do on the patience of your Readers) if I briefly state the different senses of that much-abused term? Regenera tion is used to denote three distinct things. It signifies, 1. the new birth, the event or fact of our being born of water and of the Holy Spirit in baptism; and this is the meaning of the word in the New Testament, and in our Liturgy. 2. It denotes a regene rate state, a life of sincere faith and obedience, such as the gospel requires, 3. It is used to signify conversion, turning to God after some great sin, as Peter's conversion after his shame ful denial of his Lord, or after a habit or course of wickedness, as in the case of Colonel Gardiner. In this third and least proper sense, Regeneration is commonly used by Methodists and Dissenters in general; and in this sense, I presume, from what precedes, Dr. Doddridge takes it in his sermons on Regeneration. Words are in themselves harmless; and if a man chooses by the word Chulk to denote Cheese, and tells us so, we can understand him. But endless confusion arises, if men speak of things as different as light and darkness, under one and the same term, and giving no explanation of their meaning, lead us to suppose they speak of one and the same thing. But I am deviating from the particular fact, which I wish to learn in the life of Smalbrooke, of Sherlock, or, as I rather imagine, of Secker. Yours, &c. R. C. case in the North-east corner. There are five bells in the tower thus inscribed: 1, 2, and 3. LESTER AND PACK OF LONDON FECIT 1755. 4. ROBARD. GVRNEY. MADE. ME 1665. 5. JOHN. BREND, MADE. ME. 1658*, The nave, which is separated from the tower by a lofty pointed arch, and from the ailes by four pointed arches upon clustered columns, is lighted on each side by three small clerestory windows, square-headed, and consisting of two lights. The font is a plain octagonal bason lined with lead, and supported by an octagonal shaft, and stands at the Northwest corner of the nave. The pulpit and reading-desk, which are of oak, and carved, are placed on the North side, against the first pillar from the chancel. Near the step to the reading-desk, lie two slabs of black marble thus inscribed: "Here lyeth the body of Margaret Knopwood, ye wife of Robt. Knopwood, who dep this life the 27th of Novem 1729. Aged 67 years." wood, who departed this life the twenty"Here lyeth the body of Robert Knopseventh day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and twenty-three, and in the sixty-fifth year of his age.' A little more towards the South, are two black slabs: "In memory of William Farrer, who departed this life April 224, 1775, aged 61 years. As I am now so must you be, Therefore prepare to follow me. Also Mary the wife of the above William Farrer, who departed this life April son of Willm and Mary Farrer: who died "Sacred to the memory of Willm the March 20th, 1808, aged 58 years.' At the East end, of the nave are two large pews, which, in Blomefield's time, stood in the North aile. That on the South side has this inscription, within: Su'ptu Ed'i Salter, et Brigitt nup' vxor' eius: Ano. D'ni. 1681;” Topographical Account of the Parish THE * who cel, nave, side ailes, and South porch. Dimensions Church within the walls nave 60 feet long, 23 feet wide; each aile 53 feet long, 11, feet, wide; chancel 32 feet long, 19 feet wide., GENT. MAG. February, 1819. *There is a tradition in the village, of an acre of land having been left by an old lady, the rent of which was to be expended towards keeping the bells in repair. It is much to be regretted that this bequest (if any such existed) is now lost, as the woodwork in which the bells hang are much decayed. That At the entrance into the chancel, lies a slab, robbed of a brass plate which has contained an inscription. In the North-east corner of the nave there appears to have been either a niche for a statue, or a door-way to the rood-loft. The South aile is lighted by one window to the West,three to theSouth, and one to the East. There are many small remnants of painted glass. In the upper part of the East window of this aile, is the figure of an angel, with wings and an outstretched arm, approaching a throne, having these words on a scroll: SCS SANCTVS SCS. and both are decapitated. That over the North door bears before him a shield, Arg. a cross flory; the other is the figure of a priest or bishop, with uplifted hand, in the posture of benediction. In the middle of the aile are three slabs uninscribed, and towards the East end are the effigies, on a brass plate, of a woman and her daughter, with joined hands, kneeling on a cushion before a desk. (See the Plate.) On the daughter's coat, E. V. for Elizabeth Unger*. Below is this inscription: "HERE LYETH INTERKED THE CORPES or MARGARET PORY, WHOSE SOVLE THE FATHER OF SPIRITES RECEIVED INTO ETERNAL REST, THE 5TH OF APRIL, Ano Dom. 1598, IN THE 54TH YERE OF HER AGE. THIS MONVMENT WAS ERECTED BY LVKE [Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Sabaoth.] VNGER, HER SECOND HVSBAND, IN TOKEN OF The entrance from the porch is under a pointed arch. Against the South wall are two plain monuments of black marble, bordered with freestone, thus inscribed: "To the memory of Joseph Duffield, who departed this life June 21, 1758, in the 88th year of his age. To the memory also of Mary Duffield*, wife of the said Joseph Duffield." In memory of Thomas Duffield, youngest son of Joseph Duffield, and Mary his wife. He departed this life the 3d of April, 1770, aged 46 years." The back of the second seat from the East end of this aile has this inscription: "Orate pro a'rab' Walteri Salter, et Alicie up' eius, et pro quib' tenentur." The North aile is lighted by the same number of windows as the South aile. Many fragments of painted glass remain, particularly in the East win dow, where I find the figure of a lion, having over its back a scroll with these letters: A THANKFULL AND LOYAL MIND." On the back of a seat at the East end of the aile: "THOMAS SALTER. 1636." The Chancel is separated from the nave by a pointed arch. The Decalogue and Royal arms occupy the upper part of the arch; the lower part is ornamented by a handsome screen, carved and gilded. There are four windows in the chancel; viz. two to the South, one to the North, and one to the East. The tracery of the East window is, I am sorry to say, blocked up after the barbarous fashion of the present day. It is much to be lamented that the Archdeacons do not prevent the venerable structures of our pious forefathers from being thus shamefully disfigured. This part of the Church underwent considerable repairs some years ago; the roof was tiled and ceiled, the floor was raised and laid with new bricks. There is a pointed door to the South. In the South wall there was a piscina and three seats for the officiating priests, these are now walled up. All the seats in the Church, except three, are open, and highly ornamented with carved work of lions couchant, and dogs, &c. muzzled; but many of the The roof of the steeple, nave, ailes, figures have been wantonly destroyed. and porch is leaded, the chancel is * These brass plates lay loose on the floor when Blomefield wrote in 1739, and have continued so till within a few weeks, when they were fixed down at the expence of the present curate. tiled. We are told by Blomefield, that great part of the Church-yard wall was topped with large coffinstones, with crosses of various forms on them. "They were formerly," says he, "laid over the vicars, or other religious persons, who were buried here, and have been since taken from their graves, and applied to the present use." Of the Church-yard wall nothing now remains except the foundation; there are two or three large coffin-stones in the Church-yard, and the floor of the porch is laid with stones in the shape of coffin-lids. Over the entrance to the porch, which is by a round arch, there is a niche for an image, probably that of the patron Tritable, and truly worthy divine, saint. There were two gilds in this Church, one dedicated to the Nativity of our Lady, kept at her altar, which I believe to have been at the East end of the North aile; a light was continually burning before her image in service time. St. Andrew, the patron, had also his gild kept, and a light before his image in the choir or chancel; there was also a light kept before the Holy Cross on the rood-loft. The The oldest register which remains, begins 1711, and ends 1795. second commences 1795, and continues till 1812, when the new registers begin. There is another register which contains the marriages from 1754 to Henry Frankland. Thomas Sayers. .... ........ ...... 180.. 1812 1814 Joseph Wilkinson occurs as assis- .... Ralph Grenside signs officiating mi nister from Nov. 1816 The Rev. Matthew Dawson Duffield, late of Gonville and Caius College, in Cambridge, and F.S.A. was ordained and licensed to this curacy July 20, 1817. Mr. Duffield is the present curate. Mr.William Herring is the parish-clerk. Yours, &c. RICHMONDIENSIS. Mr. URBAN, Sept. 23. remains of that pious, cha 1812. From the year 1800 to 1817, both inclusive, there were 178 baptisms; viz. 94 males and 84 females; and 73 burials; viz. 35 males, aud 38 females. A list of the vicars of Tottington are given in Blomefield's Norfolk, ed. 1739, vol. I. pp. 618, 619. The following vicars and curates have occurred since Mr. Blomefield wrote: VICARS. William Clough*. Thomas Scott .... 1750 .... 9844 1778 The Rev. William John Burford, Master of Chigwell School, in Essex, is the present worthy vicar. CURATES. Samuel Rudland + signs as curate at the commencement of the oldest register... ...... ...... 1711 the late Rev. Robert Potter, whose death is recorded in your Magazine, vol. LXXIV. p. 792, were interred in till very lately they were without either the church-yard of Lowestoft, where monument or inscription, as he had decidedly expressed an aversion to both during his life-time, as well as to the too frequent practice of interring in churches, which he never permitted when he could with propriety prevent it. His memory however continues to be gratefully cherished by his parishioners, who have erected a plain table monument in the churchyard against the North wall of the chancel, with the following inscrip tion: "Near to this place are interred the remains of for their spiritual improvement, * 1778. "Memorandum. Rev. Mr. Clough, late vicar, died Aug. 20. Buried in Saham-Toney Church-yard." Parish Register. +"Anno 1714. Matrimonium solemnizatum fuit inter Samuelem Rudland hujus Parochie Clericum et Margarettam Ayton, Augusti 2do, Anno 1715. Margaretta Rudland sepulta fuit Decembris 24to. Anno 1717. Sam. Rudland sepultus fuit Feb. 21mo" Parish Register. attest HE FOUNTAIN. A Fountain of Water appears to be rather an inap. propriate sign for a seller of "wine and spirituous liquors ;" yet it seems, nevertheless, to be a favourite; and Cary mentions seven posting-houses decorated with this device, viz. at Canterbury, Cowes, Huntingdon, Margate, New Shoreham, Plymouth, and Portsmouth. Artificial fountains, though now of rare occurrence, were formerly the common and principal ornament of every stately garden. Hentzner, in his Tour through England in 1598, describes the sumptuous fountains at Nonesuch in Surrey; and the illus trious Lord Verulam, "The wisest, greatest, meanest, of mankind," has left directions about them in his 46th Essay on Gardens. Warton says, "Hardly any thing is described with greater pomp and magnificence than artificial fountains in Romance. A glorious one in Ariosto, 42. 91, and Spenser's fountain in The Bowre of Blisse,' was "Of richest substance that on earth might bee, So pure and shiny, that the silver floode Through every channel one might running see, Most goodly it with pure imagerie Was over-wrought, and shapes of naked boys, [litie Of which some seem'd with livelie jolTo fly about, playing their wanton toyes, Whilst others did themselves embay in liquid joyes." From these circumstances we need not wonder at the frequency ofthe sign. The Fontinalia were celebrated among the Romans on the 13th of October, in honour of the nymphs of wells and fountains, when nosegays were thrown into the fountains, and crowns of flowers placed upon the wells. Horace has celebrated the Fountain of Blandusia in the 13th Ode of Book 3. In this kingdom there are many sainted fountains or holy wells, which are still regarded by the vulgar with superstitious veneration. "Living, great Nature fear'd he might outvie [die." Her works; and dying, fears herself may scription induces me to insert it, alThe beauty of the following inthough the sole connexion it can claim with a fountain is, that it too was intended to ornament a garden, It was written by Thomas Warton, to be placed under the statue of Somnus, in the garden of his friend James Harris, esq. the Philologist, at Salisbury. "Somne levis, quanquam certissima mortis imago Consortem cupio te tamen esse tori, Alma quies, optata, veni, nam sic sine [mori." Vivere quam suave est; sic sine morte vitâ |