PRICES OF SHARES in NAVIGABLE CANALS, DOCKS, BRIDGES, ROADS, WATER WORKS INSTITUTIONS, and FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES, at the Office of WOLFB' and EDMONDS, No. 9, Change-alley, Cornhill, 22d December, 1817. Rates of Government Life Annuities, payable at the Bank of England. When 3 per cent. Stock is 80 and under 81, single life of 95 receives for 100l. stock 5 6 0 average-rate 100l. money 6 11 8 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 and upwards 5 13 0.. 6 13 0... 770.. 85 0.. 9 11 0.. 11 11 0.. 14 13 0. 704 711 7 853 927 1050 11 17 3 14 6 11 1840 All the intermediate ages will receive in proportion. N.B. The annexed is a short scale of some of the rates, upon which Government are now granting LifeAnnuities: they are payable half-yearly at the Bank of England, the same as the dividends, and may ha received by power of attorney. The Life-Annuity Act having been amended, they may henceforward be purchased when the sl. per cent. Consols or Reduced Annuities are at or above 50. Reduction National Debt and Government Life Annuity Office, Bank-street, Cornhill. COURSE of the EXCHANGE, from Nov. 25, to Dec. 26, 1817, both inclusive. INDEX Το VOL. LXXII. OF THE EUROPEAN MAGAZINE. A CKNOWLEDGMENTS to Corres- Age of Time, 514. Births, 83. 178.277.372.467.558. 273, 366, 465, 554. Ages, the Seven, of Man, 1.313. II. 493. Bulletins of the King's health, 80, 174. Aldis, Charles, Esq. memoir of, 425. Alphabet, curious coincidence in, 128. Ale and Porter Brewery, 232. Analogy, reasoning from, 427. Anecdote of Tom Walker, 223. a Quack Doctor, 325. Answers to arithmetical queries, 116. 231. Apples, on two cultivated in Cornwall, 327. Arithmetical question, 5. 217. Asthma, remedy for, 126. Attention, on, 136. Avarice, on, 521, B, Bankrupts, list of, 87. 182. 280. 375.470. Barclay. Captain Andrew, testimony to Barometer, variations in, 2. 187. 284. 379. Benmore, or Fairhead, description of, 509, Bill of Mortality, yearly one, 556. Character, reflections on consistency and Coffee, essence of, 128. Coinage, Silver, remarks on some errors Colchester, Lord, memoir of, 195, Fragmenta, XX. 36. ΧΧΙ. 218. XXII. 423. Kemble, Mr. address to, 17. Freemasons of Scotland, Grand Lodge, Friendship, 325. G. Gazette, Intelligence from the London, Gleaner, the, IV. 133. V. 309. VI. 517. L. Lawyer's Portfolio, extracts from a, 489. Letters from a Father to a Son in an Office Life Annuities, 95. 191. 287. 383. 479. Mind and Body, 223. -, human, on the faculties of, 324. Raghery, or Rathlin, description of, 510. Recipes, XVI. 14. XVII. 128. XVIII.521. Miscellaneous Information, XXXVII. 126. Reflections, 32. XXXVIII. 521. Miscellaneous thoughts, 224. Mortality, yearly bill of, 556. N. National Debt, abstract of the, 529. on consistency and inconsist- ency of character, 315. Remarks on a tour from Bristol to Wales, 295. Repository, XLI. 39. XLII. 137. XLIII. Resentment, 223. Royal Academy, proceedings of, 555. 0. Obituary, 84. 179. 277.373.468.559. S. Opera House Collonade, description of, 5. Saline and Saccharine, on the, 514. Saunders, Dr. memoir of, 291. Scandal, on, 520. Science, reflections on modern improve- Select Sentences, 137. 324. 432. Self Confidence, 223. Consequence, 432. Selfishness, on, 325. Shoreditch, 224. Spasms in the stomach, remedy for, 128. State of the Navy, 2. Steam Boats, on the danger of, 23. Stocks, price of, 96. 192. 288,584, 480. 570. |