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We must select one or two of the very curious remarks and descriptions of customs scattered over these volumes :—

they, with the commencing letters of an epi- to any that were ever drunk in the seraglio; | dragged from the hoofs of the Muscove cavalry, taph, had been cut over part of the more one was the soul of economy, for she could in the plain before Shumla, and yet Noured has ancient classic work. 'And cannot even the house a whole day for a rubieh less than any lived twelve years since then.' The dying solemnity of the grave,' mused the sad humour-body else; another was the soul of taste, for man raised his head, and, after a tremendous ist, inspire the virtue of honesty, and respect she could paint doves and roses on Kalem- effort, and a horrible rattling in his throat, he for the ashes of the dead? What have we kiars, and sing psalms and Turkish songs to replied with a hoarse voice to his friends :here but a repeated sacrilege-a double rob- the accompaniment of some old Armenian Hark ye! twelve years ago my arm was bery? The Christian desecrates the Pagan's pipers-very great performers, the attraction broken by a Muscove bullet-the grape-shot, tomb-the Turk the Christian's, and effaces as of the Tekke at Perá." that fell thick as hail, wounded me in trunk equally obnoxious, the work of both, to make and limba ghiaour's bayonet threw me to room for his own epitaph, which he fondly the earth, and a troop of horse charged over me hopes will be respected and enduring! Who, as I lay! But twelve years ago I was the then, need care where his ashes repose; or Houris' Complexions." Apropos of houris, I father of two bold boys-I had friends, I had flatter himself unless they be given at once to never have heard or seen any remark made hopes-but now!Have I not seen this mornthe elements, through the agency of fire, or on the odd properties of colour Mahomet gives ing my sons in manhood's pride-my brothercast into the remote and fathomless sea-that to the bodies of these eternal virgins. Some the friends that gathered under my roof, fall his remains will be undisturbed by man! Anon, of them,' says he, are white, some rose, the one by one by my side? Have we the Muscovites may be masters of proud Stam- third are yellow, the fourth are green.' Ima- not seen ourselves deserted and betrayed, and bool, and the Turks-the Turks, who have gine a mistress with a pea-green complexion! does not triumphant treachery and revenge never dug a stone, nor worked in the marble Laughing Turks!—“A friend—a gentleman proclaim that our order-the glorious and the quarry, since their establishment in the fallen who loves a laugh himself, and has as fine a ancient-the order of Hadji-Bektash, is for regions of architecture and sculpture, but have perception of the droll and the witty as any ever annihilated, and a price set upon each of mutilated ancient art, and raised their motley man I ever knew, tells a good story about our heads?' The horror depicted on structures with the exquisite fragments of my Turks laughing. He was at the town of the the countenances of his wild-looking followers, ancestors' skill, may see these cherished tombs Dardanelles with another English traveller: was immeasurably increased. Before they went (portions of their abused spoil) torn from the while loitering about, he all at once missed his on their way, and left his body to the wolves, to grave and the cypress grove, to build stables English servant, a humorous creature, worthy the dogs hungry as they, and to the birds of and barracks for the ghiaours! Let me be of such a master. After some search, H prey, they each cut off a small piece of his dress gone! the beauty of death and the repose of the was found in the bazars, dancing a minuet and one, a nearer friend, perhaps, than the grave, must be sought for in other objects and with a tall tame pelican: noways disconcerted rest, detached a stripe of leather fastened round connexions than these, which, beauteous and at their approach, he finished his dance, and the upper part of his colossal arm by a buckle, impressive as they are, partake of the nature then with a ball-room bow, he took his partner containing the treasured passage from the of every thing on earth, and afford no lasting by the wing, and, with a mincing gait, led her Khoran the amulet which was to preserve its delight."" to take refreshments at a neighbouring kibaub wearer from evil eyes and evil fortunes. These shop. The solemn Turks almost died of sentimentalities, however, did not prevent them laughter, and the roar that arose from the from securing his purse-his bright English bazar could be inferior only to that of the watch in its shagreen case, his silver-sheathed Dardanelles battery, when Baron de Tott fired yatagan, and richly-set pistols." his great gun!"

A travelling Resource." A Catholic Armenian, a clever, good-tempered fellow, who had known better days, thus described to me an ingenious contrivance by which he avoided the vermin that abounded at Ortakeui, à ne pas le croire. I take care to examine and clean a large wooden table; on it I lay my mattress, and then I put the four legs of the table each into a pan of water on the floor; I am thus insulated the bugs can't very well cross the water! And do you escape their invasion?' Yes; all but that of a few bugs that may drop from the rafters and ceilings of the old


We must again repeat, that we think Mr. Mac Farlane the perfection of travellers:-animated, intelligent, and picturesque, he merits the destiny of the Wandering Jew; the exist ence of that gentleman being, however, in our minds, entirely disproved by the fact of his never having published any of his reminiscences.

There is a most interesting historical sum. mary of the early history of the Armenians, which adds greatly to the value of these interesting volumes.

The Diary and Correspondence of Philip
Doddridge, D.D. Vol. III. 8vo. pp. 560.
London, 1830. Colburn.

The Fasular Fountain." The water of this fountain is said to possess miraculous qualities; the man who has once drunk it, cannot leave Smyrna without taking with him a wife of the place. A jovial friend of mine, who had drunk of the fatal stream, and left Smyrna and returned, and was likely to leave it again, without the encumbrance alluded to, on being questioned how that should happen, said he A lady going to seek a wife for her son, gives believed it was because he never drank it neat occasion to the following list of Turkish femi--he always mixed brandy with his water!" nine accomplishments: "The large saloon We will conclude with the dying Janissary. into which the company was ushered by the "He recognised in the disfigured, fallen form hostess was empty, but presently a banging-to of the gigantic Janissary, a certain Nouredof doors, and a shuffling of papooshes were Aghà, whom he had known in former times, Ox the appearance of the two preceding voheard, and the nine unmarried daughters of and whose herculean proportions, beautiful lumes of this publication we went at conthe house came running in, one after the manly face, and thick black beard, had fre- siderable length both into remark and extract, other, as if in a race. Once within the room, quently excited the stripling's involuntary ad- in order to illustrate a work curious for its however, they became as meek and decorous miration and envy. But there he lay in the fresh portraiture of a celebrated individual, as need be, and approached, like whirling dust; his voice of thunder softened to a moan, and still more so, from its withdrawing the dervishes about to begin their holy waltz, and his almost super-human strength with curtain and exposing the recesses of the rewith measured steps and slow,' and with scarce remains enough to raise his bare and ligious body to which he belonged. It is their arms crossed on their bosoms, to kiss the muscular arm to motion to his friends that they therefore unnecessary for us to go over the hand of the visitor who had come to choose a should leave him. Some of those desperate same ground again; to point out how very daughter-in-law among them. "There they fellows, casting a farewell glance at their chief, like the influence of confessors in the Romish are, by the blessing of the Virgin! and all to went on their way--but a certain affection- church is that possessed by pastors of other be married,' said the mother; and then, as or respect, or awe, which the gigantic man denominations; how tindery and warm the they passed before the low divan, one by one imposed to the last on their barbarous minds, worthy Dr. was in his love affairs; how much dropping their lips on the hands of her who retained a few round the person of their chief, the unction of strong feelings also pervaded had brought a husband for one of them into and after a long shuddering, as he seemed his religious life; and how genuine a picture the world, she repeated the name and quality somewhat to revive, they proposed that he these memoirs presented of human nature of each, in much the style and form that a should rise from the ground, and they would acting under the impressions which constitute horse-jockey or a guinea-man' would use carry him on, in their arms. It is of no avail, the numerous class of our fellow-citizens fain shewing-up a stud to a purchaser. There my friends,' said Noured, opening his eyes, miliarly known by the appellation of "serious was certainly a variety-from mature nine- which were glazed and ghastly, my hour is people." The third volume resembles its preand-twenty to girlish thirteen, and the variety come-I hear the angel of death rustling his cursors-in his private character exhibiting was marked in other things than age. One black wings over my burning head!' Man Doddridge as a most uxorious husband; in his possessed in an eminent degree the accomplish- knows not his destiny until it is accomplished; public duties as a sensible, upright, and really ment of embroidering tobacco-pouches; ano- and while breath remains, there is hope that good man; in both, without cant or hypocrisy. ther was distinguished as a cook and a maker Azrael has not received his warrant. Noured- Having settled at Northampton, and being reof sweetmeats; another made sherbets equal Aghà was in as bad a state as this when he was fused by his great flame, Miss Jennings, (whe

afterwards became the progenitrix of the able and excellent family of the Aikins,) it was not within the scope of his ardent temperament to be without a ""mistress" to court; and his correspondence on quitting the lady alluded to, and addressing himself, as Fidelio, to Miss Maris (under the fond sobriquet of Cordelia), whom he shortly married, is a very entertaining sample of the man, and of the style and manners of his time. We quote a letter

Oct. 2d, 1830.


as possible, and will try if it be not a prac-spects to you, for I have heard my papa and ticable thing to live awhile without thinking mamma talk of you a great many times. They of you. And because I find a peculiar pleasure tell me you are very good, and then I am sure in writing to you, and am soothing my passion you will be very fond of me, and for that reason while attempting to express it, I am resolved I heartily wish you were here, for I am sure I immediately to deny myself that gratification; have need enough of your assistance. I am and though I have a whole page before me, but a new comer into your world; and though which I could easily fill out of the abundance I have not lived quite six weeks in it, I have of my heart, I am determined to break off already met with a great many misfortunes. without any further attempt to describe the Experience tells me that, as Menander expresses zeal and respect with which I am, dearest it, in a fragment preserved by Plutarch, de creature, your most faithful, affectionate, and Tranquillitate Anime, 151 Ti Ovyys Urn was Gos: so that I think Tully was entirely in the right when he said, si daret mihi aliquis "P.S. I hope, madam, you will not be dis-Deus, ut ab hac ætate repuerascem, et in lunis pleased with what you have read, as not being vagiam, valdè recusem.' Tul. de Sen. mihi. doleful enough to express the gloom of a p. 172. Were I, indeed, to write the whole broken heart. The fact is, that I never de- history of my calamities, it would fill more than spair but in the last extremity; and persuade a sheet of royal paper. I must only therefore myself you have too much goodness to delight mention those that are fresh in my memory. in human sacrifices. Let us, I entreat you, Even the other night my mamma was so un. see whether it be not possible to spend our kind that she would not let me suck any longer lives together without ever giving each other than till all the milk was gone, and when I cried and bawled on, my naughty papa lay by and slept, for aught I could find, as soundly as if he had been a bachelor! At length, after much entreaty, the pap was brought to fill up the chink, and then it was so vilely smoked, that I could hardly eat it. I have a thousand things to say, and for that reason am very impatient to learn to talk; and really I thought I had the fairest opportunity in the world to succeed, for Miss Cotton has been here these two days, and now she is going away, to my great grief, semper ego, &c. Juv. I could run on a great while, but my papa is just come into his study, and orders me to be taken away, for fear I should spoil his pen: so they have seized me, and are just going to put me into my cradle-but I will stay till I have given my duty to my uncle, my service to Mrs. Nettleton, and kind love to good Mrs. Mary. I am, madam, your most affectionate, though afflicted niece, and obliged humble servant, ( ).

"The Heron.

A pampered Hern, of lofty mien in state,
Did strut along upon a river's brink;
Charmed with her own majestic air and gait,
She'd scarce vouchsafe to bow her neck for drink!
The glorious planet that revives the earth
Shone with full lustre on the crystal streams,
Which made the wanton fishes, in their mirth,
Roll to the shore, to bask in his bright beams.
Our Hern might now have taken Pike or Carp, .
They seemed to court her by their near access;
But then, forsooth, her stomach not being sharp,
She passed them by, and slighted their address;
'Tis not,' said she, as yet my hour to eat;
My stomach's nice - I must have better meat.'
So they went off, and Tench themselves present;
This sorry fish to affront me sure was sent,'
Cried she, and tossed her beak in high disdain !-
'I ne'er can like a Tench,'- and tossed her beak again!
They passed away, as Pike and Carp had done,
Poor humble Gudgeons then in shoals came on.
And now our Hern began to think of meat,
A handsome Carp she could vouchsafe to eat,
Or taste a Tench, provided it were neat.
She looked about, and only Gudgeons found.
'I hate that nasty fish,' said she, and frowned
Shall I, who Tench, and Pike, and Carp refused,
Be thus, by every little fish abused !--

"To Miss Maris. "Dearest madam,-My absence from North-humble servant, ampton at the beginning of the week prevented my indulging myself in the pleasure of writing to you sooner; yet though I have been absent from home, I have hardly in thought been absent from you. You know, madam, the sincerity of my temper; and perhaps among all your lovers, which, young as you are, I doubt not have been many, you never had one that treated you with less ceremony. But what I want in form I make up in the affection which dictates my words, and will dictate one uneasy thought." my letter. In the honesty of my heart, I But the Doctor's poetry between two fair must tell you that I am surprised at the im-dames-Miss Catherine Freeman, who had pression my last visit has made upon me. It jilted him, and the new object of his idolatry, was, en vérité, so great, that if every future Miss Maris, who had received him favourably, visit is to do as much, till I see you once for is perhaps the most amusing exhibition we can all, it will be my wisdom to see you as seldom select: it is called as possible. I regarded you before with respect as an agreeable stranger, and in a few hours you have made yourself more to me than my most intimate friends; and often when surrounded with them, I languish, because I am not with you. And yet, madam, I have not been insensible to the charms of your sex-but there is now a magic force which amazes me; for you have made a greater advance upon my heart in a few hours, than I intended to have allowed you in as many weeks; indeed, you have possessed yourself of so much room in it, that unless you will consent to be a tenant for life, our parting will be exceedingly troublesome, and it will be a good while before I shall get it into good repair again. If it were possible for a pretty lady to be troublesome, you would certainly be so; and with all my fond prejudices in your favour, I must profess that I have some cause to complain. It is natural enough that your dear idea should pursue me to the study and the chamber; but why must I think of you in public, and imagine there is something_that resembles you in every agreeable woman I see, while I am proud to think that the resemThen from them straight she turned in scornful rage; But quickly after felt her stomach's edge; blance is but faint? My predictions are ac- Swift to the shore she went, in hopes of one; complished sooner than I expected, and I alBut when she came the Gudgeons too were gone. With hunger pressed she sought about for food, ready find so much of my happiness centered But could not find one tenant of the flood. in your arms, that I believe you will find it a At length a SNAIL, upon the bank, she spied; very hard matter to keep me out of them. It Welcome, delicious Bait! rejoiced she cried, And gorged that nauseous thing, for all her pride!"* is impossible for me not to wish that you, madam, might feel some answerable warmth of On the 22d of December, 1730, the Doctor passion; but as it is not to be imagined, so I was made happy in Miss Maris; and their dare not say that upon the whole it is to be affections appear to have flourished with un-pages. desired. For really I think that, in an affair diminished vigour throughout their long and of such importance, it would be best that one exemplary union. The following piece of pleaof us at least should have some exercise of santry may be instanced to shew how much reason. I have sometimes my lucid intervals, the author of the Family Expositor indulged in especially this cold morning, and then I can innocent mirth among his higher pursuits: it hardly persuade myself that such a masterpiece is a letter presumed to be written by his first of nature, so gaily adorned without, and so child, a baby just born. richly furnished within, was ever intended for my possession, though I believe few would more thankfully receive it, or use it with greater tenderness and respect. Yet, in the midst of so much uncertainty, I am sensible it is dangerous to dote upon it too much; and therefore, madam, I have taken up a hearty resolution of applying to my business as closely

A Hern eat Gudgeons!-No, it shan't be said
That I to such poor diet have been bred:
One of my birth eat Gudgeons!-No, thank fate,
My stomach's not so sharply set !'-

"From my little Girl to my Sister.
"Honoured madam,-I am but a little girl,
and so I shall write you but a little letter.
However, I could not forbear paying my re-

• It will be observed that Catharine was then married;
but of what order in society the snail may be considered
an emblem, will be best left to the ingenuity of the

"P.S. I hope you will not be surprised at my Latin and Greek quotations; for I assure you that I understand both these languages quite as well as I do my native English!"

At this busy publishing period we refrain from multiplying quotations; and conclude by repeating, that we have been greatly delighted by the contents of these volumes. Some of the details about settlements in various places, and with various congregations, &c., might have been omitted; but there is a raciness in the whole which must cause the work to be a favourite with all who relish truth and character in productions of the sort. We ought farther to observe, that there are many parts of a graver and more instructive description :death-bed consolations, remarks on education, the discussion of theological questions, notices of eminent literary persons, and other matters, add to the interest with which we peruse these


The Barony. By Miss Anna Maria Porter. 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1830. Longman. WE never think of criticising, in the common acceptation of the term, any work of the Misses Porter: they come with so many pleasant memories of long summer mornings past under some tent-like tree; of long winter evenings, when our grand annoyance was, that the lamp would need trimming just in the midst of some interesting part; of old romantic fancies, and gentler, but not less touching excitement,that even before we open the book, our goodwill is conciliated, and our favour ready. The volumes before us, however, might well stand

the cool air from the water seemed blowing resolution the confidence and the promise of
back from her sated sense the richer breath of success. The misfortunes, the failures, which
what was called the myrtle garden and the would deter weaker minds, are turned into
orangerie-a breath which fancy indeed only instruments of power; and, as difficulties
retained; and she stood now, thinking how multiply around, they but unite more firmly
much fresher, and purer, and exhilarating, was the energies before which they are destined
the clear untinctured air of heaven than when at length to yield. A man of the most ordi-
cumbered unceasingly by accumulations of nary powers, animated by this principle, will
scents meant only for our passing regale. A perform a giant's labours; while without it
solitary swan, white as the dazzling clouds the noblest intellect may expend itself in the
above her head, was alternately plunging under, triflings of a dwarf. Throughout the whole of
and rising from the clear water in the distance. his life, Sir Samuel Romilly was remarkable
A nymph bathing, in a landscape by Claude for the earnest perseverance with which he
Lorraine, naturally followed, in idea, a mo- applied himself to the accomplishment of his
ment's admiration of this single little object; designs. In the various attempts which he
and as Eveleen stood musing, she felt that made to improve the criminal code, his resolu-
Rohesia was beautiful, and might be made a tion was frequently put to the severest test.
home of happiness."
Opposition, neglect, ridicule, and reproach,
conspired to deter him from his great and ex-
cellent purposes; but never, for a moment,
made an impression upon his firm and resolute

In conclusion, we cannot but commend the beautiful and healthy spirit of that best of morality, the morality grounded on religious feeling, which thoroughly pervades these graceful pages: our only excuse for not illustrating which at much greater length, is the difficulty, amounting to an impossibility, of detaching any accommodable portion from the continuous narrative, to afford an idea of its propriety and attractions. It is sufficient to say, that the work does credit even to the high name it bears.

We must also, as a proof of the writer's abilities, give his picture of an English mob.

on their own merits, and we are glad to meet Miss Porter on her old ground of historic romance; the time is that of James II., and the principal characters, as usual, stand out the very beau ideals of fictitious perfection; while the attention is attracted and sustained by a most interesting narrative. In the Barony the heroines are particularly well contrasted; and the descriptions are picturesque, even to poetry: a very sweet picture might be painted from the following. "Never had a day in May been more beautiful than the one now devoted to pastoral pleasure. The breath of actual summer was in the still, glowing air; and its glittering heralds-innumerable butterflies were on the wing, amongst the flowers of the verandah, and the bouquets of oleander and Spanish jasmine which ornamented the marble walk under that verdant roof. A little removed from that, and arranged as if growing there in native beds, were rich groups of exquisite exotics, loading the air with sweetness, even to lusciousness, and dazzling the sight by the brilliancy and variety of their colours. Still "With a confidence in their power which further on, where the moss-green turf sparkled their successes gave them, the rioters did in the sun, as if inlaid with emeralds, stood a not hesitate to announce publicly the parsingle pink thorn, a scarlet chestnut, or a ticular mansions which they had devoted Siberian crab-tree, covered with their carnation to destruction, amongst which was that of blossoms. Under these, little tents were pitched, Lord Mansfield in Bloomsbury Square. His or silken awnings stretched, to protect groups lordship, being aware of the intended attack, of the maskers; or to cover tables, laid out The Cabinet Cyclopædia. Vol. VI.; Eminent despatched a messenger to Sir John Hawwith refreshments, suited in character to the British Lawyers. By Henry Roscoe, Esq. kins, the magistrate, requesting his immediate supposed frequenters of tent, canopy, or hut. Barrister-at-Law. London, 1830. Long-attendance. Sir John, accompanied by a num Seeing a party of hired minstrels advancing man and Co.; J. Taylor. ber of constables, proceeded without delay to towards one of these, Miss Hungerford turned THE subject of this volume is most happily Bloomsbury Square, where he found Lord into a close walk, quite embowered with lilac, chosen; it is one of equal individual attrac-Mansfield in a state of great agitation. The hastening to gain one of the paths where the tion and national interest. The lives of our Archbishop of York, who resided in one of the dressed walks ended. Winding after winding eminent lawyers are an honourable and strik- adjoining houses, was present, and appeared to of this fragrant labyrinth at length brought ing part of our history: usually playing a be more collected. By the advice of Sir John her into one; there she slackened her pace conspicuous political part, they have in most Hawkins, a detachment of military was sent awhile to draw breath; then resumed her pro- instances stood forward as defenders of the for, who soon afterwards arrived. A consultagress, better pleased the further she got from constitution, as the most upright supporters of tion was then held as to the position in which the sounds of the house. Now and then, the laws under which they acted; and their the guards should be placed, when Lord Manshowever, the nimble bound of a squirrel above general incorruptibility is a noble picture of field, notwithstanding the remonstrances of her head, rustling the boughs, or the glance of public virtue. Their private lives are pecu- Hawkins, insisted that they should be stationed his diamond bright eyes as he darted across her liarly attractive and encouraging to an English- in the vestry of St. George's church. The path, stayed her hasty passage, as if to let man, shewing how talent and perseverance commanding officer endeavoured, in vain, to herself be tempted into delicious sleep by the make their own way; for not one of these dissuade him from suffering the troops to leave lulling hum of insects under these deep shades, eminent individuals but could look back and the house; but his lordship was peremptory, and the silvery chirping of grasshoppers through say, "This height of fame and fortune is of and the guards were marched to their station. their high grass. In one part, the trees re- my own raising.' These memoirs reflect great The mob soon afterwards arrived, and in an ceded and opened out a view of a broad se- credit on Mr. Roscoe: we prophesy well of his inconceivably short space of time the walls of questered glade, which, judiciously left to its success at the bar, if he attends to his briefs as the house alone remained standing. The whole own silence and beauty, struck Eveleen with he has done to his biographies, where he has of the library of printed books and MSS., the that sweet surprise with which we see a lovely evidently spared neither pains nor trouble. private papers, the pictures, furniture, and landscape for the first time. This green soli- Perhaps, in a literary point of view, his indus-other valuable effects, were all consumed. In tude terminated in a beautiful sheet of most try is even too conspicuous, and might have order to shew how disinterested was their entransparent water, in which willows, weeping afforded room for more reflection, more discus-thusiasm, a large silver tankard, containing a birch, larches, and pendent wild flowers, glassed sion, more analysis of motive, and more of considerable sum in guineas, was thrown into themselves; and crowding over its extremest original matter. Had we not liked so much the blaze. Sir Nathaniel Wraxall, who was an point, left it doubtful whether the water were what he has done, we had not made these re-eye-witness of the conflagration, has left the a lakelet or a stream. Miss Hungerford lingered marks; but the truth and neatness of the fol- following account of it: I was personally to note the graceful fringes of its miniature lowing observations on Sir S. Romilly will present at many of the most tremendous effects banks and promontories, whence her eye as-justify our wishing that he had contented of the popular fury on the memorable 7th of cended to the nobler groves rising behind. himself less with mere extract. June, the night on which it attained its highest There the silver-shafted beech and oak mixed "Amongst all the qualities which combine point. About nine o'clock on that evening, with the dark-channelled stems of acacias and to form a great and powerful character, there accompanied by three other gentlemen, who, as the porphyry-like trunks of many an ancient is none more strikingly excellent than that well as myself, were alarmed at the accounts yew, spared less for its age than for its effect. constancy of purpose which, through difficul-brought in every moment of the outrages comThe sad olive of this venerable tree contrasted ties and defeats, still presses onward to its ob-mitted, and of the still greater acts of violence admirably with the sunny green of livelier ject. The mind inspired and strengthened by meditated, as soon as darkness should favour foliage. If the lights in this spring-shade were this lofty principle regards every obstacle that and facilitate their further progress, we set out too spangly, the shadows without sufficient would turn it from its settled purpose, not only from Portland Place, in order to view the breadth, and the tone of colour not of depth without dismay, but with exultation, as con- scene. Having got into a hackney coach, we enough to suit a mortal's pencil, the gazer felt ferring additional honour upon the struggle drove to Bloomsbury Square, attracted to that that one great hand can give harmonious which it is so well prepared to sustain. Ma-spot by a rumour generally spread, that Lord results to every discord; and she looked long turely weighing the means which it possesses Mansfield's residence, situate at the north-east on the picture, therefore, without imagining it for the accomplishment of its great designs, it corner, was either already burnt or destined for in summer or autumnal fulness. Meanwhile, finds in the strength of its own unswerving destruction. Hart Street and Great Russell

feet labour." It is impossible for us to give an Or most questionable morality, with the
idea of this machine in a few lines, or without coarsest possible language, and an ill-arranged
the aid of an explanatory plate. We must there- story, we can only wonder how the work ever
fore refer our readers to the pamphlet itself, came to be written or published.
and to a small model of the machine, which, it is
stated, will soon be deposited in the National Fiction without Romance; or, the Locket-
Repository in the King's Mews. There are
certainly few purposes to which machinery could
be applied with greater advantage than to the
more cheap, expeditious, cleanly, and perfect
preparation of an article which, in all civilised
countries, forms so large a portion of the food
of man as bread.

Watch. By Mrs. Maria Pollack. 2 vols.
Printed for the Author. London, 1830.

Street presented each to the view, as we passed, for the much-desired and invaluable purpose of The Fugitives; or, a Trip to Canada. By large fires, composed of furniture taken from making bread, without the disgusting, tedious, Edward Lane. 12mo. pp. 328. London, 1830. the houses of magistrates or other obnoxious defective, and expensive agency of hands and E. Wilson. individuals. Quitting the coach, we crossed the square, and had scarcely got under the wall of Bedford House, when we heard the door of Lord Mansfield's house burst open with violence. In a few minutes, all the contents of the apartments, being precipitated from the windows, were piled up, and wrapt in flames. A file of foot soldiers arriving, drew up near the blazing pile; but without either attempting to quench the fire, or to impede the mob, who were, indeed, far too numerous to admit of their being dispersed, or even intimidated, by a small detachment of infantry. The populace remained masters; while we, after surveying the spectacle for a short time, moved on into Holborn, where Mr. Langdale's dwellinghouse and warehouses afforded a more appalling picture of devastation. They were altogether enveloped in smoke and flame. In front had assembled an immense multitude of both sexes, many of whom were females, and not a few held infants in their arms. All appeared to be, like ourselves, attracted as spectators solely by curiosity, without taking any part in the acts of violence. The kennel of the street

The Athenæum; an Original Literary Miscel
lany. Edited by Students in the University
of Glasgow. 12mo. pp. 242. 1830. Robert-
son and Atkinson, Glasgow; Constable and
Co., Edinburgh; and Hurst, Chance, and
Co., London.

EVIDENTLY the production of one anxious to benefit by the inculcation of excellent principles, the leisure hours of many of our young readers may be much worse employed than in the perusal of these well-meaning pages.

Perkin Warbeck; or, the Court of James IV. of Scotland. By Alexander Campbell. 3 vols. London, 1830. Newman and Co. THE fortunes of that enterprising adventurer, THIS is a various and entertaining little vo-riety of incident to our author, who also gives particularly his stay in Scotland, afford a valume, and does its coterie of young authors some picturesque descriptions of those olden much credit. All we dislike is the title;-times. there is a classical affectation in it, very pardonable, however, in the production of a uni

ran down with spirituous liquors, and numbers versity; though we see no appropriateness in the British Domestic Animals. Edinburgh.

of the populace were already intoxicated with this beverage. So little disposition, however, did they manifest to riot or pillage, that it would have been difficult to conceive who were the authors and perpetrators of such enormous mischief, if we had not distinctly seen at the windows of the house men, who, while the floors and rooms were on fire, calmly tore down the furniture, and threw it into the street, or tossed it into the flames." "1

Our Village. By Mary Russel Mitford. Fourth Series. 8vo. pp. 345. London, 1830. Whittaker and Co.

We welcome Miss Mitford as we would welcome the golden rain-fall of the laburnum; the opening of the thousand small flowers that form the fragrant cluster of the lilac; the first gooseberry tart, that happiest union of sweet and sour; or, as we would welcome violets, cream cheese, &c. ;-in short, we give her the same welcome as we would to all the sweet

signs that tell of present spring and coming summer. This little volume is the fourth of a very delightful series; and it has all the arch humour, the exquisite bits of landscape, the light but true touches of character, that made its predecessors so popular. Yet, as most of the sketches in these pages have already received the tribute of praise and liking, it were but repetition to transfer what is so well known to our columns.

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word Athenæum" as applied to a collection
of modern tales, poetry, and criticism. We
extract, as a specimen, the following very sweet
little poem :-

"Lines written in a Young Lady's Prayer-book.
I ask thee not in that calm hour
When thou dost ope this holy tome,
To own that I had e'er the power
To call thy wandering fancies home;
Nor would I wish thee to forget,
Even when all thoughts of earth grow dim,
The tones that thrilled when first we met-
Deep as devotion's holiest hymn!

It is enough-enough for me-
To think that when thy knee is bent,
Thine eye perchance may turn and see
These traces of a sad content:
For since 'twere almost heaven to kneel
Then, like thee, meekly, at thy side,
It is a bliss, even thus I feel,

To be with thoughts of it allied!

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T. A."

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Memoirs of a Gentlewoman of the Old School.
2 vols. 12mo. London, 1830. Hurst, Chance,

and Co.

TRULY the productions of an elderly lady,—
gossippings of some fifty years ago, to which
affection might listen in a family circle, but
little likely to attract the public.

THIS is a work published under the patronage of several members of the Highland Society of Scotland, describing the breeds of the different domestic animals of that country, with plates, engraved by Lizars, from portraits painted from life by Howe. Part the First relates to "Horses, selected for strength, speed, and other properties, with an account of their pedigree, services, age, &c. ;" and Part the Second to "Cattle, selected from different districts of Scotland, as specimens of the various improved breeds; with remarks from practical farmers and men of science." It is evident that, to the agriculturist especially, a work of this character, exhibiting the improvement in the breeds of various domestic animals, and explaining the causes of those improvements, must, if well executed, be highly interesting and advanbefore us, with reference both to the text and to tageous; and, in our opinion, the publication the illustrations, does great credit to those by whom its various departments have been under

taken. One of the most picturesque and characteristic plates is a portrait of "Duncan," a celebrated Orkney or North Island horse, about twelve hands high, the property of the Right Hon. Charles Hope, lord president of the Court of Session. Duncan is now thirty-three years old, and is, of course, enjoying the otium cum dignitate; but in his youthful days "he was an uncommonly fast trotter, and remarkably safe. His lordship's four sons all rode him in succession; and within these five or six years he carried one of them to Ardgower, a distance of nearly one hundred and forty miles, in less

Weeds and Wild Flowers. By the late Alex-great spirit. It is a curious trait of sagacity,
ander Balfour, author of "Campbell, or the
Scottish Probationer," &c. With a Memoir
of the Author. pp. 280. 1830. D. Lizars,
Edinburgh; Whittaker, London; W. Curry,


THIS volume must be a gratifying memento to
Mr. Balfour's friends: he was an amiable and
intelligent man, whose struggles and progress
are depicted in the interesting Memoir prefixed
to these pages.

than three days. Duncan's performances were not altogether confined to the road; in his more vigorous days he frequently made his appearance in the field with the East Lothian fox-hounds, carrying his youthful riders with that he seemed to know exactly his own duties; none more ready than Duncan to receive a feather-weight, but woe betide the full-grown wight who ventured into the saddle! he would immediately squat, à la kangaroo, in such a manner as to defy the most accomplished horseman to keep his seat." The plates and descriptions of "Bounty," a hunting mare," Meg," a draught mare, and "Canteen," a thoroughbred racer; as well as of a "Fifeshire Bull,"


Paris, May 4.


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"Tees-water and Fife Cows," "an Ayrshire | Roche Rouge and Les Derniers Rochers, had Bull," and "Ayrshire Cows," all convey most all the general appearance of granite; but it valuable information. The Second Part closes seems that accurate examination has confirmed DR. ROBERTS in the chair. The paper which with some "Interesting Observations on the the doubts of De Saussure, and that which Dr. Francis Hawkins read at this assembly Origin of Domestic Cattle, by James Wilson, appears to be mica is found to be talc. This consisted of " Observations on the blood," by Esq., F.R.S.E., &c." fact gave rise to several unexpected and curious Dr. Stevens, of the West Indies. In the conjectures as to the antiquity of these granitic malignant fevers of that climate, Dr. Stevens rocks. M. Brochant, in a learned dissertation had observed that the blood appeared to be on the subject, has come to the conclusion, changed in many respects from that of health; A NEW historical novel, in two volumes, has that there is no true granite in the Mont and the changes which it had undergone were, Blanc; and that its rocks are less ancient than in his opinion, principally these:-it was more just made its appearance here, under the title the real granite formation. The junction of fluid than natural; its colour was blackened; of les Mauvais Garçons. It displays an ani- the real micacious granite with the talcose and the saline matter which it contained was mated, and, according to the French critics, a rock, has not yet been carefully examined; considerably lessened in its quantity. These faithful picture of Paris during the captivity and it is one of those geological observations of observations induced him to perform certain of Francis I. in 1525. At that time the metro-great interest, which may throw additional experiments upon the blood, from which he polis of the grande nation was infested by a light on our views of the formation of granite. conceives that the following results may be tribe of nondescript adventurers, broken gam-Some very interesting specimens of granite deduced:blers, cut-purses, beggars, students, Bohemians, veins from Cornwall were laid on the table; 1st. That the acids, in general, when mixed and other marauders, known under the general but it still remains to be shewn how the granite with the blood, give it a dark colour; 2d, that and characteristic appellation of mauvais gar-peaks assumed their present imposing appear- the pure alkalies have a similar effect, although çons. The archers of the watch, like modern ance: whether the surrounding rocks have not in the same degree; 3d, that the neutral Charlies, frequently participated in the depre- been washed away, which is a hard speculation; salts, on the contrary, give it a bright arterial dations of these midnight plunderers, whose or whether the granitic peaks have been thrown colour, as likewise those salts which contain a war-cry was, Vive Bourgogne! à sac! sac ! Such are the data which have furnished the up in their present form alone, and so the slight excess of alkali; 4th, that the same mass has lost its fluidity before reaching the re-agents are capable also of restoring the materials of a work possessing much local in-surface; or lastly, whether we have yet ac- colour of the dark blood which is taken from cumulated a sufficiently accurate knowledge of the bodies of those who have died of the yellow the facts, to admit of generalising with any fever. Dr. Stevens hence concludes, that the loss of saline matter is the chief cause of the great probability of success. The appearance of vitrified portions of hornblende, on the ex- changes which the blood undergoes in fever; terior of another specimen from the rock above and he affirms that these changes may be the Alléc Blanche, unquestionably indicates prevented by giving saline medicines,—a practice the effect of lightning. A small portion of which he says he has himself pursued in the the same rock, melted by the blow-pipe, West Indies with the happiest effect: the was produced; and it was mentioned, that a mortality of the yellow fever being thereby powerful shock of an electric battery had been greatly diminished. It is his opinion, that far found to form little vitreous globules in the too little attention has of late been paid to the same way. The doctor, in this lecture, made state of the fluids in fever. many remarks on the distance at which Mont Blanc can be seen; and, by undeniable

terest, and some dramatic sketches.

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The dilettanti will scarcely credit the fact, that Mademoiselle Sontag has been-(in what vocabulary shall I find a phrase to soften the appalling intelligence?) that Mlle. Sontag has been absolutely hissed at Berlin. Such, how ever, is the dismal truth. After a series of successful appearances in the characters of Desde mona, Rosina, and Edile, in the comic opera of Jaconde; the divine Sontag was hissed in the part of Anna, in Mozart's Don Juan. And this, too, from a Berlin audience! Horresco referens! The prima donna, little accustomed so such unmelodious sounds, is said to have swooned away at the first intimation of public testimony, it appears that at Largnes the THE anniversary meeting of this Society took displeasure. On her recovery, she again ven-mountain is occasionally visible. The sweep place on Saturday last; Mr. Knight, the Pretured to brave the scarcely appeased fury of the of country taken in by a circle having this sident, in the chair.-A report, or more prostorm; and after singing a quatuor in the se- radius, was shewn, and it appears that the perly, perhaps, a series of observations from the cond act, was so affected by the recollection of distance in a straight line is about as great as council, was read to the meeting: from this the cruel affront, that she again fainted. An- from London to Rouen on one side, to Exeter document it appeared that economy was now other prima donna, who happened to be in the on another, to Hull northwards, and to the to be the standing order; it also stated several theatre, "quite by accident, as a body might mouth of the Scheldt on the east; of course improvements that were to take place: some of say," was obliged to finish the part. this does not prove that these points could be these are so apparent, that it is surprising the seen, unless as much elevated as Largnes itself, Society should have gone on so long, without which stands on a hill. one or other of the numerous fellows pointing The concert season is fast approaching toIn describing the descent, Dr. Clark ap- them out: ex. gr.; the shrubs and curious wards its close. The Parisian dilettanti, unlike peared to think the descriptions given rather flowers in the garden are to be "ticketed" their more tonish London brethren, are not too formidable; and, in alluding to the im-with their respective names, to do away with sufficiently advanced in civilisation to protrude portance of accuracy and truth, spoke very the attendance (and of course expense also) their winter into the dust of June or July, and highly of Mr. Brockedon's views of the Alpine of the boors who heretofore acted as cicerones. in a few weeks the roulades of our drawing-room passes, and exhibited a very pleasing view of Mr. Stapleton raised some objection to Mr. nightingales will be abandoned for the song, au Mont Blanc from Lyons, by this accom- Lindley's salary: he thought it was too large, naturel, of the lark and the linnet. plished artist. The results of barometrical and Mr. Lindley too clever. Council for the Paganini is still at Frankfort, where he calculations of the altitude of Mont Blanc year was next chosen; connected with which, continues to give public concerts. His last were given by the four common methods of the only circumstance worth mentioning is, took place on the 11th ult. A superb medal Robinson, De Luc, Sir G. Shuckburgh, and that a Mr. Bentham was called to Mr. Sabine's of Beethoven is now on sale in Paris. On one Dr. Hutton; and also by the more elaborate quondam situation. Another meeting took side is the head of the celebrated composer, methods of Professor Littrow and Mr. Bailey; place during the week, at which Mr. Stapleton and the mean of these calculations was found resumed his discussion regarding Mr. Lindley's metrical height as given by Baron Zach in remarked, that if these discussions were to be to correspond very nearly with the trigono- salary; but it came to nothing: the President his Correspondance Astronomique, &c.

"Can such things be,

And overcome us like a summer cloud,
Without our special wonder?"

with the words "Louis von Beethoven:" on

the other, a lyre surrounded by the following inscription" Né le 27 Decembre, 1770, Bonn; mort le 26 Mars, 1827."



carried on, he should leave the chair! Mr. Various specimens of the rocks of the Grand Stapleton immediately replied, that he then Mulet were placed on the table, with a collection would move for a dissolution of the Society, and of the plants found in these celebrated re- payment of its debts by subscription. Ultigions. The phyteuma hemisphæricum appears to mately it was arranged, that discussions reDR. EDMUND CLARK gave the conclusion of grow on the very loftiest spots: a pretty little lating to the Society's financial matters should his remarks on the ascent of Mont Blanc. specimen of it in flower was brought down only be allowed after the regular business of Having recapitulated the outlines of his pre-from the Grand Mulet rocks on the 27th of the meeting. vious lecture, as noticed in a former No. of the August, 1825. The meeting was well attended, Literary Gazette, he proceeded to lay before and the lecture excited the most lively atthe meeting samples of all the rocks occur- tention.

ring in the ascent. The specimens from the


THE anniversary meeting of this thriving Society was held on Monday last; the Duke of

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