5. Describe the effect of carbon, sulphur, phosphorus, manganese, silicon, nickel, aluminium, chromium, tungsten on the physical properties of steel. Give ordinary chemical specifications for (a) Bessemer rail steel, (b) Semen's soft open hearth steel, (c) crucible steel. 6. Describe the dry method of zinc reduction from zinc sulphide ores, and enumerate the difficult and costly points of the process. DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. SECOND YEAR EXAMINATION. MATHEMATICS, CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS. The same papers as those set in the Second Year of Science. THIRD YEAR EXAMINATION. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. PASS. TWO HOURS. 1. What are a differential equation and a solution of a different tial equation? Find the differential equation of all circles which touch a given circle at a given point. 2. Mention a few types of differential equations of the first order that can be easily integrated. 4. A point P moves in a straight line with uniform velocity v. A second point Q moves with uniform speed u always towards P. Find the equation of the path of Q. 7. Solve the equation=f(y), taking as example y2 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. The same paper as that set in the Third Year of Arts. Hoc quodcunque vides, hospes, qua maxima Romast, atque ubi Navali stant sacra palatia Phoebo, qualia nunc curto lustra novantur equo. *NOTE.--The time allowed for each paper is three hours, except where otherwise stated. g |