4 BILL OF MORTALITY, from April 27, to May 25, 1819.7 AVERAGE PRICES of CORN, from the Returns ending May 15. Devon 70 7,00 0 38 031 8 27 138 1100 Radnor 75 700 046 1032 000 Average of England and Wales, per quarter. 72 8150 6144 7129 5153 Average of Scotland, per quarter. 00 0,00 0100 000 000 0 Cornwall 75 500 044 Dorset 69 1000 036 428 662 0 69 500 044 832 054 PRICE OF FLOUR, per Sack, May 25, 50s. to 55s. PRICE OF HOPS, IN THE BOROUGH MARKET, May 25. Kent Pockets 5. Os. to 6%. Sussex Pockets 61. Us. to 6. 18. 61. Os. to 71. Os. Farnham Ditto....... 8. 8s. to 91. 9.$.. AVERAGE PRICE OF HAY AND STRAW, May 25: St. James's, Hay 5l. 10s. Od. Straw 2l. 17s. 9d. Clover Ol. Os. -Whitechapel, Hay 67.05. Straw 24. 16s. Clover 7.0s.-Smithfield, Hay 61. 7s. 6d. Straw 2. 16s. Od. Clover 7l. 5s. Od. COALS, May 24: Newcastle 32s. Od. to 40s. Od. Sunderland 32s. 6d. to 33s. 9d. TALLOW, per Stone, 8lb. St. James's 4s. Od. Clare Market Os. Od. Whitechapel 3s. 1044. SOAP, Yellow 90s. Mottled 102s. Curd 106s.-CANDLES, 12s. 6d. per Doz. Moulds 13. 6c THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE LONDON GAZETTE Packet Lond.Chr.. JUNE, 1819. CONTAINING Cumb.2-Doncast. Newc.3.-Notts.2 Camb.2-Chath. LAA AL Miscellaneous Correspondence. MINOR CORRESPONDENCE.-Questions, &c. 498 Portsea-Pottery Preston-Plym. 2 Reading-Salisb. Salop-Sheffield2 Sherborne, Sussex Shrewsbury Staff.--Stamf. 2 Taunton-Tyne Wakefi,-Warw. Wolverh. Worc.2 York3.IRELAND37 SCOTLAND 24. Jersey2. Guern. 2 ..541 Heview of New Publications. ...561 Historical Chronicle. Proceedings in present Session of Parliamt 564 Abstract of principal Foreign Occurrences 569 Intelligence from various Parts of the King dom, 572.-London and its Vicinity......573 Promotions, &c.-Births and Marriages.. 577 OBITUARY, with Memoirs of J. Bindley, esq.; R. Hon. W. Dundas; Duke of Buccleugh; Earl of Stamford; W: Collins, esq.; Rev. P. L. Story, &c.........579 Meteorological Diary 590; Bill of Mortality 591 Prices of the Markets,591.-The Stocks, &c.592 With a Perspective View of NETHERBURY CHURCH, Dorsetshire; and a View By SYLVANUS URBAN, GENT. Printed by JOHN NICHOLS and SON, at CICERO'S HEAD, Red Lion Passage, Fleet-street, London; where all Letters to the Editor are particularly desired to be addressed, PoST-PAID "Society for the Enlargement and Rutland, and Northumberland, Earls Building of Churches and Chapels," of Bridgewater, Abingdon, HardI beg sto calls your attention to this wicke,Liverpool, a Manvers, Harmost useful Institution, which ap-rowby, Darnley, and Brownlow; pears to me likely to be productive of consequences highly conducive to the s safety of our Established Church, and the future welfare and prosperity of our Country. Viscounts Sidmouth and Palmerston, M. P.; Lords Bagot, Kenyon, Grenville, Rolle, and Colchester; Speaker of the House of Commons; Chancellor of the Exchequer; Mr. Justice Park, R. H. Robert Peel, Sir T. D. Acland, Bart. Sir J. Langham, Bart. W. Wilberforce, Esq. M. P.bnd The Committee-Dean of Canterbury T. Babington, Esq.; E. P. This Society may be said to have originated in a great measure from the enlightened zeal, the active patriotism, and the truly Christian benevolence, of John Bowdler, Esq. as a aisted by the intelligence and indefa-Bastard, Esq. M. P.; Samuel Bosantigable exertions of Joshua Watson, quet, Esq.; John Bowdler, foEsq.; Esq. and three or four other most Francis Burton, Esq.; Rev. Archexemplary and generous friends of deacon Cambridge; Nicholas ChaReligion and of their Country; all of rington, Esq.; William Cottou, Esq.; whom, though Laymen, appear to Rev. Archdeacon Daubeny; R. Hart think it their highest honour, and Davis, Esq. M. P.; William Davis, find it a of the sincerest Esq.; Rev. G. Doyley, B. D.; Mr. gratification, to employ their intel- Serjeant Frere: George Gipps, Esq. lect, their time, and their wealth, M.P.; Jeremiah Harman, Esq.; Dean in supporting and extending the in- of Chesters Robert Harry Inglis, structive and consolatory influence Esq.; Beeston Long, Esq.; Sir John of the Church of England. After Nicholl, M. P. Rev. Henry Handly about twelve months laborious at- Norris, Sir Robert Peel, Bart. M. P.; tention in private applications and Rev. Archdeacon Pott; Adm. Lord * an extensive correspondence, the So- Radstock; John Richardson, Esq.; ciety was publicly formed, at a nume- *John Round, Esq. M. P.; Lord Rob. rous and respectable Meeting, on the Seymour; Lancelot Shadwell, Esq.; 6th of Feb. 1818; His Grace the Charles Hampden Turner, Esq.; JusLord Archbishop of Canterbury hav- hua Watson, Esq.; Rev. Archdeacon ing, ju a luminous and energetic Ad- Watson, Dean of Lichfield: Rev. dress from the chair, explained the Chr. Wordsworth, D.D.; E. B. Wilimportance, the peculiar necessity, braham, Esq. M. P.; Dean of Westand the distinguished benefits, of such minster; Rev. Richard Yates, D. D. a Society in the present state of the Treasurer Charles Hoare, Esq.; Country.borah od deine tollsany Honorary Secretary, George BramHis Royal Highness the Duke ofwell, Esq.; Sub-Secretary, Rev. W. York accepted the office of Patron; Johnson Rodber. i baron and his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury bury that of President of the Society. The entire bench of Bishops, The Rules and Regulations, with an interesting Address, a statement of Parishes in want of Church-roon, and |