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Police Committee, which it embraces, are very important in the eye of humanity, as well as of policy; and we are extremely anxious that the observations of te Committee should lead to some substantial and permanent acts, calculated to relieve the sufferings and purify the morals of the poorer classes,

But as the first care should extend to their bodily, health, we would recommend that every posible obstruction and difficulty should be thrown in the way of their obtaining gin and other ardent spirits. To this end, it might perhaps be well, in addition to the utmost care and circumspection in granting licenses, to allow the brewers of our wholesome national beverage a drawback upon the malt they use for ale and porter; subjecting the grain used for spirits to the heaviest possible impost. But these suggestions have reference chiefly to the First Report. This which is before us begins by canvassing the system of giving rewards to informers and runners, on the conviction of persons accused. Such rewards are opprobriously known and described by the term of " blood-money." The Committee reprobates this method of detecting and bringing offenders to justice: and if the matter were before doubtful, the experience' of last year would fortify the opinion of the Committee; police officers having been found base enough to league with offenders, and even to excite honest but distressed men to illegal acts, with a view to obtain the reward upon their conviction. For the credit, however, of the inferior ministers of justice, we must observe, that many such monsters are not to be found in their body. The Committee think that there is no such unwillinguess in the injured to seek legal redress; but that delinquents might be left to their just vengeance and pursuit: and that the chief impediments to this course are the expenses of prosecution, and the severity of the laws, which often deter men from pursuing the offender to conviction.

But upon these and many other particulars of a similar nature, we must direct the attention of our readers to the report itself. The remedies of these great and afflictive evils come next under the consideration of the Committee. Education of course, virtuous and religious education -lays the firmest and most imperturbable foundation of an upright life; but it was the business of the Committee to trace and recommend the methods of reclaiming the offender, and particularly the young offender, when he had deviated from a course of moral rectitude; and for this purpose they recommend a penitentiary-house, in which the young are to be kept apart from the more hardened. The plan delivered in by a Mr. Bevans is preferred, and the expense attending it is contrasted with that of the Penitentiary-house at Millbank. If fresh

buildings are necessary-upon which we shall speak hereafter-we should strongly advise the erection or purchase of more structures than one, for many obvious reasons: First, the offices in a large institution of any kind, being of necessity lucrative, are generally solicited and obtained more. through interest than the fitness of the candidates; they are universally become jobs: and next. it is more difficult to discover and correct abuses in proportion as those who allow of them possess a more elevated station, or are upheld by greater interests. Buildings, therefore, just large enough to attract a proper degree of attention, and too small to tempt indolent cupidity, are advisable; and the more so, as emulation will be excited among the managers of them to reclaim a greater number of crimipals, or present them on inspection-days more decent and orderly. The whole cost of Mr. Bevans' building, capable of containing 400 boys, will amount to about 24,000l.; which, taking the principal at 5 per cent. interest, will make the annual house-rent of each boy amount to no more than 37.: whereas, the Penitentiary at Millbank, intended for 800 persons, is estimated at 350,000, which makes the lodging of each separate person amount to the scandalous sum of nearly 221, per annum, exclusive of repairs in the building. Even from hence may be seen the mischief of large establishments.

The Committee is next naturally led to speak of other existing institutions, similar to that which they recommnend; and it is satisfactory to observe, that all of them have answered in various degrees the purpose of their institution. But we more particularly recommend what is said respecting the Philanthropic Society and the Refuge for the Destitute to observation; and we hope, that the praise which is justly bestowed upon these institutions, and the notice which we here solicit to them, will have the effect of increasing the zeal of their generous patrons, and the attention of the officers attached to them.

The Magdalen hospital is mentioned, and with due praise: but it is observed, that the labour of 100 persons in that excellent institution the Female Penitentiary, has produced 665, in a period during which the labour of 80 in the Magdalen amounts only to 1677. We are nevertheless of opinion, that if something could be added to the funds of the Magdalen, in order to enable the governors to institute suits in strikingly gross instances against the vile seducers of the unhappy and degraded tenants of that mansion, some good might result.

The Committee, in recommending a new building for the reception and coercion of that redundance of young and old offenders who are now indiscriminately huddled to. gether in the various prisons of London, speak with regret of the expense attendant

upon that plan: but if only one large structure is to be applied to the existing evil, and if the Penitentiary at Millbank was raised for 800 persons, and if, as appears by the Report, it now contains only 128, in an improving condition as to morals and comforts, why may not this building be applied to the purpose recommended by the Committee or why should another he raised till this is filled? But at least let something be done: let not Committees report, and moralists complain, and Christians weep,

without some earnest public effort to reclaim so large a portion of our fellowcreatures from the paths of ruin, and rescue the nation from the disgrace under which it labours, by the dissolute morals of the lower orders, and the barburous frequency of public executions.

We are surprised that the Committee have made no inquiries into the management and utility of that institution which contains the deserted victims of parental vice, namely, the Foundling Hospital.


THE LONDON GAZETTE. missioners are Lord Grenville and Sir J. Cox Hippesley.

THIS Gazette notifies the appointment forty pere exchange ratifications of this

Hammond to the office of Chief Equerry to his Royal Highness the Prince Regent, and Clerk Marshal of the Stables, in the room of Sir Benjamin Bloomfield promoted,


This Gazette notifies the appointment of the Right Hon. Lord John Sommers to be Lord Lieutenant of the county of Hereford, in the room of the Earl of Essex, resigned. Also, that the Prince Regent permits RearAdmiral Sir David Milse to bear the armo rial distinctions following; viz. A cross moline quarterly pierced, between three mullets on a chief of honourable augmentation wavy, a fortified lighthouse thereon a red flag, flanked by a battery of three tiers of guns, with a like flag on the dexter, and another battery on the sinister, the whole being intended to represent that part of the works defending the town and port of AIgiers, to which his Majesty's ship Impregnable, bearing the flag of the said RearAdmiral, was appointed on the said ever. memorable attack; and for crest-out of a naval crown a cubit arm, holding the flag of a Rear-Admiral of the Blue, inscribed with the words," Impregnable."


This Gazette contains a copy of a treaty concluded on the 22d of May, at London, between Lord Castlereagh, on the part of this country, and Major-General de Neuffer, on the part of Wirtemberg, confirming all acts done by the Commissioners for the Dowery of the Queen Dowager of Wirtemberg, under the Treaty of Marriage of 3d May 1797, and appointing Lord Castlereagh, Major-General H. Taylor, and Major Ge neral de Neuffer, Commissioners in the room of the deceased Duke of Portland, Mr. Pitt, and Baron de Riegar. The surviving Com


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In pursuance of an Act passed in the 37th year of the reign of His present Ma jesty King George the Third, entitled, “ Aa Act for confirming and continuing, for a limited time, the restriction contained in the Minute of Council of the 26th of February 1797, on payments of cash by the Bank;" and also of the several Acts since passed for continuing and amending the same; I do hereby direct, that there be inserted forthwith in the London Gazette the following notice from the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, dated 18th Sept. 1817, namely:

"That on and after the 1st of October next, the Bank will be ready to pay cash for their notes of every description dated prior to the 1st of January 1817.

CHARLES MANNERS SUTTON, Speaker.” "September 22, 1817."




R. FOSS, No. 36. Essex-street, Strand, Secretary to the SOCIETY of GUAR DIANS for the PROTECTION of TRADE against SWINDLERS and SHARPERS, by a Circular bas informed the Members thereof, that

GEORGE NEWMan Hardey, (mentioned in June 1816), has now a counting-house, No. 7, Castle-court, Birchin-Jane.

Also, that persons using the firm of PATTENS and GRAY, whose address is No. 37, St. Mary-hill, Thames-street, have writ ten to a manufacturer of Edge-tools relative to giving him an order, in the postcript to which the name of a member of that society is inserted as a supposed reference, but who has no knowledge of the above firm.

ROME, Aug. 8.-The Princess of Wales Jeft Rome some days ago. It is believed that she proceeds to Milan. A few days before her departure, a pamphlet was put into circulation by the advocate Maracco, attached to her suite. It is entitled, Considerazione libre salla revoca della decorazione Croce di Malta, intente contra il Signore Barone B. Bergami, primo Ciambellauo di S. A. R. la Princupessa di Gulles. Londra, 1817," (but printed at Rome.) "Free Considerations on the recal of the decora tion of a Knight of Malta, directed against Baron B. Bergami, first Chamberlain of her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales." The following is the circumstance which gave rise to this production. The Lieutenant of the Grand Master of Malta, who resides at Catonea, had conferred on M. Bergami, in 1816, a Cross of the Order of Malta. This Cross was subsequently required by the Order to be given up at Milan, at the instance of the Commander Busca, because it was assumed that Bergami was not of noble birth. At page 57 of this pamphlet is found the following passage, which cannot give great pleasure to the Court of the ex-King of Spain, Charles IV. "The Princess of Wales satisfied with the conduct of Bergami, and still more with his unlimited zeal for her person, nomiBates him her equerry (scudieri). What wonder in this? By continued proofs of devotion without bounds shown her during her vari ous travels, a claim was upon her gratitude, She therefore promoted him to the rank of her Chamberlain. What wonder in this? We are still far from the case of the famous Ante-player at the Court of Scotland (Rizzio), or of the life-guardsman (the Prince of Peace) at the Court of Madrid,"

VIENNA, Aug. 14.-The following is the manner in which authentic letters from the frontiers of Turkey describe the death of the celebrated ex-Chief of the Servians Czerni-Georges, who since the last treaty of peace between Russia and the Porte in 1812, bad retired to the former country, where the Emperor conferred upon him the rank of General and the decoration of the Order of St. Anne. Czerni-Georges had arrived about the end of June in Gallieia, coming from Russia. Scarcely was this known at Vienna, when the Government gave orders to the Austrian Authorities to watch him rigorously, and not to permit him to enter Turkey through the Austrian territory. He found means, however, to evade the surveillance of the authorities. He traversed Hungary, and passed the Danube at Vepalanka, where he paid 250 ducats for his pas sage. Scarcely was he arrived on the Servian territory than he was arrested at Semandria by order of the Chief of the Servians, Melos Obrovics, and decapitated on the 27th of July. His head was immediately sent to Constantinople.

COBLENTZ, Aug. 12.-Here has been a magnificent review of troops, by the King of Prussia and his son the hereditary Prince, The air of his Majesty appeared during the time to be very melancholy; and I have now heard from respectable authority, that he had received the news of his second son, now in Russia, having been bit by a mad dog. Every method had been taken to preserve his Royal Highness from the consequences of this unpleasant accident by applying the knife. Both the King and the Prince expressed great satifaction at the appearance of the troops, and particularly at that of the Landwehr, who, though they had been“ practised but a short time, displayed the greatest precision in their manoeuvres.


The following official document will afford some idea of the warfare now carrying on in fodia, and show that in some shape or other the Mahrattas will ever keep our Indian army upon the alert, either in the field, or in the more perplexing and embarrassing character of hordes of banditti ; leaving to the East India Company no alternative but the maintenance of numerous advanced posts, at a great expense of military establishment, or the exposing of our subjects and more defenceless allies to the being occasionally surprised and overwhelmed by an enemy, the rapidity of whose

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I have the honour to acquaint you, for the information of the officer commanding the division, that about five o'clock yester. day evening, we were surprised by the Mahratta horse entering this town. Having only lieutenant Tulloh with me, I sent him to take post at the other end of it, and from both our divisions parties were sent out to the different streets to endeavour to keep them out of the town. We had continual skirmishing for about two hours, and some men and horses were killed in the streets. A little after six, lieutenant Tweedie, who had retreated upon my detachment, arrived, having marched all night and that day, having been surrounded by them from eleven o'clock in the morning, I found it impossible to save the town, as they galloped through and set fire to it in several places. At eleven o'clock, P.M. lieutenant Jackson, who had been stationed with his com-' pany about sixteen miles off, arrived; when considering myself strong enough to give them an alert, I left lieutenant Tweedie with two companies, in a strong position, and having procured two persons from Mr. Spottiswood, who promised to show me the road to their camp, about a mile off, I put myself under their guidance, and I am happy to say, we succeeded beyond my expectation; we were actually in the middle of their camp before they discovered us, and we gave them two vollies from the companies within ten yards, which did great execution; and it caused such confusion among them, that they fed in every direction. We traversed their camp, and killed, I should imagine, from twenty to thirty of them; they left the greatest part of their baggage on the ground, and this morning there were about 100 horses running loose about the town, and we have killed and taken about seventy horse. Lieutenant Tweedie, when he heard the firing, detached Lieutenant Tulloh with a company to take

post on the banks of a tank for which they appeared to be making; this was such an unexpected maœuvre, that a party of them galloped up close to lieutenant Tullob without discovering him, when he gave them a volley, and killed some men and horses. They have been drawn up in front of us this morning. I should suppose there are about 5000 of them, and they are now moving off in the direction of Timboor and Saricottab; and I shall march this evening for Chicacole, as I conceive it probable they will move in that direction. We have taken a standard and a trumpet.— I have the honour to be,

Sir, your most obedient servant, (Signed) "W. C. OLIVER, "Captain commanding 6th Detachment." "Kimedy, Dec. 20, 1816."

The following extract of a letter from an officer commanding a battalion of Native Infantry on the Madras establishment, tends to increase our expectation of an immediate war in India with the Mahrattas, It is dated camp near Hussinabad, on the Narbuddah river, February 28-"We have of late had a very active time in hunting Pindarees, but with little success in our quarters; much, however, has been done in others, vast numbers of them having been killed, and thousands of their horses taken, so that I imagine their day is past. A Bengal force is now come to relieve this, and we are off, heaven knows where! in a few days. In the mean time, the horizon is clouded in Scindiah's direction, and a Mahratta war becomes daily more and more probable, unless he consents to subsidize a force of ours. He has certainly aided and abetted the Pindarees, who have committed. dreadful outrages in our north division this. season, and I know not how we can be off punishing the rascal. I shall write to you. again as soon as matters develope themselves a little; at present we are all much. in the dark."

AUGUST 25.-Her Majesty and Princess Elizabeth, with Duke and Duchess and Princess Sophia of Gloucester, visited Duke. and Duchess of Marlborough, at White Knight.

A Court-Martial at Portsmouth, on Capt. Maxwell, of the Alceste, his officers, and crew, for the loss of that vessel, in the. Straits of Gaspar-highest compliments, instead of censure bestowed by the court on, the whole, and they were fully and entirely acquitted.

Lord Amherst's voyage to China, extraordinary for its rapidity;- Alceste traversed fourteen thousand miles in 92 days;-Emperor of China described as passionate and capricious, and that increased by constant. drunkenness in cooler moments, fearing. his abrupt dismissal of the embassy would cause unpleasant consequences, he rather

cried peccavi, exchanged presents, and laid all the blame on Lord Amherst, for not complying with the degrading ceremony of knocking the head nine times against the ground;—presents of trifling value were saved from the wreck of the Alceste,

Americans begin to complain of the Red Book, and amount of salaries to officers of state: at Washington, of 257 persons employed in government departments, 45 are by birth foreigners.

No intention of assembling Parliament until next year. It has been prorogued, pro forma, to 3d November.

Meeting of the London merchants lately held, a committee was appointed to take measures for trying the legality of the claim of the Corporation to levy the package duty on exports, by resisting the collection of the same; and to investigate the right of the Corporation to exact the duty called scavage on imports.

Branches of staple manufactures reviving, -the cotton trade become uncommonly brisk.

Lord Lieutenant of Ireland revoked his proclamation of 30th Sept. declaring Limerick in a state of disturbance: tranquillity baving been restored,

A Court-Martial held on the 13th inst, on Mr. J. Warman, master's mate of his Majesty's ship Volage, for striking a Serjeant and a Corporal of marines of that ship, contrary to the positive orders of his Captain (Reynolds); when he was sentenced to be dismissed from his Majesty's service.

The salary of the American President is 25,000 dollars per annum; the Vice-President and the several Secretaries of the departments of State, all 5000 each; of the subordinate departments about 3000 each.

We learn from St. Kitt's that the face of that island has been entirely scorched, not a shower of rain having fallen there for eight months, and only half crops are expected next year.

The reigning Duke of Dessau died lately. He was the oldest Sovereign in Europe. Our own venerable Sovereign is now the Bndisputed patriarch of the royal house of Europe.

The vast Empire of Russia seems destined to be the seat of partial invasions by the animal creation. A few months ago, a swarm of hungry bears from the forests invested Moscow, but were happily driven off: now we are informed that the large district of Montoff is over-run with grasshoppers, which threaten a famine wherever they have alighted.

The British authorities at Jamaica, have declared, that it is the intention of Great Britain to maintain the strictest neutrality in the disputes between Spain and her colonies. Any infringement upon the law of nature or nations will, nevertheless, not be Europ. Mag. Vol. LXXII. Sept. 1817.

permitted with impunity to either of the combatants.

In the Kingston Chronicle of July 2, there is a reward of 2001, offered for the apprehension of a planter named Ludford, for the murder of his slave.

The Austrian troops have at length quitted Naples, but previously to their leaving, payment was made of all the sums due to Austria for the expenses of the war, by which Naples had been recovered. THE KING'S HEALTH.

Windsor Castle, Sept. 6. "His Majesty has passed the last month in a tranquil and comfortable state, his Majesty's disorder continues unabated, but his Majesty's health is good. " HENRY HALFORD, “M. BAILLIE, "W. HEBERDEN, "J. WILLIS,


Mr. James Ayres, who died a few days ago at Frome, has left behind him property to the amount of £70,000 which he acquired by extreme parsimony, and unceasing exertions to increase his wealth. He has left £20,000 amongst his poor relations, and the remainder of his fortune goes to four residuary legatees, one of whom is a journeyman carpenter and another a journeyman tailor.

An awful instance of sudden death occurred at two o'clock on Wednesday afternoon, in Messrs. Cox and Greenwood's office, Craig's-court. While Captain Colbourne, of the 59th regt, was transacting business, he broke a blood vessel and expired almost directly.

A Decree of the Congregation of Index, on the 23d of last June, since approved by the Pope, places the following amongst the number of interdicted books: 1. Lessons of Commerce and Civil Economy, by the Abbey Genovesi: 2, Fraternal Advice to the Ultramontane Concordatists, published at London, by Juigne; 3, Abstract of a discourse pronounced at Bologna, in the chair of Physiology and Anatomy; 4 Succinct History of the British and Foreign Bible Society. At the same time all translations of the Bible, in whatever vulgar tongue they may be, are forbidden, unless approved by the Holy See, or published with Notes taken from the Holy Fathers, and the Catholic authors, pursuant to the Decree of the 18th June, 1757.

The Archduchess Leopoldine, after having been formally delivered up to the Portoguese Minister, at Leghorn, went on board Admiral Penrose's ship, the Albion, 74, where she partook of refreshments, The next day she embarked in a Portuguese ship of the line, on board of which there was a grand ball in the evening.

The causewaying of the streets with blocks of cast iron, has been lately begun NA

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