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APRIL, 1900, TO MARCH, 1901.

Two hundred and twenty-three (223) Volumes of His Majesty's Stationery Office Publications, as follows:--102 Calendars of State Papers, 11 Acts of the Privy Council of England, 36 Chronicles and Memorials of England, 11 Record Commission Publications, 38 Scottish Record Publications, 9 Irish Record Publications, 16 Miscellaneous Volumes.

Nineteen Specimens of Educational Publications by Messrs. MacMillan and Co., eleven by Messrs. Bell and Co., five by Messrs. Hachette and Co.

Calendars and other Publications by the following Universities, &c. :

Aberdeen, Adelaide, Allahabad, Bombay, Brown (Providence),
Calcutta, Cambridge, Canterbury College (Christchurch), Chicago,
Columbia (New York), Dalhousie (Halifax), Durham (College of
Medicine), Edinburgh, Evanston, Glasgow, Grenoble, Harvard
(Cambridge), Iowa, Japan (Tokyo), Johns Hopkins (Baltimore),
King's College (London), London, Lyon, Melbourne, Michigan,
New York, North Wales (Bangor), Owen's College (Manchester),
Panjab (Lahore), Royal College of Surgeons (London), Royal
University of Ireland, St. Andrews, Syracuse, Torino, Toronto,
Trinity College (London), University College (Liverpool), Victoria

Proceedings, Transactions, &c., from the following Societies, &c. :—

Australian Museum, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze, British Museum, Cambridge Philosophical Society, Chicago Academy of Sciences, Clinical Society of London, Institute of Chemistry (London), Institute of Civil Engineers (London), John Rylands Library (Manchester), Linnean Society of N. S. Wales, New Zealand Institute, Pathological Society of London, Royal Colonial Institute (London), Royal Irish Academy (Dublin), Royal Societies of Canada, Dublin, Edinburgh, London, N. S. Wales, Queensland, South Australia, and Victoria; St. Bartholomew's Hospital (London), Smithsonian Institution (Washington), S. African Philosophical Society, Volta Bureau (Washington).

Publications of the Archæological Survey and Meteorological Department of India; Bureau of Education, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Department of Agriculture and Geological Survey of United States; Geological Survey of Minnesota.

Acts of the Parliament of Victoria and Report of the Minister of Public Instruction, by the Government of Victoria.

Meteorological Observations, 1897, by the Government Astronomer of S.


Report of the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, by the Government Astronomer of S. Africa.

Publications of the Government of N. S. Wales, by the Government of N. S. Wales.

Records of the Sydney Observatory, by the Government Astronomer.

Books, &c., were presented by Lady Meux, J. H. Nolan, Esq., B.A., R. T. Slee, Esq., B.E., Professor Anderson Stuart, John Tebbutt, Esq., Dr. Henry Wilde, J. Bowie Wilson, Esq., B.E.

Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques par le Ministre de l'Instruction Publique. Books, &c., were presented to the Library in terms of the "Copyright Act, 1879," by the Anglo-Australian Publishing Co.,_ the Australian Song Publishing Co., Messrs. Angus & Robertson, F. H. Booth, L. Bruck, Mrs. J. Dibben, Messrs. A. Gehde, Glen & Co., Gordon & Gotch, Hayes Bros., Dr. Hodgson, Kealy & Philip, Nicholson & Co., W. H. Paling & Co., G. Robertson & Co., S. A. Rosa, John Sands, J. Slater, A. Stannard, and the publishers of Australasian Independent, Australasian Medical Gazette, Australasian United Service Gazette, Australian Field, Australian Photographic Journal, Courier Australien, Dawn, Deutsch-Australische Post, Hall's Mercantile Gazette, Journal of the Institute of Bankers, N.S.W. Educational Gazette, Nepean Times, N.S.W. Railway Budget, The Review, Sands' Sydney and Suburban Directory, Science, Sydney Daily Telegraph, Sydney Diocesan Directory, Sydney Mail, Sydney Morning Herald, Stock and Station Journal, Trade Protection Institute Reports, Witness, Year Book of Australia.






1. The Senate of the University of Sydney, in pursuance of the provisions of section 16 (1) of the "University and University Colleges Act, 1900," has the honour to transmit the account of its proceedings during the year 1900, for the information of His Excellency the Governor and the Executive Council.


2. The number of persons who qualified themselves for Matriculation in 1900 by passing one of the various University Examinations was 280. Of these, 95 passed the ordinary Matriculation Examination, 109 the Junior Public Examination, 23 the Law Matriculation Examination, 38 the Senior Public Examination, and 15 the Entrance Examination for Law, Medicine and Science. The number of students actually admitted to Matriculation, with a view to proceeding with the curriculum in one of the various Faculties, was 133.

Annual University Examinations.

3. The number of students who attended and passed the annual examinations in December, 1899, and March, 1900, after attending the prescribed courses of lectures, is shown in the following table:

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In addition to the students passing through the regular curriculum, 9 evening students and students of special subjects passed examinations in individual subjects, after attendance upon the prescribed lectures.

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In the Faculty of Science and the Department of Engineering eleven students of special subjects passed in the final examinations of their subjects.

Two students seeking a qualification in Pharmacy who had attended the University lectures in 1899 gained certificates in Botany and Chemistry respectively.

Attendance at Lectures.

4. The following table shows the number of students who attended Lectures in the several Faculties:

Faculty of Arts (day), 185; (evening), 39; total
Faculty of Law

Faculty of Medicine

Faculty of Science

Faculty of Science-Department of Engineering
Pharmacy Students..








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