Imágenes de página


O! Is that Terror fled, indeed, from Earth?
Or sleeps it, blindly gnawing for new birth,

Ready to burst its dark Cimmerian ward,—
That fell Destroying Angel of the Lord?
That Sword of God! which his avenging ire
Swept round whole Europe like a torrent-fire!"
Which seemed as if by Providence designed,
For our dread sin, to decimate Mankind!
Has he, whose wrath came whitening o'er the" Pay we not swingeing Tithes? and Poor-
[grave, Rates ?"-Facts!


Too fierce a Spirit for clay, sunk through the "Behold our Bishops busy"-At St. James!
To Hell's proud gates? and his red-berried" See our Donations!"

"Nay, but Religion, still, is ", Quite the the same character as that of Père la Chaise, but rage! on a much more magnificent scale. This, at "Is not Morale"-The foible of the Age? the same time that it will supersede the ne"Are not our English Ladies most"-Demure? cessity for burying the dead within the me"Who is their pet at parties ?”—Simon Pure. tropolis, will add considerably to the archiWithin her monstrous womb? at Heaven's" When did so many Gifted Brethren" tectural improvements of the north side of this accord, Whine? [fine? great city. "When were so many Bibles"-Bound so We have been favoured with a view of all the "Has not almost each field a Church"-And drawings and plans explanatory of the genetub? [hubbub? ral scheme. It is intended to occupy a site of Did e'er new Preachers"-Make so much 150 acres, about Primrose Hill, to be divided "Swarms not the Land with Sermons"-And into three regions of tombs. The inner region, with Tracts? of 42 acres, to be adorned with several temples, exact copies, and of the same dimensions, of the most celebrated ancient Greek and Roman structures, intended for mausoleums, and to contain monumental memorials of those interred within the catacombs beneath. This region, to be surrounded by a double cloister, opening on the two outward sides to the inner and outer region. The second region to be appropriated to sepulture, and the site to be disposed of in single or family catacombs, and to be adorned with monuments, which will afford a rich and varied display of the architectural and sculptural taste of the British artists. These two regions to be planted and laid out in the modern style of ornamental gardening. The third region to be appropriated to the purposes of general sepulture, upon a plan that will secure the salubrity of the spot, and relieve the respective parishes from the danger and inconvenience of burying in churchyards.* The whole will provide dry and commodious sepulture for all classes, and secure the sanctuary of the grave from violation.

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And the Donors' wreath Names! [I own! Madly resuming, crowned himself as DEATH?" Missions dispersed That should disperse, Whether to Heaven, or his skull-structured" And the vile Slave-Trade driven no more"throne, In Blacks alone!

Or to Cerberean slumber, he is gone!
Sin, Sickness, Want. Destruction's menial
Murder (both car- and cart-borne!) still re-
But he, the Appaller of all Hearts, is fled,
And even his Mime of Muscovy is dead!
Religion now begins to breathe from prayer,
Nor wearies Heaven to make good men its care;
Humility starts up, and wipes her knees;
While, pick-tooth, Adoration stands at ease;
No earnest dowagers on hassocks moan,
No politicians in pew-corners groan,
With pious imprecations on the Gaul
Sighed in at each Amen; that bolts would fall,
In mercy, on the French, and blast them all!
Britain is safe; thanks to our gallant Fleet,
Boulogne's flat-bottom boats dared never meet!
Nay, by St. George ! we the invaders were,—
With half barbarian Europe in our rear!
For each impertinent thou threaten'dst then,
Have we not since repaid thee, France! with ten?
Prigs for thy Savans, Squires for thy Chasseurs,
And for thy gens-d'armes, downright English

Find'st thou not, that beef-witted Britons are
As pestilent, at least, in peace as war?
Though gilt their horns, our Bulls are fatal still,
And, true to nature, with the head they kill.
"But yet, my Friend! excuse me if I say,
In times of peril, 'tis no harm to pray;
Even on ship-board, hopes of safety past,
The Chaplain pipes all hands to prayers at last."
I'faith on shore too, we have "hands" enough
Anxiously raised to Heaven,-and the ruff!
Clasped, or to forehead pressed-if very white,
Or the rich finger cast a diamond-light !—
Proceed: I grant the Tar, when fates control,
Damning his eyes, prepares to save his soul;
Wars are foul weather, churches often wrecks,
What then?

Prithee forgive this Hotspur mood of mine,
But passion fires, at times, the soft divine;
Indignant scorn confest I feel, to see
That Sovereign Sin, that hag Hypocrisy,
So dupe the witless World, and simple thee!


Proposed Grand National Cemetery. THE best efforts of scientific ingenuity and public spirit appear to be now in full operation for the architectural improvement of the British metropolis. This is as it should be. The metropolis of Scotland has long been designated "the Modern Athens ;" and justly has it ob- It is not possible, in this brief sketch, to tained that high distinction, from the classic notice all the advantages proposed by the structures which adorn that intellectual city. scheme; and we can only add, that the plan, Englishmen, it may be presumed, cannot generally, abounds in architectural grandeur behold with indifference the architectural im-and taste. It is proposed to accomplish the provements which have lately been made in project by raising a fund of 400,000l. in London and Westminster. Every thing tend-16,000 shares, at 25. each; and to form a ing to augment the splendour of the metropolis society for its management, under the direcof that kingdom on which all nations look with tion of a certain number of noblemen, who are veneration and respect, would, it should seem, to appoint governors, trustees, treasurers, &c. be regarded by its inhabitants with feelings From the statistical arrangements of the probecoming the occasion; yet such a considera- (jectors, it appears that they expect a vast retion has not, until of late, been cherished but venue to accrue from the disposal of the cataby the enlightened few; the far greater part combs, and to produce a large and constantly of its vast population having bestowed scarcely increasing interest to the subscribers. a thought upon the subject.

The drawings of the general effect of the This must appear the more strange, when it site, the elevations, ground plans of temples, is considered, that the corporate bodies, sup- &c. which are very numerous, admirably exeported by the public spirit of the inhabitants of cuted, and sufficiently explanatory, will, it so many provincial cities and great towns, in appears, be shortly submitted to the public.† various parts of the kingdom, particularly in The whole is designed by Mr. Goodwin, arthe northern districts, have manifested so en-chitect of several of the national churches and lightened a spirit for architectural improve- other public structures. ment. The superb buildings erected at Liver- It remains to be ascertained, whether the pool, Manchester, Bristol, and other places, do honour to the taste of their inhabitants; whilst, in the metropolis, very few public works have been produced, whether under the auspices of [race! the state, or the direction of the corporation, that are commensurate with the wealth, or worthy of the taste of the British capital.

"Why, therefore, bend no contrite necks, When for the brood of crimes our Nation bred Heaven's scourge hung, blood-bedropt, above its head ?"

Wherefore, indeed, not bend? A stiff-necked
In whom that spirit of the soil you trace
Which makes their stubborn oak defy the storm
Till double-bolted lightning rack its form,
And whirlwinds crush it prostrate!-Were our

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heads of the church, the parochial clergy, and the public feelings or prejudices, are to be enlisted on behalf of this speculation, which has many good points to recommend it, and many obstacles to surmount; for all which, however, Mr. Goodwin has, as far as we could ascertain by inquiry, ingenious explanations and answers



Roused at length from that apathy which so to offer. long continued a stigma upon the metropolitan taste, we now hear of newly projected spacious streets and squares, new markets, and splendid plans of structures for scientific institutions; MERCANDANTE's chef-d'œuvre, Elisa e Clauall of which, their utility once admitted, readily dio, has been the novelty of the week. On obtain ample support, and vigorously proceed towards completion.

Amongst the most prominent ingenious schemes of the day, we have to notice one, which, for architectural splendour, surpasses aught we have yet seen or heard of. It is a scheme for a National Cemetery, somewhat of

The necessity for burying annually upwards of 30,000 bodies in the churchyards of the metropolis cannot inhabitants, particularly in closely-built and very pobut be fraught with danger and inconvenience to the pulous districts.

enabled to embellish our columns with a wood engraving, Next week, or the week following, we trust to be illustrative of this extraordinary undertaking


Saturday, the first night of its representation, the house was crowded; and on Tuesday it was more fashionably attended than we have before seen it this season.

receipts of the different Paris theatres during Paris Theatres.-The following were the the month of February :—

Comic Opera..

Théâtre de Madame ....
Porte St. Martin
French Opera


Théâtre Français.

Ambigu Comique
Olympic Circus
Italian Theatre

78,908 fr.













Marseilles Lazaretto, has made a number of experiments, from which he concludes that the Coffee. It appears from some parlia-vaccine eruption had no other origin than the Some eight years since, this opera had a country has increased considerably during the of man to the udder of a cow, and its consementary returns, that the use of coffee in this accidental transmission of the variolous virus considerable run at Milan; Belloc, Schira, last few years. A still more striking increase quent mitigation. Degrecis, Lablache, Donzelli, and other artists is manifested in the Netherlands. The quan- covery will diminish the number of the oppoHe thinks that this disof eminence, contributed much to its success; tity of coffee consumed there annually is nents of vaccination; as it will shew that the and though the maestro has taken many ideas 29,500,000lbs., of which seventeen millions are vaccine virus does not proceed from any impure from the Cenerentola of Rossini, and borrowed used in the southern provinces. largely, particularly in the buffo parts, from sumption averages above 5lbs. a-head. The con- and disgusting animal malady, but is simply a the Matrimonio Segreto of Cimarosa, yet, we mild and local small-pox. think, were the characters of the piece more fifty daily newspapers in the United States, Newspapers in America.-There are now equally cast, the opera would be better relished two-thirds of which are supposed to be yielding by a London audience. Neither Castelli nor fair profits. Specchi can afford the support necessarily required to give effect to some of the really pretty ago in the papers, that a person had arrived from The Cow-tree. It was stated a short while concerted pieces in this opera. Of the entire Colombia, bringing with him some specimens distribution of the parts, there are only three of this curious tree. who can do justice to the author; and the American paper, that a bottle of the juice, and We now find, by an whole weight of the performance falls on Blasis, a piece of the bark, have been received at the Donzelli, and Santini; - Castelli, Specchi, Harvard University from Mr. Litchfield, the D'Angeli, Devile, and Ambrogi, should indis-American consul at Puerto Cabello. This milk putably take their leave of the London boards. was taken from a tree about seven feet in cirAmbrogi might be tolerated, were he any thing cumference, and one hundred and forty feet in of a musician; but he is a wretched timist, height. It is white, and bears a close resemand, whether in solos or concerted pieces, is blance to cow's milk, or rather cream. By always astray with the orchestra. The acting and singing (we are emphatic drying it is changed into wax, which burns exposure to the air it becomes brown, and by on the former) of Blasis saved the piece. duet with Santini, in the second act, we con- taste of the milk are like those of our sour Her with a pure and strong light. The odour and sider (and we are convinced the musical world | cream. will support us in our opinion) to have been one described the cow-tree; the milk flows from Humboldt and other travellers have of the best morceaux heard within the walls of incisions made in the trunk. The natives and Artesian Wells.-M. Raphael Garrette, a the King's Theatre for many a day. The solo negroes go to the trees in the morning and merchant of Madrid, has proposed to the Spaprego per me—ma i figli," was fill vessels; some drink the milk under the nish government to form a company to estadelivered by Blasis with a touching pathos tree, and others carry it to their children.blish Artesian wells for the irrigation of the that called down the plaudits of the whole The trees near the road are full of incisions country, and the supply of water to the towns. house, the duet was unanimously encored on made by travellers, who appease their hunger According to his statement, few of the towns in both nights. We were glad to perceive on and thirst with the milk. Tuesday that Santini had washed his face; Spain, including Madrid, have a supply of for on Saturday evening no coal-porter's was really necessary. more than two-thirds of the quantity of water more besmeared. Would that we could congratulate him upon his change of attire! An Italian count should not assume the garb, or rather the livery, of a London lord mayor's

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alluding to the extraordinary severity of the Vesuvius.-Private accounts from Naples, late winter in that part of Italy, mention, that Corn in France. It is stated in a recent Mount Vesuvius was covered with snow for French work on the comparative quantity of ten days, -a most unusual occurrence, and corn produced in France and in this country, that during the whole of the period, the column that by dividing France into three portions, of smoke from its crater, which usually serves each a little larger than England and Wales, the Neapolitans as a weathercock, had entirely it will be found that one of these portions ON Wednesday, the sublime oratorio of the heard from the mountain. The Barrache del quantity, and the other a third more. ceased to issue; while not an explosion was produces less by one half, the second an equal Messiah supplied the true lovers of sacred Carmine and the Convent of Sta. Theresa music with a sterling treat, which was enhanced were both struck with lightning about the same by the circumstance of the whole being pro- time; but the electric fluid appears to have duced by native talent. Miss Paton (who is been so weakened, that no damage was done in certainly in finer voice than ever) and Phillips either case. were most effective; and Miss Bruce, Messrs. Atkinson, Bennett, Goulden, J. O. Atkins, among archæologists with respect to the exact Quentovic.- Much doubt has long prevailed and J. Smith, ably supported them. On the position of the ancient port of Quentovicus, or preceding Friday, Miss Edgard, a pupil of Quentovic; which was sacked and destroyed M. Sola's, made a favourable début, though by the Normans, in the year 822 or 824. evidently under the dominion of excessive ap- The result of inquiries into the subject, comprehension. She has, nevertheless, a fine con- municated to the French Academy by M. tralto, and runs the gamut well; so that an air from La Donna del Lago gave us a very favourable opinion of her capabilities.

Boacher, of Abbeville, seems to prove that it
was situated at the mouth of the Canche, a
river of France, in the department of the Pas-
near Etaples.
de-Calais, which falls into the English Channel

AMONG Our Lenten entertainments we ought to notice Lectures on Astronomy at Willis's Rivers. In order, if possible, to anticipate Rooms, on Wednesday and Friday evenings, by and be prepared for the evils which frequently the intelligent correspondent of our Gazette, arise from the Neva's overflowing its banks, Mr. Adams, whose weekly meteorological re- Colonel Raucourt, a Russian officer, has been ports have been long contributed to our sci- making a number of curious experiments with entific columns. His apparatus is most im-two instruments of his invention; the one posing and splendid; including a zodiac fifty called a hydrotachymeter, by which he ascerfeet in circumference, the mundane system tains the swiftness of the current of a river,explained by transparent machinery, and a the other a hydrosynometer, by which he ascermagnificent vertical orrery. Nor are the lec-tains the pressure of water at different depths. turer's able explanations less worthy of public The result of these experiments has been compatronage: such lessons can never be forgotten municated to the Académie des Sciences. by young or old. Vaccination.-M. Robert, a physician at the

des Sciences Agricoles quotes from the Gaceta Atmospheric Phenomenon. The Bulletin de Boyona a curious account of the destruction of the vines at Villanueva del Campo, in Spain, in September last, and of a strange atmospheric of September, at half-past four o'clock in the phenomenon which preceded it. On the 20th afternoon, before which time the atmosphere was perfectly serene, the sun was suddenly obscured by a white cloud, and in a short time afterwards there were perceived round the sun two concentric circles, exhibiting all the colours of the rainbow. At the end of six minutes they disappeared; and in the evening a cold came on as severe as is usually felt in January. The vines were frozen, and the leaves and stems had the appearance of having been burnt.

To keep Cabbages fresh. When the cabbages are cut, leave about two or three inches of the stalk, the pith of which is to be hollowed out, taking care not to cut or bruise the rind; tie the cabbages up by their stalks, and then fill the hollow with water. By repeating this daily, they may be kept for several months.-Bulletin Universel.

Literal Despatch from the late George Canning to Sir
Charles Bagot, Ambassador at the Hague.

IN matters of commerce, the fault of the Dutch
Is giving too little, and asking too much;
With equalised duties the French are content,
So we'll clap on Dutch bottoms full fifteen per cent.

WANTED, in a long-established Finishing MAJOR-GENERAL STEWART, late

LITERARY NOVELTIES. School, a Young Lady whose prospects in life chiefly A few Copies of the Portrait [Literary Gazette Weekly Advertisement, No. XII. March 20, 1830.] depend on her Education being completed under eminent Lon- of the late Major-General David Stewart, of Garth, Author of PUBLISHING. don Masters, of whose Lessons she will have the same advantage "Sketches of the Highlanders;" engraved by S. W. Reynolds, Mr. Macfarlane, who is so favourably known to the as the regular Pupils placed on the highest Terms, and no differ- from a painting in the full Highland Costume, by James M. ence whatever will be made in their Treatment and Tuition. At Scrymgeour; may still be had of Moon, Boys, and Graves, public by his work on Turkey, has just, we hear, com- the end of her Term, if mutually agreeable, she can remain to Printsellers to the King, 6, Pall Mall, London; and Mac Lachlan pleted a tale, entitled, The Armenians; the scene of assist in the Concern; or such an Appointment will be obtained nad Stewart, Edinburgh. Size of the Plate, 18 inches by 28 high. which is laid on the banks of the Bosphorus. From the for her, as a Private Governess, as her Friends shall approve. Prints, 17. 15., Proofs, 17. 11s. 6d. author's residence in these parts, we hope for charac- The first References can be offered; and the Premium will deteristic illustrations of Armenian and Turkish life.-pend on the time required, &c. The first volume of a Treatise on Optics; containing the Address C. G., Mr. Souter's, Bookseller, St. Paul's Churchyard, theory of impolarised light; by the Rev. Humphrey Lloyd, A.M.-A Transcript from a curious Manuscript, discovered under the foundations of the ancient Manor House at Abbots Leigh, Somerset; to be called, the Royal Book, or Oracle of Dreams.

LIST OF NEW BOOKS. Dobell's Travels in Kamtschatka, 2 vols. 8vo. 17. 18. bds-Gertrude, a Tale of the Sixteenth Century, 2 vols. post 8vo. 1. 18. bds. Phillips' Valence the Dreamer, 12mo. 5e. bds.-Descent into Hell, a Poem, 8vo. 78. 6d. bds-Matthias' Conversations on Geography, 2 vols. 18mo. 58. hf.-bd.-Acaster's Remedies for the Church in Danger, 8vo. 4. 6d. bds.-Stevens' Comments, Vol. XVII. 8vo. 108. bds-Brady's Executor's Account Book, 4to. 128. bds.Fry's Listener, 2 vols. 12mo. 128. bds.-Merlet's French Grammar, 12mo. 10s. bds.; Synopsis of French Grammar, 12mo. 2s. 6d. cloth.-Coventry's Revenues of the Church, 8vo. 68. bds.-Essays on the Lives of Cowper, Newton, and Heber, 8vo. 108. bds.-Hind's Three Tem



will deliver, at the School of Anatomy, Little Dean Street, Soho,
a Course of Lectures and Practical Instructions illustrative of the
principal Operations of Surgery; in which, in addition to the
Practical Demonstration and Explanation of each Operation by
the Teacher, the Students will be carefully superintended in their
own performances of the various Operations. An Explanation of
the advantages of this mode of instruction, in which the difficul-
ties experienced by the Students are obviated as they occur, and
also a Series of Surgical Operations, thus performed, will be found
in the volume of "Lectures on Practical and Medical Surgery,"
by Mr. Alepck, just published by Burgess and Hill.

The Introductory Lecture will be delivered on Monday the
22d of March, at half-past Four in the Afternoon.
Particulars on application to Mr. Alcock, 11, New Burlington
Street, between the Hours of Ten and Twelve A. M.

New edition of



Charles E. Horn, and G. Kiallmark.

The Words

selected, by permission of Mr. Murray, from Moore's
Life of Lord Byron. The Music composed by Dr. John Clarke,
Friendship is Love.
Hills of Annesley. 2s.
Memory. 28.


Those Flaxen Locks. 2s.
Young Oak. 28.
Young Friendship. 2s.
Sacred Songs.

Father of Light. 2s.
Forget this World. 28.

ples, 8vo. 55. 6d. bds.—Morehead's Dialogues on Religion, IRELAND ILLUSTRATED; in a Series To

12mo. &. bds.-Bannister's Humane Policy, 8vo. 14s. bds. -Hall on the Sea and Shores of the Realm, royal 8vo. 12. bds.- Porson's Devil's Walk, 12mo. 18. sewed. — Walsh's Brazil in 1828 and 1829, 2 vols. 8vo. 17. 14s. cloth. -Bland's Philosophical Problems, 8vo. 108. 6d. bds.Andrew's Sermons on Prayer, 8vo. 98. bds.-Addison on Females, 8vo. 58. bds.-Fate on Hysteria, 8vo. 58. bds.

[blocks in formation]

of Original Views of its splendid Public Buildings, Pictu-
resque Scenery, Seats and Mansions, and Antiquities. From
Drawings taken expressly for this Work, by George Petrie, R.H.A.
and W. H. Bartlett. Engraved in the Line Manner by eminent
price 15.; Proofs on India paper, 28. per Number. Parts, con-
Published in Numbers, demy 4to. each containing Four Views,
taining Four Numbers, 45.; Proofs on India paper, 8s.
N.B. Agents wanted in the principal Towns of Ireland: apply
to Fisher and Co.
Contents of the Numbers published :—
No. I.
No. VI.


Vignette-Howth Light-house, Lying-in Hospital and Rotunda,
from the Needles.
Dublin, from Phoenix Park.
Great Court Yard, Dublin Castle.
Curaghmore, Co. Waterford.
29.82 Lismore Castle, ditto.



Saturday 13


29.60 to 29.84
55. 30.02
51. 30.10



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Monday 15

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Tuesday 16

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Wednesday 17

Wind S.W. Except the 13th, 14th, and 16th, generally cloudy; a little rain on the mornings of the 15th and 17th; not sufficient to be measurable in the pluviameter. Edmonton. CHARLES H. ADAMS.

Latitude 51° 37′ 32" N.

Longitude... 0 3 51 W. of Greenwich.

TO CORRESPONDENTS. We are very much obliged to C. S. T. His communication shall be immediately inserted, and his future correspondence will be most acceptable.

Mr. Chevalier's letter, explaining a slight inaccuracy of expression in our Gazette of the 27th ulto (and copied into the Medical Gazette), respecting his paper, read at the Royal Society, on the Anatomy of the Ear, is too long for admission. We are not inclined to question his statement that his discoveries are not hypothetical, but demonstrable.

The Condor!-We believe the condor, the dimensions of which were stated in our Review of Temple's Peru last week, was not intended for the prodigious bird shot by the author, but a still more prodigious monster, an account of which he noted from native report.

ERRATA. — In our last, under the Royal Institution, we mentioned an excellent microscope, on the principle recommended by the late Dr. Wollaston, as having been made by Captain Grover: in the latter particular we were in error, as we are informed that it was constructed by Mr. Cary.-Page 180, col. 1, line 13, for "colleagues" read "colleague."-In the list of hard winters in our last, for lowest of thermometer in 1794-5, read 1°, instead of l'.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Cloth Mart, &c. &c. Usher's
Quay, Dublin.
Royal Exchange, Dublin.
Jenkinstown Castle, Co. Kil-

Castle Howel, ditto.

[blocks in formation]


highly romantic scenery, in the plates which embellish these
"There is much architectural magnificence and beauty, with
Numbers."-Literary Gazette.

work of art justly entitle it to be; it is sold, too, at a price that
"We hope it may become as widely known as its merits as a
places it within the reach of all. Four views of the most inte-
resting scenes in our beautiful country, or of its cities, towns, and
remarkable buildings, with letter-press descriptions, cost but a
shilling, though formerly they could hardly have been procured
for six times that sum. We have devoted rather a larger space to

this notice than we had intended; but as it may be truly called a
national work, we trust that an account of it will be acceptable to
our readers, and induce such as have not yet seen it to look at its
embellishments."-Dublin Literary Gazette.

"The spirited proprietors, Messrs. Fisher, Son, and Co. of
London, who have got up this truly elegant production at an im-
mense expense, deserve the patronage and support of a discerning
public; the work, indeed, requires only to be known to ensure it
an extensive circulation."-Belfast Guardian.
London: Fisher, Son, and Co. Newgate Street; Ackermann,
Strand; and Colnaghi and Co. Pall Mall East.


Just published,
Price 12. medium; 16. imperial 4to.; or India paper proofs,
Title and Ten Plates.

with an embellished Wrapper, and containing a Vignette

Pomsbury; and to be had also of J. Taylor, High Holborn
Priestley and Weale, High Street, Bloomsbury; and Jennings and
Chaplin, Cheapside.

Published by A. Pugin, at his Office, 105, Great Russell Street,

In the Second Part, which will complete the Work, will be given, besides the same number of Plates, descriptive Letterpress, consisting of brief Notices of the Buildings represented. Although undertaken as an accompaniment to the Examples, these Views are to be considered as a separate Work; and from the picturesque character of the subjects, and their interest as Topographical Illustrations, may be acceptable to many amateurs and collectors who do not wish to possess the above-mentioned publication.

Published by J. Power, 34, Strand.

MUSICAL FAMILIES. Board and Lodging wanted by a Lady, in a small private Family, where there are no other Boarders, and where the study of Music is cultivated; that amusement, and pleasant society, being the principal objects of the Advertiser. A separate Sitting Room will be required-and the neighbourhood of the Regent's Park would be preferred. Proper References will be given and expected.

Letters, stating full Particulars, and the lowest Terms, are requested to be addressed, post-paid, to A. Z. Court Journal Office, No. 19, Catherine Street, Strand.


Works by the Author of Pelham.


By the Author of "Pelham," and the "Disowned." Second edition, in 3 vols. post 8vo. "A first-rate novel, the production of a first-rate mind.”—Literary Gazette.

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[blocks in formation]

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[blocks in formation]

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[blocks in formation]

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A Synopsis of the British Flora, arranged

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Conversations on Botany, with 21 Engrav

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EURIPIDIS TRAGEDIÆ priores quatuor. Champion of the North, and challenge him to the contest in his

Ad Edem Manuscriptorum einendatæ et brevibus notis
emendationum potissimum rationes reddentibus instructa.
Græcarum literarum apud Cantabrigienses olim Professor
Regius Recensuit suasque notulas subjecit
Collegi SS. Trinitatis Socius et Græcarum literarum
Professor Regius.
Cantabrigin: Veneunt apud J. et J. J. Deighton; et C., J., G.,
*. Rivington: Longman et Sec.; G. Ginger; E. Williams,
Bids et Cradock; Whittaker et Soc.; Black et Soc.; Simpkin
Marshall; Cowie et Soc.; et S. Walker, Londini.
Of whom may be bad,

Eschyli Tragedia Septem. Cum Fragmentis
Indic bas. Recensust suasque Notulas adjecit J. Scholefield,

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GRAPHY; with Remarks on the Physical Peculiarities, Productions, Commerce, and Government of the various Countries; Questions for Examination at the End of each Division; and Descriptive Tables, in which are given the Pronunciation, and a concise Account of every Place of Importance throughout the Globe. By the Rev. ALEX. STEWART, Author of " the History of Scotland," &c. The general approbation with which this Work has been received has encouraged the Author and the Publishers to use every exertion to render this new edition still more deserving of preterence. The whole Work has been revised with the most anxious attention; and has received so many improvements, that in arrangement, in accuracy, in condensation, and in extent of information, it now forms the most complete, as well as the cheapest, elementary System of Geography, of a similar size, that ever issued from the press. Printed for Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh; and Simpkin and Marshall, London. Of whom may also be had,

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