (whom I since knew to be Mr. Eastaff, of the opened it to all that came, and I on one side, publishing the work in monthly numbers, with Vote-office, at the door of which he stood) point- and, I think, General Gascoyne on the other, the opening of the new year. ing out Bellingham, and exclaiming, That conducted the unresisting prisoner to the bar. is the murderer!' He had, with apparent calm- The forms of Parliament, however, refused National Portrait Gallery of Illustrious and ness, retired from the fatal spot, and was sitting Eminent Personages of the Nineteenth Cen-down upon the bench on the hither side of the individuals I have named are alive to testify to the to search the pockets and person of the prisoner. The tury. With Memoirs, &c. By W. Jerdan. fire-place, when I arrested him by the collar. correctness of this statement; and that it is only now No. IX. Fisher, Son, and Co.; Colnaghi, given to the public is owing to the persuasion, that it "I am again particular, because, in the testimony at might have produced a very injurious effect if promul Son, and Co.; Ackermann and Co. the trial of a gallant general, Gascoyne, who came from a gated at the time. For the plain truth is, if Bellingham's THE Number of this monthly work with which committee-room above, and through long passages, as acute counsel had been aware of the circumstances, so as the year commences is embellished with a very having rushed forward and seized Bellingham, as if no might have very seriously embarrassed the jury, notwithwell as through the house into the lobby, he spoke of to cross-examine the evidence, it is not improbable they appropriate and handsome design on the cover, one had preceded him. Now, this was not only im-standing the notoriety of the murder; since it is on the representing an arch, surmounted by the royal possible, from the distance at which he was when the evidence adduced, alone, that a criminal can be found crown of England, beneath which are the co- Charles Long (the present Lord Farnborough), Mr. to impute the blame of deliberate falschood to any one: crime was committed, but I remember well that Sir guilty. In concluding this note, I am far from desiring ronets and mitres of the aristocracy and church, Vincent Dowling, and Mr. Burgess, the solicitor of May- the consternation that prevailed might well excuse imand the whole supported by two columns of Fair, were all about the person of the assassin for (under perfection of memory, and the blending of after hearsay such circumstances) a considerable time before the general with what was actually seen and done. And, besides, all naval and military architecture, on the emblems came up. Mr. Dowling, especially, had collared Belling- the chief facts were substantially true; though, as far as of which (rostra and catapulte) are inscribed the ham on the opposite side, nearly simultaneously with person and manner were concerned, the way in which words Law, Commerce, Arts Religion, Lite-myself, and Mr. Burgess snatched the instrument of death they were substantiated on the trial was grossly erroneous, from his hand; and it was the place of the former which as must be seen whenever the examinations, previous to rature, Science. The portraits are George III. General G. took, while he, Mr. Dowling, came in front committing Bellingham to prison, are lent to history."


cognisance to the transaction, and the House | Mr. Sheridan complained of his colleagues Our shuddering memory thus? Within her was adjourned, in order that the county magi- having built a wall to run their heads against!" strates present might proceed according to law:



She bends-that lovely one--but from her eye in consequence of which the two magistrates IA Series of Subjects from the Works of the Flits an unnatural glance, and o'er the mind have named repaired to the inquest in an late R. P. Bonington. Drawn on stone by Tempestuous moods are passing. What has apartment above, where Bellingham hardly J. D. Harding. Part II. Carpenter and spoke, and whence he was, with due precauThat calm and placid spirit-and at once tions, soon after committed to Newgate. To HIGHLY as we spoke of the first Part of this So fearfully?—The simplest sight or sound this, I hope not too minute, history of an event publication, the second Part deserves still Allied to far-gone scenes, has thus the power unparalleled in its effect upon the country greater praise. The subjects are "La Siesta;" To raise up recollections that will gloom since the assassination of the Duke of Bucking"On the Coast of Picardy;" "The Visit to Our sunniest hour. The aspect of a tree ham by Felton, and still more unparalleled in the Shrine;""River Scene;" and "Lane A stream-the stillness of a summer lake moral atrocity, I have little to add. The rapi- Scene." They are all treated with that pecu- Soft mirroring the flowers upon its brink, dity with which the news flew to every part of liar taste and painter's feeling by which Bon-As here--the beauty of an evening sky the metropolis, and thence throughout the ington was distinguished; and if faithfully to All glory-tinged-the sameness of a voice country, could hardly be reconciled with pos-imitate the freedom and facility of a great Which Hoats on that sweet evening air-the lay sibility; and the extraordinary agitation which master's pencil, and all those loose and spirited Of bird well known, and loved--such strains as every where prevailed, looked more like the touches which, although to the uninitiated bless'd, convulsion of an empire than the loss of one they appear careless and accidental, the expe- Perchance, her youth in some dear spot, far off: man, however exalted and beloved. But his rienced well know are the result of much study Each-all-in strange communion aptly joined, virtues had made all the world his friends, ex- and accumulated knowledge, be an excellence, And sudden seen, have o'er that spirit thrown cept the wretch who shed his blood; and his Mr. Harding's claim to it is undoubted. We An instant desolation, to be cheered death was bewailed with a more unanimous scarcely know to which of these delightful Not e'en by hope! and sensible sorrow than is usually given to the lithographic prints to give the preference; but fate of those, the brightest and the best, who if we were compelled to select one, we should shine in times of political struggle, and reach say that "The Visit to the Shrine" has a the goal of political ambition." charm in its handling and effect that, to our eyes, is perfectly fascinating.

The following anecdotes are also given in the memoir of our late venerable monarch.


The Fortunate Escape of King William the
Third. Painted by A. Cooper, R.A. En-
graved by W. Giller. Moon, Boys, and


N. T. C.


“At a view of the Exhibition of the Royal FOOLEE FUM FOOLA, recently well known at Academy, his Majesty approached a portrait Canton by our East India traders, having exof a gentleman who had recently come over pressed an eager desire to visit the boasted from the opposition side in the House of Comnation of big ships, obtained the consent of his mons, and accepted a lucrative appointment. KING WILLIAM's reconnoissance on the day father, the venerable old Fum, to make a voyWho is that?' he inquired of his attendant: before the battle of the Boyne, when a shot age hither; and, having embarked as a cabin the name was mentioned. Ah, (rejoined the killed several of his attendants, and wounded passenger, came over in one of the Company's King), that is — who has changed his him in the shoulder, is the subject of this print. finest vessels. He had acquired some little principles I hate a man who can change his The contrast between the dignified tranquillity smattering of English in his father's countingprinciples. Do not mistake me (he added, of the monarch and the loyal alarm of Lord house, which was the constant resort of British after a short pause); a man may change his Coningsby, who is stanching the royal blood, merchants; and he improved himself in the opinions, and be as excellent as ever; but if he is very dramatic; and the whole is broadly tongue by his intercourse with the passengers, change his principles once, he will change them and powerfully executed.


"Youthful hours rise up within the mind,
Like lovely dreams some sudden chance has brought,
To fill the eyes with long-forgotten tears."-L. E. L.
WITHIN her bower, sun-proof, of jasmine,


The breath of May-the warm and fragrant

And soothe her gentle spirit with the view
Of Nature in the month of flowers and love.
Of love !-alas! she came not there a slave
To passion; - youth's fond, feverish dreams
were o'er,

again whenever his interests render it expe-
dient. It may be recorded as another trait of
the same disposition, that the King was one of
the most punctual persons in his dominions in
the discharge of his debts; insomuch that he
actually entertained a horror of any of his
trades-people being unpaid.
King, it is notorious, was as fixedly resolved
against granting the Roman Catholics what By the wild, wandering honeysuckle, sits
they have since attained, as he was against One who has strayed from cloister gloom to
Sampromising his prerogative with the Ameri-
an colonies. On these subjects he was im-
movable the obstinacy of his critics! - and
Then sorely pressed by his ministers (in 1807)
pecting the religious scruple, our good mo-
arch hardly knew how to act, or what to do.
A strong address was voted by the House of
Cemons, obviously repugnant to his senti-
ments; and a noble lord was deputed, ex officio,
to deliver it. He accordingly went up in due
farm; but his reception was so ungracious,
that at the end of his task he took occasion
bumbly to resign his wand into the hands of
bis Majesty. The King, we have been in-
farmed, though hitherto vexed and almost irre-
solute, was roused into decision by this unex-
pected incident. He immediately seized the
stick with an impatient gesture, and, taking it
to the corner of the room, put it down with a And stifle those fierce strugglings, and disperse
smart noise. He then returned to the noble Or rob of half their vividness the dreams
lord, and said hastily, Now, my lord, you Of hours long flown; yet Nature will awake,
have incapacitated yourself from carrying back Touched by some secret sympathy, again,
any answer from me; as a private person, I Soul-withering thoughts--and forms that should
must wish you good morning. I will take
time to consider the matter. Next day, we For ever!
believe, it was intimated to Mr. Fox and Lord
Ay, for ever! why rest not
Grenville, that the King was ready to receive Deep in the heart's dark tomb those dreams
ther resignations. It was at this time that


And were forgotten ;-no-the early blight
Of our young loves may never be forgot!
There will, uncalled, float visions on the eye
There will, full oft, be yearnings of the heart
There will, again, be strange and burning


The early-wept, the loved, the lost, will rise
Upon the tortured memory;-and though Time,
Softening the past, may half subdue those


have slept

that haunt

with whom, particularly the ladies, he was a great favourite. From this fortunate circumstance, to use his own words, he heard more talk during four months and four days, with his fair loquacious shipmates, than he should have heard with man crew, had he sailed three times all round big world with Capitain Cookee.

Foolee Fum Foola, though an ingenuous young man, and not deficient in talent, being strongly imbued with the prejudices of a Chi nese, thought very highly of himself; and in his egotism and vain glory imagined that all he saw here, or almost all at least, was amenable to his superior notions of improvement and reform;-hence his diary (for he wrote his daily observations) exhibits such a medley of occasional good sense with much absurdity, that a perusal of his comical notitie would almost move the spirit of a Quaker to laughter.

Having been a fellow-passenger with Foolee Fum, and in his good graces, we lived much together; being, moreover, a lieutenant in the Company's service, on leave of absence, and consequently an idler, I rambled about as his cicerone; we traversed this mighty metropolitan city, and I shewed him its lions.

A few days since, Foolee Fum being invited to make one of a party just on the wing for Paris, he left me his Diary for correction, giving me leave to make what extracts I pleased, and to do what I chose with them. I have, therefore, selected a few of his remarks, with out particular reference to time or place; and I submit them to the service of the columns of the Literary Gazette, under the impression that they may afford a little amusement to some of its great readers. I have written to advise my good-natured friend of what I am about to do, and he has kindly returned an

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