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tree to tree, and from rock to rock, over dens of rattle-snakes, to the fummit, which entirely commands the works of Ticonderoga. This circumstance must ever be confidered as a full juftification of General Sinclair's fudden retreat with the American army, and the observation which he made on his trial, in his own defence, that "though he had lost a post, he had saved a State," was afterwards verified.

Crown-Point is fifteen miles north of Ticonderoga on lake Champlain. The fort at this place, in which a British garrifon was always kept, from the reduction of Canada till the American Revolution, was the most regular, and the most expensive of any ever constructed and fupported by the British government in North-America. The walls are of wood and earth, about fixteen feet high, and twenty feet thick, and nearly one hundred and fifty yards fquare, furrounded by a deep and broad ditch cut through a fold rock. It stands on a rifing ground, perhaps two hundred yards from the lake, with which there was a covered way, by which the garrifon could be fupplied with water in time of a fiege. The only gate opens on the north towards the lake, where there was a draw-bridge. On the right and left, as you enter the fort, are a row of stone barracks, not inelegantly built, fufficient to contain fifteen hundred or two thousand troops; the parade is between them, and is a flat smooth rock. There were feveral out-works, which are now in ruins, as is the principal fort, except the walls, and the walls of the barracks, which still remain.


The body of the fix nations inhabit the western parts of this State, The principal part of the Mohawk tribe refide on Grand river, in Upper Canada; and there are two villages of Senecas on the Allegany river, near the north line of Pennfylvania, and a few Delawares and Skawaghkees, on Buffaloe creek. Including thefe, and the Stockbridge and Mohegan Indians, who have migrated and settled in the vicinity of Oneida, there are, in the fix nations, according to an accurate estimate lately made by the Rev. Mr. Kirkland, miffionary among them, fix thoufand three hundred and thirty fouls. He adds, that among thefe there is comparatively but *very few children.

The following extract of a letter from Mr. Kirkland, will give the reader an idea of the characters, which, according to Indian tradition, are excluded from the happy country: "The region


of Pure Spirits, the five nations call Efkanane. The only characters which, according to their traditions, cannot be admitted to participate of the pleasures and delights of this happy country, are reduced to three, viz. fuicides; the difobedient to the counfels of the chiefs; and fuch as put away their wives on account of pregnancy. According to their tradition, there is a gloomy, fathomless gulph, near the borders of the delightful manfions of Elkanane, over which all good and brave spirits pafs with fafety, under the conduct of a faithful and skilful guide appointed for that purpose; but when a fuicide, or any of the above-mentioned characters, approach this gulph, the conductor, who possesses a most penetrating eye, inftantly discovers their fpiritual features and character, and denies them his aid, afLigning his reasons. They will, however, attempt to cross upon a fmall pole, which, before they reach the middle, trembles and shakes, till presently down they fall with-horrid fhrieks. In this dark and dreary gulph, they suppose refides a great dog, some say a dragon, infected with the itch, which makes him perpetually reftlefs and fpiteful. The guilty inhabitants of this miferable region, all catch this disease of the great dog, and grope and roam from fide to fide of their gloomy manfion in perpetual torments. Sometimes they approach fo near the happy fields of Efkanane, that they can hear the fongs and dances of their former companions. This only serves to increase their torments, as they can discern no light, nor difcover any paffage by which they can gain accefs to them. They suppose ideots and dogs go into the fame gulph, but have a more comfortable apartment, where they enjoy fome little light." Mr. Kirkland adds, that feveral other nations of Indians with whom he has converfed on the fubject, have nearly the fame traditionary notions of a future ftate. They almoft univerfally agree in this that the departed fpirit is ten days in its paffage to their happy elyfium, after it leaves the body; fome of them fuppofe its course is towards the fouth; others that it afcends from fome lofty mountain.

The Oneidas inhabit on Oneida creek, twenty one miles west of Fort Stanwix.

The Tufcaroras migrated from North-Carolina and the frontiers of Virginia, and were adopted by the Oneidas, with whom they have ever fince lived. They were originally of the fame nation.

The Senecas inhabit the Chencffee river, at the Cheneffee castle. They have two towns of fixty or feventy fouls each, on French


creek, in Pennsylvania; and another town on Buffaloe creek, áta tached to the British; two small towns on Allegany river, attached to the Americans. Obeil, or Cornplanter, one of the Seneca chiefs, refided here.

The Mohawks were acknowledged by the other tribes, to ufe their own expreffions, to be "the true old heads of the confederacy;" and were, formerly, a powerful tribe, inhabiting on the Mohawk river. As they were strongly attached to the Johnson family on account of Sir William Johnfon, they emigrated to Canada, with Sir John Johnfon, about the year 1776. There is now only one family of them in the State, and they live about a mile from Fort Hunter. The father of this family was drowned in the winter of 1788.

All the confederated tribes, except the Oneidas and Tufcaroras, fided with the British in the late war, and fought against the Americans.

The Onondagas live near the Onondaga lake, about twenty-five miles from the Oneida lake. In the fpring of 1779, a regiment of men were fent from Albany, by General J. Clinton, againft the Onondagas. This regiment furprifed their town, took thirty-three prifoners, killed twelve or fourteen, and returned without the lofs of a man. A party of the Indians were at this time ravaging the Ame

rican frontiers.

There are very few of the Delaware tribe in this State.

The Five Confederated Nations were fettled along the banks of the Sufquehannah, and in the adjacent country, until the year 1779, when General Sullivan, with an army of four thousand men, drove them from their country to Niagara, but could not bring them to action. They waited, but waited in vain, for the affistance of the elements, or, as they expreffed themselves, for the affiftance of the Great Spirit. Had heavy rains fallen while General Sullivan's army was advanced into, their country, perhaps few of his foldiers would have efcaped, and none of their baggage, ammunition, or artillery. This expedition had a good effect. General Sullivan burnt several of their towns and destroyed their provifions. Since this irruption into their country, their former habitations have been mostly deferted, and many of them have gone to Canada.

On the 13th of November, 1787, John Livingston, Efq. and four others, obtained of the Six Nations of Indians a leafe for nine hun

dred and ninety-nine years, on a yearly rent referved of two thousand dollars, of all the country included in the following limits,

viz. Beginning at a place commonly known by the name of Canada creek, about feven miles weft of Fort Stanwix, now Fort Schuyler, thence north-eaftwardly to the line of the province of Quebec; thence along the faid line to the Pennsylvania line; thence east on the faid line, Pennsylvania line, to the line of property, so called by the State of New-York; thence along the faid line of property to Canada creek aforefaid. And on the 18th of January, 1788, the fame perfons obtained a lease of the Oneida Indians for nine hundred and ninety-nine years, on a rent reserved for the first year, of twelve hundred dollars, and increasing at the rate of one hundred dollars a year, until it amounts to one thousand five hundred dollars, of all the tract of land commonly called the Oneida country, except a refervation of feveral tracts specified in the leafe. But these leafes having been obtained without the consent of the legiflature of the State, the Senate and Affembly, in their feffion, March 1788, refolved, “That the said leafes are purchases of lands, and therefore, that by the conftitution of this State, the said leases are not binding on the said Indians, and are not valid." Since this a treaty has been concluded with the faid Indians, the bargain of the leafes annulled, and all the country purchased of the natives, except a reservation to the Oneidas, Cayugas, and Onondagas, defmed by cer

tain marks and boundaries.




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THIS State is fituated between 39° and 41° 24′ north latitude,

and the greatest part of it lies between the meridian of Philadelphia, and 1o eaft longitude. It is one hundred and fixty miles long, and fifty-two broad; and is bounded eaft, by Hudfon river and the fea; fouth, by the fea; weft, by Delaware bay and river, which divide it from the States of Delaware and Pennfylvania; north, by a line drawn from the mouth of Mahakkamak river, in latitude 41o 24 to a point on Hudson river in latitude 41°. Containing about eight thousand three hundred and twenty fquare miles, equal to five million three hundred and twenty-four thoufand eight hundred



The counties of Suffex, Morris, and the northern part of Bergen, are mountainous. The South mountain, which is one ridge of the great Allegany range, croffes this State in about latitude 41°. This mountain embosoms fuch amazing quantities of iron ore, that it may not improperly be called the Iron Mountain. The Kittatinny ridge paffes through this State north of the South mountain. Several fpurs from these mountains are projected in a fouthern direction. One paffes between Springfield and Chatham; another runs weft of it, by Morristown, Bafkinridge, and Vealtown. The interior country is, in general, agreeably variegated with hills and vallies. The fouthern counties which lie along the fea coaft, are pretty uniformly flat and fandy. The noted Highlands of Navefink, and Center hill, are almoft the only hills within the distance of many miles from the fea coaft. The Highlands of Navefink are on the fea coast near Sandy-Hook, in the township of Middleton, and are


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