FACULTY OF ARTS.-EVENING LECTURES. *TIME TABLE FOR 1901. N.B.-The numbers in the left-hand column refer to the Synopses of Lectures on pp. 69-165. *This time table is subject to alteration. + Chemistry and Physics and Physiography are taken in alternate years. In 1901 Lectures are given in Chemistry; in 1902, in Physics and Physiography. LECTURE SUBJECTS FOR 1901. LECTURES. THE following regulations have been passed by the Senate : NON-MATRICULATED STUDENTS. It shall be open to any non-matriculated student, who has attended the full courses of lectures upon any subject, to compete for honours or pass in the regular examinations upon his subject, and to have his name published and recorded in the regular class lists, with a distinguishing mark; but he shall be incapable of holding any scholarship or receiving any prize of those already established for students proceeding to a Degree. Each such student shall be entitled to receive a certificate of attendance upon the lectures or laboratory practice in the subjects which he has selected, and proficiency therein, as ascertained by the regular and ordinary examinations within the University. The above regulations do not apply to the lectures and examinations in the Faculty of Medicine. The following regulation has been adopted by the Faculty of Science :-"There shall be only one standard for Honours in Scientific subjects, viz., that adopted in the Faculty of Science." N.B.-The numbers refer to the Time Tables of Lectures on pages 82-97. Subjects selected for Lectures and Examinations : LATIN-1901. 1. First Year, Pass.-Cicero pro Murena and Pro lege Manilia; Virgil, Æneid III. and IV. Add. for Honours.-Cicero de Oratore, Book I.; Virgil, Æneid I., II., V., VI. History to the Tribunate of Tib. Gracchus. Roman 2. Second Year, Pass.-Cicero in his Letters (Tyrrell); Horace, Satires (selections). Add. for Honours.-Sallust, Jugurtha; Cicero, II. Philippic; Plautus, Captivi and Trinummus. Pass and Honours.-Roman History from the Tribunate of Tiberius Gracchus to the battle of Actium. 3. Third Year, Pass. Tacitus, Histories I. and II.; Lucretius, selections from Books I., II. and III.; Martial, select Epigrams (Stephenson), Books IV. to XII. Add. for Honours.Tacitus, Histories III., IV., V.; Lucan (selections); Horace, Epistles. Pass and Honours.-Roman History from the battle of Actium to the death of Marcus Aurelius. LATIN-1902. First Year, Pass.-Livy, Book XXI.; Virgil, Georgics, II. and IV. Add. for Honours.-Cicero, Brutus; Virgil, III., IV., V., VI. Roman History to the Tribunate of Tib. Gracchus. Second Year, Pass.-Sallust, Catiline; Cicero, pro Roscio Amerino; Horace, Odes, II., III., IV. Add. for Honours.Tyrrell's Cicero's Letters, Vol. I.; Terence, Phormio; Catullus (selections). Pass and Honours.-Roman History from the Tribunate of Tib. Gracchus to the battle of Actium. Third Year, Pass.-Tacitus, Annals I., II.; Juvenal (seleclections); Horace, Epistles. Add. for Honours.-Tacitus, Annals III. to VI.; Lucretius (selections); Martial, select Epigrams (Stephenson), Books I. to VIII. Pass and Honours.-Roman History from the battle of Actium to the death of Marcus Aurelius. GREEK. There will be three classes in Greek-Preliminary, Junior, and Senior. Students of the First Year may attend either the Preliminary or the Junior Class; but candidates for Honours in the First Year must attend the Junior Class. Students of the Second Year may attend either the Junior or the Senior Class; but those who have attended the Junior Class in their First Year, and candidates for Honours in the Second Year, must attend the Senior Class. Students of the Third Year must attend the Senior Class. Students of all years will be required to translate at sight from Greek into English. Those who attend the Preliminary Class, and candidates for Honours in all years, will be required to translate at sight from English into Greek. GREEK-1901. 4. Preliminary Class.-Demosthenes, First Philippic, and Olynthiacs I., II., III.; Euripides, Hercules Furens. 5. Junior Class.-Thucydides, Books I. and II; Sophocles, Edipus Tyrannus, Aristophanes, Acharnians; Greek History to B.C. 404. 6. Senior Class-Plato, Republic, Books I. to IV.; Aristotle, Poetics; Homer, Iliad (selections); History of Greek Literature. Additional for Third Year Honours.-Plato, Republic, to end of Book IX.; Sophocles, Edipus Tyrannus, Euripides, Hippolytus. GREEK-1902. Preliminary Class.-Demosthenes, De Pace, Second and Third Philippics, and De Chersoneso (Abbott & Matheson); Homer, Odyssey, Books IX., X., XI. Junior Class-Thucydides, Books III. and IV.; Sophocles, Electra and Ajax. Greek History to B.c. 404. Senior Class.-Aristotle, Ethics (selections); Eschylus, Agamemnon, Sophocles, Ajax. An additional subject to be prescribed. Additional for Third Year Honours.-Aristotle, Ethics (the whole); Euripides, Ion and Phoenissae; Aristophanes, Clouds and Frogs. BOOKS RECOMMENDED CLASSICS. Lewis and Short's Latin Dictionary (Clarendon Press). Roby's Latin Grammar (Macmillan). Gildersleeve and Lodge's Latin Grammar. Liddell and Scott's Greek Lexicon. Goodwin's or Hadley and Allen's Greek Grammar. Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin, by Victor Henry, translated by R. T. Elliott; or, Giles' Manual of Comparative Philology for Classical Students (Macmillan). Rutherford's First Greek Grammar. A. Sidgwick's First Greek Writer. Thompson Syntax of Attic Greek. Gow's Companion to School Classics (Macmillan). (A handbook of Greek and Roman Antiquities). Students are strongly recommended to order as early as possible all books that will be needed in the course of the year. |