L MONTHLY OBITUARY. ATELY, in Beaumont-street, Mrs. Esq. of the Island of Antigua, aged 86. Lately, at Scorton, Yorkshire, John Rider Wood, Esq. one of the partners in the Richmond and Leyburn banks. Lately, in the Adelphi, Lady Anderson, relict of Sir John William Anderson, Bart. Lately, in George-square, Edinburgh, Sir Patrick Inglis, Bart. Lately, at Chelsea, James Glenie, Esq. F.R.S. aged 67. Lately. at Little Walmer, Essex, aged 14, Mr. Evander Woolsteenholme Jenkyns. APRIL 21. At Calcutta, Brevet Lieut.col. Joseph Frederick Desbanes, C.B. of the 87th foot. JUNE 25. At Bengal, Captain Henry Christopher, late commander of the Hon. East India Company's ship Sir William Pulteney. His urbanity of manners and friendly disposition will cause him to be long remembered and regretted in a very wide circle of his friends and acquain-tance. Nov. 12. At Stanmore, William Bensley, Esq. 70. 16. At Twickenham, Mrs. Gray, aged 17. At John Hall's, Esq. Montaguesquare, John Esdaile, Esq. youngest son of the late Sir James Esdaile. 19. At Bath, Isaac Dobree. Esq. of the island of Guernsey, and late of Pembroke College, Oxford, aged 25. 19. The Rev. H. W. Chulthurt, D.D. vicar of Halifax for 27 years. 22. In the 13th year of his age, Master Francis Nichols, chorister of St. Paul's cathedral, 23. Alexander Menzies. Esq. of Bricklane, Bethnal green, aged 68. 24. At Isleworth, the Rev. Edward Scott, D.D. late feilow of Queen's College, Oxford, aged 58, 25. At Paris, Foley, son of the Hon. Captain George Elliott, R.N. 26. In Albemarle-street, the Rev. Thomas Cobb, A.M. rector of Ightham, and vicar of Sittingbourne, Canterbury, prebendary of Chichester, and one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the county of Kent, aged 44. 28. At East Barkwith, near Wragby, the Rev. Arthur Bonson, aged 76. DEC. 1. Mr. William Gibbon, sen, of Gateshead, miller, aged 83. At Weekly, Northamptonshire, the Rev. John Eastwicke, vicar of that parish, and rector of Little Oakley, in the same county, aged 38. 6. At Norwood, Mr. James Lawson, of Dove-court, Lombard-street, aged 30. He was taken ill of a complaint in the windpipe, or quinsy, and died within forty eight hours of the first attack, leaving a Mr. Jones, of St. Mary Axe, In Bond-street, Vice-admiral William 7. At Brighton, W. S. Lemage, Esq. Clerk to the Board of Overseers of the parish of St. Martin in the Fields. 7. In Gloucester-place, Portman-square, Samuel Wild, Fsq. aged 60. At Woodford, Major Wright, Esq. aged 69. 9. At Hereford, the Rev. Mr. Nappleton, canon residentiary of that cathedral, chancellor of the diocese, master of Ledbury Hospital rector of Stoke Edith, and vicar of Lugwardine. Herefordshire. 11. Mr. James Pugh, of Lambeth, potter, aged 73. 11. Mr. Charles Halloway, of Warwickstreet, Charing-cross, formerly clerk to the banking-house of Alexander Davison and Co. 16. In Chester-place. Kennington, Rob. Skelton, Esq. secretary to the Westminster Life and British Fire Insurance Offices. 25. At Lower Belgrave Place, Pimlico, after a severe illness, in the 61st year of his age, Mr. Robert Palmer, the oldest Actor, and consequently the Father of the Theatre Royal, Drury-Lane." This actor had long been suffering under frequent vi itations of the gout. He was one of the school of Garrick, and nearly the last. He was originally brought upon the stage under the management of the celebrated Sam Foot. If not very high in his rank as a comic actor, he endeavoured to tread in the steps of his brother, and was at least a very respectable performer. There was no affectation in his manner. Ile was contented to take the characters which he performed simply as the authors designed, and always filled the outline with spirit, if not with an exuberance of original humour. In brisk footmen, and the characters of middle life, that do not aspire to polished manners and refinement, he gave always a faithful and spirited representation, and particularly in scenes of inebriety. character of this kind in the comedy of Ways and Means, he performed much bet. -ter than any person who succeeded him. He was a social, good-humoured and goodnatured man, and as a proof that he was in kind and friendly babits with the members of his profession, he was always mentioned by the name of Bob Palmer, a familiar A For a Portrait and Memoir, vide December 1901, v. 40, mode of designation, which is seldom applied to any but those whose social qualities recommend them to the kindness of their associates. It should be mentioned to his honour, that on the destruction of DruryLane Theatre by fire, when several of the performers announced their intention to provide for themselves as well as they could, hopeless of seeing the Theatre reerected, he declared that, sink or swim, he would stick by the old planks, and never desert his Commander, Sheridan. LITERARY INTELLIGENCE. THE Collectors of Portraits and Illustrators of Granger's Biographical Dictionary, Seward's Anecdotes, Boswell's Life of Johnson, Biographia Dramatica, Pennant's London, Lysons's Environs, Pursuits of Literature, are respectfully informed, that a FEW proof impressions of the PORTRAITS that accompany this Work, are struck off on Columbia Paper, and may be had separate, price 4s.; but EARLY application will be necessary to secure them, as the number printed is very LIMITED. Sensibility, the Stranger, and other poems, by W. C. Harvey. A Statement of some late Proceedings relative to the General Baptist Church at Nottingham. A Biographical Account of the principal works relating to English Topography, in three volumes octavo, by William Upcott of the London Institution. Dr. Armstrong's work on Scarlet Fever, Measles, Consumptions, &c. and his volume on Typhus Fever. The Rev. J. Hunt's translation of Tasso's Jerusalem Delivered. Dr. R. J. Thornton's Juvenile Botanist's Companion, or Complete Guide to the Vegetable Kingdom. Lieut. Col. Johnson's Narrative of an Overland Journey from India, in 1817, through Persia, Armenia, Russia, &c. illustrated by engravings. The Reverie, with Songs, Sonnets, and other Poems, by Cor. Webb. A Walk through Switzerland, in September 1816. Rome, Naples, and Florence, in 1817. O'Regan's Memoirs of the Legal, Literary, and Political Life of the late Right Hon. J. P. Curran. The Rev. Daniel Tyerman's Essays on the Wisdom of God. Strictures on Dr. Chalmers's Discourses on Astronomy, by John Overton. To be continued monthly, Views of the Seats of Noblemen and Gentlemen in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland, by J. P. Neale. A Cruize, or Three Months on the Continent, by a Naval Officer, An edition of Sallust, editing by Mr. Valpy. The Comedies of Terence, by the same. A new edition of M. Des Carriere's Histoire de France, Familiar Lessons on Mineralogy. The Advertisement, or Twenty Years Ago, a novel, in three volumes. Observations, Moral, Literary, and Antiquarian, made by John Milford, jun. The Hall of Wellingsley, or the Discovery, a novel, by Sir Egerton Brydges, bart. M. P. &c. Excursions through the Counties of Essex, Suffolk, and Norfolk. Travels through some parts of Germany, Poland, Moldavia, and Turkey, by Adam Neale, M. D. Letters from the Abbé Edgeworth to his Friends, written between the years 1177 and 1807, by the Rev. Thomas R. England. Memoirs, with a Selection from the Correspondence, and other unpublished Writings of the late Mrs. Elizabeth Hamilton. Conversations on Algebra. Scientific Tables, or the Juvenile Stu dents Classical Guide to the Sciences. Just published, The History and Antiquities of the Ca. thedral of Winchester, by Mr. Britton, with 30 engravings.. Mr. Britton's First Number of Illestrations of York Cathedral, with six engravings. A Synoptical Catalogue of British Birds, octavo, by Thomas Forsen, F.L.S. Anecdotes respecting Cranbourn Chase, by William Chalin, Clerk. Remarks, Moral, Practical, and Face tious, selected from the writings of the late William Hutten, esq. of Birmingham. For the Benefit of the Insolvent Debtors in Newgate.-A Sermon on Compassion, wherein it is considered as a Duty we owe to every Fellow Creature of whatever Sect or Country. By a Friend to Charity. Rees Price's Critical Enquiry into the Nature and Treatment of the Case of Her Royal Highness the Princess Charlotte of Wales and her Infant, Monody to the Memory of the Princess Charlotte Augusta, by the Author of Evening Hours. : LIST OF BOOKS AND NEW EDITIONS OF ESTABLISHED WORKS, PUBLISHED IN DECEMBER, At the Prices they are advertised at, in boards, unless otherwise expressed; and may be had of J. ASPERNE, No. 32, CORNHILL. It is earnestly requested that Authors and Publishers will continue to communicate Notices of their Works (post paid) and they will always be faithfully inserted FREE of EXPENSE. Lectures on Scripture Facts, by W. B. A View of the Constitution of the Church L ECTURES of Scripture Doctrines, by Biographical Illustrations, by Rebecca W. B. Collyer, D.D. F.A.S. Svo. 148. Warner, 8vo. 10s. 6d. Collyer, D.D. F.A.Sthird edition, 8vo. 14s. of Scotland, new edition, by Dr. Hill, 6s. The Clerical Guide, or Ecclesiastical Directory, royal 8vo. 20s. Reichard's Itinerary of Italy, with Maps and Views, 18mo, bound, 10s. 6d. Burn's Christian Officer, fourth edition, 4s. 6d. Burn's Who. Fares Best, fourth edition, 2s. 6d. The Actress of the Present Day, 3 vols, Memoirs of the late John Philpot Curran, Mandeville, a Tale of the Seventeenth Cen- Memoirs relating to European and Asiatic Physiological Lectures, delivered in 1817, Old Church of England Principles, in a Se. Original Letters from Baxter, &c. with Instructions for the Use of Candidates for Philanthropy, a Poem, with Miscellaneous 9s. Immanuel, a Poem, 12mo. 7s. 6d. Jauffret's Father's First Lesson, 18mo. half- Family Suppers, or Evening Tales, 18mo. 7s. Essay on the Disorders of Old Age, by An- Medico Chirurgical Transactions, vol. 8, The Batchelor and the Married Man, 3 vols. Park's Chemical Catechism. 8vo. edit. 148, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS TO CORRESPONDENTS. UR library table is at this moment so crowded with original poety of all descriptions, as to render it impossible for us even to acknowledge the receipt of each piece separately, and we have therefore to entreat the forbearance of our Poetical Correspondents, until it is hereafter in our power to introducesuch as may appear worthy of insertion. The clumsy attempt to eulogise the character of a popular, or rather an unpopular, district Magistrate, is too fulsome to please more than two persons, the Author and his Hero. Editor of the European Magazine to insert original dramatic pieces; we must therefore decline J. R.'s communication. The Editor earnestly requests that those Gentlemen who favour this Magazine with Literary Intelligence will send it on OR BEFORE the 24th day of the Month, or they will be excluded till the next Month. A Constant Reader-T.W.-N.-A Citizen-Fragmenta, No. XVIII., in our next. Musaeus and J. R. as soon as possible. Stanzas to Horatio- W.-M. - On the Departure of a Friend to Jamaica-Stanzas to my Old House-The Sun-beam to an absent friend-L.R.S.-Peterkin-F. are received, Lines, extempore, by a Schoolboy-W.J.R Monodies, Elegics, Sonnets, and Epitaphs, on our late national bereavement, have poured upon us in suchabundance, as to render their insertion perfectly impossible.-Y.-Quinkquankquolly-The PhilanthroWe shall be happy to select some, but there are very many whose Authors should be indebted to us for consigning their productions to oblivion. Alonzo's solicitations shall be promptly attended to, It has not been the custom of the present pist, are inadmissable. Errata for November. Page 293, column 1, before "son of," prefix was the," Page 333, column 2, Ine 29, for "re ceiving," read "revising." 4 C AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF BANKRUPTS, FROM TUESDAY, NOV. 28, TO TUESDAY, DEC. 23, 1817. Extracted from the London Gazette. N.B. All the Meetings are at GUILDHALL, unless otherwise expressed. The Country and London Attornies' Names are between Brackets. ABRAM, THOS. Rufford, Lancashire, innkeeper, Jan. 10, Ram's Head, Tarleton Bridge. [Dewhurst, Preston; and Blakelock, Serjeant's-inn.] Νου. 29. ARCHER, THOS. Lombard-st. boot-maker, Jan. 10. [Hutchinson, Crown-co. Threadneedle-st.] Nov. 29. 1 AMBROSE, THOS. and Co. Botolph-la. winemerchants, Jan. 10. [Carpenter, Church-co, Old Jewry.] Nov. 29. ARNOLD, DAN. and NATH. Bristol, parchmentmanufacturers, Jan 17, Commercial Rooms, Bristol. [Bevan and Co. Bristol; and Bourdillon and Co. Bread st.] Dec. 6. AINSWORTH, ROB. and Co. Bolholt, Lancashire, whitsters, Jan. 20, Bridge, Little Bolton. [Boardman and Co. Bolton; and Meddowcroft, Gray'sinn-sq.] Dec. 9. BARTLETT, RICH. Vincent-sq. Westminster, wheelwright, Jan. 10. [Templer and Co. Burrst. East Smithfield.] Nov. 29. BEARD, WM. JOHN, Phœnix-ya. Cavendish-sq. smith, Jan. 10. [Hartley, New Bridge-st.] Nov. 29. BATH, W. Esher, Surrey, victualler, Jan. 13. [Edwards and Co. Bloomsbury-sq.] Dec. 2. BAILEY, EDM. Preshute, Wilts, parchmentmaker, Jan. 24, Town Hall, Marlborough. [Ward and Co. Marlborough; and Bishop, Gray's-innsq.] Dec. 13. BRUCE, ALEX. and Co. London, army-clothiers, Feb. 3. [Price and Co. Old Square, Lincoln'sinn.] Dec. 29. CHARLTON, GEO, York, tailor, Jan. 10, Wheatsheaf, Castle gate, York. (Gamble, York; and Freame and Co. Temple.] Nov. 29. COHEN, EMANUEL HYMAN, Brighthelmstone, Sussex, schoolmaster, Jan. 17, Old Ship, Brighthelmstone. [Attree, Brighthelmstone; and Sowter, Gray's-inn.] Dec. 6. COLLYER, ROB. Cheltenham. Gloucester, porterdealer, Jan. 5, 6, and 27, George, Cheltenham. [Newmarsh and Co. Cheltenham; and King, Serjearts-ion] Dec. 16. CLARK, JOHN, Quebec, merchant, Jan. 3 and 51, [James, Bucklersbury.] Dec. 20.. DEACON, WM. Parker row, Bermondsey, baker, Jan. 17. [Sandorn, Butt-la. Deptford.] Dec. 6. DURHAM, FRAN. jun. King-st. Covent-gar. milliner, Jan. 17. [Crofts, Foley-st. Portland-pl.] Dec. 6. DOSWELL, JOHN, Winchester, Southampton,. butcher, Jan. 20, George, Winchester. [Godwin, Winchester; and Emly, Essex-co. Temple.] Dec. 9. DODMAN, MATT. Thornham, Norfolk, shopkeeper, Jan. 94, Guildhall, king's Lynn. [Willis and Co. Warnford-co. Throgmorton-st.) Dec. 13. ELLIOTT, ROB. jun. Ilminster, Somerset, miller, Jan. 17, George, Ilminster. [Baker, Ilminster; and Hine, Essex co. Temple.] Dec. 6. ELLIOTT. JAS. Southampton, currier, Jan. 17. (Ballachy and Co. Angel-co. Thiogmorton-st.] Dec. 6. ELLIS, JOHN ADIGAIL, Great Yarmouth, vintner, Jan. 24, Black Lion, Great Yarmouth. [Palmer, Great Yarmouth; and Swaine and Co. Frederick'spl. Old Jewry.] Dec. 13. FRENCH, SAM. Merriott, Somersetshire, miller, Jan. 17, George, Crewkerne. [Murly, Crewkerne; and Alexander and Co. New-inn.] Dec. 6. FUTTIT, WM. Worksop, Nottingham, butcher, Jan. 17, Red Lion, Worksop. [Beardshaw, Worksop; aud Allen, Carlisle-st. Soho.] Dec. 6. FRODSHAM, SAM. Frodskam, Cheshire, draper, Jan. 20, Palace, Manchester. (Healey, Manchester; and Willis and Co. Warnford co.] Dec. 9. GROVE, JOS. Drúry-la. grocer, Jan. 10. [Wright, Fenchurch st.] Nov. 29. GREENSMITH, JOS. Cark, Lancashire, cinder. burner, Jan. 5. 6, and 20, White Hart, Lanca. shire. Baldwin and Co. Lancashire; and Alexander and Co. New-inn.] Dec. 9. HARDING, GEO. and Co. Liverpool, brewers, Jan. 2, 3, and 10, George, Liverpool. [Gunnery, Liverpool; and Chester, Staple-inn.] 29. Nor. HARRISON, JACOB, Leeds, merchant, Jan. 10. [Highmore, Scott's-ya. Bush-la. Cannon-st.] Nov. 29, HANDEY, JAS. Hornsey-la. near Highgate, dealer in drugs, Jan. 17. [Martindale, Gray's-ino-sq-] Dec. 6. HOLT, RICH. Lymm, Cheshire, draper and tailor, Jan. 20, George, Warrington. [Bover and Co. Warrington; and Leigh and Co. New Bridge-st.] Dec. 9. HAYWOOD, JOHN, Cheltenham, grocer, Jan. 94, Bell, Cheltenham. (Frowd and Co. Serle-at. Lincoln's-inn.] Dec. 13. HARDY, ROB. Chorlton-row, Manchester, stonemason, Jan. 6, 7, and 31, Dog, Manchester. [Hadfield, Manchester; and Hurd and Co. Temple.] Dec. 20 HUGHES PETER, Spratts Slade, Stafford, innkeeper, Jan. 20, 21, and 91, Roebuck, Newcastleunder-Lyne. [Leigh, Wood-st Cheapside; and Cooke, Lane End Potteries.] Dec. 20. JACKSON, JOHN BROCKBANK, Liverpool, cooper, Jan. 7, 8, and 31, York, Liverpool. [Leigh and Co. New Bridge-st.; and Gregory, Liverpool.] Dec. 20. KIRK, SAM. Leeds, ale-house-keeper, Jan, 19, Court House, Leeds. [Battye, Chancery-la.] Dec. 2. KIRKBY, JOHN, Leeds, merchant, Jan. 4, Sessions House, Leeds. [Granger and Co. Leeds; and Lake, Dowgate-hill.) Dec. 13. KIRKMAN, EDW. Portsmouth, milliner, Jan.'s and 24. [Williams, Cursitor-st. Chancery-la.] Dec. 13. LINGFORD, JOHN, Frith-st. Soho, truss-manufac turer, Jan. 10. [Cannon and Co. Leicester-ph] Nov. 29. LLOYD, STEP. THOS. Leather-la. Holborn, bookseller, Jan. 10. [Drew and Sons, Bermondsey-st. Southwark.] Νοτ. 29. LLOYD, T. H. Thornton Heath, Croydon, clothier. Jan. 19. [Carpenter, Church-parsage, Oid Jewry.) Dec. 2. LAWRENCE, DAN. Chard, Somersetshire, linendraper, Jan. 5, 6, and 20, Angel, Chard. [Clarke, Chard; and King and Co. Bedford-row.] Dec. 9. LADBROOKE, JOHN, Drayton, Warwick, farmer, Jan. 27, King's Head, Coventry. [Carter, Coventry; and Been, Rugby, Warwick.] Dec. 16. MANNERS, JOS. and Co. Sheffield, York, edge. tool-manufacturers, Jan. 10, Angel, Sheffield. [Haywood, Sheffield; and Bigg, Southamptonbu. Chancery la.] Nov. 29. MARTIN, PAT. Oxford-st. bookseller, Jan. 17. [Howell, Symond's-inn, Chancery-la.] Dec. 6. MARSHALL, JOS. Checkheaton, York, clothier, Jan. 8, Sessions House, Leeds, Jan. 10 and 31, Black Bull, Gomersall. [Evans, Hatton-garden; and Carr, Gomersall.] Dec. 20. NEWMAN, EDW. Lambeth-marsh, brewer, Jan. 10. [Russell, Lant-st. Southwark.] Nov. 29. NEEDHAM, ELLIS, St. Mary-axe, merchant, Jan. 24. (Leigh and Co. New Bridge-st. Black-friars.] Dec. 13. PATERSON, RICH. and Co. Harrow-road, Paddington, nurserymen, Jan. 10. [Clutton and Co. High-st. Southwark.] Nov. 29. POLLOCK, ROB. Watling-st. merchant, Jan. 10. [Hutchinson, Crown-co. Threadneedle-st.] Νου. 29. PAYANT, CHAS. Manchester, auctioneer, Jan. 17, White Bear, Manchester. (Hewitt, Manchester; and Hurd and Co. Temple.] Dec. 6. PAYNE, WM. York-st. Westminster, cheese. monger, Jan. 24. [Knight, Kensington; and Popkin, Dean-st. Soho.] Dec. 13. RYAN, JOS. Liverpool, merchant, Jan. 1, 2, and 10, George, Liverpool. [Pritt and Co. Liverpool; and Blackstock and Co. Temple.] Nov. 29. RAVENSHAW, THOS. Liverpool, grocer, Jan. 7, 8, and 31, York, Liverpool. [Dacie and Co. Pals. grave-pl. Temple; and Gregory, Liverpool.] Dec. 20. ROGERS, JAS. Newland, Gloucester, tanner, Jan.31, Greyhound, Hereford. [Platt, New Boswell-co. Lincoln's-inn; and James and Co. Hereford.] Dec. 20. RICHARDBY, JAS. Durham, joiner, Jan. 20, 21, and Feb. 3, Wheatsheaf, Durham. (Hines, Durham; and Wilson, Greville-st.] Dec. 23. STEELE, R. Bristol, druggist, Jan. 13. [Pearse and Co. St. Swithin's-la.] Dec. 2. SETREE, H. John-st. Holborn, money-scrivener, Jan. 13. [Shaw and Co. Staple-inn.] Dec. 2. SUTTON, ROB. Hampton Wick, Middlesex, linendraper, Jan. 17. (Jones, Size.la.] Dec. 6. STEPHENS, JAS, Collingwood-st. Black-friars, TAYLOR, ROB. Pentonville, stage-master, Jan. 24. [Coleman, Furnival's-inn, Holborn.] Dec. 196 TRAVERS, JOHN, and Co. of Newton and Lower Whitley, Cheshire, millers, Jan. 14, 15, and Feb. 3. George, Warrington. [Dodd, Warrington; and Hurd and Co. Temple.] Dec. 23. WEAVER, EDW. and Co. Gloucester, pin-manufacturers, Jan. 10, Booth Hall, Gloucester. [Tovey and Co. Gloucestershire; and Vizard and Co. Lincoln's inn fields.] Nov. 29. WARD, JOS. Liverpool, grocer, Jan. 1, 2, and 10, George, Dale-st. Liverpool. [Bird, Castle-ditch, Liverpool.] Νου. 29. WADDELL, THOS. Bow-la. warehouseman, Jan. 10. [Hurst, Milk-st. Cheapside.] Nov. 29. WADE, W. Holland-st. Oxford-st. baker, Jan. 19. [Arundell, Chancery-la.] Dec. 2. WALE, THOS. Lutterworth, Leicester, draper, Jan. 17, King's Head, Coventry. [Watson, Lutter. worth; and Chilton, Chancery-la.) Dec. 6. WHITMORE, DAV. Hurdsfield, Cheshire, cottonspinner, Jan. 20, Macclesfield Arms, Macclestield. [Loney, Macclesfield; and Hurd and Co. Temple.] Dec. 9. WHITE, HEN. Warminster, Wiltshire, linendraber, Jan. 20. [Dawes and Co. Angel-co. Throgmorton-st.] Dec. 9. WHITEBREAD, WM. Bath, coal-inerchant, Jan. 24, Christopher, Bath. [Physick, Bath; and Barfott, King's Bench-walk.] Dec. 13. WHITE, MAKK, Lowndham, Nottingham, bleacher, Jan. 27, Lion, Nottingham. Foxcroft and Co. Nottingham; and Chippendale, Great Queenst. Lincoln's-inn.] Dec. 16. W000, JOS. Liverpool, merch.nt, Jan. 15 and Feb. 3. [Hull, Chiswell-st. Finsbury-sq.] Dec. AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF DIVIDENDS, FROM TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, TO TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1817. Anderson, A. Philpot la. Jan. 9: Baillie, G. and Co. Finsbury-pl. Jan. 6 Adnam, W. Midgham, Jan. 6 Banks, G. Plymouth Dock, Dec. 3 1Bates, J. Buxton, Dec. 31 Adains, W. and Co. Cumberland-Bailey, J. Sidmouth, Dec. 31 st. Dec. 20 Blancheney, L. Dover-st. Jan. 3 Anderson, A. Philpot-la. Jan. 10 Amos, J. and Co. St. Helen's-pl. Bennett, R. Platt, Jan. 10 Bracken, R. and L. Packer's-co. Brattle. W. Kyarsh, Jan. 10 Cowen, B. Bishopsgate st. Dec. 16 Chick, R. Molyneux-st. Feb. 3 Coplaud, R. jun. Liverpool, Jan. 23 23 Davies, R. New Bond-st. Dec. 27 |